Myles Munroe - The Responsibility of Freedom (Azusa '94) - Full Video

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give bowling good evening it's a joy to be where God is it's dangerous to be where God used to be it's a deep privilege to be standing in a place of responsibility like tonight I'm very afraid I'm full of fear and it's a healthy fear it's a fear of the Lord that's upon me can you hold hands with your neighbors please I like you just spend a moment and pray the spirit don't ask for anything just praying this she Takahara Basara mohassid kondeh Roberto Bolle robust open addressing Ramesh gracious father only you alone a god worthy of glory and honor power Romanian place Yolo Saturday bah-bah-bah Kasota jana mas and errababu the software arabic rabisu mariachi today the Blessed father refused to work without you oh it's nothing without your holy anointing your presence nothing more I refuse you do not go I won't go let that glory fill this place let that glory fill this place Lord God of heaven God of earth let your glory fill the hearts of your people permeate this place with your presence O Lord your manifested presence of God for no man can stand before you except you stand the man before you stand us before you go thank you Lord father I thank you tonight for the hand that we touch it for it represents a part of you that no one else could express each one unique important special different and called father it's a privilege to touch an original we praise you that you have designed us to be a blessing to our generation and tonight Lord you got work to do and that's why you call this meeting lord I thank you that you never called a meeting for entertainment but you always call meetings because there was something on your mind expose your mind tonight Lord I ask you not to challenge us we got great challenging messages in our lives but change us tonight don't entertain us but transform us by the renewing of our minds and Lord I ask you with my whole heart to wreck our ignorant with your knowledge and fill us with truth that will permanently change us Bobby came here because we we want to hear something from you and I ask you to respond to those who have driven for miles flown hundreds of miles those who have saved up for this trip lord I ask you don't let a dollar be wasted if they haven't received anything yet God let it be tonight I ask you God I ask you to do it touch us change us permanently rearranges God do it for your glory your honor your namesake let us Susa be remembered as a place where you totally transformed us now I thank you Lord for your word thank you for your holy presence we submit to your lordship now teach us Holy Ghost you are the teacher let the anointing that abides upon us began to bring revelation that revelation knowledge fill this place and let the spirit of wisdom be added Lord to protect that knowledge from abuse and I thank you in Jesus name thank you lord please don't let the hand go that you're holding how they knew you I feel his presence I love his presence I hate to work without his presence you know it's possible to become an expert I doing everything you can become an expert minister and preach without the anointing but I got this thing about the presence of the Lord behind that you holding is the only one of its kind on the planet because the hand that you are holding has some fingerprints that cannot be duplicated anywhere on the planet when God created the person you're touching he decided that he didn't want a replica of anything else and so the person you're touching is completely original if you never felt important tonight I hope that you feel important right now they say that the value of a thing is not determined by people's opinions of it but the value of a thing is determined by a rarity that means the rare of something is the more value you place on it speech in Ava's hands hallelujah ain't nobody like you thank you Jesus now tell your neighbor it's a privilege to touch this so enjoy it while you can yeah that's right Rivlin you may be seated let's go to work thank you Jesus please get your Bible and ask God for mercy I would like to bring greetings from my precious darling wonderful exquisite fantastic beautiful wife I miss my wife tonight we were on the road for 10 days and just got home and our two precious children were without us for 10 days and so we agreed that she would stay and remind him that they are still our children and so I have come here with her in my heart she sends her love she really deeply graciously appreciates the ministry and the friendship and the close-knit relationship we have with Pastor and Mistress Pearson and I am honored to be asked to come and share this Azusa again tonight I would like to ask all of my fellow colleagues from the Bahamas to stand up I understand that there are a number of Bohemians that flew here by the Carlton so y'all just make some noise there's some of there yeah all the way from the Bahamas there's something out here to bless you god bless you some of them flew from Nassau and from Freeport oh there's a big crowd over there yeah they've paid a lot of money to come here so you know you better have the word in this place amen so good to have them I also have the privilege of introducing you to one of the greatest men that I have ever met in my life I was invited to Zimbabwe South Africa and I walked into his conference and my mind was blown to see what God was doing in Zimbabwe which was formerly Rhodesia he's one of the greatest apostles on the planet in my opinion I was shocked to see the tremendous success of apostolic ministry in South Africa and throughout the entire continent of Africa he has more churches than he could count I understand that he lost count after they reached over 2800 churches and so he just decided not to count I think if I'm correct there's at least one show being opened up every week in Africa he has churches in London and other parts of the world I want you to welcome for the first time to Azusa ever and this is his first time perhaps officially meeting pastor called in person as well like for you to welcome a very humble man with a great heart Archbishop dr. Ezekiel duty and his wife Yuna from Zimbabwe South Africa thank you very much all right I hope you're ready for me because I'm ready for you I love the theme of this conference that's from God like for you to write on the top of your notes if you will tonight the responsibility of freedom I'm going to speak tonight on the time for the responsibility of freedom the time for the responsibility of freedom it's time for the responsibility of freedom I've been incubating this word ever since I got the invitation about four weeks ago I had to really ask for courage because I'm going to be addressing some important word that will affect the destiny of all of us here tonight I know that you've had some great teaching I understand that my brother Jake's did an awesome job Monday night and I know that you're going to take all the teachings you heard and take them back and apply them to your life but tonight I didn't come to deal with just application to your life I feel great fear because I believe that we're going to be dealing with a pivot tonight a pivot is a point where you change direction to go forward or backward the theme of this conference is understanding the times and seasons so that you can know what to do this is in reference to the sons of Issachar as recorded in first chronicles chapter 12 verse 32 and I'm sure you've heard reference to that all week but I want to restate it it says that these people this clan of Israel had a unique position in the sense that they were able to comprehend or understand or read or perceive the times or the season in which they were living in and they were able to tell the entire nation what to do the implication is if you don't know what time it is you don't know what to do it also implies if you don't know what time it is you've probably doing the wrong thing and you're probably doing it with the wrong person when you know the season and the times then you know what to do I want to begin with a few statements if you wish you can record these if life is measured in terms of time then time wasted is life abused wasted time is wasted life time without purpose is life without meaning we measure our short brief sir joined on earth in terms of time what is time time is an interruption in eternity time is a brief moment in eternity with measure why did God create time what was his purpose for creating time God created time he put man in time but he doesn't live in it so you gotta be careful when you're dealing with God because God created the stuff that he doesn't live in and he put us in it to live in it so when God deals with us he is able to see the end from the beginning even in the middle so when he talks to you he's really talking about something you're headed to so when God says be cool you know it's gonna be alright because he knows what's coming and if God said prepare yourself he's also telling you something's coming you better tie yourself down because he always sees the end from the beginning that's why he's called the Alpha and the Omega but why did God create time I'd like to draw your attention to a familiar passage Ecclesiastes chapter 3 one