This 5G Blocking Sticker Is RADIOACTIVE and a Scam

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i recently bought some 5g blocking stickers that are supposed to go in the back your phone only it turns out some of them i bought are radioactive pretty dang radioactive so i need to introduce you just a couple of tools that i purchased number one a geiger counter an actual geiger counter if you ever want to know what was inside of a geiger counter is going to be kind of important for today's video in this you have a couple of different electronic components and then you also have this long tube right here this long tube is responsible for detecting the various different particles emitted from radioactive substances this tube will detect every time a particle goes through it and it does that by basically when the particle passes through it it completes a circuit and therefore it detects a count is what they're called and there's a bunch of different ways to measure it which of course i'll show you all today um but what's most important is this is the tube and i'm going to be putting this right on top of the stickers here in a second and you'll see it is pretty dang radioactive and so we're going to currently turn this on and i'm going to let this sit for a bit while we talk about the other stickers first on the non-radioactive ones at least that do nothing you'll see in a sec as well so i'm going to turn this on leave this for a bit and basically bring it back to show you what the average background radiation is as the stickers are sitting on the other side of the room at the moment and then i'll put them down here and you'll see so i'm going to let this turn this on and we'll talk about the this the other type of stickers that i bought there not radioactive so the other tool i need to introduce you today is an emf meter this basically detects electromagnetic radiation and this is what the stickers that are sixty dollars do i mind you for these two plastic stickers are supposed to stop emf radiation is common in almost every household appliance and so i'm going to take real quick um this is a computer power supply it's currently charging my laptop that's sitting over here at the moment and um it's basically producing that stuff um when i put my meter near here it might even go off a little bit yeah you can move it around yep there you go it really doesn't like that there you go this is the now should go off an alarm when you have um a lot of electromagnetic radiation this is supposed to block it now in the previous video i actually made a video where i talked about how these are pretty much scams we went over the advertising of them i suggest you watch that video before we get into this right now at the moment but we're going to go through and pop these out and show you just what they're at so these are called smart dots and these are a sixty dollar do i mind you for these these two little stickers here two little stickers for sixty dollars this is sixty dollars right here to block this stuff that stuff that we just measured this claims to stop 5g as well as all different kinds of emf uh my detector here only measures up to 3 000 or 3 gigahertz or 3g so you're going to keep in mind that this is not a complete picture but this is supposed to stop all of it so basically when you put it on here it's going to go off and we put the sticker on there so if this product claims to stop emf radiation um it's at least clearly not doing it so without a fraction of a doubt these products are a hundred percent a scam they do not stop anything now another thing i said in the video though is i would be surprised if these actually contain magnets these promise to have contained low power magnets that stop emf um well surprisingly if we take a hard drive magnet which if you guys don't know these things are pretty strong um we actually do get it to stick it actually does stick the weird thing about that though is um i put it on like my metal post down here and it falls right off it's not actually magnetic so while yes it does have some type of metal in it it does not appear to have any metal um that is actually magnetic it's just some type of metal that's attracted to the magnet here so here's my geiger counter and it's got about 15 cpm which i can switch through here real quick and show you the micro servers which is about point 12 or we switch to the other one also 0.012 so going back to cpm which i'm just going to use for the sake that it's easier to under kind of understand what we're looking at we're looking at roughly around 15 to 20. now i've moved it from being 15 coming in here which is 22 23 now so just keep in mind that just it's already on the other side of the room so um when we put the the magnets here right up against the tube it doesn't actually change much it's not really doing much and i'm sure it will come down in a second these don't necessarily seem to be radioactive but they're just clearly a scam now i'm going to go get the radioactive stuff um this stuff that i paid for by the way all of which i've paid for here with my own money is um nine dollars now um i don't need to tell you the severity of kind of what we're talking about here because this is supposed to go on the back of your phone and you'll see in a second just how how radioactive it is basically you put it on the back your phone and your hand is pretty much on the back your phone at all times when you're picking up your phone and if you're like me you use your phone a lot when i put my hand back here i am putting it about as close as our little tube