This $60 Flashcart Can Play ANY Nintendo Switch Game.

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this cartridge can run any Nintendo switch game that's right flash carts are here for the Nintendo switch and I got my hands on one of the first on the market right now best part is they work on any switch yes even brand new unmodded ones so I'm going to show you how this works what's different and why I think this little cartridge is honestly going to break buying used games forever so this is the mix switch it's the first flash card available for the switch you might have memories of similar flash cards that look like this for the DS Where you load it up with an SD card and just toss in a bunch of ROMs on there and this is pretty much the exact same concept hey hi before we get into the video I need to clear up a few things okay like no fancy lights no fancy cameras andone of that just me iPhone and you and just some things I have to say Okay so Nintendo has a bad reputation of taking honest discussions like this down so just to be safe I'm not going to be talking about any sort of piracy in this video no illegally downloading things none of that all the games you see here I bought with my own money and legally by myself sometimes even more than once now I don't know why I have four copies of Animal Crossing I maybe just I really like the game or something so if you're looking for a place to talk about that underground type stuff without you know piracy stuff this video is not that on a completely unrelated note I have a Discord server now where you can talk about all types of different Tech stuff and I even included an exclusive video that has nothing to do with this uh over there I'll leave that link in the description if you want to join so let me show you how this thing works you only get the card by itself in this tiny little wrapper thing it has an SD card slot where you can put in your own SD card and load it up with ROMs I have a 512 GB in here just to make sure I don't run out of space but you can use any size but the big selling point here is that it can work with any switch yes that means stock un modified switches too I wanted to show you how this works so here's a no edit one shot cut of how this works pay attention so this is my stock olet switch this thing has never been modded other than the blue shell and I even took out the SD card to prove that there's no custom firmware installed I place in the mix switch and sure enough there it is booting up just like any other cartridge pretty cool right the crazy thing is online seems to work too here me in a multiplayer match connected to online and since this is my own copy and the mix switch is only emulating the copy that I own there seems to be no problem problems that's kind of the big thing here is as long as it's your own copy so you got to dump your own games to make this work so let me show you how this process works but first ever been stuck trying to figure out what to say in a text or a business email been wanting to reach out to that cute classmate but don't know how to get a conversation going that's not right well thanks to type AI you won't have to worry about that anymore type AI is an iOS keyboard directly powered by chat gbt designed for you to just respond to anything you want from your finger tips from any app no more need to go back and forth between the chat GPT app just type what you want it'll generate something for you and off you go need to sound professional for your boss or whatever when he offers you an insultingly low rate easy your budd's going through a rough time but don't know what to say ah who needs social skills anyways type ai's got you or what if you need some quick ideas for a date that you totally remember to have planned ah you're so good at planning dates look at you there's so many more uses the thing can do change tone paraphrasing translating on the fly from several different languages and so many more features so go to the link in the description and get yourself a free trial so you can try this out yourself and thanks to type AI for sponsoring this video so we can keep making fun videos like this so how do you actually get games on this card well you got to rip them of course legally using your own copies of your games now before we talk about how we get games in this thing I'm mostly going to be running through the legal ethical way to do this now I know piracy is going to be a big Topic in the comments for sure and I cannot stress this enough please use your own rips and support the developers you like when possible now currently the only way to legally rip your games is the way hack switch which is funny uh if you had a hack switch you probably wouldn't even need this card uh they are releasing a USB dumper tool that could hook up to your computer without the need of a hack switch but I don't think this is a great idea and I'll explain why later on but for now yes the main way people are going to be ripping their games is with a hack switch if you have a buddy that's really into this stuff go ask KR her to help you dump your cartridges odard they'll know what to do now because Nintendo has a sniper pointed at my living room window I can't exactly show you how to do this on the modded switch uh but just know that for a full rip of a cartridge you need these five files once you somehow obtain these five files you can toss them over to a PC and drag and drop them over using the mix switch's SD card if you have a cart rip like this that has like a separate folder in them that has like part one or part two or part three in it uh what you