She got a PROTECTIVE LIZARD as a PET, but she doesn't know that it has ELECTRIC COMBAT POWERS

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after being captured by a criminal gang a girl discovers that her pet lizard is actually a robot that was developed by her father to protect her today we're going to recap the first season of the IU series from 2024 a girl called TOA is riding her scooter through the streets of Lagos Nigeria when she is suddenly surrounded by two vehicles and four people come out of them to capture her at that moment oim the young woman's pet lizard uses a device to produce a shield around her and goes out to confront the kidnappers the reptile then uses the techn ology attached to its body to strike the humans and manages to get rid of two of them when he realizes that his enemies are armed oim activates AA mode to attack them however during the simulation there is a problem with the robot's configuration and Tunda realizes that there is something wrong with his prototype the engineer's goal is to use technology to protect people as he knows that his country is becoming increasingly dangerous the truth is that TOA is his daughter and thanks to tunda's work the girl has the opportunity to live comfortably in a mansion on an island Paradise in the morning she is woken up by Rashid it an Android Nanny and gets ready to welcome Tunda who will be arriving soon after preparing some cupcakes to celebrate her 10th birthday TOA convinces Mr G to let her go with him to the airport on the way the pair end up stuck in traffic and the young woman is saddened to think that she will be late to pick up her father but G has a card up his sleeve and manages to fly his car over the bridge even during the flight the pair are approached by Street vendors who use drones to deliver their goods minutes later she arrives at the airport and meets her father who is Disturbed to realize that the girl is walking through the airport alone after lecturing his daughter Tunda accompanies her to her car without even realizing that he is being watched by a man who was waiting for him at the airport soon after B and his partner happiness get into a cab to follow the engineer on the way home Tunda turns on the radio and hears a journalist announcing The Disappearance of another child who has been captured at that moment TOA understands why her father doesn't want her walking around alone and promises that she won't do it again when she gets home the girl shows him that she has prepared a feast but Tunda is talking on the phone and doesn't even see the cupcakes his daughter has baked seeing Tunda coming up the stairs TOA picks up her plate and goes after him only to discover that her father won't be able to celebrate her birthday that night because he has urgent work matters to attend to frustrated TOA walks to the Garden where she spots Cole and runs to talk to him the girl is extremely happy to realize that her friend has remembered her birthday and offers to help him with his work as she doesn't want to be alone all day meanwhile Tunda continues to work on the AA project but has not yet managed to get oim to transform completely that afternoon he receives a call from his boss who rushes him to finish the experiment as soon as possible Mrs Usman advises the engineer to test the Prototype before presenting it to the committee sat Tunda decides to give oim to his daughter as he knows that TOA has always wanted a pet even though she is frustrated at getting a lizard instead of a dog TOA thanks her father for the present and learns that she will have to take care of it as a child bod and his mother worked in a family home and were kicked out because the boy was caught stealing money he has always considered it unfair that few people in his country are rich while the majority of the population is sunk in poverty then when he became an adult B began to make a living by extorting money from the wealthy and sharing a small part of it with his collaborators the strategy he uses most often is to kidnap the children of wealthy families and demand a large sum of money for ransom after successfully completing his last mission body sets his sights on his next Target TOA feeling very lonely the girl ended up forming a strong friendship with Cole and spends most of her time with him the two youngsters are having fun and dancing together when the boy receives a call from happiness but decides not to answer it before saying goodbye to her friend TOA invites him to join her for dinner that evening as she knows her father will be working late as usual when he discovers that Tunda is an employee of the largest technology company in Nigeria body becomes even more interested in capturing to because as well as money he will also have access to a large list of billionaires at the end of the evening Cole and toah are having dinner together when the young woman asks why her friend stops going to school to work just then Tunda appears and is furious to see one of his employees sitting at the table with his daughter immediately TOA speaks up to defend her friend but her father believes that Cole is just taking advantage of the girl's kindness Furious Tunda orders the boy back to work and after lecturing his daughter tells her to go back to her room that night when he is at the bus stop Cole and the other passengers face a heavy storm minutes later the Bus shows up but the boy discovers that the fair has doubled just because it's raining without enough money to pay the collector Cole has to walk home at which point he receives a call from B who says he needs to talk to him the boy met B through his mother who tried to borrow money from the criminal to invest in Cole's studies ever since he was a child the young man dreamed of becoming a doctor but bod wanted to recruit him to work with him and his mother wouldn't allow Cole to do So Over time however the boy's mother became very ill and he had to start working to look after her the little money Cole manages to earn from his work as 100% used to buy food and pay off the loan his mother took out with body that night the young man receives a summons and has to go to the criminal's apartment he believes the man is planning to collect that month's payment in advance and hands him all the money he had saved however body says that the boy has until the end of the month to make the payment and reveals that he requested his presence for another reason knowing that the boy Works in Mr tunda's Mansion body orders Cole to help him capture TOA without understanding the reason for this request Cole asks what the man intends to do with her and learns that the girl