Third Grade Classroom Setup Day 1 | 2018-2019

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so I thought my labels for circles quick tip if you want a circle make a circle and come you still got that circle design guys this whiteboard is not magnetic [Music] I don't remember where to hold this oh my goodness guys it's the first day I can get into my classroom so I'm rocking my happy first day shirt from DB DC store check them out down below I have a 10% off code p4e oh my goodness I'm excited now this is the part that like stresses me out the most because I know they say we're allowed to go in August first but I just keep thinking I'm going to show up and no one's gonna be there to give me my key or I'm gonna show up and they're gonna be like why are you here or I'm gonna show up and they're gonna be like you can't come in yet you know just I think something is gonna go terribly wrong so I am it's 746 so I was planning to be there at 8 o'clock but I'm going to stop at McDonald's first unfortunately there's no Starbucks or Dunkin anywhere around me well there is but it's not like on my way Starbucks and I don't really like Starbucks that much so I'm gonna go to McDonald's and get an iced coffee because it's right there and they have it and it's like a dollar and I'll probably just grab like a little bit of breakfast because I didn't eat anything I have no idea what I'm doing for lunch but my car is packed and I have my teacher cart here packed with other things look at I put a dr. pepper inside of my bubbeh alright so let's talk less talking let's get on our way okay not even kidding right after I made that clip about being nervous my custodian texted me and he's like you can come in I'm like no way you read my mind [Music] [Music] hey guys it's so echoing in here so it's like really difficult to vlog oh my goodness but no one else is here of course I'm the only eager person in life the woman who in the front office who gives us our keys is on vacation so I won't have my keys until Monday and schools closed on Friday so that means I won't be able to come in on Friday but that's okay you know we're gonna work with what we got I don't know what happened to my room here this is supposed to be over here and this table is supposed to be over here so I think the first thing I'm gonna do is take my book bins and just set them in my library [Music] all right so those are all my library bins that I already had in my classroom now most of this stuff is like the stuff that goes behind my desk which is going to be over here so I'm going to use these two bookshelves because even though that one fits I might want it from my library I was so nervous I wasn't going to be able to find my nameplate I'm gonna go put this outside of my classroom so I want to clear my desk so that I can move it but I'm like searching around my classroom I'm looking for all my stuff because when I left it was in the hallway um so I'm slowly but surely finding everything I think I have all this like student supply stuff I'm just gonna put it in the library for now and just remembered something I forgot to do yes air tube and it's really loud guys this whiteboard is not magnetic oh my gosh what am I gonna do okay the table is clear now I need to move the chairs because the table is gonna go here so I'll probably move the chairs to the front of the room [Music] so I'm looking at this like I'm gonna have to move a lot of my furniture a lot of this is books from my library so I'm gonna move all this right now but last year they had my desks like actually set up it feels like they just kind of threw everything in my room I need to move that desk I got this one that looks good I like that but there's kind of like wasted space right here I may put like a table group here I guess maybe [Music] I'm going to break these shoes so I'm going to put on some socks [Music] [Music] [Music] so I moved everything out of the middle but now I'm thinking I should have totally moved my carpet before I did all that oh goodness gracious I need two hands four hands [Applause] [Music] so here's my desk it's a pretty hefty piece of furniture but there's no storage so I don't know if I'm going to use these for my table groups this year because I don't know what I would need them for I could fit two under there and a chair I'm gonna leave that like that for now now I got to think what I'm gonna do next here's what I'm thinking all the stuff that I just moved to my carpet I think I'm gonna move over here to keep it out of the way and luckily those cubbies are on wheels I think I want my library at the front of my room because I feel like there's just a lot of wasted space up here and the desks need to be back here [Music] now the question is do I want it that way or the other way I need like a tape measure I think I've a ruler somewhere because it could come up to my desk but then I can't have kids sit around it like I wanted to but I could also move my desk over I have to move these anyway because it's struggling okay so I pushed all the desks over and I don't even need to measure because this way is only one more square which I have plenty of room for so I'm definitely gonna spin it because that'll leave more room to gather in the same area since that's the focused corner then I need to decide if I want it all the way pushed up against the wall because it is a huge carpet but I guess I'll count the squares to decide how much of it I want peeking through the bookshelves [Music] [Music] so it has been rearranged and I think I like that a lot better I put this one closer to the window but then I thought it was closing