What Happens When You Download A Gaming PC? (Not Good)

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have you ever run across a download link for a computer part like an rtx 3090 or download more ram and there's actually a file that they want you to download well i've seen a couple of those recently and it made me think what would happen if i downloaded all of them so in today's video we are going to build an entire computer from downloadable computer parts and see exactly what happens which we already know what happens i just think it's going to be interesting how bad what i think happens happens so without further ado let's jump in and start building our first computer so we are officially on the way and i think it's time to get started with our very first adventure in the land of downloadable computer parts so i think it's best to start with a classic meme and work our way up so at the end we'll end with downloading the rtx 3090 for free of course and see where we go from there so i think the best place to start off is of course download more ram because i think you know that's something we always always have a conversation about right you want to download them around now this is a pretty much playtonic website it's not going to uh do anything when you click download and i mean we can click on this uh oh how many you want to download 64. so this is a pretty platonic website you're not gonna have to worry about you know anything uh you know viruses it's just a like kind of a mean website and i think it's a pretty good way to start off and kind of get us in the mood that this is pretty much a big meme uh next up though i think we got to think of what would be the next computer we got ram now we've got a ram in our computer um i think finding a motherboard download would be rather hard so i don't know if we're going to end up doing that but i think next up let's talk about uh downloading a ryzen processor or an intel processor we can find them either one also uh yeah i don't think it's yeah this is uh not really doing anything but we're done on there so let's just go over here and let's uh try our next thing so download better cpu and i apologize my typing is not the best uh download more cores is your computer running slower than you wish most computers nowadays come with multiple cores having multiple cores allows your computer to run more programs concurrently installing more course your computer will improve its performance particularly on software that is optimized for parallel processing like games and engineering software you could download 2 4 and 8 cores for free and how it works if someone asked someone to if you asked someone to upgrade the number of quarters you computer you'd probably be told you need to buy a new cpu there's a conspiracy theory by pc manufacturers virtual cores are just as good as physical cores and can be installed for free this website allows you to download software that installs more virtual course um what does that even mean um okay download more course it downloaded something [Music] no no it's gonna download something no way i have no idea what it's downloading but this thing is gonna be infected i'm gonna have to reformat the entire heart actually i was already planning to do that but like reformatting the entire hard drive now i could use a vm for circumstances uh but quite honestly there's a lot of stuff out there and just get around the vm nowadays plus i don't have anything important on here i'll just write a format it's pretty much blank um i'm interested to know what it's installing though oh we've got a administrator thing for our sure let's see i probably it's probably been sitting there eight cores has been successfully installed okay so let's real quick go to our uh task manager and see what interesting things is running i'm curious to see what does google even have or does windows even have it registered or uh in the let's see eight cores okay eight horse so it's it's literally like surprisingly a lot of space comparatively to some of this other stuff i'm interested what it does so if we go to system information does it show us any more system information like would it modify this no we still have the same processor that's in here it's not like it add more cores um so does our system information i still have our eight core 16 threads keep in mind this is a xeon that i'm running this on so not surprised here um ethernet isn't really popping nothing's going on there nothing's really going on so i don't know um yeah i don't see any change it looks like at least at the italy's at the surface but without diving deep into it looks like it's a placebo it's just a download or rent just a downloader and doesn't even have a accompanying program i wouldn't be surprised though if it ended up being something more sinister but that would of course require a deeper investigation so next up i think hard drive is going to be harder to do so let's download um we've got more ram got a hard drive let's download um i don't know if you download a better power supply um power supply uh well you can download the instructions download power supply uh yeah this is more like a comp so my guess here is this isn't just manuals it's my guess that's what i thought um but in reality of course it's going to be hard to download an actual power supply uh as i said same thing with the hard drives you're not going to this is just basically just going to be manuals at least for the time being uh i think what else we can get that's going to be interesting let's download a couple graphics cards then so uh download rtx 