They're PRETTY MEAN for some shy guys! - Super Mario RPG

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Why was the game footage reversed for part of the recap?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mbowerman ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 20 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Dang I didn't even know Mack could nope out in the middle of the fight like that. I guess when I was a kid I just kept spamming thunderbolt to get rid of his minions and never saw it.

They're going to have a fun time when they fight Croco and Punchanello in the mines. That was always the point in the game where I struggled the most, but I also never built Geno properly because I always went with the classic Mario, Peach, Bowser team combo.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/beepborpimajorp ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 20 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I feel like I should have expected Danny to not only not fight and get a lot of easy XP from those Shysters and not use the nearly cheap as free Inn to heal himself after fighting them, I should have also expected him to NOT stock up on items when he had almost none.

At least, for his sake, this is still a very easy RPG. I just wonder how much trouble he'll have with that Cake.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/dodvedvrede_ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 20 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Dan's already going back and grinding in order to beat a boss after one loss, and this is only episode 3. Clearly he's picked up good habits after playing TTYD, and that's very promising for us.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/KnoFear ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 21 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Maybe an unpopular opinion, but some backseating is necessary if theyโ€™re going to continue the bad habits that got people dragging Dan over the coals in Paper Mario.

I donโ€™t care if they miss hidden chests. I donโ€™t care if they skip side quests. I donโ€™t care if they build the characters โ€œwrongโ€ or do combat unoptimally.

But when they start failing to make progress because they skip too many encounters (so they wind up underleveled). When they start getting one-shot or take forever to kill something because they donโ€™t equip new weapons and armor. When they lose a battle because Dan has some bizarre aversion to actually healing himself when heโ€™s one hit away from deathโ€ฆ and then turn around and accuse the game of wronging themโ€ฆ

Sometimes gentle prodding is necessary to not only help us as the Lovelies continue to enjoy watching them play, but also for them to enjoy the game more because they arenโ€™t actively sabotaging themselves. Itโ€™s just frustrating for us to watch them get frustrated at the game for something they caused with their own bewildering choices.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MasterOutlaw ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 21 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'm absolutely blown away that Arin said "Alex Mack" during the boss fight, because that's literally ALWAYS what came to mind as a kid for me when I played this fight. That's a weird coincidence

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BirdofPrey702 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 20 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Dan, please, for the love of Jeebers, use the Flower Tabs.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ShaunTrek ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 20 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Pokemon: exists

Dan: Was my exp saved after death?

