Things That Will Turn-Off Your Crush Instantly! (r/AskReddit Top Posts)

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what did a crush do that made you immediately lose interest crush comes to my house I explained how I'm slowly remodeling it in my plans for my house she then starts telling me I shouldn't and I should do it her way and let her take it over and let her design decorate and do it all the hell I will he started dating one of my friends after I told her that I had a crush on him she tried hooking up with every guy she knew I had a crush on I felt like I couldn't like anyone you should have picked a guy you absolutely thought was disgusting and then tell her you had a crush on him long I had a crush on a guy in high school who was a little bit of a rebel nothing serious but definitely had a bad-boy thing going on one day in class the teacher told him to do something minor and he flipped out basically had a temper tantrum and refused totally killed all interest by being an [ __ ] for no reason got so drunk at a party that she herself the smell is really what did it he wouldn't talk to me in person for some reason this is me in high school captain anxiety takes over he started fingering me while we made out then reached into his drawer pulled out lube and squirted it all over my nether region and my panties which was still on then proceeds to grab my throat and kiss me before he leans over and takes a sip of water out of his water bottle only to then spit it onto the lube a vagina mess a grown-ass man spat onto my vagina I thought that only happened in porn that's a no from me dog not a crush but an ex jiggled the door handle while I was taking a and then got angry that I wouldn't let her in her why can't I come in are you not comfortable with me or something we're dating it had been three days I'd be upset if my boyfriend locked themselves in the bathroom for three days gave me a five-minute lecture on conditions where cheating is okay not so much a crush but we were in the initial sentences of the conversation getting to know each other we were describing to one another what our jobs were he corrected me on describing my job stopped right there said it wasn't going to work out and ended the conversation she tried to hook up with one of the members of air supply that would have left me all out of love asked me to be their wingman because they had a crush on my best friend personality doesn't matter how hot you are if all you have are looks people will notice once you get any one-on-one time with him I actually got her and then released she wasn't the person in my head that I fell in love with so ya learned from that love a person for who they really are and not for who you perceived them to be she generalized everyone she was also such a [ __ ] to everyone that she didn't understand he plays video games well when do you think he'll move out of his mother's basement while she wears so much makeup can you imagine what she's hiding under that face just such a mean-spirited person and it completely turned me off I don't think this counts is immediately losing interest so I actually needed some time to notice there were red flags all over the place guy and I met in college shared hobbies and tastes in music and movies during this particular instance when we had just started hanging out with each other's group of friends I briefly mentioned in front of him and a couple of mutual friends that I had googled this band he liked and listened to some of the songs he dead-ass said that it was lame that I was trying to act like him skip to a few months later he asked me out took me on a date with his mom called that same night to tell me we were going too fast and that we needed to take things slowly two days later said he needed time to think things through because he didn't want to hurt me found out the next day he had been dating another girl the whole time ghosted him for a solid three days before he convinced me to talk things out he said quote unquote that I was the girl he was destined to marry but he needed some experience first so that he wouldn't things up with me II W I was having a party and the drinks were flowing went to check on her cause she had disappeared for a while as I opened the door I see her sitting on a small wastebasket taking a in my bedroom I couldn't get that picture out of my head I know I've done my fair share of dumb stuff but still couldn't forget it we were driving down the road and she threw a Starbucks cup right out the window Gross said she would turn up on a date then flaked told me she had been called into work urgently I said okay that's cool second time she flaked again said that she had to chew to someone which made no sense because would you not have that plan she told me her future plans to essentially become a gold digger like her mother when I laughed it off she couldn't see what I thought was so funny was pretty rude too and consistently teased his roommates dog just be nice to animals not that hard claimed women were only a sex relief for men and couldn't be as smart as them then proceeded to ask me to have sex with him we were eating dinner out and he was rude to the server told him we were pretty close friends it would be nice to add a please or thank you he said why should I she's a waitress implying he feels superior and I pay her to do her job instant turnoff and didn't really want to hang out with him even as friends after the incident first friend in college she sat next to me in English class and we immediately clicked one day she suggests we go out and study together for finals and I didn't give it much thought turns out she liked me as much as I liked her so you could imagine my reaction it was what happened next that changed the mood orders a coffee they make a small mistake and she flips out starts cursing at the cashier demanding a full refund and an apology I sit there confused this is the same girl who looked shy and reserved when you first meet she walks out I apologized profusely and follow after her she has the nerve to blame them and I tell her it won't work count the last week was awkward to say the least she refused to move seats or sat next to me if I moved and acted like I was to blame for not taking her side like no you don't treat people like that he talked about how he wanted to loosen up some boring family at a wedding reception so he spiked the drinks with party drugs did you go on a date with Bill Ponderosa he would steal people's tips off the bar counter when we were at a bar together with friends then he would offer to buy me food with it no thank you after my divorce I reconnected with a girl I had a huge crush on in high school after meeting up in Vegas and hooking up for a few nights then going back to visit and doing the same again found out she lived with her boyfriend no clue she had a boyfriend it was messed up immediately lost interest bragged about how she was leading on a few guys so she always had a backup a woman I was talking to was recently divorced and had moved back in with her parents she already had a child in a couple pets and was talking about getting another pet and her parents told her no she chose to go ahead and get another pet anyhow and