I Bought a $20 Apple Watch From Wish.com and It's EXTREMELY Dangerous and Misleading

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this is a $20 I watch I found on everyone's favorite website wish calm and in today's wonderful video we're going to go through and figure out just how much of a scam this actually is and honestly I know there is no way that this can actually be an iwatch but we're gonna buy it anyway now here's at least what my I'm hoping for on the very best possibilities we get and I watch fake it is really well done and I can actually pair it with my iPhone that it says it should pair with uh and let's see what happens we actually buy this let's go through a couple things first product name w3 4 SmartWatch fourth generation which if I were to take a guess does not come up with anything Wow okay then if we were to go through and remote camera compatible okay blah blah blah um and we were to go through its ways okay uh it's okay it's got pretty much all the iPhone or I watch features on it we get a charging cable instructions and a SmartWatch generation for which even though it's named watch five um some of these watch faces definitely make me think like this is not Apple approved I also don't think they have the permission to use all those are some different icons I was gonna say some of these watch faces though I don't think they have permission from Apple to use and some of these images are definitely promotional so it will be very interesting to see what actually showed up in the mail and that looks like something different as well okay so $20 let's see what $20 gets you when you order an eye watch let's see so the Apple watch has arrived let's get started with just showing you what this is so we got looks like almost something very similar to what you get with the Apple watch only a couple key differences first off it says SmartWatch not Apple watch even though this was highly misleading I will say though if I can take this off see if I can get this off um I'll just move to it uh it looks like the picture on the ants moving okay um but no it looks like the picture in the front of the box is the same so what do we actually get if it looks like that I'm gonna be impressed oh wow wow I'm actually impressed okay does it turn on it was moving I would assume it would turn on okay it looks like it needs to charge so I'm gonna let this thing charge and we'll get back to you so over here on my laptop I got pulled up the ad itself and I just want to go through some of the claims that are on here as we actually look at the product because I figure at least we can see what this looks like in comparison to what we actually have now I do have to say though for a fake and for $24 the backside here is actually relatively accurate it definitely while appearing to be clearly fake it's a relatively good fake that being said though a couple things that I've already tried messing with is trying to pair it with my phone which doesn't work if I were to open this up the clock faces as we actually do have one of them it does have a step counter on there which does not work it has some very interesting features but for the most part the watch itself appears to at least give the impression of working now if I were to connect this to my phone which we'll do later on you'll see that a lot of the features that it advertises are not actually what you get so for example if we were to keep on going down here it has GPS and motion data I find it hard to understand if you can't even connect this properly to your phone how he gets GPS data and if it does where is that GPS data going because for a matter of fact this simply is not just going to take your data and this day and age and do nothing with it it's gonna be sold somewhere that's just that's the reality of it so a couple other things that it has is its advertising income you know incoming features and especially in this era tossing an iPhone I'll be very interested to see what actually worked on this when we try this out so electrocardiogram or ECG now I am NOT a doctor well someday I may be a doctor in computer engineering that's what I'm at least working on I'm not a medical doctor and therefore I'm I'm not an expert when I'm gonna talk about here but I'm gonna make some assumptions so when I put this on my wrist and I go to the the ECG feature if I'm if I get this correctly if I go to that feature and I put this on my wrist now I want to point out the fact that if I just touch it with anything conductive as you can see it's going to say that I have an ECG I'm not actually touching them back here it says I have a heart rate of 82 beats per minute I'm not touching the back now the other thing is this little rate that we're given is this little picture that we have here does not look accurate especially for the fact that I'm not actually touching the back here so the heart rate is changing and it has no touch on me like I'm connecting touching the rubber here which as electrical engineer I can say that's not gonna do anything so for a matter of fact that this heart rate jumps all over the place I have some very serious concerns about someone that takes this and buys this it expects to get accurate results out of this especially for $20 so continuing on the list of stuff that we can check immediately before I plug my virus prone phone into this then we've also got a music player a calendar which we have an actual surprising calendar