will be used as a hostage so that B can ask her father for a reward seeing that Cole is unwilling to hand over his friend the criminal promises that if the boy does he will pay for all his mother's medical expenses knowing that his mother could perish if she doesn't receive the necessary care the boy decides to help B fulfill his evil plan one of toa's biggest dreams is is to visit the continent so Cole offers to accompany her on this trip and they both deceive Mr G saying that Tunda has authorized the tour as optim is under her care the girl decides to take him to and when the pair get out of the vehicle the lizard goes after them to keep an eye on TOA it's the young woman's first time there so Cole has the mission of introducing her to that part of the city so the boy asks for a cab to take them to the fair but what the boy doesn't realize is that ottin is right behind them when she gets off the vehicle TOA is approached by numerous Street vendors who will do anything to sell their wees even though she's lost in the middle of the mess the young woman is Enchanted by this new experience which is completely different from anything she's ever had while sampling some street food Tola sees a group of hungry children and decides to feed them after a long walk through the fair the pair decide to stop for lunch at a restaurant and tole confesses to her friend that she is very happy because this is the best day of her life the girl then thanks Cole for giving her this experience and says that he is an excellent friend upon hearing this the boy is saddened as he knows he is about to give TOA away while talking to the girl Cole bitterly regrets the decision he made and says that they need to get out of there not understanding the reason for his friend's despair TOA accompanies him back to the car but on the way there they are both approached by one of B's employees seeing him Cole tries to protect the girl and oim who has been watching them the whole time decides to take action at this point the robot's battery runs out and it sends a warning signal to tunda's computer before completely shutting down meanwhile Cole tries to hold Sunday back and asks TOA to run away but the young woman refuses to leave her friend behind however when she realizes that she will end up being taken away if she stays there the girl runs in the opposite direction and soon after Cole goes after her arriving at an end TOA spots a woman and decides to ask for help without even imagining that she is happiness body's right-hand woman at a young age Tunda was already a great robotics genius and even though he lived on the mainland and had few resour sources he was already able to put his genius into practice after leaving University the engineer created a device that allowed him to make great leaps his great dream had always been to become rich and successful in his work so he never spared any effort to be hired as an employee of Greenwood Tech when he got there for his job interview Tunda was interviewed by Mrs Usman and after showing her some of his inventions he was hired after receiving Odin's signal the man starts looking for his daughter through the security cameras and discovers that she is not at home he immediately calls Mr G in desaires when he discovers that TOA is lost on the mainland minutes later Tunda receives a video call and sees his daughter then a hologram sent by Body invades his computer screen and the engineer discovers that the girl has been kidnapped to get her back he'll have to Fork out a sum of 50 million in the next 2 hours while stuck in her cell TOA tries to calm down and hopes that Cole is okay just then happiness appears and takes the young woman to meet her boss after introducing herself she asks about about her friend and body says that the girl needs to be more careful with her friendships luckily the boy manages to escape Sunday's clutches and returns to the vehicle when he meets G Cole tells him what happened and asks for the driver's help to save his mother as he knows that body will try to hurt her to punish the boy meanwhile oim remains in the same place and ends up being found by a child when the girl picks up the lizard it manages to attach itself to her watch and charges a small part of its battery after getting his mother out of the house Cole spots Sunday and ask ask G to take the woman to safety while he distracts his enemy in an attempt to find out who captured his daughter Tunda draws the Hologram he saw on his computer and travels to the mainland himself when he gets there he meets up with an old friend he hasn't seen for 30 years who now works for the police when he realizes that Tunda has only come to him because he needs help the man refuses to take part in the investigation and leaves 2 hours later Tunda has already gotten the ransom money and is just waiting for the kidnapper to call what he doesn't know is that body has learned learned that he went to the police and is now demanding 250 million in exchange for the girl desperate Tunda explains that he doesn't have access to that money but B knows that he owns shares in the company where he works and says that the man has just one hour to hand it over to him otherwise TOA will be eliminated at that moment Tunda receives a signal from oim and goes after him meanwhile Cole is at the dump trying to hide from Sunday but ends up being found by him when the boy is about to be eliminated the lizard appears and starts a battle against Sunday who tries to eliminate him with his whip after producing a blast of energy capable of hurling his opponent away oim approaches Cole and asks where TOA is the truth is that the reptile is a robot with artificial intelligence created by Tunda and designed to protect its Guardian during the simulations oim was able to learn a little about how the human world works and what he needs to do to protect TOA but now that the girl has been kidnapped the lizard is lost and doesn't know where to start his mission after meeting Cole the robot tries to find out where TOA is but the boy claims that Sunday is the only one who has this information at the sight of opum the man flees in Despair and abandons his mission to capture Cole now his priority is to save his own life because he has seen what that animal can do while being chased Sunday gets into a flying car but oim uses his tongue to infiltrate the vehicle soon after Tunda shows up looking for oim and Cole says that the lizard has gone after the guys who kidnapped TOA with a guilty conscience the boy decides to confess that he helped body capture his friend but says that he will help Tunda find her when he arrives at his boss's