My Video Got 2 Companies Shut Down! (And even worse negative ion products)
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Channel: The Thought Emporium
Views: 1,581,797
Rating: 4.9563446 out of 5
Keywords: negative ion, radiation, physics, cloud chamber, geiger counter, nuclear, health, wellness, quack medicine, medicine, nrc, gamma spectroscopy, gamma, gamma ray, thorium, fiestaware, uranium, nume, energy armour, nordvpn, newme
Id: 3BA5bw1EV5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
The loose dust in the thorium vibrator was amazing. They didn’t even bother to fix it in glue or anything.
I just watched these YouTube videos the other day. Nothing like snake oil making people sick.
Previous video -
This is not how science is done--even citizen science. This video does not present enough data for anyone to evaluate the risk. It's reactionary, not rigorous. The author seeks to nanny-state something he thinks is a problem with the result that these products disappear before anyone else can test them to confirm his work.
While I have very little sympathy for people selling bogus health products, it is extremely important that we don't let one man's sensational video add to the reactionary hype and BS about low-level radioactive materials.
The net result of these videos is that the small manufacturers selling these products will continue to sell them, just more sneakily. They have already moved to local outlets and alternative channels.
If the author of these videos thinks the products are genuinely dangerous, he should have presented his evidence and invited others to confirm his findings. Then we could all take more effective collective action to have them regulated.
As it is, he's driven the market underground and made it impossible for other scientists to evaluate his unsupported claims. Perhaps the aim was to ensure that only he could produce such a video in order to maximize views, subscribers, and money.