Things are different now I am on my own again! 🇲🇬 SOLO in MADAGASCAR [S7-E103]

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Look, the road has become a river that's crazy huh? Toliara, MADAGASCAR Season 7 - Eps.103 Actually I realised now is there a fuel gauge? Maybe I should get fuel Just in case Goodbye! Okay it's already a little bit smoother than yesterday It is raining though That's not great But yeah, I should have asked Didier how do I see how much fuel I have 'Cause I actually don't see Am I missing something.. I don't see fuel gauge Anyway. Oh, there's a Shell, let me just stop to make sure it's full I think it's been raining for a while It's very flooded Are they open? Hello Uh, full - Full? Okay Very good Bye! Okay Well, I just have to make sure I stop regularly to get fuel Because yeah, yeah I can't tell how much fuel I have Surely there must be way Anyway, I'll just have to get used to the bike And you as well, because now suddenly I have this whole windscreen kind of probably covering half the screen Yeah I'm sorry about that but I can't uh, change my helmet camera So you're are going to be looking at a.. little bit of a uh, fairing But um, I'm sure we all get used to it! Which way? So I said my goodbyes to Didier and uh yeah, now I'm on my own again So yeah, I have.. I have mixed feelings because I actually really enjoyed riding with Didier He's such a nice guy and you know, in the beginning I was a little bit worried Like oh, of course I'm always on my own This is the first time I mean of course, I rode a couple of days with Charlie in El Salvador But I meant to really explore a country like this uh, for so many days in a row with somebody else It's been the first time and so I was a little bit worried like uh, maybe I really don't like it But it was a lot more fun than I thought so I actually quite enjoyed it But at the same time, I'm also really happy to be on my own again And uh yeah, just explore a little bit on my own. Of course, now I have tubes But uh, Didier and his brother gave me two spare tubes and tools So well, fingers crossed I'm not going to have a flat tire But you never know. But no, I'm sure it will be fine And uh yeah, now just making my way back to the capital of Madagascar, back to Tana Uh, which is about 1,000 kilometers Um, I do hope it will stop raining 'Cause it's not so much fun Oh, the engine of this bike is so quiet After sitting on a screaming enduro for a few weeks This is really quiet, smooth, comfortable Yeah, I get it See that rain front is kind of going that way And I think I am heading towards that side so I think I am rather lucky No I've hit the next rain cloud Ha ha, these mountains are insane right? Hello Sorry? Uhhh.. I don't understand Malagasy Malagasy no Speak French? French A little Where are you from? The Netherlands Where you go today? Today.. to Tana You have the papers? Motorcycle papers? Insurance And your drivers licence This is okay Okay, thank you Pretty.. Pretty? Yeah! Yeah! Have a good journey! - Thank you Goodbye! - Goodbye So I made it to this place over here So this was still with the KTM, this was all dirt And then from here, I took the Africa Twin and I just followed the national highway Highway route Here and now I'm over here Now that was an amazing ride Oh man, I really loved today's ride, the scenery was just stunning And I am now in Fianarantsoa. I think it's actually the fifth largest city in Madagascar There's about 200,000 people living here and it actually has a very nice old city center And I'm just going to walk now to kind of like the city center And check it out Look at this view how cool. This is a pretty cool view of the city I'm walking towards that side I think that is the main uh, cathedral over there And kind of the old city center just lays on top of the hill there So this is the cathedral Pretty cool Now how cute is this street hey? Hello So I have reached the old town Now how cute is this? Most of these buildings are 19th century This is some.. also a little church  I think There's just churches everywhere here I think because there you can see the cathedral and then here's another church Must make sure that there's a church on every corner Ah, starts raining Hello! - Hello! Welcome! - Thank you You speak English? - Yeah You are beautiful - Oh thank you What's your name? - You too What's your name? - Noraly My name is Maria - Maria My name is Lydia - Nice to meet you Hi Oh, thank you Okay, so one tea and a very delicious pineapple dessert later, it's still raining And I realized what I need is an umbrella but I don't have one Would there be an umbrella shop somewhere here I'm just going to walk a little bit through the rain Because yeah, otherwise I'm going to miss this part of town and it is so, so cute So let's see maybe I will find an umbrella shop who knows Even in the rain it's still pretty here That says something Look I found another church  This must be church number four no? Okay, I am going to walk back to the hotel now. So that was it for today I really hope you like this video. If you did please give a big thumbs up Subscribe down below and then I will see you in the next hopefully, not raining video Okay, this rain is crazy I'm taking shelter here This rain is crazy! Now where are the cycle rickshaws when you need them Where the pousse-pousse? Look the road has become a river That's crazy huh?
Channel: Itchy Boots
Views: 523,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: round the world on motorbike, motorbike traveller, female motorcycle traveler, solo female traveller, honda, crf300l, crf300rally, crf300l review, adventure rider, offroad motorcycle, overlanding africa, motorcycling africa, west africa, itchy boots, motorcycling madagascar, honda africa twin
Id: xP1395uSmT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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