it off too much and I wanted like equal distance on both sides of the window so yeah and it's great because these little cubbies there's so many that we won't be using these so I could use them as storage oh and also what I was thinking I'll probably leave my easel right here and honestly I really want like a little like ottoman to sit on I can either teach from right here because there's plenty of room or I can just pull my chair out and teach from here I just don't want to put that easel over here but that spot is actually quite perfect for that easel I wanted it in the corner originally but with the whiteboard there's just not enough room over there and I mean I could pull these out but I kind of like that now that I've rearranged that stuff I have a whiteboard that I can even use back there with magnets is there a way to make it magnetic please tell me there is cuz that would be great honestly what I need to do right now is go through my cabinet so I could store stuff so that's what I'm gonna do so in cabinet number we're on this is actually all my stuff that I didn't put in here in any orderly fashion I just took it from my old room wheeled it over and brought it in since it's all my stuff I don't know if I want to touch it yet coming over here this is what I really have to okay okay we're just gonna have to deal with that this is what I have to go through which isn't even that much there's a bunch of textbooks behind that so what I'm gonna do first I think oh there's the air I don't know how I'm gonna teach with that on I want to hang these I don't know if I'm gonna staple them because I can staple on my walls or if I'm gonna tape them but I don't want it to rip the wall I think I want to hang them all over there along the top because that'll put something over there I'm gonna do that and see how I like it I spent some time putting up my rules I think I still need to move that one over a little bit I think I want to keep them on that wall over here I want to put my math practices and over here is gonna be my alphabet and over here's gonna be my calendar so that would be way too much going on over here and I like how you see them when you walk into the room but that awkward pole thing in the middle kind of messes it up because it's not going to be centered I wonder if I should just put them off over here I tried splitting this pole with shell on this I don't respect on that side but I didn't like that either I think I have to move over work hard just a smidge I think that's better for now I'm just gonna leave that I think I'm gonna eat my little breakfast sandwich I got this morning cuz I'm starving my custodians came in we were having a conversation and I was mentioning all the little things I need like the little things to put up those shelves and they said blinds have been ordered I know those blinds look ratchet I asked them for another desk and more chairs so they're gonna keep an eye out for me and now what I'm gonna do I decided this is the easiest thing to organize over here I'm gonna set out my book bins because they're going to sit on the perimeter for all the kids PTO bought so to grade these Legos last year which is awesome I'll have to figure out where I want to store this stuff and this bin has wipes in it so like I don't know how I'm gonna do with that and playground equipment I'm gonna put in my playground bin also these whiteboards oh gosh they're massive I don't need them because I have my clipboards so I'll have to find a place for them I'm gonna organize this right now [Music] I just found one of my students from two years ago speech folder she was in third grade three years [Music] I'm gonna go see if my coworker down the hall once these whiteboards totally just scared him thanks he doesn't need them so I'm just gonna put them to the side for now [Music] [Music] so I thought my labels were circles quick tip if you want a circle make a circle and come down as a square time and you still got that circle design [Music] so the Pitons are from really good stuff our I want to say our PTO bought them no no the school ordered them with our budget last year unfortunately I got all ready but that's okay so I had a set of 30 I only have 23 kids this year so I'm taking the gross ones and switching them for days the benefits of having a small class [Music] so this is what we got going for us here I'm going to have to change these numbers I wish I just had a little label maker but I don't so they don't correspond right now but there's two kids at every cubby so they have these places for their textbooks and little math kits which stay here and then they have a place to hang their backpack and their coat to have to go through some of these I don't even know what's in them I don't even use textbooks but it's a place to store them so am I only have 23 I could put number 24 there but yeah oh gosh and these are numbered on the inside too that's annoying but that just gave me a good idea I'm gonna get little nope they're not there I'll get little sticker labels and just print it out online that would be super simple I also found this whiteboard on top of that which is awesome because my easel whiteboard is awful to write on like you can even see like this was wiped down at the end of the year and cleaned off this I wonder if it's magnetic too but that's an awesome whiteboard and I could take it and put it on the table to write my morning message or something ooh I'm so glad that's here that's awesome and it sits right on this easel perfect I'm just gonna store my extra book bins over here for now I guess my next step is to tackle this cabinet guys look