I FINALLY got my Tesla CYBERTRUCK, but I already have some issues!

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I did notice that uh I do have a spot of rust on my cyber truck you think I'm kidding I'm not that isn't dirt I didn't plant that this razor edge here on the Cyber truck uh has a bit of corrosion on it welcome to H Garage the dumbest Auto channel in all of YouTube and this is the latest shiny thing that everybody wants and yes I bought the latest shiny thing that everybody wants and I'm not sure why other than everybody wants it that's the way we are and so Society we just have to buy it and I had to be the cool guy and get it even though it is very overplayed on YouTube at this point and it does get kind of annoyed and mad when I start speaking ill of it so just ignore what's going on but it is a 2024 Tesla cyber truck and I ordered this on the night of the launch in 2019 when Elon had his friend throw a ball at the window the head engineer and it cracked the glass even though it wasn't supposed to and it turned into a giant Meme and everybody wanted it including me I'm I mean it looks like a Star Trek shuttlecraft so of course I wanted it for about $50,000 it made a lot of sense but uh this wasn't $50,000 I paid over $100,000 for a Tesla cyber truck with a little laser etching on the side saying Foundation series something that will surely depreciate in the near future a lot a lot a lot and uh I do feel kind of dumb buying it and I'm I'm sorry I know I'm making you mad right now but there are a lot of things that I like about this cybertruck and I am really happy that I have it but at the same time I do feel really really stupid so today I'm going to talk about this conflicting thing going on in my head with my latest purchase uh some issues I've already had with it including the enormous process of waiting for it and then finally being able to order it and then the process of picking it up was was just totally insane uh so I'm going to talk about that today and about my first impressions with the Tesla cyber truck are you done computer identify malfunction immediately Pawn to Bishop 4 Knight to King's Rook three Queen's Knight the king trolls are not responding sir so this uh really dumb truck I finally was invited to configure on December 29th 2023 at the end of the year I was finally able to order this Tesla this really stupid silly thing and I waited I waited I waited this isn't a cyberbeast this is a foundation series and I waited as they made deliveries all over California All Over Texas but it seemed like everybody in the midwest or pretty much anywhere else was left out in the cold for months and it got very frustrating if I was in Texas obviously they build these in Texas so it makes sense that that it makes sense that they would deliver the closest ones first but also California I guess they get some kind of credit uh to buy them there so a lot of them were going to California as well so I waited I waited and waited and then finally I got a VIN number on April 10th I believe which usually meant within a week or so you were going to get a cyber truck you're going to get your truck except well I'm not that lucky because there was the massive pedal recall the decorative cover on the pedals is glued on and uh well when they slip off it could catch in the trim and cause Full Throttle acceleration on this stupid thing and you know it's true you absolutely know that's true um so there was a stop sale on all cyber trucks while they figured out how to fix the thing and the fix is actually very silly but in the meantime my truck sat and it waited for me to pick it up for them to fix it that is a very long story I'll tell you about it later it actually sat forever for them to figure out how to fix it then to fix it and then to deal with the backlog of a few weeks of cybertruck deliveries and at the same time Elon cut 10% of the staff throughout Tesla because of slow sales so by the time I got up to pick up this stupid thing I had to wait a very long time but thankfully got it in before the end of the month because I had already applied for financing once I put down like the minimum amount of money and then Finance the rest so like five or six grand down financing over for $100,000 the payment $1,600 a month for 78 years something like that um so to to buy this so I'm sitting and waiting for it finally I get the invitation to go up after badgering them in messaging that I was reaching the end of the month where I would have had to reapply for financing for a third time because the first time it went 60 days didn't get the truck I had to reapply they had to pull my credit again so they were going to have to pull my credit a third time which obviously you don't want that many credit plls uh to see if I could still qualify to buy this thing thankfully uh my badgering got me somewhere in the line to where I was able to pick it up but when I got up to the Tesla Center which looked like it was a converted Walmart or Target or something like that uh the Cyber trucks were everywhere probably 40 50 cyber trucks that were delivered waiting on the fix and waiting on delivery obviously there's a long line and people can't wait to get their car and uh well they're just all sitting there but not only that the lot is full of all other kinds of Teslas that haven't sold things