Arin: Games just don't do that

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/lLiterallyEatAss ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 20 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] so [Music] hey y'all scribble fam now i know you all are super excited about our tour that's coming up we're going national baby all across the country that's right november december 2021 scribble's going back on tour baby come on i mean i remember what is aaron talking about something about it scribbling and showing down hey look it's going to crush it what's going on do the thing yay this sexy beast show i i don't understand like do people think they're unattractive with the makeup on i'm continuously attracted to all of them i don't is that supposed to be the point is i supposed to be more attractive why do i always whisper when i talk to myself in my head oh yeah these guys wasn't there like like another asian one dumb i hope he's all right whatever he's doing dom it's just gonna be so much fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] last time on game grumps mario hurry the chancellor awaits mario hurry the chancellor awaits barbie hurry the chancellor awaits [Music] mario hey the chancellor oh my god wow how rude don't you oh you're one of those guys the ones that don't make the horrible mistake of saving over the same thing you tier the saves i i became one of those guys after my life got ruined one game yeah what happened i can't remember [Music] honey syrup what does that honey syrup do again i don't know probably tastes really good though [Music] isn't honey syrup by default i don't know aaron i got i got another dish to worry about right now like who would think if you just called it honey who would think that it was anything but syrup outstanding questions you know what i mean maybe they like lowered the viscosity a little bit so that it's a little more like pourable maybe that's what they mean by honey syrup that's probably what they mean no i didn't want to use the honey syrup i want to use a mushroom [Music] all that talk about honey syrup i got confused smash still learning this game hey i'm grump i'm not sue gruff and we're the game grumps welcome back okay uh we're back at the mushroom kingdom uh some uh some [ __ ] has happened there's a bunch of shy guys on something's different they got it got taken over oh crap these are our new friends oh wow oh really oh oh what are we fighting oh we're fighting geez okay geez all right uh all right i'll hit him with a hammer i guess he's a [ __ ] lightning get him with the lightning isn't a shyster like a is that like kind of a swear word i don't think so um i think it just means like a oh it's a shy stir yes yes not a shyster i think it just means a thief shyster it might you know what now that you say it might have some like jewish implications but i can't remember because it's like it's like scheizer right like that just means [ __ ] right but like a shyster i don't know that's what i always thought i don't know either if if i can't remember whether i should be offended by it or not i'm just not going to worry about being offended by it well i'm not offended by it i'm just saying that's like that's like going hard for a children's game yeah shy so die hmm yeah max hit points to the max baby what the hell happened to this town this town went to [ __ ] as soon as i started letting the shy guys in here hit him with the [ __ ] hammer okay what was i supposed to be doing grandpa's coin i don't remember he got his thing back thanks bro i'll continue to stay watch but now everyone seems suspicious oh by the way look what i found what money and it's all yours i'm unclear i thought we'd get back to the town it would be super obvious what we had to do probably gonna have to talk to the king yeah you think so he's probably like what the [ __ ] is happening to my village my god this is ridiculous oh that's not good where do you think everyone went well gang looks like we have ourselves a new home they can pass around all day long because there's someone here who could scare it away yahoo let's bounce the night away oh [ __ ] it's mario not so fast pal look at him can't even pants hey maybe we should bounce on his head that's hot oops oopsie too what the [ __ ] is this god oh it's like a giant pogo stick listen up gang i'm mac it's a return of the mack boy that the toad king is really impressing me with his bravery back there oh [ __ ] listen up gag these guys are gonna put a stop to our party are we happy about this no you're asking for it oh you're gonna get it you'll pick the wrong people that to bounce with burma how about a fat lip to go with that ugly mustache damn it's very personal oh my god twice that's a lot of people all right uh [ __ ] um all right it's uh [ __ ] fire orb time no no no no no lightning save it for the lightning you think so well maybe you could do the firearm on the big guy but that's what i mean like then the lightning yeah all right save it anytime someone oh oh i guess i hit him with that i'm still not used to these controls i'm sorry [Music] all right back to the original thing that you wanted it was just a lot of people that was a lot of damage over a wide spread over a nice smear i guess it would probably be better to focus on one little shy guy mac is stunned so that there's less damage dispersed amongst you fire orb fire baby no kill one of the shy guys no man i think i think a second lightning bolt should take them all out oh really yeah they i think they have like around 30 health if my calculations were correct oh because you've already fought a couple of them yeah and now for my orb of power [ __ ] you [ __ ] you well that time wait as many as i wanted everywhere zeus flame up and he's definitely dead where the hell is zeus when you need him shooting lightning i guess it doesn't matter now i might as well jump on him [ __ ] do it dude this guy's strong yeah this guy's really tough ow that's right a final fantasy [ __ ] right here yeah it really is damn you and your global effects um has he done more than 13 damage to me at one clip uh yeah i wasn't really paying attention do i do i dare risk it or should i item it no i don't risk it okay so you gotta go all the way back yeah you're right [Music] delicious mushroom okay time to lose some of that that's the knight let's see if