Things You NEED To Know About Helldivers 2! Tips, Tricks & More In This Helldivers 2 Guide!

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[Music] hell divers 2 has been out for a while now but there's a lot more depth to the game than some might realize even this far after its release with that in mind in today's video we'll be going over a whole bunch of tips tricks and just other items of trivia that you might not know about hell divers 2 if you pick up something useful from this video that you didn't know drop it a like And subscribe for More Hell divers videos just like this one let's get straight into it the spear can be used to destroy automaton Fabricators but unlike other support weapons this can be done from any angle and doesn't require you to fire around into the exhaust vent if you're looking to clear spawners quickly it can save you a whole lot of fighting and by you precious time on higher difficulties many hell divers opt to run the impact grenade and I can't say I blame you because they're fantastic but if you haven't tried it already give the stun grenade a try this is capable of locking enemies in place to provide the opportunity for an easy kill shot this even affects Chargers Berserkers and hulks even one person running this on your team can be a massive help in a lot of situations essential Personnel evacuations are actually much easier than you might first think drop your squad at the edge of the map and have them draw attention to themselves by allowing the enemy to call in reinforcements meanwhile one single member of your team equipped with eat launchers EMS mortars Auto Cannon sentes and cluster strikes will complete the objective quietly you can of course bring a different kit if you'd like to but the example given will lock up patrols using the EMS mortar buying you valuable time to take them out before they can call in a breach and the eat launcher will give you what you need for large Targets in a pinch the same Personnel evacuation missions are where you can find the most samples in Hell divers the map is smaller meaning any spawns tend to have a huge amount of samples in one place we don't have to alter our strategy from the one mentioned in the last tip but it's worth knowing for those that are kiting around the enemy that they should be on the lookout for massive sample payoffs on their way around the map when using the Patriot Walker did you know that you can actually stop and stun a charger without damage to the Mac the Patriot can be an incredibly handy tool to have on termined missions but Chargers pose a very real threat however if you turn your Mac so that the right side of it is facing towards an oncoming charger they'll simply hit the Gatling gun mounted to the side of the mech become stunned and bounce right off without any damage to you or your Weaponry now you probably already know that reloading early discards valuable ammunition but what you might not know is that the majority of weapons will reload slightly faster if you reload before you empty the magazine completely you can tell when you're running low on rounds without even checking the magazine counter in the bottom left because you'll start to fire red Trac rounds toward the end of your magazine this is your sign to consider a Reload unless you absolutely need those last few rounds laying prone will dramatically reduce the amount of damage you receive from explosions sprinting however actually increases the damage taken from explosions so if you hear the sound of a hell bomb activating and you're a little too close for comfort hit the deck and hope for the best shout out to my teammate rug for putting up with me whilst we tested this one yeah he's not going to be in Hell divers 3 enemies have health pulls for each limb not just a total health pull as such with heavy class enemies you'll want to focus fire on one limb in particular splitting your shots will simply mean that you're not getting the most value for your ammunition that you're expending learn those weak spots and aim for the same one as a squad impact grenades and the grenade launcher support weapon are actually effective against bile Titans if you hit a bile Titan with a rail Cannon strike it usually ually takes just two well-placed impact grenades to take them down aim for the exposed area caused by the rail Cannon strike with a grenade launcher however you can aim for the bile sack at the rear of the bile Titan a single grenade will destroy it and remove its ability to spew bile entirely and if you do this after a real Cannon strike it should kill the bile Titan outright with a single hit there's an enemy termined type that we might be able to expect to see further down the line and the Developers have been teasing its existence this huge bug is known as The Hive Lord which was actually in the first hell divers game as a boss type encounter these massive worms tunnel under the planet's surface and create Tunnels for bug hives you can find what looked to be corpses or perhaps molting of these bugs went on missions and we can see tunnels in the more recent termicide Tower missions which suggests we're likely to see them in the not too distant future you can actually punch a hunter with a melee attack as it leaps towards you to interrupt it and stop yourself from taking damage this will take some practice and obviously if you've got ammo to spare sometimes it's better just to shoot them in the face but if you're reloading or Can't Get Enough shots in quick enough this tip could save your life in a pinch just be prepared to die a few times while you're learning the timing for this one if you're on the lookout for samples Spore spewers often have clusters of them underneath them destroy the overgrown fungi from a distance then go in