The BEST Way To Learn Blender in 2023!!

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all right it's a new year which means maybe you want to learn a new thing or maybe you're already learning that new thing which is blender um so in today's video I want to show you the best way to learn blender in 2023 so what is that going to look like well there's two ways you can do it free and paid um and you can combine those two if you'd like to as well which is what I did when I was learning blender so what I did was I compiled a list of the best YouTube channels to watch and I categorize them by what their specialty is which is say like hard surface environments Motion Graphics materials so all those different things that you may want to know I have a guy for you that we're also going to go into the paid route which is if you have some money at hand let's watch some courses let's speed up that workflow let's speed up that process of learning so I compiled in my opinion some of the best courses to watch in this new year now of course I can't go without mentioning my Channel watch my channel if you like my channel keep watching it so we're going to get into all of that that right after this quick shout out welcome to real-time materials a collection of customizable procedural materials compatible with EV and Cycles with over six years of experience I have created an add-on currently containing 240 materials across 14 surface categories this add-on will speed up your workflow allowing you to stay creative while maximizing your artistic output you might be thinking what about image textures image textures are easy to set up but don't give you any control real-time materials are loaded with custom properties giving you the freedom to change roughness color and all kinds of patterns you can change the shape of wood the direction of cloth weave and the size of scratches among many other parameters even if you already know how to make procedural materials imagine the time you will save if you could apply those materials in one easy click all right so we're going to start off with the free route uh YouTube channels uh YouTube is How I Learned blender in the beginning in fact I watched only YouTube tutorials for like three years before even watching my first course um and the guy you need to start off with from the very beginning is blender Guru now blender Guru is the OG tutorial guy and he has a course called The Donut Series in fact he has a playlist for it check out that playlist if you are just starting out in blender watch that everyone has seen that I think anyone who's learned blender watched The Donut course that is going to get you from beginning to end how to be comfortable with blender so that you can go into these next couple channels that I'm going to talk about which are gonna you know get into what you're interested in so watch the blender Guru donut series that's going to get you comfortable enough to go into the weird wild west of the of YouTube tutorials all right hard surface modeling maybe that's an Insider uh term but it's basically like hard surfaces basically you know cars machines all that stuff Josh Graham Bell is the guy for that he's been the guy since I've seen him I don't think anyone's ever kind of done as much as he's done watch Josh Graham Bell he's an incredible teacher he's a cool dude and he makes very very good videos about hard surface modeling he's a cool guy uh check out his courses check out his tools he's got some really cool stuff but more than that just a really good YouTube channel that you can rely on and I want to say that I picked these channels based on guys who are currently uploading hi cat I picked these channels based on on who is uploading now who you can rely on to subscribe to who's still making content there's so many YouTube channels out there and I'm gonna miss some but I picked these guys based on reliability and current uploading and all that so comment down if you think I should have mentioned some other guys but we're going to keep on going all right Motion Graphics uh we're gonna start out with Dirk Elliott he has some very very good Motion Graphics tutorials to watch um I love his content now he does more than just Motion Graphics but but of the Motion Graphics tutorials he has high quality very humorous too he's a funny guy um but watch those tutorials he's got some just really good stuff on product animation as well so he's super cool and also watch my channel that's my thing I pretty much only teach Motion Graphics and Abstract weirdness um I've I'll I've also been making videos like this which is kind of like general information stuff which I love to make but my main thing that I love is Motion Graphics so if you're into that watch my channel subscribe if you're not already subscribed it's a patch of mine I don't do the motion graphic tutorials for the views I do them because they genuinely make me happy to make them I love making cool stuff and I love sharing it so you know it's just so fun for me so subscribe to the channel if you want really cool Motion Graphics stuff and Dirk Elliott all right character animation character design character rigging two guys first one Southern shoddy he's actually a close friend of mine love the guy and he makes quality stuff um I get basically every day a question asking me to make rigging tutorials I won't be making a rigging tutorial but who you can rely on for that is Southern shotty uh he has a very distinct style I love his style characters environments different things like that even really good shading tutorials he could rely on him for some really cool stuff also Grant Abbott Now Grant has been doing tutorials like forever and he just has a massive discography is that the right word is