it does 13. oh it would have been close oh you just played yourself what an [ __ ] why'd you take that advice [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] well that's no fun yeah that's bad times you don't have like a resurrect item or something i don't think so can't use the mushroom on dead man mr dead captain dead deadman i have a bus rule boy don't you oh this is not going away this is this is an issue um oh he's doing fly dude he's he's a he's a [ __ ] dragoon he's doing jump can't run man this sucks ass damn you got one it's pretty awesome thank you drake no he's gonna drain me what the [ __ ] kind of [ __ ] drain like oh yeah all shy guys have that they're supposed to spit like a ball they're well not the drain ball just like a rock i wonder i wonder if he actually if he's not coming down maybe he ran away and now i just have to take out his bodyguards he's coming down [ __ ] aaron just let me have this oh [ __ ] i needed to kill him dwayne this is going poorly the way stop draining me dwayne the walk johnson oh my god oh my god [ __ ] dude you're [ __ ] i got a mushroom yeah for how long aaron please i'm sorry i'm just telling it like it is like it is sucks hey i'm not the one who who made this happen stop draining me i hit you with a hammer there you go i am not gonna survive he's gonna dwayne you no [ __ ] dude if you kill the one there's a chance that he'll just come up and punch you and then that'll do three damage there's a chance let's see hey man if where there's a chance there's a chance oh oh yeah rodeo rodeo block it that was oh wow that really saved my my bacon dude that was amazing baby oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh come on man [ __ ] sucks kill him man bring him back alex back over there oh god this is awful yeah monsters fp is gone oh so they're just gonna oh no oh well you still got the dwayne oh really stop what a [ __ ] this is this is not gonna work out yeah you're [ __ ] screwed dude yeah i mean after that like nice moment of like i think we're gonna make it wow kill him max hp oh dead oh my god well this was inevitable okay uh you can just go straight in right yeah i guess so but all my items are gone what yeah that's the problem i used all my jams what do you mean right you just loaded from your last save oh i see what you're saying it's not what it just did go to item yeah ah really yeah okay what do you mean really i just i'm confused because it's oh [ __ ] because you died so that's the end so you load it from your last save yeah but it it seemed like and i could be wrong but it seemed like it saved other things from the progress i had made you know what i mean like what uh like the experience points i'd gotten from fights because i leveled up really fast after i died and then restored the save [Music] oh maybe it's just forgiving like that or maybe you just i don't know i don't know either maybe i'm wrong uh maybe i was about to level up anyway that's what i think because games don't do like what you were saying yeah games aren't cool they just don't do that uh does it say how many status how many kisses next level up 14. okay okay that's not many that's not many get a couple experience points kiss him on the mouth i don't want to do the thing you said what what get a lot of experience points the one after what do you mean experience points was the only thing i said yeah stop spitting on my friends something i've uttered a ton in my life that's not a lot to ask okay so remind me when we get to the town i gotta try to buy some items first [Music] oh yeah oh yeah i'm the best at that cool thank you i haven't got a great memory hey siri in one minute remind me to buy a bunch of stuff in the town it's gonna take more than one minute dawg [Music] i gotta grind all right these battles are fun i'm just like make me feel gifted wait siri set an alarm for two minutes from now [Music] okay you now you now you're the ones that die those frog ogs are [ __ ] ugly they're way tougher than like the other things they're hanging out with little spiky guys yeah like how about one damage ah it's kind of strange how they i mean i guess there's a mixture but it just seems like there's already like spiny characters in mario you know they just like came up with new [ __ ] yeah they've got like knights helmets or something which like actually i kind of like i'm not gonna lie i just thought i'd complain about it before i admitted that i like it oh i just got a reminder on my phone to buy a bunch of stuff in the town what the [ __ ] does that mean i don't know when did i set that [ __ ] dude you're asking me bandits way are you leveling up right now maybe i should sorry everyone i'm just going to grind for a moment well go ahead and grind dude well because i'm so close close to leveling up yeah it's a level five and i i feel like that fight would have gone a little bit better if we were at level five hp max baby i i need to up uh my my my fluffy friend's uh hit points because he he dies oh so fast he sucks [ __ ] uh buy stuff in the town okay cool what is that referring to okay here we go mallow well done buddy hey he did it [Music] me those flowers are [ __ ] happy but they're gonna die soon because they're growing out of bricks okay hit points for you please what about defense then that reduces the amount of damage so you don't even need as many hits yeah i guess it's it's like i don't know i don't know exactly which it's a tweet off but you know certain games favor in some games it's clearly one is a better choice well there's an algorithm based on the defense versus the hp oh there's a there's a really like typical algorithm it's like it's like attack times attack times attack minus defense plus defense there we go plus two or some [ __ ] like that oh i don't know we came up with it when we were programming something that hasn't come out yet so i should probably shut up what do you think pow power i don't know for mario yeah because you have to fight a boss who's really strong you want to be able to kill him fast he is strong kill him face okay and you can always get more health when you buy stuff in the shop like i was supposed to remind you to do no problem let me just save this progress but no god damn it no okay this will take one second but you can't get more power unless you level up so there you go better option better options ow