difficulty eating new york pizza

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think of the best place you can get an amazing slice of pizza just the best juiciest most delicious slice you can think of where on earth is that slice that's right new york it's new york italy recently kelly and i set up a trip to go see friends in new york uh this is kelly by the way i don't think i've introduced her to you yet kelly meet subscribers subscribers meet kelly we're gonna go see friends it's very exciting yet there was one thing i had on my mind for this trip pizza i've seen media all over the place hey new york slice this new york slice that i'm walking here so i created this image in my head and like wow new york sliced pizza must be like the best pizza ever and now i am landing in a place where that pizza is so the day comes around we're ready to fly but as luck would have it our flight is canceled due to weather but good news is that there was another flight with a little detour to chicago that could still get us there the same day so we get to the airport but bad news is that pesky little weather problem comes rearing its ugly head once more and normally that's not a problem but our connecting flight would then take off before the first one lands and then we would just miss it i was feeling a little spicy so i said kelly if we go and lose the bed then we're just stuck in chicago and we grab a hotel get some room service and party like we're stuck in chicago with no responsibilities because that's literally what would be happening or we go somehow the second flight also gets delayed we go to new york and we're back on track to get exactly what we wanted in the first place that's a win-win life is short you know you gotta be crazy sometimes make bad decisions so we did so we're on the plane it takes off the flight went fine there was no peanuts though how am i expected to survive and thrive in these conditions we land and our second flight is delayed but it's on the other side of the airport it's leaving in like 45 minutes and we're on the back of the plane so we have to run and while we're running through the airport we're like taking wrong directions getting lost kelly's bag actually bursts open oh god when we finally find our gate we're actually 20 minutes early and then some guy laughed at me turns out we didn't need to run at all i was sweaty tired embarrassed but you know i didn't care pizza's on the way i feel great and the trip isn't even over yet the plane had even more complications if you can believe it but hold on um i need to be somewhere i'll be right back this video is sponsored by keeps you ever wish that you could get your life together yeah same anyway on an unrelated note keeps is a subscription service that delivers hair loss treatment to your door you might be thinking and i say yeah good question all keeps treatment plans are doctor recommended and delivered straight to your door at about half the cost of a traditional pharmacy also keeps has an award-winning all-natural thickening shampoo and 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like a shift change in the pull crew so nobody was present to move the plane to the tracks runway so we were just stuck like this whole trip just to get to new york was exhausting eventually the plane flies in new york the turbulence wasn't too bad we do land alive after we land we try to take a taxi and almost get scammed because i was too tired to realize there was just some random guy trying to charge people several times higher than actual taxi rates to drive people into the city but then we got suspicious and just went on a normal taxi it's 3am we get to the apartment and we are beat beat to the bone but you know what pizza's on the horizon so the following day immediately the first thing i see when i get outside we see a lizard on a leash there's people everywhere and everybody's hot it's insane the most i can dress up is like a shirt maybe break out my nice jeans if we're really going out but the people in new york they're like two ends of this fashionable spectrum they're either fashionable gods that just walked off the runway or they just like got run over which can also be considered fashionable generally wherever you walk in new york you're walking over trash but then you turn to your right and it's the most pristine pure store that you've ever seen it was the most contrasting place i've ever been in my life there was no middle ground for anything but all in all i'm really charmed by new york and it took a couple days after we arrived but we think after a day of touring maybe let's get some drinks and then go eat that pizza get that new york slice and i'm ready for it we find our this pizza place almost literally a hole in the wall and it's everything i imagine there was this good amount of wear and tear no door and no wider than two people laid sideways look at the signage on this thing i immediately fell in love i got myself two slices and a dr pepper and the wait is finally over i finally get to take my bite let me explain this flavor to you the cheese tasted stale there was a subtle hint of cardboard in every bite and do i sense a hint of came out of the oven 20 minutes ago and by golly is that 10 times my daily salt intake and all that sounds pretty bad but i am dead serious when i say that was one of the best slices i have ever had think about it has food tasted better after you've been eating a lot of it or after a great amount of effort and so like i guess what i'm trying to say it's not really about the destination it really is about the friends you make along the way nah i'm just kidding i just really like salt [Music]
Channel: Ice Cream Sandwich
Views: 4,894,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza, animation, story, new york
Id: s-MoeONH5Ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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