how cute it looks oh my goodness my new job cards that I made are in my car so I can't put those up right now but this is where my jobs are gonna go I changed my plan a little bit cuz I had this board on the Cubbies and I like how you can see it as soon as you walk into the classroom and it's really fun because I was originally going to put it on that wall with my calendar but my calendars massive which by the way I may change my calendar so if yeah I love it so much every classroom I going never has a rack goodness gracious does have a hook for my purse though that's pretty darn neat but I need that gotta go on the hunt for one I guess success teacher down the hall doesn't use his so now it's mine now I can start organizing this side put some things away and then I'm gonna tackle this so I'm reek lipping my bulletin board borders I did this at the end of last year but with the move they got all over the place what I'm doing with the ones that are kind of big is I'm gonna add another clip to hold it together down here that way none slip out [Music] what I'm doing is hanging them all on one hanger and then I'll probably hang something here just to keep them against that wall so I went ahead and just hung my space camp represent backpack right in front of that I just keep this in my classroom I use it for like field trips I used to use it as my teacher bag for a little bit but now I have my cart and that'll just keep them in place and then I will just hang coats over here which is usually just one for the day so it's a little wild but I think that'll keep it much neater and that's all my borders except for my new ones and then I have this bag here which also used to be my teacher bag I may use it this year or I just may hang my purse there but that's awesome up top I have scarves that I keep in here just in case it's super cold and I have car riders or bus duty and they're just good to have they're not anything I would wear like at home so that's why I don't mind keeping them in my classroom they're super soft and super warm my plan was to do my bulletin boards today but I'm not going to be able to do my Candyland board game because board game bulletin board because I was going to use I'm gonna good know where I put it the blue bulletin board paper that I had but first of all it looked like that so I don't want to put up crinkly stuff and it was like not a lot at all it covered to like here so I'll just have to buy a new roll so I will definitely put those up tomorrow so I have this pile of pocket charts that I have to figure out what I'm doing with because this is all Carson dholusa oh my gosh I need pocket charts I don't really need them all so I'm gonna look through them this one I think goes with a little set that I have for like math or something so I'm gonna keep this that because what else are you gonna do with that I used to keep their lunch cards in here and I folded the top down but we don't need that this message center one and to be honest the only reason I got this was because of the student sticks inside so I'm gonna take these out cuz I'll probably use those as my little as for the rest of it I mean I would never use it as an in and out I really don't know what I would do with this it has four pockets if you guys think of an idea let me know I know there's like a little attendant thing on here but like I wouldn't use this for that because then I'll have to go through the people and see who's actually here and who's not then I have baskets for this so let me know what you would use this little system for I'm gonna put this one to the side for now then I have this one which is all about equivalent fractions so I could use this for more than just fractions but I definitely want to remember that I have this one because this is just maybe so hands-on for the kids this year look there's one so guys it's your job when I start to talk about fractions remind me that I have this I'm counting on you I don't remember where I got this I don't know if I got it on the giveaway table or if I got it from Carson bullosa I think I got it on the giveaway table honestly it comes with decimals too but not for third graders okay then I have this little one which I definitely took off the good boy table it's so puny and it has a little pocket in the back that's pretty cool though I may put this on my Candy Land Board or my math board I don't so I'm just gonna hold on to this one as well this one I definitely want to keep it is a Venn diagram and it's completely cut out so that's going to be saved for reading I think what I'm gonna do is instead of putting these away I'm going to keep them in my easel there that way they're like in the right spot to use them place value pocket chart guys this would have been came in so much handy last year okay so I'm going to keep that then I have a classroom helper slot and honestly the only reason I got this one is because I was looking for just long pocket charts but I don't need this right now I keep saying Carson tolosa if you don't know what that is it's just a big teacher company publishing company they have warehouse sales where they have all these things like old resource books and manipulatives and pocket charts and calendar pieces and just a bunch of random stuff teacher crazy on super cheap like crazy cheap so that's why I have so many pocket arts because they were like a dollar each so how could you not all right then I have this Venn diagram I bought before I found the one that is just a circle this one has the border on the outside but I only need one Venn diagram so I'm gonna see if anyone on my team won this one I