SPRAY PAINTING old bins to use in my CLASSROOM

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sprinkles [Music] good morning y'all it is 6 41. i just got here about 10 minutes ago a little bit later today i guess i've been doing this thing where the only thing that motivates me to get out of bed is making coffee and then i'm like i could go sit and relax in bed and drink it and so that's taking up some time relaxing is important but i didn't leave home until like 6 10 so pushed me back uh 10 minutes but that's okay my new sterilite bins came in a day early so i'm going to start putting those in my cubbies or my cabinets and really sorting everything seeing if i need any more i did another fun project last night that i'm really really excited to show you i just printed out a really long word search for the kids though so that they have something to do when they're done with their already assessments they did their reading one yesterday i didn't really talk about it because i was focused on organizing but i forgot how long those things are so a lot of them have to finish reading today and they have to do math today because our time is limited so unfortunately we've been testing quite a lot but we got to do what we got to do so i had them color yesterday i have they already have their coloring sheets to finish up word search just to get their minds working in a different way i have blank paper for them they've been doing a lot of directed drawings on youtube when they're finished so let me go get that from the printer i want to show you are you ready to see this masterpiece i haven't seen this done okay so i'm claiming this i am claiming this i am the creator i am the sole inventor of this beauty guys i saw these white bins sitting in my library and i'm just like that would look so cute in my library and then one of my kids was like they're really plain and i'm like sprinkles so i printed a bunch of the mini sprinkles i think this is like a picture of a sprinkle or like an oval that i looked up on google and then i just popped it into my cricut design studio and i've been putting my kids names on really big ones of these in my board on my board in my hallway for the past two years so i just shrunk it down to be smaller than an inch and i think that is going to be the most fun pop in my library to bring donuts to my library i was just thinking about like my circus classroom and how i designed my classroom literally around my library oh my gosh i love it it's perfect and like putting sprinkles on something like there's no rhyme or reason to it i just made sure to spread out the colors here are the gems my goodness both of these packs was around 20 i will link it in my amazon store of course because there are a couple that like have the same amount and they're forty dollars and i really don't know why maybe it's the color difference in the closures but like i don't know why that would matter this is awesome i think i'm going to set these on my trapezoid table and now that i have so much space in this cabinet maybe i'm thinking at least on this shelf i'll place things that i know have to go out around my room when i pack up my classroom at the end of the year sometimes i shove stuff in there but you know it doesn't actually belong there it goes somewhere in the classroom or i'll keep it out like i did with the black supply bins on these bookshelves the bookshelves will be much easier to move without anything on them this bin i've been just saving the paper boxes and then the boxes that my things are coming in because if you guys have your meet the teacher open house night our families usually bring supplies that night so the kids don't have to bring it all on the first day of school and so i line up those bins and they put their materials in there so i've just been grabbing every box i see just to have those ready so if you see an empty box around my classroom that would be why last day of school tomorrow yes there's trash bags on my boards given the read to achieve state test so this was awesome actually hack for covering up your library i mean your alphabet for state testing that's just a roll of the big trash bags without unattaching them like there's probably three giant trash bags there when i'm done i can just take the push pins out and we could actually use them so that's good this one i had to cut open but whatever the desks are spread out chromebooks are being charged but i did get a lot accomplished today since the kids had to complete i ready i had some friends help me as well look how perfect i love it these are all math manipulatives or like my mini jenga i usually use at the beginning of the year i just love how that fix fits perfectly now normally i have these in the front i'm about to spray paint these black because i hate the red i like that they have handles so that i can pull them out but these usually sit here so i'm gonna spray paint them they'll be black and then it's easy to just slide out see what's behind it i don't think i'm gonna put labels i feel like that's just a waste because i could clearly see what everything is i don't know if this is where everything's staying but this is just how we're working my kids organize this as they finish their little i ready assessment so this will be changed my one child made a good point except for the fact that they shoved this under here but this used to be my science shelf but she's like well if we move it here the kids will be able to reach it so i think i'm going to bring these outside real quick give them some spray paint and then i will be happier i did spray paint this now this was a different i guess it'll look pretty similar to this i'll be happy with so i'm gonna go do that now so they could dry and be ready for tomorrow just grab some trash bags then i can pop them in here i have to bring all of these from home i still don't have containers for these i could try just the ones that are split in two i want these and i don't know where to get them these are from dollar tree i literally look every day i'm gonna spray paint those then i will update y'all i did actually end up giving my other caddies away to a new teacher at least they will be loved i did keep the blue one i'll probably just put sticky tack on the bottom honestly i just like that it matches i ended up giving her i had three big like shoe boxes of snap cubes and unifix cubes and she is a new second grade teacher so i gave her those because if i do use those types of manipulatives i mean i do have all these packs so i'm actually probably going to store these in one of these that way it can go and match everything i'm loving how this is coming out i'll probably put actually these inside one of those containers as well and i might have the perfect amount my goodness that was a workout it is 90 degrees outside and i've made use of my old spray paint which is awesome paint primer no standing indoor outdoor i had like a fourth of a can left and then i had a full can so use those and then i didn't have enough to like completely cover it but i do have this old chalkboard paint which was actually a lot nicer than this it went on so much darker and thicker so love that not going to be using the chalkboard purpose but they are drying outside i will grab them in a moment it's so hot that they'll be they'll be fine my goodness i might put them in my co-workers room because i don't want to make the whole place smell like spray paint so even though i didn't spray it in here i'll just leave it outside for as long as i can i'm hot though my co-worker actually just invited me over for dinner so i don't know i'm at a stopping point for today i'm honestly exhausted i've been giving it my all every day and i did get a lot of organizing done today so i guess i'll just run through what i've done so update we did our little experiment today except for my student who wasn't here and that was fun i needed to a bucket big enough to put