of my favorite chapters because to me this chapter reveals a struggle but I want you to check verse 1 and it tells you why God gave you time it says to everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven let's check it again because it's very serious it says to everything there is what a season that means everything has a season everything has a season if it's a thing it has a season the next line says unto every purpose there's a time under heaven God is saying that everything that he created has a purpose and that purpose for which it was created has a time attached to it to fulfill its reason for being so everything that exists on this planet including you was brought into existence for a purpose and that purpose has a season attached to it and there's a time within which that thing supposed to fulfill its purpose therefore time was created for purpose to be fulfilled please make a note of that time was created for purpose to be fulfilled this also implies that whenever there is something that God creates on this planet he attaches a time to it and unlike the way it's written in this verse it says unto every purpose under heaven there's a time there's a time for every purpose under heaven there is our time that means there is a certain allotted period of time that means you were born to do something and you don't have forever to do it all you get is a season when God took you out of eternity and put you in time he locked you down under a season which means you don't have the time to waste time because time doesn't wait till you discover your purpose if you don't know why you was born time is still moving and if you discover your purpose at 90 years old it's too late that's why the Bible says in the same book in the twelfth chapter remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth why because you want to discover God so he can discover his purpose for your life while you're young so you can use your life effectively time was given to fulfill purpose time was manifested to operate in seasons it's a very important point time manifests itself in seasons please write that down time is a complete period of duration that God placed us in but that time manifests itself in seasons for example our year may be measured in terms of winter spring summer and fall but all of that is the year so the year is the time but the manifestation is the seasons and when seasons change within time you got a change with the seasons stay with me here that means everyone's born in time but everybody got to catch this season when winter comes you don't wear swim trunks hello-oh when summer comes you don't put on your mink in other words when seasons change you got to adjust yourself so all of it is time but it manifests itself in seasons now every season according to God supposed to fulfill a specific period of purpose in your life how does God measure time that's an important question how does God measure your life the answer is simple he measures your life in terms of purpose God does not measure your life by your chronological age personally God didn't care how old you are God's not impressed that you are 70 it's a matter of fact growing old could incriminate you because God's question is never how old are you you never see that in the Bible God's question is what did you do lord have mercy I've meant people who have been so proud of the age and they've said things like this they said well brother miles I'm 98 years old today praise God and it's so good to know God kept me alive and I'm an old Saint fresh the Lord being doing a church for a thousand years here a man been a good member there for 98 years praise God and then my question is what did you do with the 98 you see life is not measured by a duration but by donation let me try it one more time your life should not be measured by duration but by donations it's not how long you live it's what did you do while you were living the the conclusion of Jesus in judgment is not well said good and faithful servant cars not impressed with your gray here he's not impressed with your no here God wants to know what did you do while it was falling out Jesus said the answer in judgment shall be well done good and faithful servant so your life should be measured not by how long you live but how effectively view you you live and that's why you got to capture your purpose so you can maximize your season so you can fulfill your time you were born for a purpose which makes you responsible for life to live effectively you must answer five questions I want to give you these five questions you will never be effective until you answer them it's a matter of fact so far I've come to the conclusion that very few people on this planet have answered these five questions and these five questions I have been sharing everywhere I've gone because I believe that these are the five questions that control the human race the first question Who am I everybody has to answer that question Who am I the second question where am i from you've got to know your source you have to know your heritage and I'm not talking about ethnic heritage here third question you must answer is why am I here say with me why am I here you've got to answer that question the fourth question everyone on this planet must answer is what can I do you must answer that question because if you don't answer that question people will tell you what you could do and what you cannot do and the fifth question of the human heart that must be answered is where am I going everybody got to know their destination has to be a reason for getting up in the morning you've got to know your life not only in your destiny on earth but beyond that as well the first question Who am I has to do it identity everybody's identity the second question right the word our identity next to the first question the second question where am i from has to do with heritage you must know your heritage thirdly why am I here has to do with purpose you've got to have a sense of meaning and significance for your life and the fourth question what can I do has to do with potential ability capacity and the fourth question where am I going has to do with hope a life without hope with always submit to suicide to live effectively you must answer these questions why because if you don't have the answer to these questions you will instead of having your own identity take on someone else's and most of the problem in our world today is driven by these five questions that's why people join gangs right they don't know who they are they're trying to find an identity so they wear leather jackets and cut they hear funny and and grow their hair funny and they try to wear a different dog to get an identity they don't know who they are where am i from it's another problem folks are trying to find the heritage so they try to go back to what they call roots I'm not sure about the roots thing you can't find out where you came from by going back to your ancestral land as a matter of fact I've discovered as a man of beautiful brown color that when I go to Africa the Africans don't know who they are either so if you go back there to find an identity and that goes for you folks who have heritage in Scotland or Russia or Poland or Germany or wherever you're from or whether it's India if you go back there then folks as much trouble as you are you can't find your sense of identity in your land of your heritage there has to be something beyond the land do you know why they call your land of heritage your motherland because mothers have no seed that's why you don't carry your mother's name because identity doesn't come from mothers it comes from fathers come on somebody everybody write the word father down I want to show you something and since my friend my precious friend Carleton Pearson is about to be a father I'm going to give him a revelation here's the revelation the word father is the Greek word and the Hebrew word that is transliterated pata pata can you write that word down as a good word remember pata this word pata means source and sustainer it means both concepts it means the source and the sustainer that means that which the element came from is called the father so the source of a thing is its father and it also sustains what comes from it that's why God never calls himself mother you'll get that next week God never calls himself mother because mothers are not sauce God is called the father of creation because everything was made by him and without ever than anything made that was made and everything that is seen came from that which is unseen so everything that you see came out of God and before anything was everything was in God so God was pregnant with everything before anything became something so if you met God before anything was made to be meeting everything but wouldn't have known it because everything was in God so when everything came out of God the very fact that it came out of God made him the PATA the father the source but part two also means sustainer which means whatever comes out of the source is also sustained or upheld by the source that's why you'll find that Hebrews chapter 1 a very interesting statement you need to study it says in times past God spoke to us through many sundry ways and divers means but now in these days is speak to us through his