Pastor John Gray NEW Leave Me Alone Struggling 03.14.2021

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ask hezekiah [Music] hezekiah i'm elijah what i say happens you will die and not live that's the word elijah walks out hezekiah says i've been serving you i'm doing everything you asked me to do and this is how it ends it can't end like this not now and not from this i need somebody in the chat feed to say not now and not from this by the time he got to the middle court god said elijah turn around i need someone to know god just he reversed the word because the prophet was declaring the word oh your worship has turned the tide of the battle he said tell my servant hezekiah i'ma add 15 years freeze for a second he spoke 15 years he said it was over worship caused him to say i'ma just tack on 15. [Music] because death can't touch you when god has declared something over you i wish i had somebody in here or who's a part of the rock who understands god just extended your life yes he did you will live and not die you will live and not die to declare the works of the lord to declare the works of the lord to declare the works of the lord to declare the words of the lord [Music] sit down [Music] 17 years you've been waiting on deliverance deliverance is today god just made a way all right let me try to give y'all what the lord told me [Music] i've been saved since i was seven years old i'll be 48 in june i've been walking with him 41 years all of those years have seen a supernatural touch of god even if i didn't know that's what it was at the time one of the things that time gives you is perspective because looking back god truly has been better to me than i've been to myself and i wonder if there's anybody else here and i know it's cliche but it's still true has god been better to you treated you better than you've treated you i'm not gonna sit here and lie and act like every day was easier that i was uh fully 100 uh on in line with god's will no i've i've failed i've sinned i've i've made really really stupid decisions and and i went after what i wanted in my flesh and i'm not the only one in here i'm just the one that's got the mic i'm just tired of people walking around like they've never failed never never doubted it never wanted to quit never wanted to give up it's it's it's this that's why people don't want to come into places like this because they don't know if they're allowed to be who they actually are we're going to be a church that that that tells the story and i think about my own story and i think about where i am in this moment i think about all of the moments of disruption bad decision carnality the regrets of doing dumb things wishing i had done something different and it's not just that i did something dumb is that i knew better i guess i'm the only one apparently who you knew better and the lord told you don't do it and you did it anyway aunt they don't keep it real man they you know they just you you see you feel me and i've just i find it so strange that god keeps coming after me you too ma'am i just isn't it strange no matter what we've tried to do he keeps showing every morning here's some here's some new mercy and he will give his angels charge over you quick theological correction because i've heard i dispatch angels in the name no you don't dispatch anything that ain't in the word what's in the word is he will give his angels charge over you i don't talk to the angels i talk to their boss [Music] and sometimes i don't even know what i need but god will send his angels hey go wake him up go away corrupt you thought that was your alarm clock that woke you up [Music] no the neurological sensory perception of the hearing that you had the audible tone of your ring your ringer was not what woke you up it was the quickening of the holy ghost in your mortal body that spoke to your spirit and your body connected you woke up because god didn't require your soul of you this day [Music] stop walking around like you can choose to to walk how you want and do what you want every breath [Music] you have is a gift from god you better know it oh help me holy spirit we're in the intentional series to anyone who thinks that your life is accidental i'm here to tell you you're wrong about you to anyone who thinks that you have disqualified yourself from being used by god you're wrong about you to anyone who has been left for dead by people who were using you when you were up and left you when you were down they were wrong about you to everyone that is secretly plotted planned whispered dm text message group threads group chats miscellaneous such as all of those things i want you to know that they will live just long enough to watch god do what he promised you and some people don't believe in the word but the word is true touch not my anointed do my prophet no harm and some of these people keep messing with you they better leave you alone if they know what's good for them i'm just saying because this is not this is not game day this is this is the age of the spirit of god and he is requiring a different level of anointing in the house and you can't mess with the oil and you can't mess with the holy things of god people have been treating god casually be careful don't treat god cal he is not a game he is not somebody that you approach lightly be careful how you approach god even the angels that are in his presence don't even look at them they got enough sense to cover their eyes and cover their feet and they keep flying they got six wings they got three sets of wings and with hey with one they cover their face the other they cover their feet and the other ones they fly and all they say is holy holy holy the power of the connotation is that each time they say it they've seen or experienced something new about an eternal god that's why they don't get tired the bible says their voices are so loud that the posts of the temple shake the door shake because of their voice and some of us have a hard