basically her parents began pushing her out the door and it was a stressful situation for her and I suggested she talked to her folks however once she told me she was grown and made her own decisions and did not care about their rules I suddenly understood and quickly lost interest met a woman thought she seemed cool we went out to eat she's telling me about how she fell on financial hard times and moved back in with her parents the way she described it just sounded like she got unlucky not that she did anything irresponsible it happens when the bill came I told her I'd pay she said thanks I appreciate that I'm trying to save my money right now me sure I understand you want to get your own place again / no actually I mean I'm trying to save up $500 for a tattoo I want to get I've got nothing against spending money on tattoos but when you've just spent a first date talking about the financial troubles have maybe now's the time to start putting money away for necessities not tutus shat on a stage in your retinas pain back in college I was seeing a girl casually whenever we'd text she'd take hours to respond to any message it wasn't a big deal since most of the time it was just chatting or setting plans for the following weekend or something it was a little annoying because it had take a full day or two to set up plans because of the slow responses but whatever I'm a bad texture so I can't really judge someone for that but I started to notice that when we hung out together she'd immediately respond back to any in every text she got she had some loud song as the ringtone that played for like 15 seconds and set it so that her camera LED would flash constantly while it rang totally obnoxious and made me really notice how often she texted I casually asked her who she was texting one time and it was just some friend from school that had sent her a meme after that I realized it wasn't going to work being a slow texture is fine constantly texting while hanging out was annoying but not a deal-breaker especially if we were just chilling at one of our houses but the realization that this person who was glued to her phone but didn't feel like it was a priority to respond back to my texts made me feel unimportant so I kinda just drifted away we stayed friends because we shared the same group of friends and it wasn't awkward or anything I just stopped trying to do things with just the two of us I had a harmless crush on a married friend that I did not signal or act on ever I've been the spurned wife before I kept my distance and did everything short of unfriending him on Facebook he slid on into my DMS right after my separation became public knowledge and he found out I was no longer married he was still married to his wife with a baby on the way I didn't respond they are divorced now she's a really lovely person and deserves so much better went on a date with him and they didn't ask me anything about myself it was completely one-sided like a job interview or something I'm a guy by the way we would be great in person both of us would have a laugh and genuinely had an amazing connection but trying to get a text back takes days it's really difficult to arrange to spend more time together when she barely replies to me I massively lost interest after this poured lemonade on my head in the middle of a fireworks show she thought it was flirty and cute he snapped his fingers at a waitress then as I looked mortified he whistled he was making fun of a disabled woman instantly not interested she told me that spanking her teenaged daughter didn't work because it wasn't satisfying enough I was casually dating a 19 year old guy when I was 18 he seemed totally normal until I met him at his house before a date and his mom asked him to take the garbage out before we left he threw a fit that would embarrass most three-year-olds including crying yelling at his mom and punching the floor I pretended that my parents were calling and needed me to come home blocked his number and never saw him again I like to think that mom knew he'd do that and was trying to save you the trouble coworker at work had just a beautiful energy absolutely lovely to be around always smiling at everyone and she would laugh at my jokes and she made some comments from time to time that made me feel validated and understood which was very very flattering like she guessed my passions in life and told them to me with a big smile while looking me in the eyes and I'm a reserved guy who doesn't share that stuff all just very lovely one day we're in the break room and she's talking to another guy the same way and I'm consciously talking myself out of being jealous you're not dating or anything you don't even have her cell phone number she's allowed to be lovely with other people now come on no reason to be jealous then when the guy leaves she turns to the girl next to her and says god I hate that guy and I had just been jealous that she was treating him exact like she treats me I still feel foolish when I think about it like does she like me or hate me he would ask me questions about myself then cut me off in the middle of my answer to talk about himself said why do you hang out with that an asterisk asterisk asterisk asterisk asterisk anyway hard ah oh gee I don't know maybe cuz he's been my best friend since second grade and always has my back that was enough for me to realize she's ugly I ran into an old crush a few years back who told me he was into dog baiting the candle had blown out a long time ago as far as my crush was concerned but that pretty much killed any intention I had of trying to restart our friendship I'll bite what's dog baiting from my experiences seeing this sort of in the Philippines you'd have a dog in a cage chained in the middle and an animal like a cat or whatever would be thrown in the dog is trained to maul the out of the victim animal I believe bets are placed on how quickly or slowly the dog can kill the victim I went on two dates with a girl when I was in college she was wonderful but immediately wanted to be official and started drafting Instagram posts about us she wanted to spend every day together and have sleepovers every night it was so out of nowhere and we literally knew nothing about one another I tried to look past it but she asked me to be her first and I got uncomfortable she seemed naive and I didn't want to take advantage I suggested we take things slow and she took offense I cut things off and her reaction was super childish all of this in a three-week period sweet girl but the pacing was off you
Channel: Reddit Master
Views: 7,161
Rating: 4.9117646 out of 5
Keywords: turn off, crush, win your crush, instant turn offs, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, /r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, funniest posts, top post, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny reddit posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, best askreddit, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, reddit cringe, karma, comment awards, meme awards, dankify, updoot, updoot reddit, toadfilms, chill, memes, reddit master
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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