WEEK in my TEACHER life | Data Binders, Red Pens, Pencil Sharpeners, & More!

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good morning y'all welcome back to my channel if you're new here my name is brianna and i'm a third grade teacher in north carolina and we are starting our third week of school [Music] i'm feeling very good today but i have a ton to do it is 6 30 so the kids will be here in about an hour i want to move desks i have to make two anchor charts and then start on some other things if i have time i probably won't i do have a seating chart so that should be pretty simple i also only have 15 students so i do have some extra desks floating around in my classroom that i need to get rid of because there's nowhere to put them and i have so many extras in here that i don't need five extra desks nope i have six extra desks so with that being said i will catch up with y'all when i can but i hope it's a wonderful day actually let me show you my outfit first because i really really like it so if you follow me on instagram i talked about these little pants last night they're a tiny bit like big i don't know my body's odd they're just like dress pants legging type stretchy no button no zipper that's why i used to avoid these pants because i do not like that they do have a zipper on the side and it buttons across on the inside which is super nice because i've had pants like this from old navy before and they just had a zipper so do you see how it's coming undone they would just completely come undone so the button at least holds them together super cute 25 at target i'm running today to get more because these are going to be my pants of the year probably and then this top is just from old navy it's just a white tank and i'm wearing actually a like bralette type sports bra casual thing um from target the auden brand underneath because it was a little see-through so love that super good since it's 90 degrees here and then i did get a new hand sanitizer holder this weekend because my other one was getting loose so pick that up at bath and body works my lanyard is of hearts and minds of hands and hearts something like that my glasses are zinf link always down below with discount codes i'm obsessed with them earrings from like sheian or boohoo they're just giant pearls necklace from target let's go good morning y'all yesterday after school we had bog training because in third grade in north carolina we take the beginning of grade state test that is tomorrow for us um and then right after that training i grabbed my things and left because i had an appointment so did not do anything after school yesterday it is 6 36 and i'm hoping to clear this area over here from open house with all my extra i was gonna say napkins paper towels and clorox wipes let me show you i don't know what to do with the number three because i don't want to get rid of it i just don't know exactly where to put it but i'm gonna clear this area right now because i want to start making use of this and the kids haven't even seen those stools yet so transformation so much better oh my goodness okay so i put my bin up there i want those to stay up there maybe if i put them on the bottom because i have smaller ones so if i put them on the bottom i guess that could sit on top because i put them underneath and that just looks wacky so i may rearrange that but now my yoga ball stools are out fun and you want to know what i did with everything so since i only have 15 students i'm not using these cubbies so everything is literally in there these i want to hang up in my library but i don't know if i'm going to do that right now to be determined so this is the first time in forever that i'm vlogging after school i feel really really really good like it is so refreshing to not be miserable at the end of the day to not have tension in my neck um i do crack my neck a lot so if i feel tension start building up i go like this and sometimes it'll crack and sometimes it won't so that has definitely helped odd but i mean i don't know drinking a dr pepper zero that i opened at lunch that i didn't finish love these so much more well better than diet dr pepper it has more flavor like actual dr pepper i know soda's not great but it is the one sweet thing and speaking of great things weight watchers ugh i'm trying to get back into the swing of things i did a lot of meal prepping on sunday so i've been doing pretty well um but i'll talk about that another point i wanted to talk about a few of the things that i've been doing in my classroom this year that i absolutely love i haven't done them before or i'm just doing them differently and they're making all the difference the first thing is right behind me my pencil sharpener my students are not allowed to use that pencil sharpener and i have my dole bucket and my sharp bucket or vice versa i can't really tell but literally i never even noticed i've never been told miss pavinsky i need a pencil they put their doll pencil in and take a sharp pencil out and i gave them each two pencils on the first day of school and i have not taken out any more pencils i've also been very explicit and taken a lot of time out of every day saying okay everybody put your pencil back in your pencil box put your pencil back in your pencil box put your pets back in your pencil box like i literally am making a shirt okay i need it that is going to be my teacher shirt last year my kids would always want to and every previous year like i always let my students sharpen the pencil their own pencil and like my pencil sharpener would be ruined they've never asked literally i've never heard something about needing a new pencil and last year my students like would not understand that a pencil can still work without a tip they would think that this needed to be sharpened because it wasn't perfectly pointed and i'm just like i don't understand so it's been glorious don't have to hear the pencil sharpener don't like i i didn't know something so simple could be so life-changing so that's one thing and i know people have always talked about like a dull cup and a sharp cup too but like i don't know where my mind was in the past but like anyway i just sharpen the few at the end of the day and they're ready for the next day and then some appear i don't even know when the kids go back there like i don't see them do it and they are responsible enough to swap out their pencil and it's beautiful the other thing is