They threw a baby KAIJU in the TRASH for being UGLY, but they didn't know about its POWER

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when a gigantic Kaiju threatens to exterminate the human race people must Ally themselves with demons to keep the planet safe today we're going to recap the story of the series my demon from 2023 after a nuclear disaster several demonic creatures with special powers spread across the world although other people have an aversion to these creatures a young man called Kento finds them all very cute and has decided to adopt a demonic particle over time the creature grew into a four-legged demon with storage Powers which he named Ana upon learning that Kento has a pet demon a nun goes to talk to his mother K asking her to give him the demon despite her request the woman refuses to hand Anna over saying that her storage powers are used to keep things that have expired without spoiling them Furious the nun says that the spot on the boy's face is a demonic particle and claims that Kento won't live long after being expelled by K the nun picks up the phone and calls the peace organization denouncing the family after learning about Anna's storage powers yiro the president of the organization issues a 100 million yen reward for her attracting the attention of the worst bounty hunters without imagining what has happened Kento is playing with Anna when he hears the sound of an approaching engine to protect him Anna puts up a barricade in front causing an invisible truck to crash into the wall Furious the bounty hunter eori gets out of the truck and asks Kento to pass on the storage demon but he refuses and runs off at work C is sweeping when one of her colleagues tells her about the accident in the the park prompting the woman to run off in search of her son trying to escape Kento runs through a construction site when he hits something invisible suddenly some beams that were also invisible begin to fall and Anna manages to absorb them just then Yori appears with his demon of invisibility and captures Kento throwing him into the Hunter's hands to help him Anna throws a sack of flow that blinds the demon user allowing them to escape to find them the hunter asks his demon to make all the buildings invisible so that he can locate Kento trapping him in the abandoned building invisible the Demon Hunter hits Kento who throws a bucket of paint at him even so Yori manages to turn invisible again and starts hitting the boy for getting his clothes dirty with Kento on the ground the hunter picks up his blade and tries to plunge it into the boy's chest but Anna absorbs the object and throws it into the demon user's mouth just then Kao arrives at the building and picks up the phone to call an ambulance but Yori gets up and throws the dagger at Kento forcing the woman to throw herself forward to save her son as a result c ends up dying and the hunter begins to laugh but only until he is devoured by his own demon with his mother no longer alive Kento asks Anna to absorb her body and has the idea of taking her to kushu where there are rumors about a demon capable of going back in time walking towards the island Kento is met by Baron a giant balloon demon who takes him to his user uraga seeing that he and his demon are traveling west alone taka and inan offered to give him a ride and put him in their trailer taking him through the streets of an abandoned Town while driving along a remote Road uraga checks the rewards on his cell phone and discovers the prize for capturing Anna wanting the reward to pay for his brother's treatment uraga goes to talk to takada trying to convince him to help but the man refuses and the user uses the baron to eliminate him back at the camp uraga does the same to inan and starts chasing Kento through the streets to stop the demon user Anna absorbs the bolts of a bridge causing the asphalt to give way under the weight of the trailer because because of this uraga is forced to retreat and Kento gets a head start but as he is on foot he is soon caught up with the Bounty Hunter who is chasing him again driving the trailer uraga speeds towards the boy while Baron tries to hit his Thorns with Kento trapped on the cliff the Bounty Hunter heads straight for him but Anna climbs into the truck and throws hot coals on uraga causing him to lose control and fall over the edge trying to save his companion Baron goes after him and tries to save them both but ura's mechanical arm ends up breaking so that only Anna is saved after everything that has happened Kento travels alone until he reaches a town at the foot of Mount Fuji there a trio of children rob a souvenir store and run away while a vigilante goes after them along the way the kids bump into Kento and Anna takes the opportunity to absorb the goods giving them back to the Vigilante who takes everything to the merchant watching from afar a girl called kaid day surrounds Kento with the help of her demon igu with the boy nowhere to go the demon user says she doesn't want to hurt him and takes him to her room so he doesn't sleep on the street the next morning two of the boys who tried to rob the souvenir store arrive at the Town Gate badly injured and begging for help as soon as he sees the state of the children the mayor calls in the demon users to rescue the last boy who was trapped in the ruins for some reason everyone refuses to help with the exception of kaid and a pair of Vigilantes as well as Kento who also offers to help and goes into the Mount Fuji forest in search of the last boy while exploring the ruins the group is surprised by senju a demig God who starts attacking them thanks to U's defense skills kaid manages to keep everyone safe but the shield demon is no match for the senju still igu doesn't give up and manages to knock the praying mantis off the third floor causing the demon to mysteriously disappear with the way clear the humans start looking for