They'll make a game out of anything these days | Lawn Mowing Simulator

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hey i'm grump i'm not surround and we're the game grumps hello god [Laughter] it's lawn mowing simulator hey well um apparently our power wash simulator was a big hit and now people want us to mow lawns oh i need the controller there's a dino safari dlc oh yeah well now you've got my attention you had my curiosity but now you have my attention this is so ridiculous and i bet i'll love it oh i run a new lawn mowing company completing contracts to earn money in rp that's reputation points it sure is to build up your company [ __ ] yeah i i don't okay the way that uh lawnmower that orange bar is around the two dots on the van makes it looks like a like a bomberman face yeah it does it totally does hey guys hi you know when i hear like lawn mower simulator i think it's a bit you know i i feel like it's some guy he's like oh this will be funny but this screen alone you open it and it's like [ __ ] beautiful like this is so polished and it's like a real game worked very hard on this uh i guess i'll run tutorials that's that's like the thing with wow he really looks like someone we know doesn't he he he kind of looks like matt doesn't he am i imagining he looks like that like a little bit hey guys matt's business all right cool uh company logo love you matt miss here that's what i put company logo [Music] uh which one looks the most like weed probably this one yeah yeah edit player no he looks like matt it's perfect yeah well i guess i can give him a different change change his hat what kind of color hat would matt wear uh he has a bright yellow i was just thinking the same thing or or his album was green logo placement front only front and back i like that uniform colors this is unique test drive dude god damn there's so much stuff mm-hmm okay great thank you this vehicle is equipped with a multi-type deck okay is that what you want god damn there's some serious lawnmowers out there oh yeah dude dude have you have you been to like home depot lately not really or like one of those specifically like farm stores i guess you wouldn't because you don't have a farm that is really where it begins and ends yes my my family they have my mom has a barn because of her charity right so i've been to a lot of the stores next slide am i like picking stuff or just going on a test drive yeah i want to test drive this sure is there a dinosaur behind me listen i agree the mulcher looks great but can i outrun a dinosaur on it yeah oh oh okay get in vehicle once you're on your vehicle all right well something happens i guess hold x to start the vehicle's engine i need to reset this [ __ ] uh controller settings boy aaron you were [ __ ] super prepared x-axis x is up and down third person on mower no no i believe the x-axis is horizontal oh [ __ ] whatever okay i'm holding x i could be wrong though there we go all right down in the corner it says there's your miles per hour cut height seven centimeters okay uh not engaged so you're single and free to mingle okay with anyone you meet on the lawn okay cut height okay once on the grass get your deck ready you need to get your dick ready by first hitting the cut height oh nice uh you're not cutting yet dog all right let's go to 250 and then to raise the cutting deck what does that be there we go am i cutting it x to engage and disengage the cutting blades oh my god on a contract you'll be able to cut the grass to a certain height all right then you track your process of the bar on the top right okay grass cut at the correct height fills the bar white all right you're cutting oh you're cutting dog yeah that's what's up oh man this is good ass whoops warning you're cutting at the wrong height what what's the height what's the height what does it say i just said you're cutting at the wrong height what was that change your cut height i did ah trees you're cutting at the wrong cut height [ __ ] am i still yes does it say that yes oh [ __ ] well because your cut height is at four there you go seven that's what you want do i did it say that oh no i guess not you need to find out what cut height you want seven's way too [ __ ] what's my cut height help wait wait what did it say i know i know tell me what god damn it just said that thing again you're going you want to get off the vehicle oh okay well what the [ __ ] is the cutout you want six does it say six no i'm just trying it okay i haven't gotten the notification yet yeah six is it people who are having their lawns professionally cut love guesswork i did it at a six boy that's very swervy aaron look man it's just a test run okay i guess six is right cool all right great i get the hang of this let's get off press and hold i think it's time to take a break all right have myself a little afternoon tea i can sprint [Laughter] all right all in a day's work huh great work looks beautiful let's just leave the mower out there keys in the ignition all right well i'm done right i think you're