that you can buy right there right now like a normal car dealership uh because sales are slowing down on other Tesla models they're lowering prices to sort of match it but still the cars are piled up they're also throttling back production uh but the pile up right now is definitely real and there was no room to park anywhere on that Tesla lot and it was a big lot but the other issue was the lack of employees at the delivery Center I believe there were two people making deliveries and we were piled up in a waiting room I had an appointment at 11:0 :30 and I didn't get my truck until almost 1:00 I'm sorry Dave I'm afraid I can't do that there were three people in line in front of me getting cyber trucks and two others just taking delivery of normal cars they were about 30 45 minutes behind there were two people only two employees doing deliveries and the one I was supposed to get he came out and said oh you're next I plugged your truck in it's charging the people who are taking delivery of the model y that he was supposed to present to them uh were not happy with it there was an issue with the hood some paint issues some fitment issues they were saying it looked like it had been hit and then hastily repainted and uh he actually came out the guy doing deliveries and was trying to buff it out to see if they would accept it as is but they didn't seem like they were willing to accept it but that threw the whole thing in chaos like I said because there were only two people doing Tesla deliveries and they probably had oh I don't know one every 30 minutes or two every 30 minutes scheduled um so they were getting way behind and I was supposed to get the full nickel and dime Tour on this truck to figure out how to work it because I'm kind of a dinosaur I drove up there in a 2012 Ford Raptor of 307,000 Mi I really don't know how to work this new fancy stuff and even the Teslas that I had that were 10 years old are quite a bit different than what this is uh today um so I wanted the whole nickel and dime tour but uh that didn't happened the guy was dealing with that frustrated customer so he passed me off to another delivery person who asked if I had any questions threw me the keys had me sign a couple things on an app basically hit buttons and I was off uh barely learned how to put the thing in gear and just left in a huff in like 30 seconds and made my way home back to Kansas and once I did get home I did feel pretty cool to see this thing on the farm that was established in the 1800s my name is Optimus Prime from the planet Cybertron what looks like something from a hundred years into the future in that setting uh it was really really neat to see and the drive home I did fall in love with this truck quite a bit I started to figure everything out the frustration of the delivery process was behind me and yes I do think this thing is still very very stupid but it is super cool and I'm probably going to lose a lot of money owning it with the uh Market the way it's going on Cyber trucks and with that let's start the tour the first dumbest thing about buying this cyber truck is the financial repercussions of it you're paying an extra 20 grand to get one of the very first Foundation series with that laser etching there on the front fender and all the options and uh eventually when they run out of customers to pay all that extra money for a foundation series they will continue with the cheaper model 20 grand less but eventually at some point they're going to do a rear wheel drive model for around 50 Grand and even though Elon said the original model S would never depreciate well that certainly happened and you can buy first year seconde model S Les is now with issues for well under $10,000 so depreciation is going to be a real thing with this truck and considering this is probably the 1 millionth YouTube video to be made on the cybertruck I'm not sure if it's really smart for Content either but I bought it thinking well if I just keep it for a little while and don't like it I can flip it for a massive amount because initially they were selling for way over MSRP the very first public sale I guess it was at a dealer auction was $244,500 and then they were just under 200 and then they kept dropping to about 150 which man making 40 50 grand sounds pretty good uh but now if you look online well the Tesla Market is dropping and to look we can use autot Tempest because it combines all the major listing sites into one search and I'm just putting it all over the nation with autotempest you can use several different search factors by color by options not really a thing with the Cyber Tru right now since it's all one color unless you wrap it and all the same option uh so we'll just check for all cyber trucks across the country and use autotest like I am right now because they sponsor my YouTube channel hoovies garage car trek and so many others but also because it is a really handy tool that I use every single day to shop for cars you can see it's loading right now and the current Teslas for sale are all over the map 174 I think the cheapest currently advertised for sale is$ 144,000 there it is $995 and you can see I can scroll through all the major listing sites and there's a lot of people selling their cars still with that delusional price like $219,000 that will never ever happen again and recent auction