son who by whom he made the universe and he upholds all things how by the word of his power that means whatever came out of God he's sustaining that's why he's called the father so a father is the source of a thing that sustains the thing you're not a father if you just produce it the only a father if he's the staying with the produce now let's go one step deeper here when God wanted to create the human race he never went to the soil more than once women did not come from the soil God went to the soil once he made one man it's fine with me Bishop God made one human being out of the soil he counted up God never went back to the soil ever that means when God finished with this one body he had everybody in this body stay with me that means when God took this body and put it in the garden he put everybody who was in the body in the garden so here was this body with everybody talking to somebody God designed the mailman exactly to represent who he is God is a source of our creation so he designed this creature the mailman to be the source of all the human family that's why a male is a father not because his wife voted for him you're gonna get that next week you are father because it was from you that God took everything else when God took this male and put him in the Garden God gave the mailman instructions and when God told the mailman in the garden the first thing he told him was to work so the first thing the mail dot was work not woman all the men say hell yes you don't need a wife brother you need a job whenever God establishes anything in creation he also establishes its priority and therefore if God gave the male man were at first then as far as God is concerned the priority for a man is work not woman that's why you shouldn't marry a man who doesn't want to work then God took this land put him in the garden then God told this man he says I want you to work cultivate and protect say with me work cultivate and protect say now work cultivate and protect these are the three things a male man must do he must work he must cultivate everything in his care and he must protect it under his kid then after God placed him with these instructions he gave him his word he says there's a tree I don't want you to touch this is my commandment don't touch it so the mailman got the word no woman around so he's the worker the cultivator he is the protector and the preacher then when the man understood his assignment then God said to the man activate your brain named that animals for me and his brain went to work and he was busy carrying out his responsibilities then God says now I think you're ready to take on some responsibility it's not good for you to be all one so God put him to sleep went inside pulled out of feet now God had two meals he had a mayor and a meal with a fee and a female is simply a mantle to carry the fetus so if you can carry your fetus now are a male so no matter how you break your wrist and put Aries in your ears you can't carry your penis you are a brother yes so don't come to me but no hormones and no Jew moons and all this stuff when Adam saw this wonderful beautiful creature that God took out of him where the God get it from a little bit so he became what the source of the woman which made him her father and whatever comes from you must be sustained by you you'll get it later Isaac that's why women are not looking for husbands they're looking for a father they want a man who could take over where daddy left off I can't hear your isn't it too deep for you see the problem is most women only get in husbands they're not getting a father a father supports sustains councils comforts provides and protect that's why most men don't understand why there's a natural inclination to call your wife baby why she is your baby come on same with me say baby yes sir she came out of you she's your responsibility to support uphold and provide for gods rich God's responsibility for the mail it's very clear he's a Potter that means that you are not married any time a young woman comes into your presence you are father if you take on a date suddenly you are father so if your abuser is calling says where they young girl goes over the man a young man she should feel safe so we got a lot of men walking around saying they're men because they have a baby you know you ain't a father and tell you support me and the baby is not just the product of the union the baby is the woman you got two babies you'll get it later so we have some strange men around the world when they have when they get married and really excited and then when the baby comes then they got to by Luke and powder and diapers and crib and toys at shoes and hats and food and clothes and fees and then they start sayin woman there's too much pressure for me yeah well let me inform you about something please write this down don't call responsibility pressure that's your baby you made that baby so you got to sustain that I'll pull that and undergird that support that nurture that feed that protect that cover that that's why Jesus has a strange name in Isaiah he is not only called the son that was born but his name is also everlasting father you'll get it you you you get not only is he married to the church he's the church's father that's why he meets all your needs he supplies all your needs he covers you protects you he got you he promised you he feeds you he does what you are his baby God's gold in this season his maturity God is getting us ready now for maturity as a matter of fact he's demanding it the church for the last 50 60 years I've had an opportunity to do a little review of the church and we've been an excited group of people with no death we got great anointing without character we got tremendous gifts without standards we got power without principles we are flashy without faith we can print great posters but we can't invite the presence of God we have a church that has become an expert at setting meetings up but they have difficulty meeting with God and what God is demanding in this season is for us to take the diapers off he wants us to get rid of all the powdered milk he's now demanding that we act our age I mean the church is almost 2000 years old and still gossip and bickering competing jealous 2,000 years old and we still hating one another comparing ourselves with each other matter of fact we still prejudiced we still get all kinds of internal jealousies and backbiting and it's horrible matter of fact the church is still an adolescent she has no breasts yet Jesus ain't gone marrying a little girl i'ma tell you right now No he's demanding that we grow up now and growing up means responsibility say with me responsibility say now responsibility little louder come on responsibility one more time responsible just a little bit louder that's what God is looking for nothing is as destructive as irresponsibility the most pervasive characteristic that paid our society today worldwide is that of irresponsibility irresponsibility is defined as not answerable to Authority lacking a sense of accountability unable to respond to conscience it also means fickle flighty thoughtless rash undependable unstable loose what a lot of charismatic Saarloos irresponsible people it means lacks it means a moral people who worship on Sunday morning and go out sleeping around on Sunday night that's a call Leafs irresponsible people we got people in the church who was sinning right in the choir and speaking in tone now I must be honest with you in many cases I don't doubt their salvation they're just irresponsible irresponsibility also means unpredictable you don't know what they're gonna do next week when they're gonna leave the church no commitment to nobody welcome into any vision they there are irresponsible people it also means wild unreliable untrustworthy it also means this I like this one it means to transfer blame write that down please to be a responder me is the transfer blame for your behavior to somebody else the entire world is suffering under this destructive influence of irresponsibility no one wants to take responsibility for their actions their decisions their situations nor their circumstances we are experts at blaming the past for our future we blame our parents for our habits we blame our teachers for our ignorance we blame our leaders for the way we follow them we blame sickness for our health we blame our children for our social problems they are our children we blame cigarettes and tobacco companies for our cancer we blame the government for unemployment and they force them in I got a problem with this one you know why you ain't working because you don't want to nowhere in the bible does the Bible ever state that the government's responsibility is to create employment that's why nations are in trouble because the government is creating employment for the people do you know the way they measure the wealth of a nation write this down it's measured by three letters G and P those of you who are economists what I'm talking about G and P it means gross national product save it me gross national product that's how wealthy a nation is gross means total national means the nation and product is for productivity that means the wealth of a nation is determined by how product productive the whole nation is which means if you don't work if you don't find