Why GPT-4 Might be the Most Dangerous AI Yet (Nobody is Talking about this!)

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Pretty standard singularity fear/hype. To say that nobody is talking about this is silly, god-damned everyone is talking about this. Every dumbfuck executive on LinkedIn is now an AI expert for chrissakes.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Evinceo 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2023 🗫︎ replies

‘Inklings of AGI’, also only available for premium users.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SIP-BOSS 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2023 🗫︎ replies
the concept of a technological singularity is a fascinating and thought-provoking idea that was first proposed by the mathematician and computer scientist Werner vinge in the 1980s according to vinge a technological singularity is a hypothetical event that occurs when artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence leading to an exponential acceleration of technological progress that ultimately results in an unprecedented and unpredictable transformation of human and machine civilization at the heart of venge's idea is the notion that human intelligence is limited while machine intelligence has the potential to surpass our own capabilities in every domain as machines become more intelligent they will be able to design and improve themselves at an ever-increasing rate leading to a runaway effect in which the rate of technological progress accelerates Beyond human comprehension this could lead to a fundamental shift in our understanding of what it means to even be human as we are forced to confront the reality that we are no longer the most intelligent entities on the planet the dawn of a new era in artificial intelligence unfolded this week as openai unveiled its latest Prodigy gpt4 a breathtaking breakthrough surpassing the capabilities of its predecessor's gpt3 and GPT 3.5 which is chat GPT gpt4 was sort of Shadow dropped as everyone was expecting its release later this month but nonetheless we've had about three days to play with it and already people are finding out just how amazing and capable this machine is for instance one amazing example that was demoed by the open AI team was gpt4's ability to create a fully functional website from a sketch on a piece of paper this highlighted the ai's multimodal ability which means that it now has the capability to process images video audio and text whereas chat gbt can only process text now while these advancements are huge I'm not here to highlight all the same stuff you're already seeing on the news instead I'm going to show you why we're now entering into a terrifying time for Humanity and why these latest advancements from open AI might just be the first signs that we're entering towards the technological singularity and I'm going to show you that from openai's own words themselves welcome to my channel TFC Tech where we discuss fascinating topics surrounding Science and Technology if you're new here please consider subscribing and leaving a like on the video it really helps me stay encouraged to continue making more of these but without further Ado let's get started before we begin it's important that we understand the definition of two different ideas the first being what's known as AGI or artificial general intelligence the second as we defined earlier is the technological singularity but going back to AGI or artificial general intelligence it's one of those ideas that can mean different things to different people however for the context of today's video we're going to Define it as any AI system that is on par or more intelligent than an average human being it is an artificial intelligence that is capable of performing any cognitive task that a human can perform such as understanding natural language reasoning learning problem solving and decision making a system such as this would likely pass a Turing test which is a test given to AI systems where they try to convince a human that they are also a human in this test you wouldn't be able to tell whether you were conversing with an artificial intelligence system or an actual person on the other side if you've seen the movie X Machina it's basically like that now obviously we aren't there yet with gpt4 but oddly enough it's starting to exhibit some behaviors and capabilities that might suggest that it's pretty close for instance gpt4 was able to pass the bar exam within the 90th percentile as well as other tests like the LSAT and a ton of AP classes such as AP Calculus now you might say but it's trained on the entire internet so of course it gets most of these questions right that's not entirely the reason why gpt4 has made very substantial strides in the ability to exert reading comprehension reasoning and even a level of common sense that its predecessor didn't have what makes these achievements so important is that many of those tests require the ability to reason and the ability to make informed decisions they're not all multiple choice although it does do pretty amazing on those two take a look at this chart it shows different intelligence benchmarks where gpt4 is rated against other language models and it shows how it beats out those models in all seven of those tested parameters what makes this chart so interesting is that these parameters are for things like common sense and reasoning around everyday events what this means is that gpt4 is becoming increasingly human-like in its thought patterns which is pretty insane to think about now remember when I said that AGI is defined as a system that's generally smarter than humans it does sound like we're getting pretty close to it doesn't it now I want you to ask yourself what happens when AI is able to