red pens i put one red pen in all of their pencil boxes at the beginning of the year and we literally use it every day like or my air turned on we use it every day i when i'm going over stuff take out your red pen pencil away red pen out and i say pens at the ready and i have them check off we click i quickly tell them the answers and then when i collect their things like if it's something that i'm not grading then i can quickly flip through and see who got it right who got it wrong i obviously have been checking how they're grading themselves but they've been doing a really good job of it and red pens like something so simple but so essential so essential because then i can also see like we've been going over our morning work eventually i'm going to stop doing that i'm just going to be checking it and then pulling the kids who get it wrong that's how i typically do it we use the spiral book i talk about it all the time math for today and then we have the reading one i think it's language arts for today is what it's called that one's a little bit trickier because north carolina or my district does not focus a lot on grammar and writing so they struggle but it's good for them because they need to learn those skills so i might continue going over that one but not the math one because i've used the math one for years and i've always talked about this so but it's nice because i can see when we go over their morning work they use their red pen and if they didn't finish they fill in the answer so i can see who didn't finish because they filled it in with red pen it's interesting so those are the two things that i'm absolutely loving i'm also doing my math task cards again i didn't do them like at all last year and i'm just so happy to have them again and it's something so simple for when my students are done with their work now typically it would be a center but right now we're working up towards that so like i had them doing vocabulary today when they finished vocabulary i said okay you can go to your task cards and then they turn in their sheet and i grade it that day any that they get wrong i circle and either get right i check so then when they get it back the next day they have to go back to the ones that they missed first and see if they can catch their mistake so we talked about that and so that's good because it's instant feedback like every day and they can see they can catch their mistakes so hopefully seeing that more and more repetitive in the future they won't continue to make that same mistake and then the ones that still continue to like try to fix their problems and still get them wrong then i know to pull them and we can practice the skill and we're doing addition and subtraction around the rim right now and i'm teaching rounding this week so my task cards are spiraling and i usually keep it that way because then that's something that they shouldn't need help with and they've been great with that there's over 20 cards around the room i only have 14 students um one of mine is moving so down to 14 and you would think that would make my life easier but let me tell you my boys are a handful this year love the task cards and i can see i'm not grading it but it's for me to check to make sure they're on track and i believe we have a test coming up next week with addition subtraction and rounding so i'm still continuing doing the addition subtraction not losing that i probably should continue to pull some as well to do like subtraction across zeros because some of them struggle with that and i should probably do a small group with that but everything's been crazy we're doing m class to get reading levels and all of that data so i've been trying to weave it in so that i don't have to crunch it all i feel like i wanted to mention one other thing oh my drawers so these drawers i am obsessed with and my tidy tubs ignore my students desk they're all spread out for testing but that independent drawer is where i put all of their math work for the day so whether it's an interactive notebook that we're putting in our notebook and we have to cut it out i don't have to pass it out because it's already in the drawer and then their independent practice their worksheet for the day is also in there so i don't have to pass that out it saves so much time math the room is where i put their task card recording sheets and i'm putting their math ones and their grammar ones in there and typically where the math task cards are around the room let's see some over there some over there the grammar ones are under it and so i will put double cards i'll put two clips so i can put one on top and one on the bottom and so i don't have to switch them back and forth but for time's sake i just put the math ones on top and then tidy tubs holy cow because also we've been cutting so much the kids don't have to get out of their seats to throw things away the only thing that they cannot throw away in there is their snack obviously or like used tissues so it can only be for paper but they've been doing a great job with that kids always want to help to dump them before the end of the day and so that has been awesome too yes my room is set up for testing so yay that is that before i go i'm gonna go through my file drawer because i haven't in a few days and i just want to keep up with that especially before we change into the next standard so i don't have to dig for my files my extra copies bin is getting kind of full as well but i have a ton of extra copies since i only have 14 students not complaining it's going to be so helpful to those that need that extreme attention however that's a big jump from third grade to fourth grade because they have like 34 students i'm gonna switch out my calendar because tomorrow's september 1st and then i'm going to head out for the day i believe i've done all my greetings i don't have to bring that home i just have to look through my plans for tomorrow and make sure i'm set which tomorrow's bog so that's going to take up a huge chunk of our day hey y'all it is the end of the day and i guess i have no voice i don't know we've been yelling after school like talking to each other good team bonding today was bog day so i wore my little third grade shirt i don't remember where this is from because i got it a couple years ago my first year and third i pulled my carpet out i think i'm gonna put it all the way against that wall just to have another area since i have this big