supposed to go to that glowing white gorgeous beam from heaven does it really want me to do this yeah of course it wants you to do this i didn't okay i thought this was just a test run yeah you still got to complete the job why would i need to complete the job on a test run i don't know you've completed three percent progress oh my god dude come on man you love tutorials you're not cutting anything [ __ ] all right there we go all right i'm like i'm a grass-cutting machine i guess this is it eh i love it just cutting the grass you gotta start on the outsides and work your way in yeah make sure to destroy all the carefully planted foliage that's my style uh boy they just disappear edge the outside until it comes now all right and then uh yeah and then you kind of circle inward look at me go man this is excellent i can't wait to get back around you know to see like what i've done pro career mode pro view highlights area of grass that have not been cut to the required height okay okay that's useful this will be useful when you're finished cutting and you realize some of it's way too short yeah i'll have to uncut it yeah what's the uncut button what's the spit back button do uh lawn mowers have the ability to stop and reverse time because if so i would like to cut lawns you know i really gotta watch mark's episode on this because uh power washing simulator you know it's like there's kind of like it's kind of like variants you know it's like different little areas and this is uh boy this is uh this is a [ __ ] party and i'll thank you to appreciate it i mean see you got hung up on that shrub and you had decay turn out of it [ __ ] high octane dude that was pretty intense oh you're about to connect yes your shitty early work i'll clean it up now whoops get these weeds down that's the job for a weed whacker though oh man nice i should keep that there's this little bit right here i'll just clean that up at the end yeah yeah actually this is a little satisfying i can't lie she's coming to my parents house and mow the [ __ ] south yard i'll know your parents lawn yeah yeah do it every time i mean this gate this is like this game is made for drinking for drinking yeah like you should you how could you play this sober like you just kind of like just sit there with a beer in your hand and you're like sick boomhauer what are you doing underground man yeah do you remember boomhauer as the clown from it damn i you go come on come over here you'll flow to me bang on tickle is that our bit no no no maybe it was i can't remember bang old man you'll float too man it's like our type of stupidity but i can't remember if we actually thought of it or not did you ever see that that footage of mike judge talking about how he came up with bloomhauer i think he told me about it based on a real guy really yeah i don't want to like do it because it's much funnier when he says it because he does the voice and everything but it's [ __ ] hilarious it's just some guy that hated uh beavis and butthead he kept calling mtv he thought it was oh [Laughter] that is that is so often how it goes like the people who like hate and complain and troll inevitably end up fueling the continuation of the very thing that they made man i'm [ __ ] i'm getting good at this [ __ ] man yeah yeah i think i could easily overdose on methamphetamines while i watch you play this and honestly you should yeah thank you maybe i will you should live your truth man oh did i miss that whole thing oh that was like the shitty one yeah what the [ __ ] do you think aaron like i'm just like the pissed off lawn owner well i can't tell where the cutters are now i can you are overloading your engine shut down yeah you're done you're finished game over you'll never cut grass in this town again oh man so much grass cleaning up a janky grass edge is like super satisfying to watch got my weed shirt on this is fantastic do you think i'm gonna finish this this lawn or this game it's this lawn maybe dang old man cutting the grass and dang old float too man [Music] what a nice boat this is really relaxing yeah stare at this all day i like i like these kinds of you know task games well just always in my head i've always wanted to uh make a game that takes place in a little like a gross suburb like this kind of like the warehouse area beautiful this is the type of [ __ ] i grew up in oh okay well same but still gross um anyway i just thought it'd be you know you could go in every building and like great work get a real contract you'll be expected to cut all the grass oh damn so passive aggressive cutting complete leave location all right well what i mean do i yeah no you're done okay they they want to set you out into the game so how do i leave right after you talk trash about this location and my homeland gonna make the street to my bathroom more walkable so i can dunk your head in my toilet oh i gotta park the damn it oh you gotta engage and disengage the blades i'd say a job well done [Music] i think they'll be very pleased with this see here's