ingenuity within yourself to be productive then the whole nation is suffering from poverty so you can't blame the government for unemployment you got a brain between your ear with 1 billion cells and haven't used 10% year there's something you could do with your hands that you don't need the government to tell you some of you could bake some great cakes and you're still buying from the bakery some of you can sew very well and you're still buying from them folks in Paris tell your neighbor maximize yourself tell your neighbor deploy yourself you see if you don't deploy yourself others will employ you and whoever employs you will determine how much you worth by what they pay you and I've decided years ago no one could pay what I'm worth so we blame the government for our unemployment we blame alcohol for our drunkenness we blame our rise for our waywardness we blame our husbands for our depression whoa we blame the black man blames the white man for his predicament the white man blames the black man for his predicament and the poor blames the rich for their property and we live in an irresponsible generation we live in a generation who believes that lie falls them something a generation who refused to take repress the responsibility for their own decisions and actions irresponsibility is the is that the abandonment of conscience and the ignorance of accountability to violate stewardship is to be irresponsible so the criminal blame society for his misbehavior he's not amazing I heard a case just yesterday a guy killed another guy and the court I'm having difficulty because the plea of the young man who shot the other young man was that the community brought him up in a certain way that that's why he shot it now friends when we have transferred our behavior to the society we live in we are in trouble we are a society of blamers the sinner blame the hypocritical preacher for his damnation think about that president I ain't coming to church right then preachers ain't no good rather go to church for yourself the Lord with them preaches stop transferring your irresponsibility on a preacher the Bible says work out your own salvation if the preacher wanna mess up let a mess of by himself you go ahead live right but the question is where did this fit of irresponsibility come from and where did it end of the world and when did it come in to our experience well you can find it if you quickly turn to Genesis chapter 1 awesome stuff here this destructive spirit was released in the Garden of Eden when the first man who carried all men inside of his loins violated his stewardship he was given trust and responsibility for the entire Earth and the world on it he was entrusted with the responsibility to maintain the righteous standards of his creator God on the planet through obedience Genesis 1:26 says and God said let us make man in our own image in our likeness and let them have dominion so man was created to what dominate the earth the word Dominion means govern or to control or to manage or loves George ship over that means he was responsible for the quality of life on the planet so he was therefore set up as a manager over God's property and I want to note here that God never gave up ownership of this place he just gave us the management contract he still owns it the earth is still the Lord's and the fullness thereof so God is still the owner of this planet but he gave the management contract to man and in Genesis chapter 2 verse 15 he told the man what to do with the planet to work it cultivated subdue it and to dominate it Genesis 3 says that there was an irresponsible act this man took the trust and the stewardship and violated it and it ended up in the hands of an unlawful illegal unemployed Jared so here we see God's property being mismanaged and fallen into the hands of a diabolical abominable fall of God Lucifer in Genesis chapter 3 I want you to look at something that changed my life about two months ago I have been very cautious lately because I realized that God is not who he thought he we he was I'm learning so much about God until I'm beginning to be suspicious of all this theology I'm getting lately as I read the Bible it begins to destroy my theology it has a way of doing that and in chapter 3 it says that they fell and they disobeyed God and they lost the management contract in Chapter three something happens God comes in and he acts the man where I down and here comes the interest of irresponsibility he transfers the blame to somebody else he says this woman you gave me is the cause of all of this problem everybody say patta oh she came out of you how can you blame your offspring for your behavior that's why God ignored the statement and when trouble fell upon humanity God never went to the woman he went to the man he went to the source he says where are you and it was not a question of location it was a question of disposition it was a question of you are out of position he didn't run your home Adam you see Adam was created as a male and a male as a giver or female as a receiver therefore a female pen won't get in trouble now a female is designed by God to receive and whatever she received she incubates multiplies it and gives it back to the male she was built to do that so whatever you give a woman she receive it multiply it and give it back to you whatever you give a woman I listen brothers she'll receive it she'll multiply it give it back to you she'll never give you back what you gave her she'll multiply it first she's designed that way you get it so if you give a woman a sperm you'll never get a spinning back cheer multiply it give you a baby if you give our house she multiply it give you a home if you give her groceries she'll give you a meal you could give her frustration she multiplied it yeah so brothers if you don't like what you are getting change what your giving it's ridiculous for you to say to a woman where did you get this from I mean could imagine cotton saying what's that he can't say that he's receiving back multiply what he gave all your wives just hit your husband you're sitting right listen yeah tell you tell your husband if you don't like what I'm giving you change what you're giving me whoo everybody say thirsty night live come on save up me thirsty night live yeah Adam what happened that was the question where are you man how did you get like this on his first response was this woman and ever since that day the man has been saying irresponsibility transfer of blame from that day the man has been attempting to avoid responsibility by transferring the blame to others from that day God has been attempting to restore mankind to his rightful place of responsibility and in all of God's dealing with his creation man in every generation and in every ethnic expression and in every culture in every way God has desired man to be restored to the responsible free moral agent he created when he first released man from his loins God is still trying to get man back to being a responsible free will agent God's purpose is obvious in his design of man he made and created man to be a free spirit and an independent will he intended for man to rule and to govern and to be a manager over the earth through the power of choice and that's to determine the quality of life and environment he was desired in the context of God's will the man was given a will to activate his choice as we look at previous generations and individuals with whom God has worked will observe something very distinct there's some principles that I've discovered that applies in every case and can I just throw something in here that you probably didn't notice before but if you look at chapter 3 over the last three verses it says so the Lord banished man verse 23 from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken verse 34 and after he drove him out he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword can I suggest something that may not go over too well theologically if you mismanaged something God would take it from you it's that simple and that serious a lot of things that we thought the devil took I believe God took a lot of things we've been saying the devil did it no no you see some of you lost your house and you come on a prayer line for the pastor to pray for you to get your house back because you didn't pay your mortgage for three weeks but yous buying some dresses you couldn't afford it's called mismanagement your car was repossessed and now you're saying devil take your hands off my car I rebuke you the devil says I never touch your car you didn't pay the note come on friends I mean here you are you eatin poke chop lamb chop don't chop this chop all these chops eatin all this fat for seven years fat for ten years fat now your arteries are clogged up with the fat you ate now your turn the devil I rebuke you come on no oh it's called irresponsible eating tell your neighbor feel myself growing up it's amazing how we bring we transfer blame to Satan for our irresponsible behavior you know exercise well I might as well touch it and you eat more fat than you burn so the fat stays with you and then the doctor says now look here you're gonna have to lose some weight because your heart is having to push this blood to new horizons let me come on the prayer line we say pray for me preacher and the preacher