She gained POWERS from a PARASITE that invaded her body and created INDESTRUCTIBLE COMBAT TENTACLES

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after being infected by an extraterrestrial parasite a young girl acquires superpowers and has to flee from the humans who want to study her while trying to protect Humanity from a monstrous threat today we're going to recap the first season of the series parasite the gray from 2024 during an electronic music festival in South Korea a group of parasites fall from the sky and after emerging from their capsule one of them infects one of the young people in the stadium the young man was sleeping on a sofa when the creature invaded his ear and took control of body while walking through the stadium he is approached by one of his friends and suddenly his appearance changes at that moment tentacles start coming out of his head and attack everyone around him upon witnessing this terrible attack the survivors try to flee the stadium but most of them end up being eliminated during their escape that evening Sue in is working in a supermarket and has a brief argument with one of the customers because he wanted to pass a meet at the checkout without a label hours later when she picked up her motorcycle to leave the young woman noticed someone watching her and ended up being followed by the vehicle that guy is actually the supermarket customer who is out for Revenge after knocking her off her bike Kung Chun attacks Su in with a knife but the young woman manages to escape and walk slowly through a plantation as she is seriously injured during her escape the young woman faints and ends up being infected by the Alien Parasite then when the man approaches to finish the job his body is cut in half and he is eliminated a few minutes later a truck driver approaches the scene of the accident and decides to stop for help help the man then calls an ambulance and asks for medical help when detective Cho Min arrives at the hospital two policemen report on the crime scene and reveal that kyang Chun the one suspected of chasing the victim has been eliminated he perished from severe blood loss as something sharp cut his body in half on the other hand suin remains alive even after the attack but she is unconscious the scars on her back indicate that she was HIIT by blades but all her wounds have healed when she wakes up suin receives the news that her attacker is eliminated and she feels confused as everything indicated that it was she who would end up eliminated that night a month later a guy called Kong wo is hired to eliminate one of Yo's members but ends up failing in his mission and has to flee now that he's being hunted he has to hide and discards his cell phone to avoid being found as he is homeless he decides to spend a few days at his older sister's house upon seeing her Kong Wu notices that the woman is different and discovers that she has been cured of her brain tumor when his brother asks where Jin he is soul says she's gone far away and says she doesn't know her whereabouts however during the night Kong Wu finds his younger sister's cell phone tucked away in a drawer and realizes that something is wrong that night Sue Inn is on a bus on her way home from work when an unknown man gets on and she feels a strong ringing in her ear on seeing him the girl senses danger and decides to get off the bus on the other side of town a beautiful young woman lur a man to her house and when he gets there the guy realizes he's walked into a trap suddenly a group of people infected with the parasite approach and try to capture him just then a smoke bomb is thrown through the window and luckily the victim manages to escape he is walking down the stairs when a team of soldiers appears and eliminates the alien the soldiers then go after the rest of the group and manage to shoot them down however one of the aliens escapes and during his Escape finds another of his kind trapped inside a van however before he could free him Choy appeared and started shooting so the alien had to flee while while checking out the crime scene the woman finds a secret room where the criminals hide the bodies of their victims and sees a symbol drawn on the wall which represents the organization created by the aliens when she gets off the second bus and walks towards her house suin again sees the unknown man who got on the bus and calls Mr Cho Min for help suddenly the man runs towards her and the young woman tries to escape during her Escape she comes across soul and they both decide to test her seeing his sister turn into a monster Kong wo is terrified but remains in hiding to gather more information after inviting her to join his organization the pair leave and Kong wo ends up being caught by su in the young woman is about to eliminate him when she discovers that the guy is Soul's brother so she decides to ask for his help when the parasite goes back to sleep and Sue and regains Consciousness Kong wo is there to pass on a message and advises the girl to stay away from people who cause a ringing in her ear because they are monsters the truth is that the parasite should have devoured Su in's entire brain when it infected her but it didn't manage to do so because it spent all its energy healing the young woman's body thanks to this she is now a mutant and has two personalities living in one body her own and that of the monster after relaying the message Kong wo leaves and Sue and finally makes it home at this point she writes some questions in her notebook and then takes a nap when she wakes up the answers are there and she discovers that Kong was telling the truth through the notes the two consciousnesses manage to communicate and when she wakes up suan realizes is that all her questions have been answered that morning Choy the leader of Team gray gathers the city's police force to reveal that humanity is under attack before entering the police station all those present underwent an x-ray and the tests proved that none of them had been infected by the parasite now that she knows that all those people are human Choy explains that a few months ago the larvae of those parasites started appearing all over the world