the boy and manage to find him under the rubble after absorbing the stones blocking the way Anna starts sniffing around until she finds some eliminated demon spawns at this point the boy reveals that he and his brothers went to the Ruins In Search of a family of little demons to exterminate all to get a reward from the mayor despite this the group continues their Journey as if nothing had happened but senju reappears in search of Revenge while the others distract the demigod kaid shoots an arrow filled with gunpowder that hits senju Square in the chest exploding him from the inside out despite this the demon manages to recover and hits a blow that opens the ground knocking everyone down and forcing igu to save them as senju is chasing after Kento Anna steals his attention and starts running away while distracting the demon Anna ends up being hit and faints leaving her completely defenseless With His companion about to receive the final attack Kento throws himself in front of her and looks at senju while the Demonic particle on his face glows causing the Demonic demigod to stop seizing the opportunity igu begins to circle around senju and devours his entire body preventing him from recovering back in town everyone spends the evening celebrating the boys return the next morning kaid and Kento decide to leave together and go to the next city ngoya in the place the two are walking along the tracks when they see a ship crashing to the ground to help the two run to the scene where they find Moka and RI a father and his daughter trapped in the wreckage with Anna's help they manag to free the two just as o appears a gigantic spider demon as it approaches the Kaiju grabs the ship with its web knocking the adults out while Kento and Moka are taken away by the spider Kaiju in an association of demon users RI offers a reward of 10 million to anyone who rescues Kento and his daughter because of the price a trio of bounty hunters apply for the job and go to O's Nest there the two kids find an old sofa and Anna remove some webs from Moka to sit on but this ends up taking away the support of the object which begins to fall furious at having part of its nest destroyed the giant spider starts attacking the two little ones who are forced to run using his webs the Kaiju manages to trap annah and the two boys but they are rescued by bounty hunters who appear at the last second freeing the three together the stone paper and scissors demons distract the spider while igu tries to carry the smaller ones away but he ends up getting hit and knocking Kento to the ground with debris Falling Towards the boy igu and Anna do their best to protect him but they fail and Kento is hit by some rocks seeing her companion unconscious Anna goes into a state of insane rage and creates a kind of attack that sends one of o paws into another dimension still Furious Anna transforms herself into a dog that can create super massive black holes absorbing everything around it to finish off the arachnid Kaiju Anna unleashes a gigantic tower that crosses O's back finally the storage demon jumps towards the mutant spider and creates portals inside it causing o to get all bumpy as if that wasn't enough Anna creates a giant beu dama that starts sucking in everything around her including o however this leaves her so exhausted that she blacks out before finishing the attack sometime later Kento wakes up and runs to the crater where Anna is realizing that she has returned to her normal State now that they are safe kaid and Kento head to Kyoto where they stop at a hotel to rest while walking to her room kaid calls her old friend atsuki who is one of the scientists at the peace organization curious the girl asks why the reward for Anna is so high and atsuki replies that it's because it was a storage demon that absorbed sori Island 18 years ago taking kaid's Mother with it at the entrance to the city kuya tracks down kaid's card and discovers exactly which hotel she's staying at heading there to pick up Anna near the lobby Kento starts looking for a place to eat and enters a tofu store as soon as he arrives at the place the boy starts walking towards a table while getting more and more sleepy looking up Kento sees that they are under the influence of a sleep demon but it's too late and he can only watch as Anna is taken away by kuya when he wakes up Kento heads for the headquarters of the peace organization to retrieve His companion wanting to help help him kaid meets with atsuki and asks for the scientists help to get Anna back despite the risks the girl agrees to help and puts igu inside the organization in some boxes on the way to the building genjiro learns from his assistant that kaid was helping Anna leaving the president surprised to discover that his granddaughter is betraying him in the organization's building Kento and kaid managed to get in disguised as a student and a teacher on a field trip in the experiment Department the scientists are analyzing Anna's body when genjiro arrives and asks everyone to leave when they are alone with the storage demon the old man accuses him of having stored his daughter along with the island in addition genjiro shows a photo of Kento and says that Anna only brings him suffering making the storage demon rethink everything that has happened at the entrance to the laboratory kaid has the idea of entering the ventilation duct and crawling into the room where atsuka is together the three of them run towards the experiments Department halfway there Kento sees a demon in a Hollow Mask who communicates with him through the demon demon particle saying that he wants to get out of there suddenly the cylinder it is in begins to crack and the creature creates a body of its own upon seeing the women dressed as employees of the organization the demon immediately begins to attack them squeezing their necks using the Demonic particle in his head Kento manages to communicate