this reminds me a lot of the iPod nanos because I used to have one and those were really good at keeping track of all the stuff they were almost I would say the precursor to the Apple watch one of the first things you do when you click then open this is it says 12 p.m. lunch with Ken now I'm I'm a little curious on if that's just the clock face look I can change the clock face what clock faces do we have Oh we have some nice ones okay so we can actually change the clock face relatively impress there that's impressive well I think I'll pick there's not many and that's kind of sad but does it actually work as a question so it actually works the clock face actually works now notice another thing as well is that the step counter if I were to I don't know if this is gonna work or not how would we judge steps guys let's shake this you know like look normally running or something and notice that the step counter doesn't go up now I actually start with this I don't do this for a day I'm sat down with this and firday and the steps didn't change so for sadly I think it pulls information from your phone but then again the phone isn't connected currently so that's kind of breaking one of the features already and we have the ability to see messages so let's put in our phone so it says it's connected it says it's connected for me at least so that thing said do I click on this and apparently not support it so so let me ask that question so if I click on the messages it says currently not support yet we have features on here that clearly says that I can use messages so the other thing I want to see is can I go through and see if some of these other features are advertised so if I were to look at the step counter does that work does that do anything no article on Bluetooth it's connected my phone if I already click on the running thing it's still not gonna say nothing no matter how much I shake this does the wake up gesture work oh yes it might but no so it's so interesting that all these features that they've advertised don't actually work so I want to point out a couple things first off we've tested as my phone we know that the main features of this don't actually work but I want to also draw attention to the heart rate feature so if we were to say I don't know what I'm gonna say heart rate feature for the simple fact that I don't know if it's an ECG it doesn't give any feet or even that's what it's trying to intend or allude to it's not actually accurate so there's a little feature here called the heart rate feature now are you gonna see I'm on click start and this thing is Tello Pathak telepathic if that's the right word but it's going to start reading my heart rate from here without touching me so I'm going to find that very interesting in the fact that it uh it can yeah it's it's magical it just it's just insane such new technology that Apple should surely adopt a couple other things I want to talk about going back to this wish ad is that it advertises itself as being GPS available which means that my location currently is tracked and it is getting sent off to sometimes server I'd be willing to bet information there's no way to say 824 dollars off this MMS was actually a good idea and here's the best part here's the last one we're gonna test right now this product advertises being I six waterproof now if you're unfamiliar with the I I IP x 6 or IP x ratings they're basically certain ratings that a company puts out basing products on how well how waterproof they are the IP six rating which is not the I six rating has just pretty much standard like you can splash it under the water IP sevens a little better ip8 ipx8 all that stuff are different ratings and they pretty much all say that under certain conditions you know you can put the water run it under water it's not really gonna get damaged this however says that the I six rating allows this device to go 50 meters underwater now I'm gonna say this right now 50 meters underwater is equivalent to 5 atmospheres this was advertising on here so by that miss fears of water on this device that I doesn't even have a seal around the charging port has some serious concerns I also want to read you directly what they've actually said because we're gonna test this what they've actually said in their ad so it can quickly connect to GPS satellites which means my location is absolutely screwed up it can speed and pay some tests like cycling and stuff we already figured out that was fake it can't judge any movement whatsoever the the step it's that feature doesn't do anything in mind you is still taking my heart and then the IP I I sex Bluetooth SmartWatch is designed to withstand the pressure equivalent of pressure underwater at 164 feet or 5 atmospheres which is means that it is suitable for rain oil spills do I remind you all spills like why is it in there showers pools and oceans in shallow water depths so 5 atmospheres I will be willing to bet is actually 5 atmospheres have passed the certification that I'm working on for my scuba diving and that's shallow water depths I'm working on like 30 meters is about as far down as I can go in my scuba diving and this is shallow water dips that 50 meters is not underwater is not shallow water depth in my personal opinion you can judge me there it's eternal here's where the BS just starts flowing I don't even know what what this says so it's e turn internal speakers use their own vibrations and force the water to