where he fell asleep all right and then uh nope uh x and then go and then go all right i just got to bring it back all right what's it why is it a first person now uh-huh i don't know if i like that don't cut the driveway [Music] i never did although i'm told it was very good yeah it's a very shocking episode where somebody gets like chopped up by a lawnmower wow yeah it's like nothing like that has ever been in the show before and then it just like happens and everyone's like oh my god cool was that what made the man mad [Laughter] it's my best joke of the year don draper's like oh i'm a real mad man now uh all right here we go i'm gonna go with the yellow oh a real lawn the yellow one does feel like more it fits your motif your your cap are you sure you want to purchase the stiga estate 2100 pounds the action cannot be yes great ooh a trimmer too nice oh i want a battery one i don't want to [ __ ] run that [ __ ] on gas yeah all right front garden at old nook cottage man this guy's really shredding it yeah he's killing it oh [ __ ] nice cutting through that mix [Laughter] damn that's sorry you're on fire today holy [ __ ] okay uh yeah let's do it old no cottage complexity one star sounds like exactly our speed yeah i'm confirming the contract start [Music] look at those velociraptors on the right all right you're doing a good job you missed a spot look at this beautiful cottage this is super delightful this is the first contract they trusted us with this wonderful garden be sure to suck up that frisbee i for sure will you got it can you can you mess up and like cut it cut their beautiful flowers and stuff you know i think so oh no i think that's probably the case i'm gonna pick up the frisbee he's giving me anxiety i don't wanna [ __ ] oh you can do that i mean i'm guessing you can nice now fling it onto the roof it's mine now your children will this is so in your knock put it in your nock and crack one of three objects collected sure you want to exit the ground check yeah yeah there's still two objects oh i didn't realize there was a checklist yeah there's like a like a man just lying on the ground oh hey sorry i was it napping all right you got it wait a minute can i go in here no don't enter the cottage you don't have that kind of clearance beautiful look at they collect old cars too this person is very wealthy look at this i guess let's look at that shine newer car i don't know they got this front oh my god i'm not sure if they want you look at this loafing around their yard well i i think that they would appreciate me appreciating their yard and situation just checking the ground i wanted to make sure i didn't suck anything up in this backyard of yours made of brick and start throttle oh rp you can end a contract early by returning to your truck and still earn money and our pay i thought it said rip what is the cut height that they want oh yeah how do i check that performance during cutting will affect how much money and rp reputation points need to find the balance between speed and careful driving avoiding dram damaging the flowers cutting to earn a time bonus okay wait before you go yeah all right well what do you want it's as good as they find out what cut out they want i don't know there must be like a briefing thing you can check oh man you are going for time bonus yeah i'll edge the i got a [ __ ] hedger so i'll just do that later yeah that looks like [ __ ] shut up dude [Music] i can't stop hey hey what's up just riding a mower it's got way more intense i know now like now that there's a time bonus my job's on the line i'm trying to build a business here you know yeah man this this person takes beautiful care of their lawn i'm surprised they hired a total amateur like yourself well you know what they wanted to [ __ ] what's your experience well i cut 14 of one lawn behind a warehouse you're hired do you have your own equipment um i like like matt watson i can buy souls from supermega love that show yeah i love those boys i stopped watching gang grumps a long time ago i'm a super mega fan now matt and brian [Music] love those two so funny god oh this is it this is where my life has taken me i would much rather be mowing along you know what i mean in real life yeah interesting well like there's that there's those people who take like you know like euro truck simulator like way too seriously and they buy like entire [ __ ] front ends of trucks so they can like sit in and like put screens up are you serious yeah oh that's awesome it's like a real hardcore hobbyist thing that's absolutely something you would do if you were into it but like at that point why not just [ __ ] become a trucker well i think i think there's a lot like the whole point of video games is not to leave your house well that's true don't mess with our stees there that's style and ease that's correct wow doing my best what absolute dick this lawn looks like well i'm getting there i'm not done yet all right geez louise i'm just saying you got to take away the bulk first and then edge away the