can do is copy the name of the xci file exactly make a new folder with the exact same name then drag and drop everything into that folder the mix switch should be able to detect it then you can pop the SD card back into the mix switch toss the whole thing back in your switch and there it is Scott Pilgrim your own legally owned copy running off a flash card now obviously no one B this thing to just have one game so you just repeat the entire process for every game that you want and this takes a while it took me like two days just to be able to rip half of my game collection now to switch through what game you want to play you eject the cartridge wait like half a second then reinsert it this is I'm I'm not a big fan of this back in the old days flash cards would just disguise themselves as a different game then give you like a menu to choose what what game you want I figured that this method might lead to people wearing down their card reader and it eventually failing plus what happens if you have more than like 20 games on this thing do you really want to sit there cycling through 19 times to get to the game that you want that's going to do crazy damage on your card reader now don't get me wrong it's not particularly hard to replace your card reader I've done it before but uh the people that are buying this are probably not comfortable taking apart their one and only switch now what's fascinating to me is and I didn't discover this Alo Retro Gaming did all credit goes to him for discovering this is that there's a dock that you can buy that is designed for holding multiple cartridges in one so you can have like five different games loaded up in the back and switch between them by just pressing a button pretty cool right but this hilariously also works with the big switch so what you can do is just plug this one cartridge into the dock and using the included wireless remote just cycle through all your games without having to damage your card reader it's a kind of bulky solution but it's kind of hilarious that this works for people who play mostly docked this is a really load to dock too especially for the price and it's even cheaper than an official Nintendo dock I'll leave a link for it in the description if you want to pick one up but anyways yeah not a fan of this whole switching games method okay so let's talk about the thing that this thing can do and it's drawbacks that I think more people should probably know about before even thinking about getting one of these now first it's important to understand the two most common file tyer switch games or the ROMs I guess xci and NSP nsps are Nintendo submission packages these are what are uploaded to the eShop basically digital copies of the game forget about these don't use these these will not work on any mix switch and even if you manage to find a way 100% chance of a ban straight up loading one of these insta ban and xcis are cart files literally the files that are put on every switch cartridge these are unique to every single switch cartridge and as long as they have the certificate and all other files they should work just fine on this card as of now any xci should work perfectly as long as it has all the proper five files needed to run if that's all I want to do great mix switch works exactly as the original cart oh hey last minute update but I forgot to mention that I've been able to use a mix switch to update my games that are on the mix switch and they've been working just fine so so if you were wondering about if you could update your game safely so far I've had no issues updating my games what it can't run however is any sort of Homer apps any modded apps no custom firmware none of that it also can't be used for pairing any sort of update files for games or installing any DLC so you rule that out as well you can't use it to back up any games pretty much the only thing you're going be able to do with this thing is play backed up games if you're hoping to use this as some sort of alternative for modding your switch without any of the work uh this isn't that hard moding or just buying a proper V1 modded switch will still give you so so much more for your money more features more mods everything you would want to run I bring this up because while this never advertised itself as an all-in well alternative to modding people are still reporting the cart this way and unfortunately the creators behind this cart aren't really doing a great job to correct anyone so now it falls on responsibility of viewers like me to explain that this only does one thing cart rips if you're cool with that awesome but otherwise that's all this thing is this isn't anything new for people that are actually interested in modding or home room now the big question I know we're all thinking it can this be used for piracy yes but I will not elaborate any more than that but you guys are smart now I know a lot of people are probably wondering if something like this will get your switchb and well I can't outright guarantee 100% no you won't get banned because Nintendo can just decide to wake up tomorrow and just find a way uh I think it's important that you understand how Nintendo knows if a cart is legitimate or not so as I showed you before each cart has five files on it a lot of stuff going on in here but the important one is this one the certificate this file is unique to every cartridge and every single car has unique one so that when you have to connect it to the internet to give you your eShop coins or anything else it tells Nintendo hey this card is legit here's where it is right now it's in this switch everything is good