water in for their creations so i just used our recess bucket and it was perfect we went outside to the hose i filled it up with water put it in the grass i had all the kids stand around the bucket who were in the group and hold their thing under the water for 30 seconds and then they had to reveal the picture two groups it was completely dry which was awesome but they really wrapped it with foil so i put all those materials away except for this foil my friend said he might need some more so i will leave that there for him and he will be able to do that tomorrow i'm kind of collecting my extra bins over here that i don't want and i think i'm going to store like my games and things in the random containers because i don't really care that much about that area but i do not have it in me to tackle that right now so i did put my new sharpener away because i didn't want the kids messing with it today i don't know what to do about this bucket because it's prizes i don't really give prizes away oh and i should probably i don't even know how what i didn't even know i had m m's gosh it's really just a bunch of fun pencils and then notepads and stuff i don't know but i feel like it works in the popcorn bucket right now and popcorn's like fun prize yay so i might leave it in there some other things i did today i put tape in a container i put my new little dab painters in this bin they all stand up which is nice they almost didn't it's a little tight but that's okay so those were my new materials and i'm keeping them over here because this is like crafty kind of closet this is a bin of my magnetic little name things that i've used it for lunch count in the past so i just left those in here because it's not like a student material you know it's more of a material that i would just use so i'm trying to keep this like my closet and the other one is like manipulatives for the kids but i have all my popsicle sticks in here instead of those two random colored containers i have all my labels in this one instead of the popcorn bin which is awesome scissors and that's what this stuff's looking like from the other cabinet i had toothpicks and q-tips for different science experiments so i kind of put them here oh i need to put the paint bin back in here i had to put my brown bags there they all don't fit over here i ended up putting them in the larger one and turning them i can't fit any more in there though they're pretty squished at least i can remember them sitting right there and then when i need to restock i'm just gonna pull from there i don't care can't see that part anyway so this is kind of like my craft section and then i have the t-shirts nicely folded on the bottom so that's that obviously the pencil sharpener won't live in there i ended up putting all my extra lanyards and in this little container i have all my ids throughout the years even one of my college ones it's a nice little business card holder from high point i have those in a little bin right there and then extra keys and stuff and that space is clear for like my purse i forgot to bring this home so let me grab this see so this is nice and cleared out and then i have all my bags hanging here which oh yeah that door does close okay good let me see if this one closes i don't know what i don't know what is in the way this time maybe these erasers i'll have to play around with it but that's done i did also clear off the guided reading section since we are now done since they're testing tomorrow so i returned all of those books to the library and just collected my bins here these will stay in third grade i really don't want to keep them in my room because they're massive but we do have a work room i can store them in but i'm really hot and tired and don't feel well after doing that mess so i'm going to bring those inside head out for today and i'll see y'all tomorrow good morning y'all it is the last day of summer school woohoo i have to give a three hour test today can't wait i did bring all my bins to school today so let me show you now don't come for me about the colors i may switch things around but they're already labeled and this is oh fractions don't go there well this one's not right because i already had this one at school but place value addition and subtraction graphs multiplication division geometry and time capacity and weight okay so i love to slide these in here like this it's the perfect amount of space i probably won't leave this here i just like that i can see everything and have easy access to it i might might might make labels for the front but i mean it's not difficult to pull it out and if i do it in order i should be fine but these are all of my like centers games and then this stuff is like laminated well there's some like writing centers in here vocabulary words this one has like my birthday stuff that i need to hang up my writing pencil so like things that go around my room my multiplication numbers so that's just storage fractions all right fractions goes there the rest is looking like a hot mess because i went and spray painted my red bins so let me show you what those look like all right so i brought them into my co-workers room which is really echo-y because there's nothing in here those were red i think they look incredible love it so much i'm so glad i did that i'm so glad i left them in here because it smells like spray paint in here and that would have been awful with our test today so i'm gonna leave them in here until after school just so they can finish setting and they don't distract the kids i'm gonna close this door so it doesn't leak into the whole hallway these are my stools my yoga ball stools if you guys remember these used to be in my classroom two years ago i'm excited to bring them back in they are a fun addition they add a pop of color and they make the classroom look so much more inviting and exciting so my coworker let me store them in here because i mean there's space okay all right so the classroom is all set for today the kids desks are spread out the boards are covered all of the anchor charts have been removed off the wall i love starting to see my blank somewhat of a blank slate again i'm hoping after school today i can really start playing around with my layout at the end of the day i'm going to have the kids put the desks back together kind of how i want to set it up for next year or i might have them move them all to the middle so they're out of the way that way i can move and play around with the stuff in the back i'll have to get a dolly for my filing cabinets that is one other thing that i wanted to tackle before we come back on our contract hours for school i do have my drawers back here that is stuff from the air that i never filed that needs to be filed so i think i'm going to start like sorting that into piles right now i'm going to get the books out of here put them in the kits that they belong in and just get all that set up i mean it's this room i let one of the new teachers come in here yesterday and i'm like this is not a good representation of who i am like this lined up jumbled mess in the back i also think i might have when the kids come i mean they love to sweep so this morning i might have them sweep since everything's kind of like separated and they can get under just to help out the custodians and to you know pick up the classroom a bit i'm going to get to filing and i will probably talk to y'all after school and summer school is officially out
Channel: PuttingFourthEffort
Views: 3,989
Rating: 4.9075146 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, education, educator, fourth grade, first year, tips, tricks, classroom, elementary, third grade, day in the life, week in the life, organize, create, help, class, learn, lessons, lesson plan, planner, lifestyle, health, weight watchers, ww, fitness
Id: S1KLFi5p-Rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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