bought this one because it was a tiny blue one and at the time target never had pocket charts so it was like a small good strip and I don't know if I would ever need it so that's why I have that one and then finally I have these which after I bought them I realized they're literally just a big pocket which could be interesting for a center so there's three of them in here because you know how we have the little dry race leaves this is like a huge dry race leave so I'm gonna hold onto these as well and like I said I'm going to store them all in here which is where I've been putting some things I have this like wire thing in here so I'm gonna store them all in there my mind is just all over the place but this is another Carson tolosa find and I just keep it on the back of my door in case there's any transportation changes I write it on here and then I won't forget when we line up at the end of the day also guys I didn't realize my window looked like this so that Window Cling I won't be able to use so normally obviously this isn't turned like this but in these extra cubbies I'm storing all my old circus circus stuff my extra keep the quote paper because I want to put stuff back here that I won't need to take out everyday cuz then I have to turn this whole thing alright so I cleared off that top shelf it was all construction paper and we have a construction paper room so I'm totally bringing it there because I don't need to take up cabinet space for that hi what do you call it took all that paper to the construction paper room and I stopped back at my old room on the way there and all the furnitures in the middle of the room and I was thinking about my cubbies from DonorsChoose but if I take any of them I would only take one and then that would leave the teacher who's in there with only 24 and then it's like what are you going to use them for because their classes have so many more kids than that so I'm just gonna go on to like Facebook marketplace or whatever it's called I don't know and find a piece of furniture to go right here like I showed in my classroom design some people have their filing cabinets there but they're just too tall like I want the kids to be able to use that place too if it's a thing so I mean I could probably come across another bookshelf so yes I'm cleaning out this cabinet got one shelf done and the other two down here don't look bad this next one just looks a little bit scary I'm gonna take everything out I really want to sit on the carpet cuz it's so comfy this floor I've been wearing socks and I had to put my sandals back on because I'm just running around and it just hurts my feet I'll have to bring like slippers tomorrow because they were really cold let me go through this stuff now I turned my camera off for a second I'm like guys first of all two huge rolls of masking tape like yes because this is my last roll also look what's in here this is just a bucket of pink erasers what that is the greatest thing I've ever seen so to make this easier I just took everything out it actually wasn't that much and it's fantastic math manipulatives and I just laid it here the problem I have is when it's in the plastic bags I just don't like the way that stores because you can't see what it is so I have your bunch of mini containers that I could put this stuff in I just have to be careful because I have to remember that this stuff belongs to the school which is fine but a lot of math manipulatives which is awesome look at all the beach they're so cute so back to my little storage area over here I took out all these books that were in these and I'm going to store my lined paper in here these are like grammar books which is pretty interesting I'll have to look through them because there's like a class set guys do you want to know what these textbooks are the world book encyclopedias do you remember these oh my gosh what I don't need these and it's a whole set alright so that's all cleaned out is actually a lot easier than I thought I'm gonna keep all this stuff down at the bottom because it's m-class which is like our fountas and pinnell and in that box are all the just curriculum resources that have to stay in this classroom so I'm just gonna keep it on the bottom shelf because it fits and then I'm gonna go over to the carpet to look at that math stuff okay so in this bag right here we have the dice that have the dice on the inside so cool so you can roll three at a time or if you want them to do two at a time you can just say look at the two red ones so super helpful I'm definitely not going to keep these in here because then I'll never use them then there's Explorer gongs which I've never used before but it has to do with fractions so that's interesting apparently our PTO bought this for the third grade last year so I'm gonna pull out all the dice and find somewhere else to store them I just need to get these out of this bag this bag is so gross feeling okay so awesome I have magnetic fraction strips too bad that only that board is magnetic I feel like I want to get a big magnet and just put it on that board maybe that's what I could do so I have my fraction towers but I've never seen placed value rods they connect on two different sides that's pretty neat I also have the little things to demonstrate grams and they're actually the weight of the amount of I pulled out these containers and I'm like I know I have a ton of Dollar Tree small containers somewhere well I remember I used them for my fraction towers because I didn't have enough sandwich ones so I was using these so I just took them out since I bought all the sandwich containers this summer