results which I saw in autot tempus before the auctions ended uh are as low as $125,000 now so that is the new bottom which with taxes with everything you know interest paying the loan uh basically I could get out for what I have into it uh basically own it for a month or two and then sell it for no loss but I'm not going to do that because I do really like this thing but also I do really like autot tempus so use autot tempus it is linked below I use it every single day to search for cars and if you know somebody that is shopping for a car tell them to look on autot timus first because it makes the search process so easy combining all the major listing sites into one search lets you specialize especially if you're looking for something weird in particular say a color spec a weird model autotest is the place to go to cast a very wide net autot Tempest all the cars one search but you can see pretty cool the infotainment screen that I can browse through and there is no lag with this like the original Tesla Model S that I had it is lightning quick and wonderful but other than the screen uh that's it the foundation gets the special white interior the white piping in the seats big Ultra view roof which I imagine all of them will get and a massive massive windshield which leads me to issue number one you see this kind of film goo fog down there uh the truck was delivered to me like this pretty dirty and uh cleaning that windshield it's it's so far out that I think it's going to be uh kind of a bear same with washing it I drove it 200 100 miles home had to stop to charge twice because I went fast my fault on that but at 80 85 mph the range is probably not even 200 miles on this thing and that's how fast I was going uh but cleaning out bugs was quite a thing right here bugs seem to get trapped in between the stainless steel and the light bar and you can see it's kind of just stuck in there off to dig it out with a Q-tip or something like that it's just catching and attracting bugs and they're going into this pit of nowhere but actually wiping it off is pretty easy and the windshield wiper is just the biggest most ridiculous thing I have ever seen uh but when I was looking at it I did notice that uh I do have a spot of rust on my cyber truck think I'm kidding I'm not that isn't dirt I didn't plant that this razor edge here on the Cyber truck uh has a bit of CR erosion on it and this is sort of an uneven sort of rough surface I bet it's sharp enough right here with this sort of uneven cut uh to where if I really wanted to I could cut my finger open but uh yeah they say these things are rusting well obviously that'd be really easy to fix just sanding that off but uh I do have a spot of rust on my brand new car and then of course there's the incompleteness of the Cyber truck they started delivering them with the wheel caps that go onto the tires hence the grooves here and they were actually cutting into the tires so they just took them off and left them off to continue deliveries there's a fix coming at some point but in the meantime you have no wheel cap nothing to really cover up this uh ugliness they just send it this way same with the software you don't have full self-driving yet I guess they haven't figured that out uh because when I set the cruise control it would maintain speed and slow down for the cars in front of me but no steering itself no autopilot at least that I could figure out on this thing and there were a few weird moments like when I was going 80 mph on the interstate coming up on a big hill and it thought the hill was an object or a vehicle or something and panic break on me and April was right behind me in the Raptor thank goodness she was paying attention and had to slam on her brakes as well so that was pretty annoying a well documented issue and of course there is the famous fix for the pedal right there a single rivet screwed into the pedal to keep the glue from coming loose and getting caught in the trim for any unintended acceleration it was a 10-second fix per car apparently a new pedal will come for these eventually uh but I don't know if I'll ever get that now the stainless steel body is very cool hearkens back to the DeLorean uh but if you look really closely it is pretty wavy as far as the quality of the stamping here now this is kind of nitpicky but as far as people making fun of the gaps and things they're actually pretty good everything looks lined up really well on on this truck it just looks like the stamping is a little bit off now the rear end it is super cool I love it from the front from the back it just looks really neat I'll be back the tailgate itself The Vault if you will is really neat as well you can see it's rolling up and we'll reveal the rear window there and you have a pretty big actually really nice size truck bed of course from the sides it's not very accessible as far as throwing things in but as far as sheer volume it is pretty good and I do love the lighting here on the sides with all the tie downs it is very practical in that sense and there's a little storage cubby here with my mobile charger but with this down I can actually use the rear view mirror but with everything closed the rear view mirror is pretty much useless I think they were required to put one in by law but really it's the camera that you use to get around in this thing