How This Cart Dumper Could Get Your Switch Banned

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there's finally a proper way to rip your legally owned switch games without having to hack or mod your switch and it's with this thing the mix switch dumper and I'm going to show you everything that it can do everything that it can't and why its existence personally affects you even if you don't buy one listen even if you want nothing to do with modding you do need to be aware of this thing because as soon as these things start to become more popular buying any sort of used games for your switch is going to get much more dangerous this is the mix switch dumper and it's absolutely going to change the way that we buy switch games from here on out okay first things first before we start this video a few disclaimers number one I'm not going to be talking about anything piracy related or anything illegal in this video I am and always have been a strong advocate of buying your games when you can all the games that you see in this video I bought and paid for with my own money number two backing up copies of your own physical games is legal in the United States as long as you don't distribute them or try to sell them uh but check your country's laws anyways if you're not in the United States simply because believe it or not backing up your own physical games isn't a protected right in every country now we're going to get into some really deep topics here about morality and ownership in this video but I don't want to change your opinion on this situation just yet I want to let you come up with your own conclusions so I'm just going to demonstrate how this thing works and then you come up with your own conclusions on how this thing could be used okay all right cool so this is the mix switch dumper it's the world's very first Nintendo switch cartridge dumper it hooks up through USB and lets you dump your physical switch cards that you want to preserve them keep them Etc I mean as long as you don't distribute them this is a protected right in the United States backing up your own physical games has been a thing for years now and contrary to what Nintendo would leave you to believe it's just as protected with your switch games and this dumper tool just straight up is like an SD card reader except it's just a switch card reader instead so let's have a look at what you get it comes in this little paper box that has some nice designs on it including a made in Russia sign and a cute little drunk guy for some reason a this is all I got actually not sure because it's a review unit or what but contrary to what the website says there is no USB cable that comes with this so you're on your own for that and this is the dumper itself no markings anywhere other than the big mix switch dumper sticker and it's all made entirely out of Cheapo plastic I actually wanted to see the inside of this thing because inside this box is actually a lot of behind the-scenes drama so I unscrewed the four screws on top of the dumper and found something really interesting so here's where you can get a good look of how this whole thing works on the top here is the actual switch cartridge slot and on the bottom is the USBC Port you got a good look at the LED light here which you'll see in a moment but the most interesting thing to me here is actually the chips themselves their names and serial numbers are completely visible for anyone to see wait so why do we care about these chips well when I I first got the mix switch from the same company the first thing that I noticed actually was that the chips inside were sanded off entirely so you couldn't see what the names of the chips were or the serial numbers or anything like that this was straight up because at the time if no one could figure out what these chips were or what their name was it would make it just a little bit harder for people to reverse engineer it and eventually make their own clones now here's the thing I'm not the first person to review this thing uh that actually goes over to techi udon and here's the funny part that I've been able to actually confirm from multiple different sources the unit that he's reviewing that's a prototype there was three prototypes in the world and somehow one of them managed to land on T's desk and since the Prototype was never actually designed to be seen by anyone or be used by anyone uh sure enough when he opened it up there they were the chips clear as day for everyone to see we later found out that these chips were also being used in the mix switch so the Secret's out sure enough clones are also coming out now and now that everybody knows what these chips are uh manufacturing the devices are actually supposed to go a lot faster now since they're not stopping every single board and individually sanding off each serial number they won't be doing that anymore but yeah some really interesting background drama there the mix switch team was not happy about this now here's how this thing works the whole idea here is that this dumper is designed to be used with the mix switch and your own games which in case you haven't heard of the mix switch uh remember those R4 cards that you used to buy for your Nintendo DS as a kid yeah the mix switch is basically that but for the switch I have an awesome video on how that thing works please go check it out once you're done here it's a really good video that explains this entire workflow this is like a brother piece to that video but just to recap the mix switch is a switch cart that has an SD card slot where you can load up your own legally backed up rips of your switch games but there's a problem and Nintendo knows this is currently the only way you can get a full dump of your own games is through a hack switch until now so now there's a legal ethical way to do this without having to hack your switch and again this is for your games only no one else you plug in your dumper using USBC cable plug it into a compter insert your physical cartridge and there you go inside this folder is a complete dump of your personally owned physical switch cartridge here we can see all the files required to have a full dump of your game the certificate right here is unique to your copy of the game this is what's sent to Nintendo servers that show that this is a valid real copy and as long as this file isn't being used anywhere else while you're using them theoretically you shouldn't be at a risk of being banned seriously it's in your best interest to not share these files with anyone else this rip is for you and you alone so now you can take this folder drag it over to your PC or a storage drive or anything else and it'll be safe congrats your own perfectly legal dumps of your legally owned games but what most people will likely want to do is transfer it onto their mix switch and play their games off of there so that way their real copy is safe at home oh jeez so you can take that dump that we just created put it onto an SD card toss it in the mix switch and there you go running exactly as intended so that's basically how this whole set up works but I asked my Discord different things they wanted me to try on here since I wanted to get really in depth of this thing okay so let's talk emulation wait what what is this so if I mention any both my kneecaps and my dog hey guys uh why why don't we talk about something else okay so I tried out a bunch of other things with the dumper now that I have it and here's just a few things that I found really really interesting so because this thing is literally just being recognized as a storage device like a flash drive or an SD card the first thing I wanted to try out was plugging it into phones and when I plug it into to my iPhone it works exactly the same and not just iPhones either it also runs on Android