with the creature and asks it to free her friends convincing her that kaid and atsuki are good people taking advantage of the chaos the trio run towards the experiments department and leave the wigged demon behind when the soldiers arrive the creature starts attacking them and almost manages to eliminate some of them but kuya arrives with his catfish demon and puts the Oni to sleep in the experiment room Kento arrives to save Anna but they are surprised by genjiro and kuya who try to stop them holding his breath Kento tries to resist the scale powder and starts to attack the glass but kuya's sleep demon stops him holding him back with his body seeing Kento in danger Anna transforms once again and starts attacking her enemies in this overpowered form the dimensional demon manages to take down both kuya and his demon but the man remains determined to stop them and Don a super powerful glove with the artifact the squad leader is able to block all the projectiles that Anna throws in his Direction since an isolated attack doesn't work the monster decides to attack from all sides and manages to catch kuya off guard destroying half the building in the process when the fight is over Anna goes to Kento who is happy to see her new form but the demon remembers what Gano said and decides decides to stay away from the boy after all Kento is captured by the peace organization who discover that he can talk to Demons so the boy is taken to stay with kuya who is given the mission of protecting him until they find Anna during his stay Kento manages to escape and starts following Anna's voice without realizing that yag one of the organization's employees is right behind him following the voice of His companion Kento arrives at a place in the sewer where Anna is living with other rodent demons despite being happy to see him again the 1,000 eyed monster remembers what Gano said and decides to run away but is captured by yag who puts her to sleep while kuya takes her back to the organization Kento teams up with the rodent demons to get her back knocking over a sign on the way so that yag is forced to stop when the man gets out of the car Kento sits in the driver's seat and starts driving with the help of the other demons Kento manages to make yag slam into a board and pass out inside kuyu realizes what is happening and prepares for combat but is surprised by the hundreds of rad demons that begin to gnaw at his gloves in addition the rodents also destroy the wiring of the barrier that keeps Anna trapped allowing her to knock kuya out of the trailer with the way clear Kento drives away and finally manages to recover his traveling Companion now that they are close to kushu Kento and Anna take a train to the island but end up being spotted by a security camera with the images kuya has the idea of capturing the two of them Midway and sends one of his agents to board at Hiroshima station with the help of doors a portal demon muda manages to get on the train and starts looking for Kento when she arrives at his side Railroad employees appear checking passengers tickets since she doesn't have one mauda opens a portal and goes to the next wagon while the woman is talking to kuya Kento decides to go to the next carriage and ends up bumping into muda who is waiting for an opportunity to capture Anna when the train reaches an underwater tunnel Kento begins to admire the scenery and doesn't notice when muda captures His companion after a few seconds the boy realizes she's missing and starts looking for Anna finding her in muda's hands when she is discovered the woman teleports to the top of the train and decides to stay there until the next station but Kento hears Anna and goes to the top to retrieve her on top of the wagon the two begin to fight over the storage demon but the boy has no chance against someone who can teleport at any time while mauda is teleporting Kento realizes that the portal splits his backpack in half and decides to use it to free Anna from the cage still dors is very powerful and almost manages to get muda to capture Anna to avoid being caught the storage demon releases various objects to block the way causing muda to hit the old things and be thrown aside as a result the woman almost falls off the train and Kento has to save her as a way of saying thank you mauta tells them that soldiers from the organization will be waiting at the next station and opens a portal that throws the two of them into the Hakata River already on the island of kushu sometime later Kento wakes up in a house and is startled to see KIRO who rescued them from the riverbank when he's finally recovered Kento says they're ready to go and KIRO asks him to take him to a museum first there the boy takes him to the exhibition of the claw of the pandemonium a gigantic creature that has single-handedly managed to eliminate more than 3 million people KIRO goes on to say that this number is frightening but that it doesn't come close to the number of demons that have been crushed by humans just then the spot on kento's face begins to glow and he realizes that KIRO is a demon as soon as the boy realizes this KIRO decides to reveal his true form and tells him that he is a restoration demon the creature then tells him that it found that human body that had been run over and decided to possess it connecting its brains and healing its wounds so that it could study people up close when the restoration demon returns to his body Kento asks if he can go back in time and KIRO replies that some human must have gotten confused when he saw his powers even so Kento asks him to restore his mother's body and KIRO says he can try to do so Anna returns C's body and the restoration demon begins to heal her wounds but is interrupted by the police who arrive to capture Kento when the police enter the apartment KIRO throws everyone away and Kento tries to get his mother back but ends up being hit by a grenade from the