that just for music I don't know but a mass of collection of character tutorials rigging tutorials and a billion other things that he's so good at check him out check out Southern Johnny all right procedural shading this is a topic that doesn't get covered quite enough on YouTube um it's just because the incentive isn't there they don't get quite as many views or attention so the channels don't really put the time in I have quite a lot of them I have a playlist just for procedural materials but someone who's currently making them is Ryan king art he is very very cool he has really good tutorials even beginner friendly Concepts about procedural materials check him out for procedural materials he's currently making them he might be the only guy currently consistently putting out procedural materials I hope he continues to do that because they're really really good and there's a lot to learn even with new material even with blender adding new notes he's keeping up with those so check him out all right general information things like cool features updates cool art that he's doing that's Curtis hold Curtis Hall is is a friend of mine we've been we kind of came up at the same time I think I don't know I don't know the timeline but I've basically as soon as I started I've been watching him he's cool and he makes really good informational content about blender he's passionate about it he's very talented he has a really cool Channel if he actually has two channels check both of them out if you like Curtis if you like the other channel but he just has quality content and you know from the videos that he loves what he's doing he's passionate about it and those are the guys that you want to see those are the guys you want to watch because they're not doing it just because they're doing because they love it Curtis is one of those guys so check him out all right if you're into modeling even getting into the basics understanding how things work and Beyond the basics polygon Runway is the guy he uploads a lot of like one hour scene breakdown how to make videos which is they're hard to come by most people make them like 10 to 20 minute tutorials he's recording an hour uh those guys are the people you want to support because they're hard to come by and he's in incredibly talented he knows color he knows how to make a beautiful piece of art but he's also just incredibly skilled artist in blender he's good at modeling if you're into modeling you want to see how that stuff is done he has hours and hours of content check him out he's awesome now if you're just kind of interested in everything or interested in entertaining blender content as a whole CG geek is the guy he's awesome um there's just kind of everything simulations modeling compositing just fun stuff characters he's an entertaining guy he's an entertaining Creator and he's incredibly skilled I can't recommend him enough I've been watching him ever since I found him and he's one of my favorites I can't say enough good things about his content check him out subscribe to him he's awesome and lastly if you're into environments which is another thing that is hard to come by where like one guy is doing a bunch of it is somebody who's new Under the YouTube scene but not new on the world of 3D be making cool environments is Max hay he has a big Instagram account and he started making YouTube and I want to support him but also he's just freaking good uh Max hey he makes really cool tips and tricks on environments how he makes these really cool things um he's a he's a fresh face onto the the YouTube scene and I hope he continues to make these videos because he's awesome he's been blown up check him out now the YouTube tutorial scene is Big it's growing but it's big uh so I can't go without mentioning These Guys these are my honorable mentions but that doesn't mean that they are not as important as the guy that I mentioned I there's only so many people I can mention a list check all of these guys out kind of screenshot this look them all up subscribe to all of them if you want to build a cool subscription feed subscribe to all of these guys because they're dope they're awesome and they make really good content um I wasn't I wasn't able to kind of pinpoint them into one thing so I wasn't able to make a list you can hear my cat jingling inside here but they're awesome and subscribe to all of them you know if you're starting out you don't know who to subscribe to these are the guys all right this is the paid route the route if you have some cash uh to pay for some courses do it highly recommend it a friend of mine actually described watching a course as kind of a cheat code where you can go from point A to point B drastically quicker than if you're watching Youtube tutorials because here's the logic with YouTube tutorials you are bouncing around um basically just trying to figure out what's the next video I'm going to watch what is cool in the moment a course is going to take you step by step what is the correct path to learning a skill it's much quicker it's much more reliable now these courses I picked because they are quality reliable and very useful courses this isn't just some guy making a course because he thinks he knows something these people really do know something so that's what we're gonna do now this first course is maybe the craziest course that we've seen in a long time and it's the realistic portrait creation course within blender so the aim of the course you're going to be making photorealistic um faces and portraits which is a very daunting task it's very hard to do and a lot of people think you can't do it in blender you can now the course is 100 blender meaning no other programs are involved we're just using blender for this and it's over 28 hours