rest freak have you been on before try not to come if you do then it's not edging is it girlfriend shows you how to run a lawnmower joi [Laughter] now so you have to engage the throttle go on the blades don't come down unless you pull this lever right here bellover [Laughter] show me show me how you engage the lover oh my god this is wonderful yeah you like it yeah this is great having a good time at first i was like this might be kind of boring but now i'm like super into it well imagine what the [ __ ] dinosaur dlc is like i know i can't imagine it yeah it's you know there really is an art to it yeah just gotta i mean there's different people have different approaches but when the lawn this big this much surface area just [ __ ] concentric circles man wow just keep going it's inward right it's just art how many beautiful creatures do you think you've sucked up at this point like insects and stuff like anything um probably a [ __ ] lie yeah probably an ass ton it's just like a metric ass ton it's like you have no idea how many bugs are in the grass tons i think [ __ ] i can't remember what the exact number was but i think bugs make up like 90 of all life on earth oh yeah dude absolutely they are everywhere [ __ ] there's like 30 aphids on every blade of grass that is not i don't even know what they are that's not a statistic okay aphids are these cute little things that [ __ ] up your plants oh really but ladybugs they eat them oh so you can buy ladybugs to put in your garden to eat the aphids but then sometimes the ladybugs get out of control so you gotta buy praying mantises to eat the ladybugs yeah this is all real yeah i know i'm sure of it it's like in new york when they uh were having trouble with roaches so they released a bunch of rats to eat the roaches and they have a rat problem yeah an enormous rat problem who could have saw that coming wait no that's not what happened [ __ ] i can't remember what it was there was something they were trying to kill and they released another species and of course that species went out of control because they were feasting like kings on the first piece yeah well well this is nice i think this owner is going to be very happy with this yard what the hell are you doing no problem almost done yeah we got the headphones on so you can get right here like he's like [ __ ] his arms are flailing and you think he's just waving to you hello mr johnson almost done no all right i'll see you in a bit i think sure are friendly yeah another job well done i'm just gonna finish it yeah yeah who's it this little appendage getting close to those plants you know oh all right that does it for this area do you see jeff goldblum talking to that guy who does an impeccable jeff goldblum impression no he's like hi i'm jeff goldblum and jeff goldblum's like that's not what i sound like and he's like that's exactly what it is it's really funny there's a there's a famous snl bit where bill hader does that to john malkovich oh maybe that's what i'm thinking of yeah but there is another thing where uh it's a similar setup but yeah i was confusing the two in my mind i am john malkovich i don't sound anything like that that's exactly what you sound no no no that is exactly phil hater is amazing oh oh do you watch barry at all i never have very good yeah i haven't watched it well i'm not caught up okay but what i did watch i was like very impressed i got caught up in the boys dude well that's not surprising yeah you want to expound on that no it sounds like a good chef what did you think i meant i got all caught up in the boys and their little they're they're bodies i heard top gun two was actually amazing yes i've heard that as well yeah i haven't seen it but people were like it's better than the first one i'm like you [ __ ] lie nothing's better than the first one you [ __ ] it's easy now i'm so close to being finished all dude i'm gonna deal with this vestigial oh you nip the tip it looks great [Laughter] you're doing such a good job man it appears that he was pulling doughnuts out on the lawn he can't make it like having fun out here it seems seems like a lot of we worked into this i'm getting a lot of wee energy out of this all right this is good my first job dan my first job i feel good you're doing great yeah it's just i'm sure there are people that are just like no the most efficient way to mow is this oh are you kidding me i just naturally assume while you know 98 of our audience is having fun and enjoying it the remaining two percent is screaming at their screams you can't mow like that that wasn't the deal you have to move this way their wife is like calm down it's just a no it's one of those moments like in the movie where like he's gone too far you know calm down it's just a show no he like pushes her down and she's like he's like i'm sorry it's just i hate the way aaron mo's pretend lawns i need to make a change [Laughter] yes you do i'm sorry it'll never happen again oh god damn it aaron mow the lawn better [ __ ] they upload every day dude