police to save him KIRO grabs them both and starts running out of the apartment leaving CK body behind outside the trio are surrounded by a group of policemen Who start shooting at them but KIRO manages to protect them and mend the wounds on his body IES to fight back the boy throws pieces of Steel that he restores to their original state turning them into Stakes that go through the policemen's bodies in safety KIRO talks about how cruel humans can be and tries to convince Kento to side with her saying that they should join forces to exterminate the humans with a drop of blood KIRO reconstructs K's body and begins to control her in order to manipulate Kento at the entrance to Hakata kaid arrives at an army roadblock where she is greeted by qua next to K's real body the squad leader tells them that KIRO wants Anna's helped to access the pandemonium claw in the museum so he can restore the strongest demon and exterminate the human race after explaining the enemy's plans qua returns igu and asks kaid to let him know as soon as she finds Kento freeing her to leave the lab in The Hideout Anna realizes that this CAO is just an imitation and doesn't allow her to touch Kento while the boy asks what's wrong with Anna kaid appears and asks to talk to Kento alone leaving igu to keep an eye on C outside the girl tries to warn him that he is being deceived but the boy doesn't care saying that in time that copy could be just like his mother while they talk C Lars igu outside and traps him inside a container but is caught by kaid to prevent her from disrupting his plans c restores a circular wire fence that binds kaid's leg now that the girl can't escape cowo takes a knife and plunges it into her stomach right in front of Kento although seriously wounded the girl fires a gunpowder arrow that destroys part of the the zombie woman's face when she realizes how much Kento likes her friend Kao says she can save her if he cooperates with no one to stop him KIRO heals kaid and possesses the body of a soldier using his ID to take Kento and Anna to the museum as soon as he enters the place KIRO starts attacking the soldiers who have no chance of Defending themselves with all this the Demonic particle on kento's forehead begins to hatch causing pain that leaves the boy paralyzed outside the members of the organization are D in mauda opens a portal for them to enter inside KIRO forces Anna to open the glass in order to access the claw but she doesn't have enough power in this form and the restoration demon decides to explode kento's head causing his demonic particle to hatch because of this Anna is overcome with rage and transforms destroying the protective glass while trying to attack KIRO just as he wanted with that done the demon restores kento's head and tries to convince Anna to fight alongside him at that moment mauta and the other members of the organization recover kento's body and Escape before it's too late now that he has access to the claw KIRO rebuilds the pandemonium's body and takes over its abilities destroying everything around him with extreme ease even at a disadvantage against the Kaiju the humans don't give up in the Army does everything it can to defeat it but they can't make a dent on the other hand pandemonium can sweep away an entire city with one beud dama putting every country in the world on Alert in a meeting with the defense Ministry Gano says that Pand onium was only defeated with nuclear weapons and that they will have to do it again even with the sacrifice of the Japanese people inside an organization truck Kento wakes up and finally meets the demon that was born from the particle in his head while they wait to leave the city kuyo learns about the government's plans and tells yag to drive to the heliport as soon as possible sensing that the humans are moving KIRO realizes that they are going to repeat the nuclear attack and decides to stop the attack on hikata accumulating a large beam of energy to wipe Tokyo off the map to prevent this from happening Kento and his friends decide to return to the center of Hakata using the abilities of his new demon the boy communicates with KIRO and tries to convince him to give up but he replies that he will use nuclear energy to exterminate the humans upon learning of his plans Kento asks his friends to flee and tells them that Anna is going to store the nuclear missiles but none of them back down knowing that they won't survive Kento cries as he says goodbye to everyone shedding a tear that makes Anna reach her final form now that is at full power the storage demon teleports into the crossfire and manages to absorb everything making KIRO and the nuclear bombs disappear into the sky in the storage space Anna uses the bombs to destroy the pandemonium and manages to damage KIRO who begins to be incinerated by nuclear energy now that the world is safe Anna opens the portal for everyone to return to Earth finally Anna returns to her original form and says goodbye to Kento disappearing shortly after he returns to Earth with things calmer kid tells her that she saw seori Island inside Anna and that the storage demons share the same space so they can still save her mother and the Island's population thanks to the sacrifice of Anna and the other demons the humans finally accepted living with the creatures and cooperated with them on a daily basis so what did you think of this series leave it in the comments below and if you like the video like And subscribe for more series Recaps see you next time
Channel: Prime Recap
Views: 70,407
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Keywords: how to beat, beat movies, sumarring movies, defeating movies, horror movies, scary tales, recap, film summary, film summarizing, movie summary, movies recap, mr recap movies, mr recap animes, mr recap
Id: Mr6826g4Jeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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