things that would make me rather be electrocuted

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[Music] hey hey who are you oh I'm the fairy of discomfort and I hear you've been a very good boy this year what does that mean it means I have a gift for you ever think about how sound is just Wiggly air that makes our brain build things for example summertime ice cream tomato soup with grilled cheese subscribe to my YouTube channel notice how some of those made you feel things sometimes some of that Wiggly air or textile feeling it makes us suffer and lately I've been thinking about the ones that make me suffer and I'm curious if these are normal like there was this one time I was unloading the dishwasher and I had made a mistake that I didn't think would be a mistake earlier when I was choosing all the settings for the dishwasher I put all the settings on Max because that's what I always did which seems like it would make sense if you want to clean your dishes why not choose the setting that makes the dishes to clean it right apparently doing it too much can change how your glass dishes feel I went to put away one of the glasses and when I touched it I felt such a discomfort that I let out an audible yeah the best way I can describe how it felt was squinchy like when you touch it it feels like a squinch which is obviously terrible it's like if glass was more grippy this is what it sounds like by the way has anybody else come across this do you know do you understand and you look into my heart and set up a ton of alarms that would go off every five minutes in the morning to wake him up for class and it would go off for like an hour or so unfortunately for the guys who lived in the door who's next to us I was the same way so every morning it was like so now whenever I hear the iPhone alarm I feel some kind of Primal Fear it's terrible but the weird thing is these days I don't wake up to an alarm anymore I wake up when my dog wakes me up and how she wakes me up is she'll get in the bed and she'll start wagging her tail morning and you'd think sound of her tail but I don't I love it when she wags her tail because she's a cutie patootie she deserves happiness at all times what do you find uncomfortable is it Nails on chalkboard or perhaps sponsorships come here what do you think VPN stands for [Music] Pringles nourishment no nordvpn is a VPN which stands for virtual private network nordvpn has many features such as being installable install it on any of your devices you can have internet protection wherever you go protection from what you may ask not me you don't need to worry about me I'm Not Dangerous nor VPN protects you from things like malicious ads malware intrusive tracking all things that are more dangerous than me use promo code Ice Cream Sandwich to get nordvpn's two-year plan plus four extra months for free it's risk-free with nord's 30-day money-back guarantee thanks to our VPN for sponsoring this video I hate hair if it's doing anything except for being on ahead terrible in food on my desk in my face but the worst is run the worst is when it's being pulled off of Comb do you know that sound content warning I'm about to play that sound I think there should be some kind of invention that Combs your hair without needing to comb your hair so that we won't have to have this horrible sound in our ears ever or everybody could just go bald and that would probably just solve a ton of problems maybe you can figure out why I hate this one I don't know but you know sucks it'd be kind of surprising if you didn't but anyway socks they keep your feet warm they are the best in Winter and can have fun little designs on them to make you look cool but when you wear them in bed I would not be able to sleep I want them off I would rather have no feet entirely why is that that body it would all sense to keep them warmished when you want to be warm and cozy which would be at night in bed you know after working out and you get really sweaty we're not even working out you just like when you get really sweaty and then your shirt also gets extra sweaty and then somebody comes along and tries to hug you I don't even want my shirt to be touching me let alone some other person when I'm sweaty [Music] possible to liquid cool a person sure saying that out loud makes me seem really dumb but like if you take you know those gamer computers that have liquid cooling in them could you do that with a shirt and then put that shirt on a person I think that would be cool I think one of the worst feelings in the world is at the dentist's office you go in the dentist office you need your teeth cleaned they're like hi I'm here to help you but then they crack out that little scratchy thing and then they scratch your teeth some of you may be asking I can think of way worse things such as what if this happened yeah it is worse than that okay anyway that's about all now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go do a cozy thing as a palette cleanser foreign
Channel: Ice Cream Sandwich
Views: 3,998,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LYf4yPiuj40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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