and this rearview mirror is really dinky and yeah pretty much useless the sun visors are functional they do fold out and get bigger but they are pretty small themselves a little LED in there and since there's no engine no V8 in this thing the front well you have a frunk and it's not as spacious as the Ford Lightning pickup truck but it does exist I suppose it could fit some golf clubs but I wonder why it doesn't go deeper because obviously this dashboard is massive and what is hiding underneath there that might be a future video when we take things apart uh with the car wizard but overall I am happy with it there's no real serious issues it drove home beautifully and uh I actually do really like the way this thing drives that is one of its saving Graces even though it is a weird wild looking thing and you think the visibility would be terrible they make up for it with the tech and the ride itself the feel of it is what I like old school luxury so with that let's take it for a spin I do have to show an Easter egg before you go I was talking about the Press launch where the windows got broken well obviously Tesla has a sense of humor because if you tap on the window enough times my oh man it didn't go through it recreates uh the situation during the Press launch you can replace the horn with all kinds of things my favorite is the lukar Racha for sure but this one's probably a lot more Tesla you know there might be a term someday cyber douche uh I may be one of the first yeah but it even has the parking mode where you want to set the mood right and have some Romance this actually starts glowing red and putting out a little bit of heat for Ambiance and then if you want some mood music you just tap it one time can't play the copyright music unfortunately but now you can hear the fireplace crackle hopefully that never happens for real with all the electronics in this thing and learning everything on the Fly wasn't that hard obviously a very intuitive system very nice there uh so it didn't take long for me to start driving this thing and feel like I got a cyber truck instead of get cyber e yes because the Driving Experience of this thing is very very nice it is super Nimble with that four-wheel steering look at that just a quarter turn the steering wheel and I'm making 90° turns thanks to the steer by wire system so this has no steering rack it's just all electronics and then of course the four-wheel steering system so it is very Nimble for a massive vehicle but it still rides like a old school land yacht with the air ride suspension and the big tires and there's the Cyber truck's cousin in my way but then you get it out on the road and you floor it 600 horsepower which you know the cyberbeast with a tri motor is much faster but I don't see why you would need it and you also get diminished range with the tri motor so I think this is the one to have also for off roess you can lock up the differentials and do more of that fun stuff something you can't do with the cyber beast but man with the sun coming down oh there we go and the newest Tesla that I've experienced in between this was the model 3 when it first came out and there is definitely a Leap Forward in Tech that was already Cutting Edge back then but still the standard good stuff the regen breaking so I'm not hitting the brakes right now but it is slowing down dramatically to capture that battery so it is a 1 foot Driving Experience to come up to a light once you sort of learn how it's going to stop which is pretty nice the steering's so Nimble that when you go to normal cars you feel well you feel weird and then the acceleration just instant and amazing so overall was this a stupid purchase I would say yes the dumbest purchase I have made in a very very long time and I bought a lot of turds recently but as far as the ownership Prospect of this for one to two years that appreciation hit that will be massive especially as production starts to ramp up it is ramping up a lot now they made 3 or 4,000 in the first four months and they'll probably be that a week we here in the coming few months so deliveries will be up this will no longer be a novelty that people will get excited go crazy about when they see it because they will be commonplace and well it is kind of stupid looking I still think it's really really cool but I definitely get why people think this looks so stupid arivan makes a lot more sense when it comes to price range and practicality and all that stuff uh the Ford Lightning somewhat but I don't think the tech is quite there yet when it it comes to that versus the rivian and the Tesla it would be nice for it to have autopilot that works and hubcaps and not pay $100,000 to be a beta tester for one of these but uh yeah this is the dumbest Automotive channel in all of YouTube so we'll see what happens with my cybertruck experience but I do have a lot of plans in store for this thing to have some fun thank you so much for watching I can't believe it's finally here you're mine I just cut it a little bit too close walking around the corner of this cyber truck I swear this was an accident it got me I was just going by like that
Channel: Hoovies Garage
Views: 844,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VGarbwsFvII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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