back here will be to these stickers so think of this tube like your hand this is how much radiation your hand is going to get let's try the radioactive ones now i'm okay so uh here's the ad on amazon um just a couple things to uh point out here uh so what's the color guys what's the color um we got a color of glowed yeah i'm definitely uploading a video this is so so sickening for nine dollars how many braidings are there people love them oh my gosh no gives you a peace of mind knowing that it keep radiation away oh my gosh makes me wonder how many of these other things are radioactive was the stick it oh hell no what is the sticker composed of magic fairy dust it's not magical and it's definitely not from fairies it's more like a chernobyl's uh reactor core what the heck where are these made oh china are they lab tested i do not know the description and what i've read so they work like a faraday shield my gosh it's like i'm having to upload a video this is literally looks like i'm going to have to upload a video trying to limit my time with these and also get these out of the house as quick as possible so let me bring these over for you guys i'm warning you guys this will make you lose faith in humanity for nine dollars people are trying to protect themselves proactively protect themselves while they're actually harming themselves so here you go now starting off these are the stickers i'm going to put this right over the stickers it will start going off in a sec so so guys i have put all the stickers right here these are the stickers okay guys i'm gonna put these all stack them together like such now the card it gave me um says that anything above 100 is kind of dangerous um the alarm goes off at 100. we'll see how high it goes now for the record i think this is alpha particles so um those don't have far distance that travels in air but then again there's a lot of other possible substances just so i'm not crapping you guys that's what it looks like right now i don't know if you guys can see that it currently reads 274. and the radioactive ah so now we're rapidly falling so we went from background levels of 15 to 20 25 to 300 by just sitting the tube as close as your finger would be to the back your phone now keep in mind that is all of them um but still that's actually i probably should test one of them shouldn't i now this promises to be anti-radiation it says negative ion far infrared caring for health anti-electromagnetic radiation uh can effectively remove phenomena such as headache insomnia and hair loss guys i guess the hair losses not helping still got losing hair it might actually go off with one sticker quite simply there is no excuse for this negative ion far infrared caring for health this is literally just exposing yourself to unnecessary levels of radiation with no real benefits the other question i have the final one for my last bit of cancer-causing health here is does it actually stop what it's supposed to advertise for being radioactive does our tool here actually detect a difference in electromagnetic radiation let's find out we know these are radioactive we know they're quite radioactive so let's do our test without it okay so let's put our sticker in there so the next step for me is to call amazon and i guess ask for advice on how i should dispose of this well i'd like to ideally return it let's give it a call and see what happens okay so um i don't know if you see on there um i was curious about so there was a product i saw that i was kind of curious about um it's it's the six pack protection cell phone stickers things um i bought them because i was kind of curious if like it was actually a joke or not what have we learned in today's video well number one the products that are advertising to stop 5g radiation electromagnetic radiation are quite simply not doing that with my tests today the smart dots for being 60 they at least come not radioactive the other stickers on the other hand the nine dollar ones are radioactive and to the point where it's making the alarm go off on this i mean if that means anything and it's quite above ambient background level i'm going to be posting the link in amazon uh it's not going to be an affiliate link please don't buy these this video has kind of made me lose a little bit of faith in humanity i'm really disappointed that people sell stuff that's promising to protect you against radiation different kind but yes protect you against radiation and in fact expose you to more radiation this video was funded by me solely me because i feel as i guess the platform that i have it was my moral obligation to make this video um i would appreciate if you guys i don't know become a member do something to support my channel or just subscribe um because uh i've done a lot of scams and these are by far the most abhorrent have a wonderful day and please do not buy any 5g blocking radioactive stickers goodbye
Channel: Jays Tech Vault
Views: 74,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sticker, shungite stickers, shungite phone sticker, stickers, mobile phone stickers, emf neutralizer stickers, cactus and emf, shungite and emf, antiradiation chips, location tracking, emf and plants, is 5g dangerous, radiation blocker, blocker, shungite emf blocker, diy phone case radiation blocker, emf blocker, usb 5g blocker, false advertising, clothing, location, dangerous, 5g dangers, qlink pendant experience, I Bought A 5G Blocking USB and Its The Biggest SCAM EVER
Id: VmFzPALkFyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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