no problem gee I I I wonder what that could be useful for so what I'm thinking is in theory you could totally carry on like a really light setup here with like an iPad or something and a USB C Hub grab your dumper and just portably dump your friends games for them or something else I think that'd be really neat oh yeah imported games work too I have a really nice Japanese import copy of undertale here and it's able to read it and dump it no problem are there a lot of undertale fans in Japan that that's kind of cool and funny enough on devices like say a steam deck it could straight up be used as a c reader so you can use the really famous emulator Yeezy Yeezy yeah and you can run Yeezy straight off the cartridge and it works flawlessly if you ever wanted to emulate your switch games this is as above board as you can get since they're literally just reading the cards okay next a few people on my Discord brought up a very interesting point what about those collection cartridges the ones that have like multiple games in ones like the Five Nights at Freddy's collection how do those show up well um surprisingly the file structure is exactly the same uh you only get one xci file even though this copy has five games on it but yeah when you dump it it'll still show all of the games at the same time I wonder if there's any way to mess with that so what happens if you place the mix switch in the dumper can you read it like normal drag files out of there uh kind of it definitely can read the mix switch but because of how the mix switch Works uh you don't get a full list of all the games on your SD card no each time you insert it and eject it you literally get one random game folder just like how it works on the switch and while you can drag and drop files to it they need to be really small since the card reader is listed as a drive that's already like 90% full I don't know I I wouldn't use this to rip files just use an SD card reader okay can we mess with stock cards like can we wipe a stock cartridge or something maybe move in a different game okay so hilariously the dumper will let you delete everything off the cart but once you eject it and plug it back in everything is still there and you can't actually write anything to it either since it shows up as an already full media drive so you can't really mess with it okay so after playing with this thing for a few days I think I've come to two really big main points one is really good news and one is really bad news so the good news is I really think this is a great way of being able to back up your own physical copies of your games when the Nintendo switch online services shut down and it's not a matter of if anymore it's a matter of when Nintendo's already shown at this point that they're willing to shut down old services to save money physical cards are going to be the only way you can experience some of these games and you should be able to back these up properly and in a perfect world that's all the thing is it's a wonderful tool allowing you to back up your own games and nothing else but this is reality unfortunately and I'm sure some of you guys already put two and two together to figure out what this could also be potentially used for now the problem is that there's bad people out there and bad people are going to do bad things in the past this wasn't really a problem because the way that ROM file used to work is that it would be a disc or a cartridge and you would dump that cartridge you dump that disc and it would be the exact same file across all the disc all of them would just be one similar file identical file and you wouldn't have to worry about it but because Nintendo now does a verification check on all of these cartridges and each one of these have a certificate that need to check and the certificate needs to line up with with matches on the servers and all that stuff Nintendo servers uh it's a lot more complicated now especially because only one certificate at a time can be used to connect to Nintendo servers so I bet you're asking at this point what happens if two people connect to Nintendo servers at the same time with the same you get banned you get banned like 100% you get it already happened to a friend of mine actually just recently it uh his switch was 100% stock it was 100% brand new it wasn't unmodded in any way um he borrowed a few games with the friends back and forth him and his friend happen to be online at the same time and connected with the same game and he got banned this is the potential of like maybe might happen this isn't theoretical this this is already happened this is going to happen so used copies are kind of off the table now you know honestly kind of disappointed me guys in the last video that I made about the mix switch itself I walked through a whole theoretical situation about how a kid could easily go into a GameStop buy a used copy of a Nintendo switch game go home plug it into a switch and get instantly banned because GameStop didn't know that the game was already being dumped by somebody using a dumper and all the comments were like ah but Jeff that's not going to happen realistically people aren't going to go through all that effort just to steal games and stuff like that that's not really something that people are actually going to do but here's the thing I found my video being posted on other forums and other websites that weren't YouTube and I found multiple people under those comments saying things like oh that's actually exactly what I was planning on doing with this thing basically going to places like Amazon or GameStop or places that have a lot more lenient return policies buying the games dumping them and then returning them and keeping their cash I have found and join private groups whose whole goal is literally just to rent as much as possible from things like GameFly Red Box uh public libraries dump as many games they can return them and then just keep doing the cycle over and over and over again I mean public libraries that just seems a little bit cruel I know kids that use that service or something else that I saw a lot of people talking about was you know getting their large collection of already owned games that they've had for years now dumping all of them into an SD card or a flash drive or something taking all their games and then selling all their collection and GameStop for just some quick easy cash I mean there are people that are exploiting this system in ways that I didn't even think about I'm telling you right now innocent people are going to be hit by this you guys said realistically this wouldn't happen I'm telling you there are already many groups preparing for this to happen so just be careful please but back to the legit side I'm just happy that there finally is a way for me to actually properly protect my own personal collection of games and not have to worry about something happening to them now again this option is only for people who don't already have a modded switch if you already have a modded switch you actually don't need this uh modded switch can dump your game no problem and you won't need to buy something like this but for those who don't 60 bucks one of these you're good to go I mean I feel like it's honestly kind of worth it okay so now you know everything about the mix switch dumper now click over here to go check out the video about the mix switch it's really important that you watch this video I promise you you do not want to be left out on this also don't forget join our Discord we need a lot more smart people there okay that's it thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Dammit Jeff
Views: 87,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OxnToZbRDCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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