time worshiping you got it going on so much that you can't open your mouth for the god that gave you everything you have and kept you from what you deserve matter of fact everybody in here is about to give god an aggressive praise you can sit you can stand but everything in here that has breath will praise the lord [Music] do you think i'm gonna keep my mouth closed after what god saved me from freed me from delivered me from there are people who want me to shut up and that's why god gave me independence oh my god because see if men make you men can break but relentless is a church that god spoke and so god has final authority on what happens in here oh lord jesus i used to be so sad because i wanted to be in the in crowd i wanted to be part of the cool kids and then all of a sudden god did some stuff in my life and all the people i thought were friends just walked away but what he showed me is that the people that are attracted to you in your broken place that's your crew this is our church this is relentless church and we are a miracle house a house of restoration and healing a house of deliverance and freedom a house of miracle signs and wonders a house of creation and recreation a house of new things and renewing stand with me if you have the physical ability to do so i'm going to read scripture and we're going to get into the third installment of this particular iteration of the intentional series everything that god is doing and has done in your life has an intention a purpose you have no clue how valuable you are how valuable are you hell has invested its entire resources to get your soul how valuable are you heaven gave its greatest resource to save your soul and you in a raggedy relationship with somebody that don't respect you do you know who you are how much your soul is worth oh lord jesus help me in this place in genesis chapter one starting at the first verse better sheet elohim in beginnings created elohim the heavens and the earth in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the spirit of god was hovering over the face of the waters then god said let there be light and there was light it is peter with in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the spirit of god was hovering over the face of the waters then god said let there be light and there was light yep in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth freeze full stop in the beginning there is no beginning in god so he must be talking about the introduction of time space and matter dr kent hovind said something very interesting in a viral clip that time space and matter must have all and had to all come into uh fruition at the same time because if you have matter but no space where would you put it and if you had matter and space but no time when would you put it but we know there is no time in god for he introduced himself to moses as i am that i am the ancient of days but he does not get old he's the ancient of days but he's never aged he created a universe that is at least 16.4 billion years old but he exists outside of it he is not connected to it he does not need it to exist nor does he need anything to exist he is god by himself he is self-sustained self-contained autonomous utterly holy incomprehensibly awesome and he dwells in inapproachable light you can't even get near him unless he invites you and if he invites you there are stipulations moses take your sandals off your feet for the place where you're standing is holy ground don't come any closer outer court inner court holy of holies there's the 12 the three and the one ask jesus everybody can't come into the holy of holies i got some disciples then i got peter james and john then i just got john everybody's not john everybody's not peter james and john some people need to be on the outer court of your life the ones that can be trusted with the next level can become inner court and then the closest ones can get in the holy of holies but some of us got the wrong one in the wrong place at the wrong time and god is not moving in your life until you rearrange the people that are in your life because the promise is close but the people are out of position in the beginning when time was introduced the dimension between created things and where god dwells is that where god dwells is eternal it was not constructed nor was it created it just is but that which we know this stage your device that you're watching me on these premium peach colored pews and all of the things that your car that you drive the gas that you pump which used to be fossils of of dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago and all of the things that you have the food that you eat you was in popeye's chicken for 35 minutes waiting on a chicken sandwich you could have made in your house if you had some flour and a little bit of willpower we were growing up a chicken sandwich with two pieces of white bread and a fried chicken leg and some hot sauce and it was the best thing you ever put in your mouth and it didn't cost 4.99 and the church said amen i while you're standing don't sit down yet i am not finished with the dramatic expression of the word in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth but then suddenly inexplicably between verse 1 and 2 the earth was without form oh no and void you know lions and tigers and bears oh my and darkness is over the face of the deep and the spirit of god was of the hovering hovering like a hoverboard over the face of the waters it was skimming the waters hovering brooding over the face of the waters so darkness was on the face of the deep but the spirit of god was hovering over the face of the waters so the deep is not the same as the waters they are not the same they're not the same hebrew word because the word for deep means depth the abyss he's talking about something else i'll get to it in a moment then god said let there be light and there was light and god saw that the light it was good and god divided the