says Satan come out of her Lord heal this from the devil is outside crying saying they always blaming everything on me irresponsibility No God took Adam and put him out of wood he put him in let me say it again God put Adam out of wood he put him in why because he mismanaged it you mismanaged a ministry God had put you up you mismanage your house daughter put you up you mismanaged the car he bless you and he put you up if you mismanaged at home he'd put you up uh not only would he put you out he put a cherubim to make sure you don't get back there are some things God is protecting from you because you are not responsible enough yet to handle it Oh y'all hear me tonight some of you praying for things you can't manage that's why you ain't got it yet it ain't no God in hearing you but you ain't qualified to manage it yet some of you praying for a million dollars that can match it a thousand dollar salary yet according to Jesus this is the way God thinks if you are faithful over a level then he would make a rule over much write this down organize for what you're praying for organize for what you're praying for pray for what you know you can manage some folks praying for a spouse who can't manage their own body yet why you want to take on another body when your body's out of discipline you think God's not blessing you in a spouse God's protecting that person from you come on somebody everybody's a responsibility all right now I'm gonna be driving this home what I'm going to say in the next 30 minutes is going to be very difficult to handle all right so what does God do ever since this incident of the fall God's been trying to get us back into a position of responsibility and over the past four decades something has happened there's a distinct change in the equation many of the present generations that exists right now especially those who have become so prominent like what we see right now here in recent times by virtue of their numerical growth social transitions an intellectual progress most of these children are products of oppression in essence many of those who are now being raised by God to take responsibility for the generation they living in were born in the wilderness most of them were never in Egypt but they still get the smell of it they are products of oppression and nothing is worse than living in the present with a mind of the past these people carry the stain and the sin of Egypt bondage on their conscience and they struggle with the mentality and memory of slavery and abuse many of them are in this room sitting next to you this saw join in the wilderness is actually an important period God did something interesting and this is the equation I want you to set up in your mind the turn of Israel was a type of the church as well as a type of your personal life and if you were to study carefully even as Jesus refers to them and Paul refers to them as well and reference to our personal salvation and I experienced with God if you study it carefully you'll discover some interesting principles number one they were in bondage for over 400 years in slavery everybody say Egypt I want you to write that word down Egypt there are three phases to freedom and the first phase is bondage everybody was born in Egypt you and I Egypt represents a bondage and a slavery under which we could not set ourselves free and they were there for 400 years matter of fact 430 and they were trapped under that slavery and they cried out to God then God did something interesting the second phase is that he delivered them everybody say delivered oh please share me the night delivered them he did he delivered them from slavery from bondage and God does the same thing to you you and I were born in sin shaping and iniquity and in sin where we conceived we were trapped as sinners you don't become a sinner you're born one you don't develop into one year born one you don't put on sin you're born one that's why you got to be born again so you cannot change a human being by adjusting his behavior he needs to be born again that's why I got a little concerned about psychotherapy and psychology and psychiatry I mean these are wonderful Sciences and beautiful professions but when they try to change a soul I got a problem as long as they remain psyche then I'm fine which means mine but don't touch that spirit in that soul you can't change that with no psychology that needs to blood of Jesus people need to be born again by the Holy Spirit but when God brings you out of slavery personally or corporately as a nation or as a people he brings you into deliverance deliverance is not freedom I'm going to say it slower deliverance is not freedom don't confuse deliverance with freedom now I'm going to say something here tonight I hope you hear the spirit of the prophecy when people are delivered they do what Miriam did they get down get down when you delivered you dance you sing you shot you be temporary that's when you deliver but you ain't free it he brought them out of Egypt through the Red Sea but he didn't take him to Canaan they were delivered to the wilderness I'm beat have mercy on one side of where this is the Red Sea we call it the Red Sea on the other side of illness is the River Jordan in the middle is the wilderness on the outside of Red Sea is Egypt on the outside of Jordan is Canaan promised freedom in the middle his wilderness and for you to make it to your experience of true freedom first you gotta pass through your first party of water which is your first baptism Lord help me today and that one God does that without your assistance have you noticed the first body of water was on miracle miraculously done the people had nothing to do with it God opened the waters and they walked over on dry ground the Bible says they will never touch with the water it was a dry ground it says there was a miracle they got through and when God saves you and delivers you it's all him 20% God he saves you delivers you without your health he brings you into deliverance if you were a drunken alcoholic a drug addict and a reprobate or whatever God saves you and instantly manual changed but don't confuse that deliverers with freedom deliberate people are dangerous people because they're not free I want you to hear this delivered people confuse deliverance with freedom but delivered people are dangerous because they haven't changed all they changed was location and the reason why God will never take a people direct to freedom is because if you've been in slavery for a long time you ain't got the mentality for freedom so he has to take you through a training process in the wilderness to try and get Egypt out of your mind out of your spirit before he let you into Canaan the wilderness is designed to get rid of Egypt and let me say this friends if you don't learn your lessons in the wilderness God will bury you there I'm gonna say it again we've been wondering why certain groups of people in the world doesn't see the progress doesn't seem to make it forward I mean yes they've been delivered and they've been complaining but have been delivered for the been complaining they've been the news we've been blaming the past blaming everybody else transferring responsibility for hundreds of years blaming it they've just been delivered I'm [ __ ] bearing them right in the woods just keep burning her Jimmy just keep burned why God would not allow the spirit of Egypt to indicate help me Lord the same thing is true of you and it's true of Jesus when Jesus came the Bible says he was born of woman born under the law did me and he's born under the curse so he could free those who are under the curse so here was Jesus born under the same limitations of man not only that he was also born under physical oppression the Roman Empire was the rulers of the world at that time and Jesus was actually a slave he was under the oppression of a regime that took power over the people and that's why they to pay taxes that they carry the Roman soldiers shield that they carry the sphere they had to carry their this sword they had to give them their tunic and their cloaks when they wanted they were slaves but yet Jesus didn't sit there and get mad watch Jesus he he's alright he grew up learned his lessons submitted to his authority of parents he took on a manhood responsibility and then at age 30 he went to John because he wanted to start his assignment he walked up to John and said John I got to go to my first body of water because I got to get out of this oppression and John says but wait a minute he said no no no we got to do this this is required everybody got to go through the first body of water so he goes to the first party of water and as he goes through the Bible says the Spirit of God like a dump came upon him when you go to the first body of water you get the Spirit of God everybody's a saved say delivered and he's delivered with the Holy Ghost out from the first body water and the Bible says as he came out of the water the Spirit came upon him and what did the spirit do it tells you the first thing the Spirit do was not lead him into the ministry come on use his spiritual revelation here God knew what he was doing he says you ain't ready for ministry yet because he was brought up in Palestine you were brought up in Nazareth you got a small mind he was brought up in in in in