3080. now the thing about this is um a lot of these can be drivers first so some of these are also kind of interesting like how do you download a graphics card for free like my man over here is either a genius or he's you know broken the fifth well including the dislikes are pretty terrible here i'm not necessarily surprised [Music] um so oh well this looks like it just tells you how to install the drivers you know that's kind of disappointing y'all rtx downloads so normally normally when i got a website that you could download graphics cards um i've got to figure out what this inter interval zero i'm interested to see what happens when we download an rtx 2011. now hear me out here by saying this i mean that the company that developed this software is probably a legit company that has developed this software for i'm not familiar with real time operating systems but assuming that at least after a quick google search they look somewhat legit i would say likely it's going to not have anything to do with graphics cards at all that being said for an unsuspecting uh person and i would say more particular i was ironing on the side of being a sketchy virus at this point when i first clicked on the website we've got high risk flag so i'm interested to download the latest version so we're going to download an rtx 2011. see just what happens when we do so now as i said this is not necessarily going to be a i don't know i'm interested to see extract all so we've got an install guide which maybe for lucky one up with like 20 viruses so extract this all and see exactly we're just going to upgrade our pc rtx subsystem oh boy setup launcher rtx update 8 for rtx 2011 with service pack one is preparing so we can't install rtx 2011 oh man at least you know that that means it's legit though if they're not going to let you install it and they're requiring some hardware in here then they likely at least in hope in theory uh would hope that that means that they're somewhat legit of a company and as i said assuming from this website i would assume um okay so let's do an arch here let's see what other computer parts can we have we've got ram we've got graphics cards oh download rgb lights rgb uh lights download rgb light experience guys oh man i'm just gonna have to click on this website's taking a fat second um rgb light experience uh we are translating download i don't know y'all i don't know [Music] um download.png who is the people that offer the rgb so this is like a like a festival what so you see how like confusing this would be for someone just to go through and like make a i don't know a video on this or something or go try to download stuff to upgrade their computer if they had no idea what they're doing they download all kinds of things i wonder can you download a gaming pc download video games gaming pc free download and software reviews gaming pc download now full specs give me my gaming pc y'all i want to download a gaming pc that's why we're here gaming pc setup install gaming pc 1.1 on your computer it's recommended you close all applications before continuing i accept the agreement uh let's see what is what is uh continuing on here well including they have a phone number uh we'll see oh we're not responsible of uh oh boy not responsible okay launch gaming pc so this looks more like a utility which i probably should have read it um but it looks like it's more of a utility to help optimize game usage rather than a full-fledged gaming pc okay let's see what else we can find but for most of the time it looks like when you search the internet and you try to find something at least it's like downloading a virus you're not really gonna run into it if you're searching for just genuinely computer parts now yeah there are some websites that like that eight cores thing i have no idea what that downloaded um and i'm kind of interested to check that out so if this video gets a lot of likes and i don't know if you guys are interested in that comment down below if you want to see the deeper investigation into the download more coors thing um but for the most part no i was really surprised that there was not any like really malicious software i mean yeah there was a lot of like mislabeled software but it wasn't malicious which maybe google's algorithm doing that it may be a lot of things but i as i said i'd highly doubt that they are at least if you search through google you'll run into those issues um now obviously same thing goes common sense is the most valuable antivirus you can have and by you know not clicking on stuff that i pretty much clicked all over today you're pretty much safe from ever running the issue obviously there's not any computer part physical you cannot make physical hardware appear on your computer by downloading any software if that did i would have some lots of questions and um yeah that's going to wrap it up for today's video so thank you very much
Channel: Jays Tech Vault
Views: 677,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: download more ram, download ssd, download computer upgrades, What Happens When You Download A Gaming PC? (Not Good), What Happens When You 3D Print PC Liquid Cooling? (50K Special), Installing The Wrong CPU In My Motherboard Then Turning It On, Removing Pins From Your CPU What Happens?, Can You Take a Shower With Your CPU?, Can You Upgrade Your GPU While The Computer Is On?, Can You Upgrade Your CPU While The Computer Is On?, Can You Put Your Hot Dog In An Overclocked Server Fan?
Id: iXnyhOzVUhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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