light from the darkness god called the light day in the darkness he called night so the evening and the morning were the first day nothing that's strange because we go morning the evening so you're telling me that he started at night to bring you into a place of mourning so you're telling me that god creates in the dark to present you in the in the light i want you to know that you're leaving darkness that's why you sprint you sprang forward when you got up it was dark he's presenting you in the morning i just need you to know you just stepped into mourning seven people caught it the the other 52 000 of y'all that are online right now and those who are here what i'm saying is this what you don't know is you didn't accidentally come to this service because this is actually really the first free service the first time that we had freedom and liberty to be relentless church without without any encumbrance there is there is complete autonomy the only person i listen to is the holy ghost you stepped into freedom this morning and it's spring forward now it shall spring forth i'm doing a new thing do you not perceive it in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void darkness was on the face of the deep and the spirit of god spirit of god spirit ruach of god elohim elohim those are two different things ruach the breath of god and elohim the creator god so i've got the holy spirit and i've got the father where's the son where is jesus where is jesus i don't know i don't know surely when i find him i walk right behind him he's my lord he's my lord i must find jesus in this scripture or there is no hope for the darkness over the face of my deep could it be that verse 2 was not about creation but a prophetic declaration of the state of your soul and he allowed you to emerge from the depths from the abyss but who was hovering over the face of the waters was god elohim the creator god looking at the raw materials of this place the earth was without form and void what earth could you be speaking of this is part three of the intentional creation series the title is chaos theory you may be seated will you give me a few moments to unpack this scripture for you thank you mommy i know you're always going to say amen i need to know if you will let me preach it like i feel it in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth that means he was intentional about establishing something that would be governed by time space and matter but we know god is not controlled by or or beholden to any created thing but all things were created through jesus christ for the purpose and express will of god the father he's unstoppable he is utterly awesome which is why i can't imagine not serving him but the earth was without form and the word without form is tohu formlessness confusion emptiness wasteland wilderness place of chaos angela that's the hebrew and i need you to know what the original text says because for the next few minutes before we shout at the end i need you to understand that the first thing that god was drawn to was nothingness empty space wasteland wilderness chaos formlessness confusion oh lord i only want to talk to people who have found areas of their life confusing let's go ahead and get that phone going i don't know if i'm in the right church so i just have to ask a very simple question is it just me or has anybody else ever tried to figure god out thank you for being being let me see the people who are like god what are you doing like for real anybody ever been like i i don't understand that move at all i'm serving you i did not see that coming now i i thought if i did what you asked all would go well but i did what you asked and it got worse i'm confused now i heard that i should hunger and thirst for righteousness and i shall be filled that there's the beauty of holiness while i'm living holy i don't see no beauties everybody else is swiping right and all i get is what's left i've been trying to live right i don't cast out demons and old girlfriends and boyfriends i'm walking holy and just like whack-a-mole they pop up when i'm weak and i gotta hit him with that mallet get back down devil pop up girl i've been missing you anybody else had to whack some demons down that you thought you were free from i'm confused because other people who aren't serving you seem to be doing whatever they want to do i'm glad somebody's telling the truth i mean they trifling they nasty but they judge everybody else like they stuff don't stink i wish i had some help in here i'm confused now you letting them live and do whatever they want but i can't get away with one thing if i think wrong i'm getting a spanking in the spirit if i if i say the wrong word i'm getting a whoop and i'm all convicted why don't you leave me alone why don't you go mess with them trifling nasty no good so-and-so's down the street you know i got a sister i can't stand why don't you stop by her house why does god keep hovering around you i'm confused and then you have the nerve to tell me that i'm called that i'm chosen i'm a chosen generation that i'm a royal priesthood his own special people what what does this mean sit down boy don't get up no more sorry that's my son i love him but i grew up old sit down and now my daughter wants to wait it's not time to play sit down amen i'm a father first and so i'm confused why god allows stuff to happen to me that he doesn't let let happen to others other people seem to get away and then he expects me to be the responsible one i'm always the peacemaker i'm always the one that's got to stop everybody else gets to live in their flesh but i got to walk in the spirit i'm so sick of being the one filled with the holy ghost can i just cuss them out one time please jesus the only way i know that the blood is real is if you forgive me i got to do something wrong to be forgiven [Music] i got the sin so i can access the blood no no no no no no no no no has anybody ever felt like your life was literally