Galilee and so he took him to the wilderness and he was led by the spirit into the wilderness led by who you mean the Spirit of God will lead you into trouble whoa come on let's read Bible forget all of the theology you've been dealing with God will not trust you until he tests you first God don't trust your mind he saved your soul but your mind ain't no good and if not as a man believe it so is he it's how a man think it's so is he so God gotta change your thinking so that your behavior could change the Bible says be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind and transform means for change that means that your mind in change is still in change I don't care how you shout and dancing preacher speaking tongues if your mind and change you're still in transform and God will take you in the wilderness and everybody here has to go oh hear me I don't care who you are God will take you to the wilderness cause he won't trust you and tell you make it I don't care how great your vision is or how awesome your purpose is or how much big things you want to do in life God won't let you stop until you go through the wilderness now what's in the wilderness he says he took him there to test him there are three tests you must pass before God trust you with freedom write them down first test is a test of appetites you gotta pass that test you gotta test your appetites God will check to see if your appetites are under control all of them your sexual appetites well some folks want to preacher their mouths and can't keep their zipper it's so sad today we got man and women of God rushing into the ministry can't break the span of church and they haven't put their Lawrence under control yet that's why there's such disgrace in the church we got anointed heads with uninvited loins oh come on clap your hands somebody then the sound back we need to be changed our minds need to change God will test your appetites for food for control of your appetite and that's the first test Jesus at the past appetites under control and he passed it the second test you must pass even like this one is the test for power God will test you to see if you want power going after power and control a lot of people are in the ministry for the wrong reason some folks want to carry the pastor's Bible for the wrong reason oh yeah I know they're there yeah you got folks who will do anything to get a new position God will test you brother when you don't warn the position gotta give it to you right where you are work hard do the best you can don't look for promotion it'll come from the Lord the devil says to Jesus come on this pinnacle and jump down and you'll make yourself famous you see if you said looking for fame you ain't got the right spirit some folks rushing to the ministry because of the big break lord help us we got some talented people here I mean you could sing you could play piano you could play a saxophone or something and here comes a guy who heard you play and he says look I won't put you in the studio man you pretty good yeah you see yeah this is your big break yeah my big break yeah now listen we don't want you to mention Jesus when you sing now we'll give you $200,000 we'd pay for everything for you but just don't mention Jesus okay this is your big break will promote you in the secular market we'll put you on MTV we're gonna picture you just remember don't mention Jesus and everything on me all right time for your big break now then you got the other side even got some great men of God women of God who would come to a young whippersnapper and say hey man you preach good I want you to come over to my church and take over the youth department even sure he's safe safe safe now I just like the way you preach yeah anybody could ever get from doing character we got some men and women in the ministry who were called into the ministry by ministers instead of God this stuff gotta stop now nothing in the world is worse than an official group come on somebody now an official group they take those who rules and put in those chicken eggs chickens grow overnight full of hormones fat and plop and make you sick and get cancer I mean got some Saints like that all of a sudden out of nowhere they come didn't have a chance to be tested or tried or go through any tribulation and all of a sudden they put a sign over a door front saying they got a church brother you gotta run the room first pastor your children first pastor your wife first pastor your neighborhood first then try and pastor the neighborhood there are people in the ministry who need to go out of the ministry now go and start over again I love someone to father you before you try and father people God will test you for power people are hungry for power and the third test God tested Jesus for he can test you for it - is the test of pride oh that's a serious subtle one if you bow down and worship me I'll give you all the glory and the splendor and all the authority and influence of the city I'll give you all this you see if you just worship me you can be in the pride of life and you will be somebody and you'll make you important boy what a tempting thing and that's in the church may God forgive us but God won't take you through the wilderness before he brings you into freedom and can I suggest that when you pass the test in the wilderness he will take you across Jordan but according to our text in Scripture you notice that God did not take them because for 40 years he tried to change their minds let me tell you something slavery is a dangerous thing oppression is an awesome thing you could build oppression for 40 years and still be smelling onions and garlic these people were strange they cried out for freedom cried out for deliverance a rented Kane they complained about it why because they didn't understand that freedom and responsibility go together now I'm going to squeeze this in one capsule when they came out of Italy what they went to the wilderness and in the wilderness the miracles were free free provisions free sponsorship free food free clothes free health you know when you first get delivered everything is free I'm gonna tell you something I eager to hear this when every body is delivered first life is wonderful when you first got saved and you got delivered from sin you remember how you used to live use the paper to face that showed up in the morning I mean you just believe with something in a cage remember that I mean you wanna go get some money someone gave it to you you pray young Christian God will just bless you he'll give you manna he'll give you water from the rock he'll give you crawls he'll give you shoes he'll be free but there comes a time when God said that's enough God will feed you and quote you and quench your thirst and he will do it free in spite of your behavior in deliverance in deliverance God will wink at your misbehavior he will literally turn his eyes away from your disappointments he will actually feed you even though you grumble he clothed you even though you murmur because in that period he knows you still thinking like Egypt but there comes a time and God says that's enough you've been out long enough and do you know if you are never willing to change and cross the river God will bury you in the wilderness I want you to turn to a passage of Scripture real quick Joshua chapter 5 to me I believe this is where the church is at right now if you want to know the season it is this is where it's at it's right here in chapter 5 I believe in my spirit I sensed his everywhere trouble and it's here it says verse 2 at that time the Lord said to Joshua make Flint knives circumcise the Israelites so that Joshua made Flint knives and circumcise the Israelites now this is why he did all those who came out of Egypt all the men of military age died in the desert on the way after leaving Egypt all the people that came out of Egypt had been circumcised but all the people born in the desert had not been circumcised verse 6 the instruments had moved about in the desert for how long for the years until the man who of military age had died since they have not obeyed the Lord for the Lord had sworn to them that they would not see the land that he had solemnly promised their fathers to give us a Lanford milk and honey everyone said milk and honey he raised up their sons in their place everybody's a race of the children they were still uncircumcised because they had not been circumcised on the way and after the whole nation has been circumcised they remained there to be here verse 9 then the Lord said to Joshua today I've rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you so the place had been called Gilgal that is they just paused I'll tell you something God made sure that everyone who couldn't change their minds stayed in the business and died but God would keep a person alive who he knows can't change he keep my lives so he can get what's in their loins are you listening to so some folks are live and the thing guards with them behavior with them he just needed to get the children out of them God kept these people alive for 40 years because there was a generation inside of them that he wanted to take to the promised land and they're people who ain't going in but they ain't there yet God's just waiting for their children and when God get your children all set he