and invaded human bodies through the ear nose or mouth in this way these creatures Devour the brain and take control of it after that the infected began to feed on other humans as the consciousness of the infected person ceased to exist however as the parasite that infected Sue in was unable to take control of her brain it only manifests itself in dangerous situations to protect the body they both share based on the latest experiments Su in's parasite can only take control for about 15 minutes a day so it needs to save this time for emergency situations during her talk Choy explains that in order to eliminate the aliens it is necessary to destroy the host's heart because without the human body these creatures will not be able to survive according to her another way of detecting these monsters in addition to x-rays is by plucking a strand of hair from the suspected human in doing so if the individual is indeed infected the hair will wither and disintegrate at this point Choy asks her team to bring her husband who has also been infected by the parasite the only reason the woman decided to keep him alive is because she can use him as a radar to detect other parasites like him reading her notebook suin discovers that it's extremely risky to join the other parasites because if they find out she's a mutant they might try to eliminate her after discovering that his sister has been turned into a monster Kong decides to leave town and needs to buy a motorcycle to get around however before he could pick up the vehicle the man ended up being found by members of the yo gang and started a hand-to-hand duel with them when other thugs approach Kong steals a motorcycle and runs away but ends up being chased and having an accident in an attempt to lose them he enters a market and manages to arrest his enemies he then returns to pick up his motorcycle and manages to escape at that moment he uses jhe's cell phone to call C Min and asks for his old friend's help to escape so they arranged to meet that night that same afternoon Mr Cho Min visits Sue in at the supermarket and waits for her break to have a chat due to the strangeness of the case in which the young woman was involved the detective began to suspect that perhaps she had been infected to resolve his doubts the man pulls out a strand of su in's hair and is relieved when he realizes that she is a normal human before leaving the detective gives the girl a key ring as a gift and asks her to call him if she needs anything that night while returning home Su in is once again approached by the parasites who attacked her the night before and they order her into the car the pair realized that the girl was able to replicate human Expressions so they decided to take her to meet the pastor of the San Church seeing her Kong wonders what the mutant is doing there as he is hiding in the forest to Snoop around while the monsters are gathered in the church Kong goes to investigate what they are hiding in the shed and finds dozens of bagged bodies suddenly one of the parasites appears and the young man has to hide to avoid the same fate as those humans while trying to hide among the bodies Kong finds Jin he already lifeless and finally discovers what happened to his sister at that moment he starts crying and attacks the alien who has entered the shed to try to vent his anger however Kong is unable to eliminate it and has to flee the noise emitted during the battle attracts the attention of the the other parasites who leave the church to hunt him down while running through the forest the young man ends up being found by the members of Yong Dango again and orders them to flee suddenly a group of parasites approaches and the gangsters are attacked while their enemies are being eliminated Kong takes the opportunity to escape and meet Sue in during his Escape at that moment they decide to band together to get out of that place but they are sought out by one of the parasites minutes later the paraffined Q Min and Kong takes the young man's car key to try and Escape while he's driving cin asks what's going on and when he finds out that the Yano guys are eliminated he attacks him at this point Kong Wu discovers that it was his supposed friend who snitched him and he has to protect himself while trying to keep the car on the road during the fight Su in senses the presence of an approaching parasite and allows her body to be controlled by the alien desperate Kong Wu ends up in a car accident and hangs from a cliff while the two parasites duel in the middle of the road when he realizes that Su in is a mutant his the opponent decides to return to the church to warn the pastor but ends up being eliminated during the flight then when the young woman regains Consciousness she goes to help Kong and with the parasite's help manages to save him from falling the pair then return to the city and rent a hotel room for the night in the morning they begin to discuss a solution to get rid of those monsters and Kong wo suggests that they make an anonymous report to the police together the two survivors walk to the pay phone and Sue and gives them detective Chan's number said that Kong Wu and get in touch after receiving the report Cho Min goes to inform Choy about what happened and the woman leads the greaty team to the San Church on arriving at the scene the group breaks into the warehouse and finds several bodies while checking the church the detective finds a bunch of keys and recognizes the keychain he gave Sue in as a present but decides not to share this information with Choy when he returns to the police station the officers begin to gather information in an attempt to find out what happened in that church and discover that it is registered in the name of Pastor Quan one soak then offers to visit the pastor's house and manages to find him however the truth is that the policeman is working with the aliens and it was thanks to him that those monsters managed to escape from the church in time before leaving one soak receives a new Mission and the pastor orders him to eliminate Mrs choy's husband so that the police will no longer be able to detect them that afternoon suin receives a call from the