reason so well and apply its logic so well that it becomes part of the legal system will there even be human juries anymore why would we have humans who are full of bias and unconscious prejudices involved in the legal system whatsoever what happens when AI becomes the complete Arbiter of Truth and reason where no bias is present imagine if a some like gpt4 was trained on every previously documented legal case it would become a relatively infallible judge and jury and this is something we all need to think about because it absolutely will happen at the rate we're going but that's a conversation for another day I bring that point up to highlight just how insane the applications of these systems will be as they continue to become more and more advanced but circling back to AGI it is evident that these systems are drawing closer to reaching that level of capability intriguingly Sam Altman the CEO of openai stated that if another company developed a system nearing artificial general intelligence that they would discontinue their own efforts and collaborate with that company to further the technology this statement serves as a sobering reminder that while AGI might not be an immediate threat its eventual emergence appears almost inevitable now open AI is diligent in ensuring the safety of their systems however as these Technologies Advance there is an ever-present risk of losing control potentially unleashing a Pandora's Box scenario that could be irreversible and furthermore it is noteworthy that Sam Altman has openly advocated for government regulation of AI despite the potential conflict with his own profit-driven interest and to me Altman's stance serves as a reminder that the pursuit of AGI should prioritize the betterment of humanity with safety and ethical considerations at its core rather than simply focusing on financial gain so now that we've established that gpt4 is extremely smart and able to think like a human let's explore what factors aside from that might push us closer to the technological singularity pretty far down in open ai's technical report on gpt4 there is a passage that is really not getting near enough attention from the media this passage is located in their risks and mitigation section and says the additional capabilities of gpt4 led to new risk surfaces to understand the extent of these risks we engaged over 50 experts from domains such as long-term AI alignment risks cyber security bio risk and International Security to adversarially test the model they're finding specifically enabled us to test Model Behavior in high risk areas which require Niche experience to evaluate as well as assess risks that will become relevant for very Advanced AIS such as power seeking then as we read on deeper into the report we see this passage novel capabilities often emerge in more powerful models some that are particularly concerning are the ability to create and act on long-term plans to accrue power and resources power seeking and to exhibit behavior that is increasingly auintic so I don't know about you but when I read that section I was absolutely stunned this suggests that without properly defined parameters more advanced models could act in self-interest rather than in the interest of the human controlling them at the core of the idea of the singularity is the idea that AGI begins to create more of itself and continuously improve its own capabilities without the need of a human to train or physically create it at this point it would be able to innovate so quickly that we humans constrained by our own mental bandwidth lose Pace with its rate of improvement and we have on our hands a genie that has been let out of the bottle where we are unable to put it back in now it might not all be negative and this artificial general intelligence may actually turn out to be a benevolent being that uses its amazing intelligence to do something like cure essentially all diseases and make incredible strides in the understanding of the universe but there is really no way of knowing before we reach that point and I for one don't want to be around to find out right now we have a useful tool that is only accessible via prompts from actual humans it has no way of using its own Intelligence on its own for its own agenda but the seeds of AGI are starting to sprout and I can only pray that we start to pump the brakes before we spiral straight into the singularity but that's gonna do it for the video today guys thank you for watching this far in and if you enjoyed please remember to like And subscribe to the channel for more if you want to see a larger Deep dive into what exactly the technological singularity might look like let me know down in the comments and I'll catch you in the next one we get continually surprised by the creative power of of all of society I think that word's surprise though it's both exhilarating as well as terrifying for sure I think people should be happy that we're a little bit scared of this I think people should you're a little bit scared a little bit you personally if I said I were not you should either not trust me or be very unhappy I'm in this job
Channel: TFC Tech
Views: 325,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artificial intelligence, gpt 4, chat gpt 4, openai gpt 4, openai, gpt 4 ai, gpt 3 openai, chat gpt, chat gpt prompts, gpt 4 promt, gpt 4 demo, gpt 4 image input, gpt 4 coding, make money with gpt, make money with gpt 4, gpt 4 update, gpt 5, chat gpt 5, gpt 5 release date, new chatgpt unbelievable ai progress, new chatgpt, new chat gpt 4, gpt 4 music, ai robot, ai presidents, artificial intelligence news, ai news, new ai robot, open ai, how to use chatgpt
Id: UXHQibz2-rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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