gonna bury you that's why the old generation some of them are having difficulty because they see the new generation coming up and some of them don't want to let go you know it's okay to be a play on the field but when your age and your time and the season is gone you should become a coach nothing in the world is worse than having a coach trying to play an old one God waited until the children were born I'm grown up and tell the predator kids and then he made sure they were buried in the wilderness he took the children in secondly you notice here God didn't allow them to be circumcised in the wilderness why he didn't want anything from the wilderness to be in their bodies or a mark on them with the end of the freedom it's very important and then he tells them why verse 9 he says I did this to take away the reproach of Egypt reproach me in shame God wants you to forget your slavery he wants to cut it off he wants to say I want to lift the sting of it the memory of it I won't take it from you the reproach has to be taken off some folks are in deliverance and still feeling like slavery garner to cut you off he and up there circumcise your heart all over again you get to change the way you think to get you out of that mentality now I wanna read a verse that I think is the key the evening of the 14th day they are now in the promised land the day after the Passover verse 11 they ate some of the Manor are some of the produce of the land of freedom they are in Canaan now and they eating and after the first meal underlined is first the Bible says the manna stopped lord have mercy I believe that's where we are right now God is saying I appreciate all of your claiming and naming all you bless me and bless me that impressed me that he said Sunday is over now I want a people who ain't give you looking for mana no more but looking for management God cuts the matter off when you grow up he's now making them responsible for providing their own food their own clothes their clothes wore out in Canaan the manna stopped in Canaan the water never came from the rock in Canaan and when they got in Canaan did they fight who did they fight brother freedom means fighting time freedom means you got to dig your own wells help me Lord you got to plant your own corn you got to show your own clothes you got to develop your own strategies and I like what God says to Joshua God says Joshua in Joshua chapter 1 he says I'll be with you as I was with Moses but I tell you friends if you look at the way God was with Joshua it's not the same way was with Moses and sometime but if God is not with you because he ain't working the way you used to work with the old fellas come on now let's talk with this we gotta talk about this people say about you know about it the way it used to be and anything that no God is so wise God made sure that Moses didn't go because he knew that Joshua would be in charge and friends I asked the Lord a few months ago what would have happened if Moses went into the language France we have a problem today because Moses knew how God worked with him and God did nothing with Joshua the way did it with Moses even though he was with Joshua Moses stretched a rod over the sea and the water opened God told Joshua you can walk in yours all the enemies in the wilderness God fought for them when they came to Canaan Gossett's a man pick up a sword with Moses I work for him but with you I'm gonna work with you come on somebody some of you are still wanting God to do everything for you now God has created you to be a responsible person and he wants to teach you responsibility and it's time for you to read the Bible for yourself don't let no TV vendors make you read the Bible anymore you got to pray for yourself you don't need no traveling prime minister to teach you how to pray no more pray by yourself now responsibility time don't let no one come a tribe pump give and make you give and talk about giving and talk about blessed don't give because they don't get blessed give because you love him be responsible God wants people who are responsible people now he wants people who are gonna do it because they know it's right the man had Rider and it never came back and so I got some news for you there's no greater burden than freedom there's no heavier load than Liberty the security of slavery is the absence of responsibility let me try just one more time the security of slavery is the absence of responsibility in other words people like slavery because in slavery you don't have to be responsible the comfort of oppression is the absence of self-determination the attraction of subjugation is the privilege of blame when you are subjugated when you our press you can always blame your oppressor but when you're free you can't blame nobody more man in this building and women are afraid of freedom than of slavery because freedom is frightening the cry of freedom usually ends in the murmur of regret the child demands freedom from his parents the spouse demands freedom from his partner the slave demands freedom from the master the colony demands freedom from his imperial oppressor the youth demands freedom from laws and prohibitions and the subjects demand freedom from their dictators and what happens what do we mean let me say freedom the general perception and the concept of freedom is this freedom is the absence of laws and restrictions we think or freedom is the void of work and obligation freedom is retirement from responsibility freedom is the right to do as one pleases freedom is eternal relaxation freedom is the release from eternal can external control however all of these concepts of freedom are erroneous and dangerously embraced by the significant segments of our society the truth is freedom imposes more laws on you than slavery freedom demands more work than slavery freedom requires more responsibility than slavery freedom demands that you do the right thing freedom imposes more the need for internal control than external control in other words in freedom you need more control than in slavery unconsciously slavery oppression and subjugation is more attractive than freedom because the demands of freedom are higher than slavery we escape from freedom when we seek to avoid responsibility for our own behavior any misconception of freedom will always result in bondage and many confuse freedom with independence some mistake freedom for permission and others consider freedom lack of accountability but freedom is an interesting word it means Liberty the Hebrew word up shop or hop shop and it means liberty it also is the Greek word polity which means citizen freedom is an attribute of God the Bible says he worketh all things after the counsel of his will by this God expresses the truth that God Himself is self determining as an agent he's a free personal being acting purely in accordance with his own perfections God he shows that he is the reason and the purpose of all his creation is for them to exercise the divine act of freedom just like he exercises it the Bible says he created all things by and for and through him freedom for us as men in the image of God is the power of the mind and the will to choose between alternatives the power to choose between God and the devil good and evil thus man freely determines his own future and destiny as he chooses between what life has to offer man was created in the image of God and accordingly was an endowed with perfect moral freedom sin results from abuse of that freedom which resulted in man being in a state of complete moral inability Romans 719 tells us how man became a victim of his own abuse and though he still pers is natural freedom man is imprisoned spiritually freedom is essential to all moral responsibility and moral responsibility is one of the institutions of the human mind the root meaning of freedom that's what I want to wrap this up on right the word freedom down the word freedom made up of two words free and Dom from the word Dominion or domain freedom therefore means the Liberty to dominate or the right to rule your environment not to rule other people freedom is the Liberty or right to dominate govern and manage your environment that's what God gave Adam Genesis says let them have dominion and that's God's release of freedom freedom is the delegated release of authority to be responsible for governing and to managing your designated sphere of influence freedom therefore makes you responsible and accountable God delegated freedom the right for every man to dominate and govern rule the earth therefore freedom is always within the law of delegation there is no freedom without law and therefore freedom is always under law freedom means you're not under control of any other person but under the higher law of principle lay down by God freedom is not the absence of work or the cancellation of responsibilities but rather the release of work and released to work and to fulfill the assignment of responsibility Jesus closes the concept of freedom in a statement John 8:32 he says then you know the truth and the truth will make you free in other words freedom can be given to you by a human being it's discovered when you discover truth about you and about life a slave has no permanent place in the family jesus said in John 15 but a son belongs to the family forever servants he says must