spinning out of control three of us you ever felt like your life was spinning out of control chaos all around nothing makes sense you feel like you're literally falling in midair nothing to catch you anybody ever felt like life was chaos there was there was nothing you're trying to survive but your relationship is going crazy you're trying to survive and your children are acting a complete fool i'm trying to survive but my boss is is on my neck i'm trying to survive but i'm emotional over here and i'm struggling over there and i need love over here but i got lust over there and i'm trying to figure it out and then in the middle of all of that i got all kinds of stuff that is unresolved from my childhood and there's chaos here and i'm trying to smile in your face but i feel like i'm about to lose my mind and everybody's saying you will live and not die but i want to end my own life there's chaos here and in the middle of all that i'm still lifting my hands in worship with tears streaming down my face and then i still write out the envelope and believe god when i'm broke in certain areas but i'm still tithing got the nerve to give offering and then i still give some to the homeless man at the red light when i really needed it for my gas is there anybody that has ever felt like they are in the midst of chaos i need you to know that the chaos does not repel god it actually attracts god i know this sounds crazy but you need to give god a preemptive praise for the chaos in your life trust me just just give him a praise and i'm going to tell you why in a second give him a praise if there's ever been a moment of chaos that did not make sense truth is pastor joel i don't know of anybody who's attempted to escape their calling quite like me i also don't know anybody that's had more favor than me i've watched god from the time my mama was raising me as a little boy that i knew who jesus was at this moment and i can tell you that my father has been with me the entire time even the moments when i didn't think it even the moments when he was silent even the moments that made no sense i can look back now and say he was there the entire time the only reason i have a mic in my hand is because in the midst of the chaos and the darkness and the confusion he was right there i don't believe i'm the only person in this room that tried to wiggle their way out of the grace that was extended to them anybody ever tried to escape the grip of grace but god said no i've invested too much i cannot let you go there's too much invested in you i've even tried to convince god he was wrong about me anybody ever had that conversation god you should probably choose somebody else i'm just saying because you know you know me you know isn't it funny like we talking to god like he didn't make us like oh well tell me something else holy ghost did you know that no father i didn't know that at all i did not know that about him he is nasty i did not know that oh i did not know he looks at twerk videos on the gram i didn't know that i did not know about her god knows everything about you good and bad and he's already made up his mind when are you going to go ahead and agree with heaven that your chaos does not run god away in fact we meet god in the midst of chaos he introduces himself in scripture not from his throne but standing hovering in the midst of darkness and chaos emptiness so if you've ever been empty god's there if you've ever felt alone without form and void and darkness was on the face of your deep please know that he was hovering it's the only thing that kept your mind i wish there was somebody that knew that the only reason you were not is because god kept your mind how many people know he's a keeper i've tried to run heather and i've tried to do everything to make god change his mind and all i've been met with is an overwhelming unending unmovable consistent relentless love and i don't understand why because i know me i know what i can do when i'm healthy but i know the depths of my depravity when i'm sick sin is a sickness it's a disease we got it from adam and eve that's why salvation is not about being good or bad it's about believing in the righteousness of christ and the blood that was applied being good don't get you into heaven so i want to talk to some people who have felt empty slightly confused not sure why god would choose you well here we are in scripture again and we find that god was hovering over the face of the waters that god actually likes to hover now this is deep to me this is god he can speak it and it would happen why would he hover the word hover let me help you to get this this is going to bless five of you i'm pretty sure the word hover means with the feeling of tender love to cherish so you're telling me that god shows up in verse 2 of genesis hovering over chaos and disorder and emptiness and he's moved with tender love to cherish something means you find value and you don't have the right to dishonor what god cherishes by calling yourself a mistake your process is not a mistake the things you've done the life you've lived it is what it is but god cherishes you in the midst of your chaos in the midst of your darkness in the midst of your emptiness he found you worthy of being cherished my lord do you know who you are but i understand because you're saying you don't know the ingredients of my life well let me tell you about the ingredients of your life i understand because the truth is you sprinkle in a little doubt some sin lack of faith family drama relationship deficits job woes money problems and you got a lot of chaos in there because the ingredients don't seem to make sense because you don't know what god is making more importantly you don't know what god is speaking because god said let there be light he spoke it and he separated light from the darkness he he he created in man the seat of the will i have a mind a will and emotions i can choose this is the supernatural distinction between us