and scoop up your reward like it were an apple tree in Autumn if you find that you're dying to automaton Devastators defense Towers tanks or even the odd rocket launcher equipped regular robot you might already know that explosive resistance on your armor can be incredibly useful for reducing damage dealt from these enemies however most of the armor this is available on is heavy class armor and you might not want to sacrifice that much movement if that's the case keep an eye out for the B24 in enforcer and the fs 34 exterminator these two armors are only available on the superstore so you'll need to check it regularly but these two armors are medium class and still come with explosive resistance you can actually use the mini map to identify the locations of certain points of interest for example an artillery gun can actually be seen on the mini map itself if you want to go for that first this can also apply to other structures like radar stations or bunkers which can be spotted on the map occasionally so it's worth having a look when you first land on a mission did you know that in the tutorial you play at the very start of the game there's a very very literal sign remember this well the wordage see you on the other side is a lot more serious than you might think there's a planet just beside superar in the alter sector called Clen Darth 2 which if you're a fan of Starship Troopers might sound familiar that's because in the first and only film worth watching from the franchise the home world of the bugs is called kenthu hopefully we can expect an Easter egg or two should we end up fighting on that planet surface recovering stamina happens slowest when you're standing it's slightly quicker when you're Crouch and fastest when you're prone movement doesn't affect your stamina regen so hitting the deck for a few seconds and crawling can be a good strategy if you're looking for a quick boost on a similar token using a stem will not only refill your health bar but also gives you a full bar of stamina too which can be used to great effect if you want to cover more ground quickly here's one that's just a little bit of a tidbit for you with some LW thrown in the terminates provide superar with a precious element when they decompose this is used to fuel the galactic war that element is known as element 71 0 which might seem unsuspecting but when you flip that upside down and reverse it you get what seems to spell oil which honestly is just hilarious thanks to surprisingly scientific study completed by Reddit users gination psyo 101 and Lex locatelli we know a lot more about enemy spawns patrols and how they are manipulated by our actions I'm not going to go over the full study because it's absolutely massive but there's a few things you should know so patrols spawn more often at higher difficulties and this is proven in the study but more interestingly the closer you or your team are to a primary or secondary objective an enemy Outpost or the extraction points patrols are even more likely to spawn at up to a 50% more frequent rate at 100 m away from any of these points of interest you won't affect spawn rates but as you get closer you'll increase the rate a patrol comes your way so take out any enemies biting at your heels before closing the Gap to your objective the same study also found that once you've cleared out 50% of enemy outposts on the map that being the collections of bug holes or fabricators you'll start to increase the spawn rates of enemy patrols so if you don't need the requisition slips it can actually be better just to ignore the outposts in favor of facing less resistance really different to what you'd expect and definitely counterintuitive in my opinion but that's how it works and it can be good to know your options lastly completing the primary objective will drastically increase the spawn rates of patrols so much so that by completing the primary objective you're bringing the spawn timer between patrols down to 25% of whatever the base timer is for your chosen difficulty for example on Hell dive difficulty level 9 the base spawn rate is around 110 seconds once you've taken out the primary objective this plummets to just 27 seconds so for the easiest missions the study was able to deduce that the primary objective should always be completed last now like I said there's a whole lot more in that study that's worth knowing if you're up for a deep dive I'd be here covering for hours if I really went into detail but Lex locatelli also did a video on this on their YouTube which I'll leave Linked In the description below with a link to the full Reddit post too so that's it for me in this one folks but hopefully you found something in this video that you didn't know about hell divers before watching there's always more stuff to learn about this game so if there's anything I didn't mention in this one that you think others would benefit from drop it in the comments below and do your part in the war for Galactic peace thanks again for watching and I'll see you all in the next one [Music] cl cl
Channel: MrAtomicDuck
Views: 13,261
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Keywords: helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2, is helldivers worth it, helldivers 2 reviews, mratomicduck, mr atomic duck, mratomicduck project zomboid, project zomboid, is helldivers 2 worth buying?, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers tips and tricks, helldivers tips, helldivers for beginners, helldivers 2 for beginners, helldivers 2 top tips, helldivers top tips, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers guide, helldivers 2 top tips and tricks, HD2
Id: 8gn_Qc3vb9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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