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hey guys I am back in my classroom for the first time over summer this year which might sound weird if you watched my last couple videos because I just posted an end of the school year vlog and then another vlog but those are old one was from May and then one was from the beginning of June I'm just the world's worst youtuber and haven't done anything for YouTube this summer so I just posted those but my summer break is actually ending in three weeks so I'm back in my classroom today for the first time I don't really know what to do all the stuff is stacked up on the other side of the room now because it got clean my carpet is clean I don't know why it just brings me so much joy to see the carpet vacuum lines and everything looks really good so I don't even really know what I am doing today in here it's one of those days where I'm just gonna kind of stand and stare at things for a while and then go home probably I feel like that's always the first day so as you can see or you might know from my other videos I have full flexible seating in my classroom so setting up the furniture takes kind of a while because I don't know if I want to set it up the same way I did last year so I'm not really sure but I want to take you guys along for the classroom setup process so I'm gonna be doing a vlog series and take you guys along with me so goals today I think I'm going to try to get all this furniture put back out I feel like it helps me to get my layout down and then start tackling things like organization first week of school activities the back-to-school parent packet my back-to-school slide all that kind of stuff but when I have all this big pile of stuff there it's like hard for me to even think so I'm gonna try to do that first and then I will just take as long and show you it so here we go I brought some help of God the queen is here oh you're completely black there she did some help you guys know her as my second-grade live ooh get it alright so I don't know what we're gonna do today but she's gonna help me tackle this so so helpful this one no I'm super grateful she's here but um yeah I'm not really sure everything got kind of just put in a pile over on this side so I don't even really know all what's over here some of this stuff was over by my desk and then our janitor just kind of moved things so he could clean so I think we're gonna tackle the layout first one of my co-workers retired this year so all this stuff was hers that she gave me no that's a lie that's my stuff stuff and gonna wait no that's not right uh yeah so if you're in the same boat where you just kind of look around and get overwhelmed hi I'm gonna leave everything the same on my walls except for a few things I want to change out like my writing bulletin boards but like this wall is all gonna stay the same this is my ela board and then the celebrate walls where I hangs didn't work I'm gonna leave up those quotes it looks like there's like blankness down here but that's where there's going to be like a little pull cart my math wall pretty much stays the same the anchor chart was from the end of the school year so I will just change that out for the beginning of school year I'm gonna leave that blank right now we'll do that together flowers are staying until the fire marshal makes me take them down there's another student work wall right here that we are family wall oh that's what we can do okay I'm gonna use twine just like on the the sharp work wall and I'm gonna hang clothes pins just like there on that wall so that we can hang pictures instead of just stapling them because that was kind of messy and I didn't not like that Abid while staying the same alphabet staying the same whiteboard obviously it's just a whiteboard I'm gonna change my writing wall but not today so I will show you guys that in another vlog vanessa is staring out the window like a sad girl oh well I actually have a vlog on that all my yeah I do but it's okay um a lot of them came from yard sales and like so many friend like each like yeah so a lot of them came from other teachers like when they were getting rid of books when I was done student teaching I like when asked all the teachers and then I'm also the library close to us you can take any bag and fill it up for a dollar on Saturdays I swear so I got a ton there that's where I got a lot of picture books I went to the one in town before and oh okay I'll tell you this I just went to a yard sale last weekend and got the entire entire Diary of a Wimpy Kid series for a dollar what I kid you not one dollar the lady's telling it how to like a twelve-year-old that didn't read them anymore and she was like you can just take them all if you take him for a dollar and actually she let me fill up a bag and she was seriously like just take up I don't want them and I was like so seriously checkout yard sales garage sales offer up you can find so many books so many books okay I'm gonna put a picture from what the set up was last year so you guys can see I'm thinking about doing some things a little differently like this futon right here I kind of want to put it in front of the TV and then put things on the side of it kind of to make like an open square if that makes sense like in front of the TV area to have like a little gathering area but I'm not really sure I don't know so we're just going to kind of play around with stuff and yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so so far we've done one thing this is where I do all of my whole group instruction from this little TD area normally I have a little cart here that the desktop is on my Chromebook cart but we are getting new Chromebooks to see okay so they haven't brought those yet so that so this is where I teach whole group instruction from this is like our little carpet area and normally I have like a little rug here but the generator is cleaning it right now and I wanted a little area right in front of it to gather so I put the futon here the futon was right here against the wall and then there was like little crazy area but I'm gonna try this out I'm not sure how I feel about it but I do love that the desks behind it fit perfectly height wise so I was thinking if anything I could just take off the little desk inserts as you can see I have like the trapezoid shape desk so the middle one has to be backwards so there might be a little bit of issue because the leg space is a little bit smaller but I was thinking if I just put like a hooky stool there that might be better so I can even just take off all of the like little desk insert parts because we don't use those anyways so I don't know maybe look that I like that I'm just gonna see and then I was thinking about having some things along the side here and here I was thinking maybe those blue stools because there's a really light weight