and angels see angels were created for god and we were created from god that's my son stand up john he hurt his foot was he running around like a big boy he tried to run that's my little buddy you hurt you you were running cause you loved jesus is that what you were doing he was jumping for jesus okay that's my son in whom i'm well pleased what he'll know and he says it to me he says daddy i'm your legacy when i'm about to whoop him i'm your legacy boy you're right don't manipulate my love what he starts with is identity his chaos his growth development and process do not intimidate me because i've already determined that there's nothing he can do to disqualify himself from being my son he came from me he could do whatever he wants he can deny me i'll never deny him i was there when he was conceived it was a blessed three to two minutes and god was in the midst as i hovered over the the first thing you need to know is your identity is not up for discussion you need to get i i belong to god i am a child of god why am i talking about this because god didn't create us until the sixth day i just think you need to get back into genesis chapter one verse two and realize that he was talking about the state of your soul your soul is the deep darkness was on the face of your deep and he was hovering brooding tenderly loving in the midst of your chaos because he had already determined what he was going to do then he divided the waters from the waters and the land the dry land appeared but we know that in the land was dust and i am so glad that god creates from dust are there any dusty people in here put that in the feed with your dusty self go ahead go ahead just anything funny you can clean your house use the lemon pledge smelling good one day later on that same table dust that's why you got to stay in the word because the water of the word removes the dust but why of all the things god could use to create what he choose dust it is formless and void he took dust formed it and then rocked it and man became a living being an autonomous likeness of the creator god god wanted someone to commune with and converse with on his level so he made something that came from him but was also from the earth because the earth became formless and void and destroyed and ruined because that's where satan fell and so since satan fell the only thing satan wanted is a kingdom so god came into the chaos took dust from the same thing satan fell in breathed himself into it and gave that creature dominion over everything that was in the earth on the earth crawling on it or under it and god gave us a free will and this is the difference between us and angels because the angels that rebelled with satan got kicked out with him but you and i can be walking around in chaos dusty still letting sin in but because he put his breath in us we have the opportunity to be redeemed by the blood of the lamb and some of us have not thanked god for the blood that allows us to come back over and over and over and over again let me in hurry and let you up out of here let me hurry and let you up out of here thank you i was just waiting i just needed one person because the right thing is like please hurry cause you know i needed one person she said take your time thank you it all began in 1973 stop rushing what god is doing in your life something just shifted i need to say this you're impatient because you don't like the moment you're in because it's too hot the heat makes you uncomfortable you don't like it but god is intentional about his investment in you stay in the heat don't get out of the heat too soon did you hear what i said oh my god you don't like it because you don't understand what he's making he was without form and void but everything in your life has a purpose so stop trying to figure out what he's doing and just submit to the process of being not only created but recreated created me a clean heart oh god i renew a right spirit in me cast me not away from your presence and take not your holy spirit from me then i'll teach transgressors your ways anybody else other than me ever felt like they didn't understand what god was trying to make because things in your life didn't make sense can i get an amen see what you need to know is the ingredients of your life by themselves may never make sense but you've got to trust that god knows what he's doing because there's nothing worse than people who have the raw material but don't know how to put it all together how many times have you tried to submit to somebody that didn't have a clue about who you were what you carried the anointing that you carry and the next thing you know they have they have tried to create you in their image how can somebody create you in their image when you were already created in the image of god ma'am why would you allow a man to try to redefine who you are minimize who you are minimize what you carry because he's insecure about the anointing and the totality of your femininity and the fact that you are a daughter of the most high god a man that can't take all of you can't have none of you the same goes for the men of god you so caught up in her beauty and caught up in her looks but that woman can't pray you through a wet paper bag she has no oil for your calling but you so caught up and she can talk you out of your jesus you want to pray pray you know what you y'all now you want to pray uh okay be careful that's a spirit of michael that was david's wife and dave david was a worshiper but michael was a hater and she was she spoke the wrong thing at the wrong time and the bible said he cut her womb off she never had she never birthed the child the bible said she was barren until the day of her death be careful what you say to a worshiper when a man's trying to get to god if you don't want to help him then get out the way because there's some women that have been praying for a man that loves god more than they love her because if i love god more than i love my wife then