detective and he says he needs to find her seeing Cho Min leaving the police station Choy decides to track down his car as she suspects the detective is hiding something when Cho Min finds the young woman and discovers that she has lost her keys his suspicions that Sue in was in the sage in church are confirmed and he asks what happened there meanwhile Choy also arrives at the scene and the tracker informs her that there is a parasite nearby seeing an armed woman approaching Kong Wu pushes the detective and runs off with Su in at this point the pair hide in the abandoned Park and a group of police officers arrive to help Choy realizing that the woman is approaching the parasite takes over su's body and says that she will distract Choy while Kong finds a way out while the police team raids the park one soak takes the opportunity to eliminate the parasitic husband and pierces the monster's heart after striking Choy suan tries to flee but ends up being surrounded by the military at that moment the woman receives a signal from her husband and realizes that there is another monster nearby when she goes out to investigate Su in faints and returns to her human form after eliminating the parasite one soak puts his blood stain clothes in the trunk and has no idea that Kong Wu witnessed the attack when he finds Sue in collapsed detective Cho Min rushes over to her and orders the police to call an ambulance however the greaty team takes him away from the girl and Choy puts the helmet that was used to restrain her husband on her the next day after carrying out X-rays and hair tests the police discover that there is no evidence that suin is a parasite but Choy continues to insist that she saw her transform as a result the woman is ordered to transfer the young woman to the great team headquarters ERS where a more in-depth study will be carried out to prevent Su in from having a panic attack and dying the parasite inside her decides to keep her unconscious and transfers her Consciousness to the deepest part of her mind her memories meanwhile Cho Min manages to locate Kong and sits next to him on a bus after handcuffing him the detective arrests him inside the car and the young man asks him to take him to another city because there is a monster in the police station where Cho Min works when Kong Wu points out the man who eliminated choy's husband the detective feels confused as he has worked with one soak for several years and trusts him blindly while driving chol Min asks Kong Wu some questions and finds out what really happened to Su in when he realizes that the young man is telling the truth the detective asks for his help to prevent the young woman from being taken to team gry headquarters because he knows that if that happens she will be eliminated Kang's task is to infiltrate the police station and steal the uniform of one of the guards responsible for transferring Sue in the young man then climbs into the back of the truck to keep an eye on the parasite and when he gets into his car to accompany the greaty team chol Min is surprised by the arrival of one soak who will accompany him on the journey on the way an accident brings traffic to a standstill and two armed police officers get out of their vehicles to check what's going on just then they come across an alien and end up being attacked by it immediately Choy and her men go out to fight the enemies but they soon realize that they won't be able to stop them and decide to retreat meanwhile chol Min asks one so to help him Evacuate the civilians from the road as a large number of parasites are approaching not knowing what is going on outside Kong Wu decides to get out of the truck to check and takes the card of one of the soldiers to free suin seeing the young man's face shoy attacks him in an attempt to stop him releasing the parasite but suddenly other aliens appear and the woman is surrounded just then Kong takes the opportunity to remove Su in's helmet and the alien living inside her wakes her up during the Escape Kong Wu steals a civilian vehicle and manages to escape but one soak decides to go after him and asks for Cho men's help to capture them however along the way one soak gives up the Chase and decides to take another route just then sue in senses the presence of another monster nearby and realizes that the detective is in danger immediately the girl gets out of the car and runs to meet her friend seeing Pastor Quan approaching chol starts shooting but the parasite leaves its host's body and rips off the detective's head the monster then takes over his body when she realizes that her best friend is eliminated suan attacks the parasite and the two start a duel during the battle one soak picks up a gun to eliminate the young woman but turns away when he sees Kong wo approaching after interrupting the duel the young man orders Sue in into the car and they both managed to escape the next morning the pair are at the train station when Kong Wu calls a childhood friend to ask for shelter the young man lives in a neighboring town and readily agrees to take Kong in since he won't be home K so sends his address and password by message but so Kong Wu's older sister ends up having access to this information hours later the two friends arrive at K so's apartment and Kong reveals that they will be moving to an isolated place the next morning however suin doesn't intend to run away instead she plans to warn Choy about chol men's elimination and help her eliminate those parasites knowing that his cell phone has been confiscated by the woman suan calls the device and manages to talk to Choy at that moment she reveals that detective Cho Min is a parasite and arrang is a public place to meet the agent that evening the two meet on the Terrace of a cafe and Sue and explains what happened to the detective at this point Choy reveals that Cho Min and one soak have convinced her to carry out an operation to eliminate a group of parasites the next morning and Sue and says that they are trying to lure her into a trap suddenly other great team agents appear and Sue and runs away to avoid being taken hearing the shots Kong who is driving through the neighborhood goes to find