and put it in here these are all the dice now this containers a little dusty but that's okay I basically put everything back in that I took out for now I'm just gonna leave these the way they are because it's only three bags well it's four but this is like a teachers manual and I understand what they are I like them standing up better this way I could tell what they are this box a little full but that's okay I have my Judy clocks back there the dice are in this new container the grams pieces I have to find my lids for these containers I don't know what happened to them but I put those fraction strips and then I had random fraction bars just one pack so that's the fraction container I'm gonna put a lid on that and then down here this stuff is basically like centers and jigsaws and just different stuff that's been made so it all fit in this bucket all of it wasn't in it before but I got it all in there so that's awesome sandpaper for friction activities I just left in that bag just because I don't want to touch it q-tips science project I don't know measuring cups and scales I'm just keeping everything that was in this cabinet nice and neat in here and not mixing it with my stuff on the bottom is all of the manuals and resources and m-class and everything that I'll need and then on the top these are like posters for I think they're like different outlines of things totally not the word but I can't think of it right now that crazy cabinet went from one thing to this and it looks so much better so while I was going through that stuff I took out all of my empty containers to see what I could use these for I think I'm gonna put these like on the bookshelves behind my desk with different things in them cuz I did a lot of like last year all of my stuff was just stored away and I can't do that this year because I need to use it so stuff that I use or want to use frequently I want to pull out and put on my shelves back here so I feel like I need to tackle this area but like I don't know what to do with that stuff and I have stuff in these drawers so maybe I should just go through the stuff at my desk first and then deal with that one thing out of time now it's kind of just like organizing my things and finding a place for them which I have plenty of room I just have to figure out how I want it all to work and then my library I never showed you everything is organized in here now and this is like a social studies like math book sack I don't even know has some books in there though I'll have to look through it because it's pretty like heavy this was given to me at my graduation party so and everything all my library bins I haven't brought in my new stuff yet and these are just all my books so I took out my stuffed animals there was a mishap with that last year I don't know if I talked about it my custodian they were in a black bag and I specifically wrote on it not trash she thought it only said trash so she took some away I guess Dory went to the trash she was taking the rest home but I'm like oh no no no no those are my Kohl's Cares those are not trash goodness and then I have my seat sacks which obviously I can't do anything with yet and then over here this table is kind of just like these pocket charts that I might need around the room this other calendar that I have that I should use I don't know what I'm going to do the other one and just stuff that I need to go around the room but like just leave it here for now okay just found all my pens my little carousel was in here and my doorbell and my lunch tags I won't be needing these calendar pieces good yes now I'm gonna have more containers if you are new to my channel and yes I do have one of those doorbells from Amazon and I specifically put it on this wall because clearly there's a window there's not a teacher over there that way the sound could be loud but it won't be heard on the other side and the controller part I put in the little bath and Bodyworks hand sanitizer holder so last year I did this thing where I kept books inside of bins and they stayed in my cabinet all year and I forgot about them so this year I'm going to make it a point to keep them out so I can look through them and remember that I have them guys I literally had two of these bins full of math books why do I need to keep these from the kids I'm gonna go make a bin for it and put it in the library I spotted the missing lids that makes me feel so much better so I thought I would like this air conditioning thing but so far it's annoying my desk is right under the vent and I keep turning it up so that it won't go off but then it gets too hot and it does okay so just discovered that this Judy clock I have doesn't actually move the hour hand however the previous teacher left hers in the classroom it's missing a gear that's why it doesn't work and this one well now I need to stand about them this one actually does work so good bye bye Judy I'm keeping that one I started collecting on my empty containers in the middle here just so I can find them easier I took them out of my cabinets this table over here is now clear except for a box of tissues which is fine but that's also why I need a table right here because I need a place from my phone and my tissues and all that stuff so we're making progress I'm kind of just moving things from one part of the room to the other but you know it's getting more organized and back here is coming together so I just went through this container here and I added a ton of books to my giveaway pile over there I have my spacesuit in here this container that I used to have clown noses in I don't know if I'm going to