i'll make sure to get down low so i can treat her right but if i worship her and put her on the altar then i'm already out of place the earth was without form and void and god began to create i need you to let god create and i need you to stop trying to make it happen tell somebody stop trying to make it happen there's some stuff in my flesh that is chaos there are things in your flesh that are chaos and you don't want anybody to know but god knows stop trying to be a magician you don't need a magician you need god magicians are witchcraft manufacturing trying to conjure cook i declare that you are scrambled in the name of fry it's not working maybe i got the wrong egg how many of us did the wrong thing and it didn't work and tried it again scramble i said i bind you devil you trying to stop what god is doing here's what's funny people don't understand you because they've seen you broken and didn't understand what god was doing what is this okay what is this it's a shell of a what all right very important there's the yolk there's the white there's the shell you cannot have an egg without all three there's the father there's the son and there's the holy ghost they are three in one you cannot have one of them without having all three of them there might look like chaos but the father and the spirit are there but the son is the created thing that holds it all together and i need you to know that jesus is about to come into the midst of your chaos and he's going to establish order because the power of jesus is that he establishes order in the midst of chaos and the things that made no sense are going to make sense and the reason why the devil hopes you stay in chaos is because he knows that god declares order how in the world does the universe work without god let me you know what i'm trying to make something cook oh wait a minute i need some oil the problem is you've been trying to manufacture your own oil if it ain't the holy ghost it ain't the real oil your gift is not the oil your talent is not the oil you showing off in front of people is not the oil if you don't have the holy ghost you have no real oil we got a whole bunch of people with microphones but have no oil a whole bunch of people preaching have no oil you can sing and you got amazing talent ain't got no oil could not get a devil to run out the church if you tried you real real flowy with the voice but no oily cook all right well let's a little sugar then that's the problem with the church we want to stay sweet don't preach the whole gospel because we'll offend people and then if they offend them then they'll leave they don't want to hear about sin they want to live how they want you want to stay nasty you don't want nobody to convict don't you don't want the holy spirit to convict you you just want to sprinkle you want a sprinkle of jesus you don't want the whole thing and then when they say something that's really biblical you get offended well i'm leaving i'm going to take my 800 a year and i'm going to another take your money your money ain't changing nothing and i can't be bought i'm not afraid for you to leave i'm going to preach this book and let me tell you something sin will get you sent to hell and i don't care if i fail five thousand times the bible is still right god is still holy and holiness is still the standard you've been playing games with the gospel because you want to be popular with people you want to make god real broad and general but the way is narrow holiness is still right cup well that didn't work well let me get some some flour cook lebron like this maybe i have the ingredient but maybe if i don't stir it cause you know it's always somebody ready to stir up some mess some of the people in your life they're only there to stir up mess they wait for drama to happen so they can call girl what happened tell me all about oh i'm so sorry give me all the details so i can pray for you yeah right you ain't thinking about me all you're doing is stirring up more mess creating more chaos creating more drama messy i can't stand messy saints you say you for me but all you really want is the gossip so you can feel better about yourself you messy you don't really care about my soul you're messy you don't want to see me set free you messy you like what the blogs are saying you like you messy you never liked me because i was anointed the whole time i just didn't know who i was but now i know who i am and now god is restored and he took the wrong ingredients and the chaos and then he added what was missing the whole time because you can have the raw material but if you have no heat you didn't hear what i said if you don't have any heat it can't cook nobody heard what i said you can stand up this sermon is coming to a close curtis the church wants everything microwaved but some of us know real real cooks don't need a microwave and they don't need a recipe book i wish i would have handed my grandmother a recipe well if you're gonna make your macaroni and cheese grandma what you want to do is just get a quarter cup of if you don't shut up and get out of my kitchen i mean get out now i need a grandmother that's had a couple husbands smoking a cigarette while singing negro spirituals who knows how to put a little bit of this and a touch of that and and add a little more because you've had enough experience to know what it's supposed to taste like what you need to know god is not just god he's a chef and he's in the kitchen cooking and he knows you need a little bit more patience and ooh a little bit more trial it's going to make you more humble and you know i need to go ahead and expose that let me cook that but all of this makes no sense until i put you in the oven because it's the heat that produces the fragrance [Music] i need some help in here tell somebody stay in the fire stay in the heat tell somebody stay in the heat see because all of these ingredients by themselves make nothing but when it when it's been in the heat long