of content it's step by step it teaches you everything um what more can you ask 28 hours of content and it's not even that crazy expensive so check it out all these are linked in the description now this next course is by the guy that I loved the most when I was learning blender gleb alexandrov of creative shrimp this is a creative shrimp of course so it is a photogrammetry course basically using blender and reality capture to create photorealistic scans that you can use in 3D now it's probably the most comprehensive course in this subject of photogrammetry in the blender world it's just awesome and it's very very well done I mean this isn't gleb's first course all of his courses are crazy good and this one is no exception so you're going to be using blender 3.0 reality capture and dark table for this stuff you know we're going outside of the world of blender but don't let that scare you if you're going to be using 3D as your job you're just eventually going to be stepping out a blender for other things and this is a good way to learn that now this is a intermediate course so if you were just starting you know this week this month not the course for you yet bookmark it if you're into scanning things in the real world and bringing them into and doctoring them up and making them look awesome this is a great course uh it's a lot of people watched it a lot of people loved it and I can't say enough good things about it piggybacking off of creative shrimp this is another creative shrimp course this one is your procedural texturing master class now this one this particular creative shrimp course is not taught by uh gleb it's taught by a guy named Luca root I think I'm saying his name right but he is crazy good if you follow him on Twitter he's posting stuff all the time especially during the November stuff he is a wizard and I'm so happy he made a course so this course is a deep dive into node-based procedural materials and it's going to make you feel very comfortable with making materials in blender um uh like a years ago ago I was making tons and tons of procedural material tutorials and I learned a lot from just researching and watching and stuff this course is going to circumvent all that and just like from start to finish now you know how they work so check it out if you want to learn kind of the fast track to learning procedural materials this is a good course all right this is my course this is a Motion Graphics course that I created about a year ago now I made it for people who are beginners and intermediate users um and you're going to be learning how to make looping animations uh specifically so it's going to go through seven different projects aimed to teach you tons of different components tips and tricks and making vibrant beautiful Motion Graphics that's the whole idea we're making them loop we're making them beautiful and each one of the chapters is designed to teach you like a collection of tips and tricks because that's that's the thing about Motion Graphics and blender is blender isn't streamlined for that so you have to jump around the scene you know you sculptors are lucky enough to have one sculpting Suite within blender we don't have like a mograph suite like instead of 40s you have to jump around and that was the challenge when I made this course and I did it so if you want to watch and learn how to make Motion Graphics and learn just a billion different tips and tricks for making cool looping Motion Graphics check out this course alright this next course is by a cool company that I love and I know called CG cookie now they made a beginner course where you are going to learn about modeling and shading and lighting all in one course so if you're just starting out this is the course this course is meant for beginners it will walk you through essentially your first day making a really cool project where you're going to be creating a handheld 80s gaming console they're going to teach you a bunch of really cool tricks modeling shading lighting and making it look awesome in my opinion the the perfect beginner course all right the last one is also an insane course mastering 3D environments in blender now it comes from the guys over at CG boost you're going to learn how to create large scale environments only using free tools you will learn how to make mountains oceans forests deserts clouds weather effects and a bunch of really cool things uh the I mean the promo video speaks for itself that you're watching it's gorgeous and you can make it um again it's within blender nothing crazy we're not going outside the world of blender to make all the stuff we're you we're using blender it's a blender course uh so check that out I watched it myself it's mind-blowing check them out check out these courses and we're done that is how to learn blender in 2023 I hope you liked this um and if you are just starting out in blender good luck it's awesome my best tip is don't get discouraged in the first month you're going to want to quit in the first month the first month is the most boring month learning blender I hated it I took a lot of naps nothing made me more tired than watching tons of tutorials but just get through it because it's going to benefit you into 3D the program's free buy some courses watch some free tutorials doesn't matter have fun um watch at least one tutorial a day at least one and make it read it with okay whatever I'm rambling um see you guys later I hope you learned some stuff feel free to subscribe like and recommend and I'll see you uh in 2023
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 1,529,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8K4AShjq-MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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