this is uh one of the worst jobs i've ever seen dude i'm not done yet okay geez louise yeah you [ __ ] go over it and then there's little spots and you're like okay i'll just [ __ ] i'll i'll find this later if i meant to do this i wanted to find these little spots right it's like roll that over there's some there's a little green spot right there you wanted to you've seen that video right yeah of that couple oh i love them so much aly have you seen this it's a it's a couple they're they're clearly at like a mall like on a green screen where you like get to make a video singing along to a song and it's a guy and uh probably his girlfriend or wife and they're trying to do system of a down but they're like way off with the timing it's like wake up grab your cards and put a little makeup put his hounds cards and fade away shake up and she's like want me too it's the best they are so lovable here you go create another fable i think i think that's it oh there's still small little all right little stupid poopadees over here all right just a couple little time is running out no no no no no you crossed the 13 minute mark well it takes a [ __ ] rome wasn't built in a day dan are you yelling at the owners of the old nook cottage is that what this is sure oh well i didn't know well i didn't know that and i'm sorry just uh well there's a lot of it i don't need to it's edge far away from the flowers yeah good job there's a chunk you wanted to see you wanted to whoops and nobody saw that and you'll create another fable oh through the to the little doorway to your left that's a big chunk yep let's get off and how do i bring out my why not just drive through it because i have a little [ __ ] i got a thing in my ah a weed whacker yeah is it on the machine change cutting blades how do i bring out my weed wagger do i have to get it out of the trunk oh there it is yeah you wanted to yep got it oh awesome okay you see that [ __ ] string always ends up in exactly the same place yeah dawg that's very satisfying you just [ __ ] hedge the rest dude be careful what you think i'm gonna chop down yes i do yes i do you would think 98.2 number one on fm 98.2 fm the poopy you destroyed a flower well what do they [ __ ] expect a fine has been incurred you just said do you really think i'm gonna do that what did you expect i'm not qualified for this it's my first day what a [ __ ] great job for not having done this ever boy that is a great excuse and people love to hear it in an angry tone yeah angry defensive tone uh i'm sorry are you paying me for this i thought so you get what you pay for and you paid for me i only cut down one of your priceless flowers that you had flown in and grown here god act like i killed your baby i didn't i mean i may have wait i wanna but i'm not done i'm not done i feel oh i guess i'm pretty much done eh i did edge this part contract complete [ __ ] look at this beautiful goddamn yard barely tell where you were driving well that's it's it stands up it's it just crushes the grass for limited time the grass stands back up when it sees the sun that's how plants are sure they love the sun well and please leave the location well i'm just having a good time all right okay i wanted to finish up my look at this look at this look in the corner you're engaged oh mazeltov on the dial aaron you're engaged i'm so happy for you i'm not engaged what why did that grow back already no no this is a different doorway okay yeah there's two well you are a completionist well [ __ ] you know if i'm gonna i want to do a good job i want them to hire me again i only killed one of your prized begonias all right ali is already packing [ __ ] up to leave and i cannot blame her all right all right we're done here okay cool it's [ __ ] like 7pm on a friday aaron's like i need to cut more fake grass oh i have to [ __ ] put back the trimmer oh and then get into your yeah okay yeah let's do that that'll feel good it's fantastic whoops wrong button now if you'll excuse me i have a fine to pay and turn it on there you go it's just like a cat ramp uh three dollar fine and curry sorry sorry sorry sorry drive it up into the thing oh whoops i accidentally turned the throttle off and dismount top off and boom baby what a lawnmower great job old nook cottage in the front garden it like pans slowly by the one flower you cut off it's a good job [ __ ] oh wow a lot of a lot of finds yeah but like a dollar [Music] a flower was the was a a euro a quid as they say a couple collisions and i ran into something i guess [Laughter] great work aaron next time on gabe groves well this is really this was fun have a glorious day yeah man goodbye oh man i'm gonna [ __ ] and piss you
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 538,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, simulator, let's play, game play, lawn mowing simulator
Id: 0_mXX1ybxz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 4sec (2344 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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