enough it becomes a cake because the ingredients by themselves don't make a cake you need somebody who knows what they're doing because those same ingredients in the hands of a namaste in a novice will make a tasteless biscuit but with the right amount of heat and the right person that thing will be a cake that everybody wants to eat and they want to eat it before it comes out the oven i need you to know that the fragrance of your anointing is already traveling to places that need you do you realize god's already put your name in boardrooms you haven't walked in do you know when you go look for that house this week they're gonna be like have i met you before your name seems familiar i just like you i don't even know why there's something different about you do you know that the fragrance of your process is gonna allow you to walk in places and have favor that you would not have had had you not stayed in the fire i need somebody to give god praise for the fire god i'm burning up no you're not burning up you're baking there's a difference because when you're baking he's going to raise you up oh just enough geese to raise you up i'll wide the yeast because i don't want this process to flatten you [Music] oh he's trying to oh you're not a souffle we got too many spiritual souffles you big and puffed up all to take is one little pen one little offense [Music] did you hear what i said god is raising you up and he's going to slice you and he's going to present you and people are going to be able to dine off your experiences and what look like chaos is going to be a whole meal for millions of people i declared that your pain was not wasted your process was not wasted your tears were not wasted your challenges were not wasted your failures were not wasted your traveling was not wasted your faith was not wasted your trust was not wasted all of it was in proportion to god's plan he put it together put you in the oven called time put you in the heat called process but now he's about to bring you out and the fragrance of your process is already permeating the atmosphere [Music] from chaos will come order from stench will come the most sainted fragrance the perfume of your challenges will beautify the nostrils of those who are so broken that they thought god forgot oh in your life will be a reminder that in the midst of darkness and chaos and confusion and disorder god can create systems and structures and status and if you just stay planted he will begin to bring the resources to add icing to the cake oh the leaders are coming the resources are coming the business partners are coming the right people are coming the spouse is coming hold on man of god she's coming hold on woman of god he's coming don't be sad that he removed the other things that was chaos it looked like order but it was chaos even your spirit knew it wasn't right you couldn't even rest you laid next to him but you knew it wasn't god you laid next to her but you knew it wasn't god hold on man of god hold on woman of god he's bringing order in the midst of chaos trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not into your own understanding it in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path [Music] yes god oh yes i know it hurts process always does and it seems like it's taking forever but it just took a little time and when you see what he made [Music] you look back and say it was worth it when you see who he brings you'll say it was worth it when you look in your account you'll say it was worth it and no one will get credit for your elevation but god [Music] i need everything in here that believes this is the word of god to give him a praise [Music] i don't know who this is for but he's coming to see you he's hovering he broods over you with tender love he's hovering he's unwilling to let you go through this by yourself he's hovering he's brooding over you like like a hen broods over her eggs hovering protective of the investment of his spirit and you hovering while he's hovering he's covering under the shadow of your wing oh god i thank you now i pray for the people of god this word will be sealed the chaos theory is that everything that makes no sense will come to order and we will not die until you help us to look back and see that you didn't even start this thing until you had already finished it your life is not late you're on schedule i know the first marriage didn't work god's got a love that will last a lifetime just just rest don't sit there and beat yourself up reading the wrong old testament scripture like that's all god has no god can restore single sister hold on live holy serve god don't give your valuable things don't allow anybody to sow seed into your garden that doesn't feel like they have to purchase it help me holy ghost holiness is still right lift your hands father i thank you for everybody who's been a part of a moment of chaos who felt like there was no way to get order i thank you that we can't make ourselves you have to declare order you provide us with systems and structures you speak it and from chaos comes order because you will it to be so so we submit to your plan and your will and say have your way in the most profound way that we've ever said it have your way create the systems and structures necessary for us to perpetuate the legacy of the kingdom and now by the power of the holy spirit i pray that you would move by your might in your power fill every single person here and watching online with a precious seed of the holy ghost and now god your name above all your spirit above all your word above all in the name of the aleph yeshua hamashiach [Music] the father the son and the holy spirit amen
Channel: Daily Inspiration
Views: 37,982
Rating: 4.8905473 out of 5
Keywords: Light, Seed of the flesh, renew your spirit, commit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 38sec (3578 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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