his friend and manages to rescue her when Koke is home alone Soul shows up and the young man informs her that his brother has just left so she decides to use Ki soak as bait and threatens to eliminate him if Kong wo doesn't show up in 15 minutes since her parasite has been in command of her body for so long in the last few hours suin knows that it won't be able to help her so she decides to pretend that she's joining the aliens to buy time until she regains her powers however the plan doesn't work out as expected and soul decides to eliminate her just then Kong Wu appears and attacks the enemy with a fire extinguisher to contain the threat Ki soak jumps on the parasite and ends up being brutally eliminated at this point the survivors have no choice but to flee in Kang's thirst for Revenge grows even stronger when it's about to Dawn the two friends try to warn Choy again and advise her to cancel the operation however the woman is so obsessed with destroying the parasites that she decides to take a chance minutes later the first group invades the warehouse and eliminates some of the monsters inside however during the attack many policemen are also eliminated and Cho Min is caught by Soul shooting members of his own kind at the end of the operation Choy reports that the Ambush was a success and Kong wo immediately hangs up the call apparently they were wrong at this point suin begins to wonder why the parasite is eliminating his own kind and Kong comes to the conclusion that he is doing it to gain the trust of the police and get close to the mayor in this way the monster will be able to infect him and then take control of an entire city after discovering that the leader of her organization has has betrayed her soul contacts Sue in and suggests that they team up to get rid of Cho Min at first Kong Wu is against this idea but decides to accompany her friend so that she doesn't have to find the parasite alone while the alien living in the girl's body goes to talk to Soul Kong Wu hides and waits for the right moment to attack her he wants revenge for the elimination of his sisters and his friend but ends up being captured however the alien frees him and manages to convince him to work with her so that they can eliminate a common enemy just then Kong reveals that during the folk music festival Cho Min is going to infect the mayor and the trio decide to team up to stop this from happening that night Choy receives an anonymous tip and general Kim orders her to take the great team to check for parasites in gangan meanwhile detective Cho Min and his group of police officers will remain in the city to patrol and ensure the safety of civilians during the Music Festival on his way to gangan Choy receives another call from Sue in and the young woman reveals that Cho min's real intention is to infect the mayor's body during the festival after receiving this information the woman orders her driver to turn around and her entire team accompanies her while Sue in and soul remain in the car so that the parasite can't detect them Kong Wu infiltrates the festival and Witnesses the exact moment when Cho Min attacks the mayor's security guards just then the greaty team arrives at the festival and Choy orders her agents to protect the mayor while she goes after Sue in so that Soul can carry out her plan Su in stays behind to distract the agent and manages to knock her out but but instead of eliminating the woman the mutant escapes and Choy realizes that she is not like the others of her kind when the parasite is about to eliminate the mayor Soul appears and attacks him while the woman tries to destroy her enemy Kong Wu struggles to keep the mayor safe and get rid of one soak suddenly the alien that was lodged in the detective infects Soul's body and begins to destroy her from the inside out to prevent Kong Wu and the mayor from being eliminated by him the woman pushes them away and orders them to flee after seeing the parasite living in his older sister's body eliminated the young man gets up and takes the mayor to safety since it needs a human host to stay alive the alien rips off one so's head and lodges itself in his body the monster then continues its plan and goes after the mayor just as he is about to infect his new host suin appears and attacks him during the battle the parasite orders Kong to flee with the mayor and tries to distract the enemy after handing the mayor over to a police team the young man returns to help his friend stop the enemy parasite which has released part of his body to ensure his survival in case he ends up being eliminated by suin during the fight Choy appears and is about to be attacked by one of the parasite fragments when suan uses his tentacle to protect her and the woman eliminates one soak with her weapon then Kong Wu appears and rushes to help his friend who collapses after the battle at this point the pair are surrounded by the great team and Choy orders her men to take them to the hospital after risking her life to protect the mayor Sue and wins choy's trust and manages to regain her Life as a normal human she is at the supermarket doing her job when she receives a visit from Kong Wu and learns that her friend has been recruited to become a member of Team gray before he leaves the Young Man reveals that Mrs Choy has invited Sue in to join the team if she is interested in joining them a few days later Choy receives a visit from a journalist who claims to be the world's leading expert on parasites the young man then reveals that he has some important information and introduces himself as shinichi isumi the protagonist of the original parasite franchise so what did you think of this series leave it in the comments below and if you like the video like And subscribe for more series Recaps see you next time
Channel: Prime Recap
Views: 52,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, beat movies, sumarring movies, defeating movies, horror movies, scary tales, recap, film summary, film summarizing, movie summary, movies recap, mr recap movies, mr recap animes, mr recap
Id: PZpNxPrMez8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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