they're easy to move I'm out of breath so I don't know we'll see [Music] alright so we put some wobble stools and some little Rolly physician stools and then these little blue pieces I'm not sure I don't know it might be too wide I have a hard time visualizing things like I can't see the whole classroom coming together so it couldn't be just be bit by bit ok I think next I don't know where I want to put that rectangular tables last year I had it right up where the flexible seating posters are but just kind of in the way I don't know I kind of want to put that somewhere where I could use it as a small group table or have kids at there mm-hmm so I normally I just put those two two told us there so I can work with kids there I'll have chairs on either side but it's like max three kids can work with me so it's not it's not a whole lot of room but I do like having those tables there because then I can like prep stuff cut stuff like it's nice when I'm like planning cuz my desk gets really crammed and it's nice to work with someone like one-on-one but I don't have like a small group area so I'm thinking about maybe putting the rectangular table like above the multiplication challenge area not above this hang it from the ceiling I'm putting it in front at like below putting it here and then that way it's like close to my desk area so I can I can work with kids there for small group or I just don't know how to do that with flexible seating how to say like when they can sit there and when they can't you know because then if like a kid chooses to sit there in the morning then do they get kicked out doing small group time are they gonna be there anyways you know what I mean like I don't know yeah yeah on the table or well that tables too kind of small but am i totally he would like to sit over to the side mmm okay yeah I don't know we're gonna play with it [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm at the point where I am just kind of pushing things around I don't know where to put anything so we put these little two beach camping chairs over here but I don't know if it's too close where it's gonna be like they don't have enough room for their legs or if it looks too crowded I really know I just left those blue things there because I don't know what I put those either oh man there's so much to do I just don't really know like what else to do right now I know this is normal on every year it comes together so I just got to keep telling myself it's gonna come together but this is the hardest part of flexible seating is trying to figure out an arrangement that works and it could change one part like I did with this little area in front of the TV and then it kind of messes up everything else so you have to reconfigure eight the entire rest of the room so I don't know I'm gonna put these trapezoid desks and like a u-shape and I'm gonna put one of those green beach chairs in front of it and I know I like that there and then that will be kind of the entire front of the room so any of those spaces the kids can sit in when we're doing a whole group instruction but as for the rest of the room don't really know yet keep you posted [Music] I just don't know if these are too close although your legs are a lot longer than theirs most of them I just don't know if it's too close if it looks too crowded like let me show you when you first walk in although it's gonna let credit because there's crap everywhere um because like I want a place this is I'm standing by the door so I want to place like a little walkway and this green chair and this whole little thing is staying here I think right now so I don't know if that's like not enough room when the kids are sitting there like there's a chair there then there's not enough of walkway I don't know I'm being inste storied Wow vlog inception so we'll see I'm not really sure hmm my head is spinning [Music] [Applause] alright I'm into it with the chairs there for now very indecisive so we'll see but for now the front half the question is that now we only have all the rest so that big rectangular table back there that needs to go somewhere obviously but I'm not really sure where to put it I kind of I don't know I used to have it like I said over by where the flexible seating stuff is on the whiteboard but they don't know that I like it there but I don't want to just like have it in the middle of the room this big table right here but I don't know now because ok so like what she's talking about is like this surf seats these live over by the TV and then when the kids want to use them they can just grab one and kind of put them wherever like a lot of the times they'll sit on the stage which you can't see right now but Vanessa's on ice they'll sit on those on the stage or just like randomly around the room so those don't have to like have a spot but those blue things that are on top of these desks I love these by the way these are from lakeshore they're super comfortable and they're super lightweight I'm actually taking one to the beach tomorrow these were over by that wall but I didn't like it there because the kids would lean against the wall and then the posters would come off and it was just annoying to me especially because the posters are hanging up with like a thumbtack so I don't want anyone to get stabbed so I don't really know where to put those now but I'm thinking maybe with this little table but I don't know where I want that to live either and it's not big enough for two to go on one side so I don't know we'll see I'm gonna do the yellow chairs again with these and then the pink chairs are gonna go over with my my little workstation area oh thanks girl and then that's my desk chair and then on the other side of the the tall chairs or sorry the tall jests are gonna be those three black chairs I don't really know where I put the crate seats again last year I had the crate seats on this table over here and the futon was against the wall so it's kind of like a little space with that but now that that's gone I don't really know where to have those and I do want them to be able to have somewhere to sit put the crate seats no not someone who's hit sorry somewhere to write on so I want them to be at a table because they don't have a back so using a clipboard it'd be kind of annoying but the ones that have like the camping chairs and the beach chairs and stuff they're totally fine to sit there with a clipboard and write on it so I don't know we'll see let me know what you think down below [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so this is what working with put the camping chairs here facing these big black chairs I love these they have this sliding little table I love that this isn't a spot that they sit during instructions so again look at my little handyman any time that we were doing a small group or no sorry whole group they are up there so