so because your rips are just moving with a certificate from one cartridge to the other and the real card is just sitting in a storage somewhere you're not connected to anything theoretically no rules are being broken and to the switch it's just the same cartridge so you're good I'll be honest I've been playing my legal rips on this thing for almost four weeks now both online and offline and I haven't had any issues and I've been able to still connect to the Nintendo switch online just fine but that's just my experience now the problem starts when that perfect copy is being connected to two different places so if Nintendo server sees the same game with the same certificate connecting at the same time from two completely different switches it knows oh something's up and it absolutely has the ability to Breck the cartridge and the console ban the console all of that it's just straight up just banned now the mix switch devs they claim they they claim that if you really want to you can just set your switch to airplane mode it doesn't connect to the internet anymore and all is well but just know that running something like this keep in mind you're always running the risk of something happening to your switch when using stuff like this now if you're smart you might have already seen the problem with this setup and if not well I think it's just better if I just showed you okay so I picked up Mortal Kombat for 22 isar you can see there there gam stop right there okay so the card so far has its uses and it has its flaws but something that I feel not many people are talking about is the implications that this Flash card actually has on the used Gaming Community let me try and explain so this game is used all right I bought it with my own money it's in my own hands so that means legally I'm entitled to rip this and back this up properly okay so I just finished ripping it onto my mix switch so now the cart is actually sitting on here instead of over here but let's just say I'm a bad person let's just say my mom didn't love me as a kid uh I don't care about getting banned or anything like that and I just want free games or whatever without having to think about it so I'm going to go and return this copy okay so the copy's gone now but I still have it in my mix switch right here which means it I I technically still have the game so what happens to that copy that I just returned it's going to go right back to GameStop shelves and eventually somebody else is going to pick it up they're going to go home uh we're going to be playing the game at the same time connected to the same servers online and eventually their switch is going to get banned and my switch is going to get banned even though they had zero interactions with the mix switch at all okay let's flip this scenario around then you decide to buy use game from GameStop or Craigslist or offer up or anything else right you buy for it fair and square you have zero interest in any sort of like hacking or modding or anything like that you just want to do this the right way the legit way you pay for your game you get home you toss it into your switch and then realize your console just got banned not because you did anything wrong but because the card that you just bought was already ripped and somebody else was already playing it do do you kind of see the issue here now this is the small scenario and I assume there's not enough interest in this car to even get that to happen but this place is a huge precedent if it's even going to be safe for people to buy use games anymore maybe people have to start listing their games is like verified not ripped or something or Nintendo might stop using the certificate as a means to be able to figure out and verify if a game's legit or not which I don't think is going to happen which means the more likely outcome is that Nintendo's just going to have a bunch of band switches walking around uh it's really scary honestly I've just been thinking about this a lot and I just feel like there's not enough people talking about the implications of what this might mean not only for illegitimate users but also legitimate users that are just trying to buy their games the right way okay let's go back to the desk okay continuity woo continu we're back so who is the thing actually for then you can't run any home on it um it costs just as much as just getting a proper moded switch and there's still no guarantee that you won't get banned so what's up okay for one it's important to note that this was never explicitly labeled as a solution for super simple all thew modding Alternatives it's not it's literal only function is to run backups of games although I still feel like the people behind this current aren't really doing the best job of marketing it that way honestly and in that regard I don't see it is a great value either honestly the mix switch is $60 and since to do this the right way you still need to get a cart Ripper anyways for another $65 that means you're looking at $125 not including tax or shipping and again this only does game backups nothing else the reason I'm bring this up is because I've seen many other people in the LA area that do mod shipping services for switches for about 150 bucks for $25 more you can get infinitely more features of your switch other than just backups I'm talking emulators capture cards Android game streaming themes overclocking and on top of all that you don't have to worry about getting banned you tell me which one sounds like the better deal now in spite of that I still feel like there's a very very small Market that I think this thing is perfect for