use that this year a hot water heater and just books that are not age-appropriate for third graders but they're from my library at home the books I put over here strange things I at my graduation party I put if you want to donate any books to my classroom please do and so I got a whole meal a whole mix of interesting ones this one might actually be cool I'm gonna look inside this one sorry I haven't really been focused on vlogging but I've been just trying to empty out my boxes so this one here had some holiday decorations my pencil sharpener and basically things that went around my desk which is awesome so I just threw it all over here for now so that's an empty box but I'm going to save this box because at open house when the students bring their supplies here's a place for them to put it look at this champion carrying everything in at once just put it wherever there's a free space thank you baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so my boyfriend and I set out the desks and I know they're uneven right now I'm gonna fix that later I'm just not worried about that right now I just wanted to lay it out realized I had to turn the carpet because it was taking up too much space here and I needed room for these desks now my next problem is he's not playing around my next problem is currently I have all my new things and just a lot going on back here which obviously is not going to be here so these deaths are going to be moved back more I do have the exact amount of desks but here's my other problem this is just real close like a kid can't sit here and hear at the same time and I feel like that is really wasted space right there so I think I'm gonna end up moving my table back over there now here's the other thing I I think that I'm going to wait until I see how everybody else sets up their desks because I've seen this work before but actually I think it's because it was over on that side of the room but my cooperating teacher who I student taught with who teaches third grade she had planned to set her room up this way the only thing different is her library is over there and the cubbies are over there so I want to see if she can make it work and then I can figure it out from there so I'm not going to move all this just yet because I was finally getting settled so I'm just gonna leave that for now and I'll give you a little blue sorry he's too big for the camera I'll give you a little loop of the classroom now these drawers are not gonna stay here they're going I'll show you where they're gonna go but they just happen to put them there those are all my extra containers I also don't want my filing cabinets against the bulletin board because that makes no sense here's my desk so this just makes a lot more sense so now there's not so much empty space over there so I actually do like this better and I never noticed how much my bins truly hang off the bookshelves oh my goodness I'll probably turn them okay and then you got the cubbies over here and all the chairs are just being stored here for now and that's another thing I can always pull the cubbies back to make more room here if I needed and then this is where my work wall twister twist and shout is gonna go my math board is gonna go here I was going to do my grammar board here but you know they make non magnetic whiteboards for some strange reason that brings you back around that's how we're looking I just feel like I didn't used to have this many students I don't know I mean when I student taught in third I had 21 or 22 so this is only one more kid it just seems like a lot maybe don't look better when all the desks are the same sizes so I think I accomplished a lot today what do you think James in I said I think I accomplished a lot today what do you think yeah he really helped me I didn't vlog it but we where are they oh we put the fraction towers in all the sandwich containers and I have six left so I have to buy six of those containers I have to buy my blue bulletin board paper for that wall and most of my stuff from my car is inside so my goal tomorrow is to deal with this handle this get it all cleaned up because that's just horrendous looking over there so I hope you guys enjoyed today's setup vlog classroom setup day one oh my goodness if you are excited to see tomorrow please give this video a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe I do have a giveaway going on for a planner right now so go back and check my last video I'll post it on the screen right now and if you haven't seen that my classroom setup from last year I will link that on the screen as well the whole playlist again I didn't say in the beginning of the video my name is Brianna I teach third grade in 4th nope I teach third grade in North Carolina this is my third year of teaching my first year in third grade I used to teach fourth my first year in self-contained some people call it but then I called it that and people made fun of me they're like no that means like you have the angry class or something I dude here's my classroom we're living life goodbye
Channel: PuttingFourthEffort
Views: 35,936
Rating: 4.8972974 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, education, educator, fourth grade, first year, tips, tricks, classroom, the classroom diva, the lettered classroom, tina bietler, elementary, a cozy classroom, pocketfulofprimary, set up, setup, day 1, third, grade, 3rd, new, decor, decorate, theme, boardgames, primary
Id: XNRuQid5O1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 22sec (2962 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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