this would be like independent work or if they're working as a partner or reading or anything like that so it's okay that it's not facing the TV and then we have this table with the yoga balls I love these ones these ones have a yoga ball inside of them but they're hard to pop because they have the clock really like those then you guys already saw the front space we have the four desks there's a couple regular chairs yoga balls and the beach chair and then don't mind on the mess but then these two rows high desks so they can either sit them or on the opposite side they can stand I used to have these like back closer to the mirror but now they are up in front so I don't know we'll see and then we were thinking about putting this little table here but if I have it against the wall like that then that takes up a lot of room so I don't know yeah that won't work but I kind of do like it there against the wall no because then it's like what else is going to go there no because then they can't all right okay so maybe put okay yeah maybe I don't know I don't I don't know if I want like the big crate seats on this side I don't know but then also back here is like this huge open space worth like well what am I gonna put back you know I don't know because I did have last year two sets of those like ring style open circle set the desk but now one of them is here so I do have more desks in storage that I could mm I could get those and I was thinking about pulling these back to where they were back by the shelf and then getting one more set of desks and putting it kind of like behind like right where this is behind the other set of desks but I don't know I could also just pull that set of desks back a little bit to make it less like crowded in the front I don't know let's see how many that's 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 where there's already a lot of there's already a lot of seats I don't know I might get more desks I think I'm just gonna think about it and then decide oh oh I'm weird only like I do - oh yeah cuz now I was like well what am I gonna do that one chair and I have some more that I gave to other teachers they don't wanna like take a bag you know be like I need this now okay yeah like a little workstation for the partners crowded this is why I bring in the big guns she's a genius my friends yeah I like that okay all right I am about ready to leave I've got as much done today as I can muster up I'm gonna sleep on the arrangement and see how I feel about it already I can tell that I need to move this whole area a little further back but um this is what we got going on so we have these four seats right here with beach chair I'm really liking this whole like carpet area I have a cute little rug that's gonna go in the middle and then students can sit pretty much out just ran into that can pretty much sit anywhere right here any time we're doing whole group instruction and then a lot of them come up and sit on the floor too so I feel like this will make a really nice little like living room area for us when we do whole group instruction on the TV I ended up just putting those little blue chairs from lakeshore here I don't know how I feel about it I don't know we'll see and then this table is here you saw those chairs already we've got these two sets of three high tables and a little standing room and then this little area I don't know I kind of feel like it looks awkward down here like I don't know what do you guys think does it look like it's too like it goes like high and then low I don't know if that makes sense but um I'm definitely gonna need to change out the fabric on these great seats I don't know if you guys can tell but they're pretty filthy but it's really easy this is just a piece of wood cut to fit the inside of the crate seat which is also filthy you I'm gonna clean that and then on the other side for the pad you just get a mattress topper and then you cut it to fit on top of there get cheap what is this cold material I don't I can't think of the name of this but oh my goodness I cannot think right now I shouldn't be here still in summer mode but you just get material and then just staple gun it on so I can just easily rip this off use the same pad get new material and then just recover them so that they are fresh I would not recommend buying material that has white on it I don't know why I did that so and then also this little table I'm gonna be totally honest I found it on the side of the road for free which may sound gross but whatever I cleaned it but it's kind of falling apart like it just has a lot of little like nicks in it and then this little guy's totally broken so what I was thinking of doing was going this weekend to a yard sale there's tons of yard sales every Saturday morning so just going early and then trying to find a table for this so I do that I'll take you guys along and then there's a bunch of stuff that I'm not using yet these two pieces are gonna stay in here but not right there I don't know what to do with the other yoga ball and those chairs and the desk is probably gonna leave and then there's just like a pile of stuff that I haven't touched yet more piles that's okay though so this is what we got going on day one complete so that's all I have for you guys today I'm gonna get out of here my brain is kind of frazzled I am still completely in summer mode and not ready to be doing all this stuff all at once so that's what I kind of like to do my setups just little bits at a time I tackle the layout today I'm gonna sleep on it think about if I like it and then if I want to make changes they can but now I can start getting some of the other stuff together like the stuff I'm actually gonna do the first week of school my open house slideshow things like that so I will take you guys along for all of that the next one that you guys will see I'm probably gonna be putting together their folders for the flexible seating bins that you see over here their homework folders and then like that parent packets that I do so if you enjoy seeing classroom setup vlogs definitely make sure that you are subscribed and like this video if you enjoyed watching and I will see you guys soon for another video things retching fight
Channel: Hello Miss Romeo
Views: 1,090,257
Rating: 4.8789496 out of 5
Keywords: third grade classroom, third grade teacher, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, vlog, classroom vlog, flexible seating, flexible seating classroom, flexible seating classroom setup, flexible seating setup process, flexible seating setup, setting up a classroom with flexible seating, setting up a classroom, third grade class setup, classroom setup, classroom setup day 1, third grade classroom setup, classroom set up
Id: A2R6F3kRAQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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