be promoted to friends God does not want us to remain as servants always begging and following and crawling he wants us to become friends who know his mind and his will and his purpose Paul speaks in Galatians 4 and he says as long as the air is a child he is treated like a slave but when he is grown up he gets the inheritance how long are we going to be treated like a slave in the body of Christ irresponsibility leads to slavery proverbs 6 5 says free yourself like a gazelle you slug it and get up from your sleep a little sleep a little slumber and poverty comes upon you like a bandit freedom demands responsibility and responsibility as a result of maturity which is the evidence of character which is produced by trials and tests disobedience leads to bondage and obedience leads to responsibility freedom is expensive and it costs a high price deliverance is instant but freedom is a process one must be prepared for freedom all oppression produces the spirit of irresponsibility the spirit of laziness hatred for work fear distrust low self-esteem poor self-concept selfishness timidity and a spirit of immediate gratification and that's what we're suffering from right now people who have been oppressed for many years they want instant gratification they don't want to plan and wait and earn they want instant cash now it's a spirit of slavery still upon them he saw was a good example of a man who has a slave mentality when he's hungry he'll sell his birthright for some food instantly forgetting that he'll be hungry again delivers may not lead to freedom and that's the sadness of this night deliverance is not freedom freedom is deliverance from oppression deliverance is released from the oppressor let me repeat it deliverance is the release from the oppressor but freedom is the deliverance from oppression you can be delivered and still oppressed in essence it is possible to be delivered and still not free the power of the oppressor is the maintenance of ignorance and therefore the oppressed must be set free through knowledge of the truth both the oppressed and the oppressor need to be delivered and set free and the oppressed need to be delivered from oppression and the oppressor need to be delivered from his misconception of the oppressed I'm gonna try one more time lord help me on this last point I said the oppressed need to be delivered from the oppressor but the oppressor also need to be delivered from his misconception of the oppressed some even get it after I'm gone by this tape listen to it five times you see a man can set you free physically and still not accept you as an equal and that's what's going to happen in South Africa the people have been in by I just came from there it's hard for those people to confuse freedom with deliverance that's what's going to happen and believe me friends when you are free you don't need to be accepted therefore the delivered must be trained for freedom most Christians are delivered spirits with oppressed minds sudden freedom can overwhelm a slave and driving back into bondage this was the failure of colonialism in my experience in our own country they produced dependence as colonies and parasites and when they gave us independence we were still dependent on them freedom is not synonymous with independence and that's why I'm concerned about South Africa I'm going back there in a few weeks he cleese yesterday's chapter 10 verse 5 let's close on that verse base and we gonna go please turn there I want everyone to read this he Chrissy a cities chapter 5 chapter 10 rather verse 5 that's in the Old Testament be careful what you read detrimental to your ignorance it says in verse 16 woe to the land when a slave becomes king and winner is repeated woe to you O land when a slave becomes King Ecclesiastes chapter 10 rather verse 16 chapter 10 verse 16 woe to the land when a slave becomes king what does God say he's saying when a man is in charge who still has an oppressed mentality you are in trouble if I was to say what God is warning and this is my prophetic word to this conference in this era this season right now God is desiring that we be transformed mentally for freedom we've been delivered we've been dancing we've been having a great time over the past couple of hundred years but now we have to move in to a different sphere of responsibility and I say to this conference ambassador Carlton I want you to stand for a minute I want to dress this directly to you the Lord spoke to my heart and told me to speak this into this conference through this leader it's a great leader here God says that years ago he tried to do this through a man just like you but it didn't work because the man brought deliverance but he didn't bring freedom and God desired to keep the name because he's trying to do something that wasn't done those who tried to fulfill God's purpose at that time they were smothered by others and what was intended to happen did not happen hear me and so even the man who God intended to use was forgotten for years and others who had the spirit of oppressors took what God had desired and buried it the Spirit of God has blown into this generation with a desire to do it one more time the man before you died and never fulfilled what God wanted done because he wanted to be accepted and so the people danced the streets were jammed you couldn't get near the building but they were not free doing it one more time a Sousa place is jammed people trying to get in one more time but this time he doesn't want deliverance only he wants them to be free in the minds he wants them to be renewed in their own thinking about who they are where they came from why they're here and how important everybody is he's desiring that you not search for company he got all the company you need since the Lord look around you that you must not search to join a status he gave his status when he called it he doesn't want this to be a proverb like the last one he doesn't want others to take what he has done and make it this he wants you to bring the people across the second body of water this time make him proud do it says the law to it behold they are ready thank you Jesus lift your hands for a minute just wait a chance no movement please let's go ahead let the word wash you whatever you heard tonight that it's large to your spirit let it wash you thank you Father Oh God he's using the children of Seymour to see if they would do it now a whole generation of people not settling for deliverance wanting to go into freedom a people who don't want to eat onions anymore they have no more taste for garlic they want to drink milk and honey people who want to know how to fight to win their own battles are people who won't transfer blame to history anymore but take responsibility for their behavior father I thank you I thank you for this great moment in history Oh God our fathers did the best they could but Lord their minds are still trapped renew our minds changes in the spirit of our minds alarm and teach us responsibility ho God freedom is frightening because we've got to make our own beds now we got to find our own productivity we can't blame the pass this day Lord bring us into freedom thank you Father behold the people next year shall be different from this year it shall be training not jubilation next year there shall be instruction beyond celebration next year you will be drawn here with a heart that is different than the one that brought you here you came this time because there was a hunger for fellowship on a desire for Association but next time when you meet again it shall be for mental change but the Lord shall renew your mind and the church shall become more with you through this ministry that God has raised up I pray that you would behold a man man who doesn't quite understand all of what's happening to him but he's obedient he's protected by those God has given him so trust him you've watched it you heard him now listen to him and they will not take this one America begins it's constitutional commitment but these words and I want to make sure I pulled this correctly for this has not yet happened it's so close to happening that it must not be stolen we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that they were endowed by their creator with certain unalienable our life freedom and the pursuit of happiness perhaps it might happen in this generation no man can give you freedom freedom must happen to you through revelation of the truth about yourself in God and so next year there shall be more people than there are this year but the spirit will be different they will come for training they will come for instruction for they must be prepared for Kanan responsibility is what freedom is all about may God bless you and keep you his face shine upon you may the continents be raised up upon you to give you peace ladies and gentlemen behold the man I'm available to you come on sing it with us my my will I get I'll do what you say use me Lord to show and enable me yes
Channel: Harmilee Cousin III
Views: 494,835
Rating: 4.7191386 out of 5
Keywords: Myles, Munroe, Azusa, 1994, Burden, Freedom, hxc5020, God, bible
Id: te1HUINXn5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 22sec (7042 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2011
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