space back here for the kids to sit it obviously needs to be vacuumed i want to eventually when we get our promethium board this year because we are getting them hopefully in october i want to move this to the front of the room so kids can sit there and there'll be more of a learning space at the front of the room because i won't have to have that desk anymore oh my gosh as i trip over the carpet because that's where my projector sits that is that i got everything back up and running here put all my stuff back up took all the trash bags down i don't even know if i showed you guys that i did that but had to cover everything up for bog today so we're back in action and i was just getting data binders ready because i'm doing this tomorrow or sending them home tomorrow but i wanted to like keep it together a little bit let me show you what i got here i'm going to start with the pink letter that's going to be on the front and that is my letter explaining what data binders are and then it's going to go into the signature page and on my letter i described like for parents to put questions in the comments or just a nice message for their child then i'm going to have my what does my grade mean page and i'll link this on teachers pay teachers the one i copied from but i made this myself just because i have the fonts and i know how to do it so i like it it's like 98 cents or something i don't know where i want to put this in there but it'll be at the front this is also from teachers pay teachers i'll link it this is common core we're north carolina standard course of study but it's basically the same so we have some reading standards the main ones language writing and then on the back is some math skills this is going to be at the front and then when we accomplish something i want us to like shade it in in like a color or something i don't know that's just my thoughts with that and then my kids pages these i'm going to take these home because i made these um i need to and i'm not obsessed with the font but that's okay i think it's just because i've been staring at it for so long i got these tabs on amazon i'm a little upset because i thought they were like the thick solid plastic ones but they're like flimsy but that's okay so i'm going to stick these tabs on each of these so math will be at the top reading will be a little bit lower science will be a little bit lower just like dividers but i don't trust my kids to do it so i'm just going to do it since we're going to be using this all year and then inside each one there's going to be their graphing page i will also link this down below but i went ahead and made this myself because i know how to make it but it is sold on teachers by teachers by someone else i just thought it was cute i like how solid it is at the top it's very straightforward and i'm going to have my kids graph their work so they're going to have to have a lot of these because we're going to have a lot of assignments but we'll see starting second quarter i might just do this for like major tests i don't know i'll decide so i'm gonna take these home to do that and then i'll have the kids put all their pages in there tomorrow and i've filed their work in here if i can find these tabs i think they're from teachers pay teachers i will link them below but i love these because i never have to change them and i know my kids numbers so all their graded work that i have graded is in there i think i'm going to quickly grade some stuff in there before i head out no i think i'm gonna take it there's a storm coming okay my kids did amazing today at following directions and staying quiet for it wasn't three hours i would say it was two hours it took them all to finish the bog i was very impressed with them like i made a lot of observations i wrote down a lot of notes about what kind of test takers they are or what i could see you know i made notes of like my slower ones my ones who i think are moving too fast and i didn't have any that just clicked through now towards the end i'm sure several of them did but they don't have the stamina yet so that's obviously going to happen but like they legit were like sitting there and reading and doing their best they stayed quiet and i was just i'm so impressed and then after that i was like we have to stay quiet we don't know if other classes are testing so we like whispered through our morning work and that was actually pretty great because they were quiet through lunch well up until lunch and then they obviously got to talk for lunch and then we accomplished a lot before lunch which was awesome i almost got caught up but didn't but tomorrow we're saving a lot of our day for m-class testing and i don't have much more to do i think there's thunder i'm gonna have to head out this is very long thunder oh gosh okay um i'll probably start doing phantom panel with my kids so i can get a running record but yeah i'll see y'all tomorrow good morning y'all happy thursday i'm not going to talk for long it is 6 30 and i want to get my dad binders together but let me show you what i did last night so i printed all of these pages out on cardstock and i went ahead and i stuck the dividers on the pages now they're flimsy ones they're not hard plastic i originally thought they were hard plastic but they're not so i stuck the sticky part on the back that way when kids pull to open it it's not going to peel off the front you know so i just kind of stuck it on the back and then i laid this page on top and then stuck that next one and then same with the rest and so now they have their dividers i was thinking about labeling it with like math reading science societies but that's okay they can flip through but i'm going to pop these into my kids binders for them that way it's one less thing they have to do but i just thought it looked so cool with all of them complete so and it was actually really simple so i would definitely do this again i'll let you guys know throughout the year obviously how
Channel: PuttingFourthEffort
Views: 4,615
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, education, educator, fourth grade, first year, tips, tricks, classroom, elementary, third grade, day in the life, week in the life, organize, create, help, class, learn, lessons, lesson plan, planner, lifestyle, health, weight watchers, ww, fitness
Id: RwKHobKkc3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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