this [ __ ] just sucks this [ __ ] does suck this is like a way worse than the previous i used to just i like this like you jump up onto the save level so you go up into the plumbing yeah i think it's pretty cute so the sky is just so god is just the plumbing in the sky yes what a deep statement you just made the mushroom canned them okay but remember to buy stuff here yes just gotta get mr bouncy away from me oh he's too scared to sell you [ __ ] oh he better not be excuse me [ __ ] shop at a time just oh all right no i think he's i don't think he can buy stuff hold on let me try looking at the oh that's cute yeah pick me up oh that's must be a like a phoenix town wow i have a lot of money holy [ __ ] awesome yeah dude get a pick me up revives down uh uh downed allies it's only four dollars five dollars five bucks to bring your dead friend back that's [ __ ] awesome you should get like three fuel status problems yeah like the heart thing oh it's a shirt it's a pair of pants oh you can get pants for mallow it'll increase his defense oh i will buy the pants they go wait didn't you get pants but you couldn't equip them to mario no you didn't buy the paper i bought the shirt in the shoes oh okay sh no shirt no shoes no problem yeah but pants you need those there you go it's a pair of pants antidote pin prevents poison damage have we encountered poison down no but i bet you a million bucks the next area is gonna have poison damage okay should i buy one for both of us well i don't know maybe mello's gonna die not no yeah you don't know you don't know shut up i mean he's right up front in the key art on the left and right of the screen which we can't show because it's fan art but hmm still pretty cool damn honey syrup is [ __ ] expensive dude you gotta want it you gotta risk it to get the biscuit damn dude okay cancel what the hell is that pencil with b oh well done you can't buy anymore dude okay uh now now the quippies gotta equip the [ __ ] this is gonna be way better dude oh go equip this [ __ ] right yeah i i'm i'm just realizing i i can't uh have the antidote pin and the jump shoes at the same time yeah but so be it pants for you give them the [ __ ] pace wait you can give mallow a weapon i guess so i didn't see anything a sword givable to him i give him excalibur i need to save oh should i have saved some money for this there you go ah you can still save saving the game i could save over yes okay bye bye all right you [ __ ] ready i'm so ready i feel way readier than i did before dude i'm like mad stoked for you right now as you should be [ __ ] you got all this prep work going so gonna be the winner you gotta kill him i didn't want to [ __ ] fight any of these guys dude look at that one hit [ __ ] ko that was all that work you put in bro wow those pants really helped yeah dude now that malo's got pants nobody will see his little wiener no one will see his little wiener oh [ __ ] ow they'll see my wiener my wiener all right yo what other weapons are there could there be like a like a like a bigger hammer or like a stick outstanding question homie like a spell book wish i knew the answers oh my god all right i gotta run yeah yeah last time you were here you just straight up [ __ ] ran right through yeah not having the best of luck with my double hits [ __ ] dude it's about to happen take them out there we go [ __ ] [ __ ] assassinate these creeps he's got so little life okay there we go hey nice oh nice oh so nice i can get the perfect shot on this one i can take him out this round and i didn't drain wow those pants though yeah those pants are [ __ ] nice nice shot mallow what an idiot can we hope you get [ __ ] up the [ __ ] up in your pants can we eat them of course we can eat them let's just eat them you can eat anybody if like you're determined you should try hard enough yeah complete mine too but we can accomplish anything [Music] there we go what the [ __ ] just texted me what the [ __ ] no ah [ __ ] oh my god i [ __ ] hate this it's so relentless the the shy guys do guys dwayne i'm gonna twain you so yeah no [ __ ] oh man that would have killed the other one all right well i'm an idiot i'm an idiot aaron you're not an idiot dude i'm a big fat don't be damn [ __ ] hard on yourself stop being mean to my friend dan yeah [ __ ] sorry i'm sorry okay get in there conversation oh here we go oh yeah you want to skip this yeah [ __ ] ready for this smash that button not so fast and we're fighting oh here we go the the look of mario when that happens is so like yeah oh [ __ ] that's exactly what's going on what the [ __ ] all right fire orb for you mac dude joe was about to get real oh no i almost did the exact same thing it kind of seemed like last time he was like kind of like immune to it a little bit no he it it was rocking him 41. that's not that's terrible it's not the best but i mean it's certainly better than i was gonna get with anything else well okay so that takes away five mm-hmm so i might as well how much does lightning bolt take two how much does a jump take good question i don't know but i've got tons of honey syrup now so suck my thunder thunder thunder thunder does 36 to him yeah great and thunder to only cost two yeah i'll keep going way more efficient than the fire thing that it is so just [ __ ] skip that [ __ ] miss me with that [ __ ] exactly that's exactly what i'm saying really nice dude just hitting with your hammer doesn't cost anything it's just more than a [ __ ] fireball right he's got some kind of fire resistance now they're all dead and this fool creating flames yeah because it's fire i knew it he's a fire element oh so he's resistant to fire that's what you're saying luckily he's not resistant to hammers look at that [ __ ] awesome bro just oh that's right you have the you've [ __ ] for attack on that guy yeah i just need to keep wailing on him as hard as possible this is going much better than last time yeah he's dead he's got those pants those pants though dude that would have done like 20 damage without the [ __ ] pants that would have [ __ ] him right up if not for his pants dog his pants dog look at this efficiency look at this [ __ ] striking goddamn pinpoint precision that you've got going on here [ __ ] die you're like threading the goddamn needle over here you're like sewing an embroidment am i though yes is embroidment a word no no oh most certainly