drain once it has no waves so can we just take a moment to talk about this this doesn't have speakers I haven't got anything to play out of it there is no absolutely no way for the speakers to go anywhere um my third question is uses own vibrations and force the water to drain so I mean that would be great technology using the speakers to vibrate and push the water but what does it mean when there's no waves when there means there's no waves it means that like the phone's not moving underwater or the watch isn't moving underwater what does that mean so I'm gonna run this under the faucet if I have an Apple watch at the end of this then we will of course be doing a great job I'd be willing to bet though it's not so let me go run over to the faucet we'll go put it underneath the faucet and we'll see you really what we're actually looking at here now my guess is that it's not gonna work let's find out so now it's time to go through and put it underneath the faucet and good news this video is some of the best videography you have ever seen in your life because I'm doing this with one hand and actually the cameras in the other so first off we start off with a standard wash test we just put it on there and see how how that's my spectator my expectations were a little bit you know improved now and that you could see it's already starting to mess up a little bit and it's this says it's not off yet don't worry about it but it definitely is starting to do some weird things as you can see though the waters looking pretty nice on it huh so yeah we just gotta run it under the water a little bit make sure we get that USB charging area right underneath that faucet and just make sure that we get full contact and check to make sure it's still working I was actually kind of afraid of getting like electrocuted or something just from like the battery or something up with the battery this thing is probably not well built so that's why I was a little concerned there and then as you can see it's starting to starting to mess up and I don't even know what it's doing also next up it's time for these submerge tests and the submerged test is where I put this sucker underneath the water and here's where it meets its final and so as you can see it's not having a fun time already it's doing some flickering thing that's flipping back and forth and it's gonna turn off and just gonna be the end of it that's about two days about that yep over there it's off and that sucker is not coming back on I honestly think what happened here was the sleep thing turned on and then it just kind of died yeah so I'm gonna go look at the edge of your fellow all the way up fully submerged which do I mind you this is less than an inch of water not 5 atmospheres worth and then we just let it go through and see if I'm gonna push it now to see if it even turns on so I'll just take my fingers and just push the battery or the button on the side to activate it and as you see nothing will happen and then that will kind of conclude our little testing of what actually happens when you walk trying to waterproof test a freaking cheap phone on a cheap I thought or i watch so let's jump back and see what the results are oh man what a surprise or pour a little Apple watch here doesn't appear to be working I'm gonna turn on my camera first like I was expecting otherwise so what did we learn from today's video well first off as usual all my stupid stuff on Internet second of all if it's advertised as a certain waterproof rating it's probably and it's a fake product for 24 bucks most features don't work and it's waterproof when it's not it can pretty much kill you if you don't know what you're looking at and you expect this to actually give you accurate heart rate readings oh yeah and a quick quick side note unrelated to YouTube and stuff all you all did are watching these videos by the way I just want to let you all know I really hope that you're all are doing well if you need anything please comment and down below and I'll do my best to kind of respond if it's anything really urgent if I can fake help you with anything that would be really great obvious I can't just like buy people computers I wish I could but I can't buy anything small maybe I can help you guys with bleep put that down in the comments and I'll see what I can do yeah thank you guys very much for watching and everyone please stay safe I know a lot of people are low stuff going on but I know I feel but if I know if you're feeling down and stuff - I'm a little down as well so I hope that everyone sincerely if you need anything wanna play some game something like that put that down in the comments we can see what we can do but yeah if you need anything contact me and I guess just know you're not alone so yeah have a good day
Channel: Jays Tech Vault
Views: 180,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple watch, apple watch series 5, series 5, apple watch wish app, wish.com, gtx, i bought a $48 gtx 1050 ti on wish, gtx 1050, gtx 1080 ti, gtx 1050ti wish, gtx 1050ti review, 1080ti, wish, gtx 1050ti, gaming, gtx 1060, fake gtx 1050ti, graphics card, wish.com scam, graphic card from wish, graphics card from wish, wish.com scams, wish.com review, gtx 1050 ti, gtx 960 4gb, gtx 960 2gb, wish.com gpu, wish haul, cheap gpu, video card, gtx 1080ti cheap, pc gaming
Id: I4aBmH_iZJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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