and as long as this person is okay with like three main big things I think that's still people that are going to buy this so again three big things things that this person has to be okay with okay number one this person doesn't care about any modding stuff or custom formar they just want to go out and play their legal backups now some people just want a really simple no FRS way to be able to keep an entire game collection in one cartridge losing one of these oh wait where is it oh we're okay we're good what happened we're still good all right we're still good all right cool I car this around with me when I still want to play like my physical games and losing one of these is like losing 500 bucks losing one of these is just like losing 60 bucks so I feel like you can tell which one hurts less I actually bought my six-year-old brother a modded switch light so you could have access to like all a bunch of games and mods and stuff like that to play and it was just just a mess honestly like I I could not explain to a six-year-old how to launch into hiate or how to boot from MC or you make sure you don't boot into the CIS and stuff like that so I could totally picture somebody just taking one of these heading into the little siblings or whatever and being like all right yeah go nuts all right number two this person has to have no interest in playing any online or even care about being banned now in researching this video I've been talking to a lot of different switch owners owners and for lack of a better word normies uh and I came to find out that well yeah there's a lot of people who love playing their switch online on Smash Bros and stuff like that there's plenty of people who also just don't care about online and just don't ever connect their switch to the internet that means for them the risk is pretty much like nonzero if using this card means that their switch is banned all right so be it and number three it would need to be cheaper now like I said I personally don't believe that the mix switch in the dumper tool is a good deal because it's it's honestly not before I moved to LA there was a guy that I lived by who was doing mod shipping stuff out of his room for like 100 bucks so the value for me just isn't there but let's not be naive uh we all know that eventually clones of this car are going to be coming out funny enough opening the actual mixt cart you can see that they sanded off the names of the chips inside the cart because they know that eventually other people are going to find ways to clone this thing and this is a way of just trying to slow down the competition in any way they can right now 60 bucks for this thing is a tough sell but down the line closing going to start coming out they're going to be going through the market 60 bucks turned to $40 then $30 then $20 and then eventually it doesn't sound like a bad deal anymore yes it's substantially less features than a modded switch but also at a substantially cheaper [Music] price I have been thinking a lot about this little cartridge not just the physical cartridge itself but also the implication of what this is going to mean for the switch moving forward and as cool as this card is don't get me wrong I still think it's like really cool that we managed to see one in in the switch's lifetime I I just I can't help I feel bad for Nintendo this is going to open up a world of issues and problems for them even though we're at the end of the switches life at this point so just to reiterate do not buy this if you think this is the way for you to get into modding it's not it's just for game backups and while game backups have a dirty reputation of people are using it for pirating and stuff I'm going to play devil's advocate here and say a good majority of the people watching this genuinely just want a good solution that allows them to keep their copies of their own games Nintendo has been no stranger from anti-consumer moves in the past and owner your digital games has been nothing for them as they have time and time again shown that they do not care about preservation and have done things like shutting down their online stores or shutting down online services that their users paid for I totally understand why someone want their own physical copies to follow them everywhere this is not a bad thing to want and don't let anyone convince you otherwise but it also makes us think about what we really value in our games is it convenience is it online play is it the ability for us to know that these are our physical games and they cannot be taken away from you I spent a very long time trying to think about where I stand on those questions and I try to give you as much possible information as I can now I want to ask you now that you know what this thing actually does I mean do you still want to buy one are you still interested in it I'll let you know that it can't do any sort of modding or home r or will you be waiting until clones come out to try it out I'm not going to be posting a link in the description to buy this thing because you know duh uh but I'm sure you have a lot of things to say about this thing so what I will link down there is my Discord you can come over we can talk about this sort of topic I think it's a really interesting topic I'm going to be hopping in and out of voice chat on the day this video is being uploaded so if you're just now watching this maybe you can catch me on there anyways click over here check another video and uh thanks for watching
Channel: Dammit Jeff
Views: 223,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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