not oh no give yourself some [ __ ] honey syrup yeah slurp that [ __ ] up wait oh there we go that's got pages pages and pages and pages what the [ __ ] [ __ ] why don't you save some for me piece of [ __ ] i hate him in the head what he's like way stronger now what the [ __ ] i cuz he's got his boys his confidence is up if he's got his boys his defense goes up that's ridiculous well his boys are about to die he's got his hype squad yep oh [ __ ] they're too hyped oh yeah we're doing this again don't like that let's go into defense mode dude and then just use the lightning bolt to take the other ones out i think so yeah why not death for all of you and all of you and all of you done welcome back baby flame wow oh look at that that's nice i think mallow has some kind of flame resistance too it seems that way 42 just die please are you [ __ ] mellow i am [ __ ] mellow i am now oh my god yeah future valor oh that went so much better this time way to go aaron thank you for helping me with my strategy bro you could have done it all on your own i just expedited dignitude excerpts you got 20 excerpts um yes bestow me with your hearty goodness was the star like the guy you know like the council that the king like the king doesn't actually know anything he just consults the star yeah seems that way he's like do this all i know is those shy guys are like oh [ __ ] maybe you won't notice me if he's doing on here let them eat cake yes it's a hat i will put it on my head or a boat there we go that looks important pretty nice oh it's the it's the seven star pieces of the sacred cross the titular seven star pieces this is not good oh [ __ ] this is not good the mustache the one is strong strong yes we must ward the ball oh that wasn't the boss come on oh kill him before they get to the ball show them show them in the head well i guess i'm the king now unless some king wants to step forward in strength gracious oh it's you mario what a relief how many voices have we given this [ __ ] guy once again mario to the rescue that was just his scared voice but who were those chancellor hey sir thank goodness you're all right [Music] mario so it was you who got us through all this we owe you much to you yeah you do kiddo [Music] raise taxes really rake them over the coals first the princess and now this it's just too much to bear mario they raised my taxes i gotta move yes well that is the way the cookie crumbles how about we ask my grandpa for help we can bribe him with a coin he knows everything excuse me but who are you shut the [ __ ] up oh my god oh hello my name is mallow i'm from tadpole pond well any friend of mario's is welcome here in mushroom kingdom all right cool where's your fridge as i was saying mario you are our only hope yo can i crash here for a couple days mario please you must rescue the princess now you got any weed mario i'm in your dead too let's head over to grandpa's place in tadpole pond he can help wait why did i even come to the mushroom kingdom in the first place guess i'll find out soon enough ah now i will go inside you once again the sword-like monster who crashed into mushroom kingdom have anything to do with the star piece that mario found sure i mean like he found it like right after mack died where he was standing our heroes move on towards the cairo sewers what [Music] that means i thought we were just going to a pond it's like the frog sewers we gotta go through the poopy town well i guess the the frog sewers are like it's a transition into the frog pond okay it's the frog sewers it empties out into the pond and they're like the mushroom kingdom is polluting our waters or whatever i see and there's going to be this whole like back and forth between the kingdoms did i save not after the fight no i'm gonna do that give it a quick save they did it yeah there you go oh one star piece what the [ __ ] [Music] my man there you go boy you're smart i never expected you to be so smart when i started this show with you what a lucky break i just thought you were kind of an [ __ ] ah the kerose oh oh my god calm down grandpa says to watch out for a bell on me whoever that is probably like a name for acid indigestion it's probably a little dark secret there so keep alert how did your mind see the word dark secret shut up that's really weird because you said it and like didn't correct yourself ensuring that you were one million percent positive that you did that correctly yep oh well all right i guess i'll just do this again this looks like a stage in the bushido blade god i love that game bushido blade yeah that's [ __ ] awesome have we ever played it on the show i don't know it doesn't sound familiar dude have we ever oh my god wait wait wait wait wait have we do you love bushido blade bushido blade game grumps we've never [ __ ] played bushido blade i don't think so oh my god what are we doing with our lives i don't know [ __ ] man all right we gotta just played metal and lace battle of the robo base oh i know what happened i know exactly what happened why don't you walk me through it i probably was like we should play bushido blade and i loaded it up and then i realized that you it starts you out with like six characters when there's like a thousand you have to unlock all of them and i was like [ __ ] that i'm not doing that [ __ ] but now that we have this thing that helps us play the games that we want to play all of them right i can just download the save file and put it on you clever girl yep if you're pressing several buttons says okay enter a pipe jump off once and try again okay cool what it was just giving me instructions on how to enter pipes i already know yeah i already know do you swim in the water no you gotta go down the pipe oh oh my god dude you're traveling amongst the pipes i'm this is starting to get lost well next time on game grumps we'll probably get less lost oh bye right find our way oh my god yeah we're starting a new part of the game bro there's mice different areas oh [ __ ] all right see you later on at the cairo sewers nicely done yeah
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 427,156
Rating: 4.963943 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming
Id: EgUjAS-wxqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 14sec (2174 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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