Hideout Sunday tells him what happened and so far he doesn't suspect that oim has followed him overhearing the criminals conversation TOA discovers that the boy she considered her best friend betrayed her and was responsible for turning her in when TOA is taken back to her room oim sneaks up on her and decides to introduce himself when she hears the lizard talking the young girl can't help but be startled and lets out a scream immediately happiness goes in to check what's going on in the the girl says she saw a rat passing by when the woman leaves oim appears again he only has 4% battery left but he can still communicate with TOA the animal reveals that it needs to enter AA mode to save her but this function cannot be activated until the lizard is recharged using the tracker attached to the robot Tunda manages to find the place where his daughter was taken the problem is that there are many criminals inside and Tunda knows he won't be able to defeat them all by himself luckily Cole has a card up his sleeve the boy's mother always advised him to take notes whenever he was around important people as this would help him achieve his goals therefore every time he approached body the boy left his cell phone recorder on and thanks to this he was able to gather evidence to incriminate him that night Cole calls the criminal and shows him the recording she made of their last conversation Tunda then orders body to return his daughter otherwise the recordings will be released and handed over to the police Furious the criminal hangs up the phone and blames Sunday for causing this situation because not only did he fail to capture Cole but he was also followed after turning on the security cameras and seeing that the pair are outside body calls Tunda again and distracts him while his men go there to capture him at that moment Cole is taken to the same room where TOA is while Tunda is sent to another cell when he sees the girl Cole apologizes for having betrayed her and reveals that he did it to save his mother who was Ill however toet doesn't accept his apology and says that Cole had the choice not to hand her friend over to the criminals but still decided to lead her into a trap while trying to explain himself Cole reveals that poor people like him have to fight for their lives every day and that's what he was doing when he made the difficult decision to betray TOA at that moment oim approaches the boy and he soon realizes that the robot is almost out of battery outside the room Tunda is tied to a chair and happiness is trying to convince her boss that he's overstepping his bounds minutes later one of bod's henchmen arrives with the bag of money that was in the car now that the criminal has what he wants Tunda asks him to release them but body has other plans for him the man wants a complete list of Greenwood Tech employees and clients but Tunda says that this is impossible because in order to access this information he would have to hack into the company's security system via his computer so B decides to go to the engineer's house and takes Tunda prisoner when they are warned about the invasion Mr G and Cole's mother go into hiding through the door they see that Cole and TOA are also being held hostage while B accompanies Tunda to his office the children are trapped inside toilet room and Cole tries to think of a way to get them out the boy knows that he has to find a way to recharge the robot so that it can activate AA mode but to do so he has to get the charger from the office then TOA starts crying and distracts the criminals who are guarding the door after the girl is taken to her father Cole has the chance to go out and look for a source of energy meanwhile his mother and G are hiding in the car and try to contact the police but all the police stations are closed so they decide to go it alone when she arrives at her father's office TOA stop stops crying and waits for an opportunity to pick up the charger she then leaves the office on the pretext that she needs to go to the toilet just then Cole is hiding in the kitchen and is surprised by Sunday's arrival at the sight of the henchmen the boy throws some fruit in his Direction but Sunday manages to dodge the attack the boy is about to be hit with a toaster when TOA appears on her flying skateboard and distracts the criminal when Sunday takes up his electric whip to eliminate her Cole throws some ice stones on the ground to make him slip when he is hit by a jet of water the man ends up being electrocuted and faints after getting rid of the enemy the two friends team up to try and recharge oim during the process Tola goes out to get a pair of Communicator glasses and manages to get in touch with Mrs Usman Upon returning to the mansion the young woman is surrounded by happiness who tries to capture the girl however before the woman can catch her oim appears and is finally able to activate AA mode before the battle begins the woman activates a mechanical arm to help her during the duel and runs towards the lizard however within the first few minutes of the fight happiness realizes that she won't be able to defeat him alone and asks for the help of bod's other henchmen when the men appear odim orders TOA to hide and the girl runs back to the office where she finds her father being attacked the engineer did his best to hack into Greenwood text system but failed in his mission frightened TOA asks why body extorts money from people and manages to record a confession from the criminal with mizus man's help this video is shared on the media and everyone in Lagos has the chance to watch it within seconds police cars are sent to the scene and B tries to escape but is surrounded by oim who uses a power grid to trap him after the criminals are sent to prison Cole reunites with his mother and TOA asks her father for forgiveness for having gone to the mainland without his permission the young woman then goes to apologize to the driver for deceiving him and Mis G says that the girl is Forgiven finally TOA makes up with Cole and Tunda says he will help the boy fulfill his dream of studying medicine so what did you think of this series leave it in the comments below and if you like the video like And subscribe for more series Recaps see you next time
Channel: Prime Recap
Views: 345,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, beat movies, sumarring movies, defeating movies, horror movies, scary tales, recap, film summary, film summarizing, movie summary, movies recap, mr recap movies, mr recap animes, mr recap
Id: w-bDnBjUAuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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