They didn't know the WEAK CAT was actually a SUPER SOLDIER with ALIEN POWERS - RECAP

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after spending thousands of years trapped in space an alien manages to reach Earth and enlists the help of a bear to stop humans from destroying the planet today we're going to recap the story of the movie Boon Bears back to Earth from 2022 super bear is a hero whose mission is to protect the Earth from Alien threats so when a giant virus arrives on the planet Bramble eliminates it with his powerful kicks the superhero also uses his honey laser to defeat villains who plan to harm humans and manages to get rid of them with some ease however when a gigantic monster made of garbage appears Bramble has his first Big Challenge and has to use his super strength to hit it several times after taking several punches from super bear the creature is destroyed in a huge explosion and bramble is acclaimed by the forest animals however this is a reality that exists only in the imagination of the bear who is actually considered a big joke by his friends he lives in a camp in the forest together with Vic and other animals but proves to be the clumsiest of them all one day a group of military planes fly FES over the forest in pursuit of an alien Target however when attacked the alien ship emits an electromagnetic pulse capable of repelling the aircraft and they all fall into the forest then a missile is sent to blow up the Target and despite splitting into several fragments to try to get rid of the attack the alien ship ends up being shot down during the explosion one of its fragments remains intact and is thrown into the middle of the forest at that moment Bramble is almost hit but luckily the cube passes over his head and continues towards the trees at after destroying part of the forest the fragment falls to the ground and the bear slowly approaches to investigate what it is as he approaches he is hit by a small box which after connecting to a host's neural network disassembles itself and bramble realizes that his brain has just received a flood of information he quickly leaves and doesn't even notice that a few meters away a small alien creature emerges from his ship upon arriving at Vic's House the bear opens the fridge and grabs some delicious ice cream but before he can eat his dessert he notices that something has come through the window and the TV turns itself on suddenly AI appears and discovers that the core has fused with the Bear's brain so he decides to capture Bramble and take him back to his ship as he needs the core to Power It Up seeing his delicious ice cream fall to the ground the animal is furious and manages to free himself he then sets out to attack the alien but ends up being attacked by it afraid of being hit by the giant hammer Bramble climbs into the fridge and soon discovers that the creature hiding under that suit is just a cat again the bear is captured but AI ends up knocking over the fridge and bramble takes the opportunity to escape minutes later he appears with Brier and Vic both armed and ready to fight terrified they start looking for the alien but all they find is a small feline and Vic blames Bramble for destroying his house at that moment they are both thrown out and AI Reveals His true identity determined to join the family so he can keep an eye on the bear he pretends to have been attacked by Bramble and ends up being adopted by Vic and Brier meanwhile in the middle of the the forest the alien ship is picked up by the military and they send several drones to look for AI over the next few days the cat makes it his mission to make Bramble life a living hell and is very successful in doing so at the end of the week Brier and the others are going to visit the city but the bear decides to stay at the campsite to keep AI company the truth is that Bramble sees this weekend as an opportunity to get rid of the feline but AI is preparing to strike back at that moment one of the drones appears and captures images of the alien but is quickly eliminated soon after dozens of Air Force soldiers show up to capture Ai and bramble fleas when attacked the cat activates his suit and uses his super speed to defeat the guards AI then uses his retractable claws to carry out long-range attacks and in a few minutes eliminates all the enemies without taking any damage the feline then attacks the soldier who was about to shoot Bramble and the bear is terrified to discover that AI was able to get rid of an entire Battalion upon discovering that he is an alien Bramble advises the creature to return to his planet Planet as he is afraid that those soldiers will continue to appear and attack his friends however AI doesn't know where his ship is and the bear needs to help him find the vehicle because that's the only way to get rid of the cat at this point the feline reveals that the energy from the nucleus in Bramble brain will guide him to the spaceship via brain waves to do this the animal needs to concentrate and mentalize the ship which looks like a shiny metal cube in doing so Bramble manages to track her down and Avi can hardly believe it when he discovers that the vehicle he was tasked with transporting is passing right in front of his eyes immediately the pair get into a truck and hitch a ride to Pine Tree mountain when they reach the town they get out of the vehicle and AI discovers that his suit is running out of battery so Bramble has to come up with a plan to get close to the car and wears a costume so as not to arouse suspicion the animal dresses up as a woman and walks around with her cat on her lap attracting stairs wherever she goes while walking down the sidewalk Bramble stops at a drain pipe and the wind blows his dress away immediately everyone runs away scared and the bear hides for fear of being caught however when he sees the police van driving away AI decides to go after them and ends up being hit by a motorcycle after the accident the feline is thrown onto the sidewalk and almost trampled by the humans who show no empathy for the animal seeing a dinosaur movie on TV AI gets scared and destroys the device he is then surrounded by the police and activates the suit again but this time he can't use it because his Combat Uniform is unloaded when the cat is about to be captured Bramble uses a collar to pull it and drags the animal away from the police during his Escape AI ends up being injured and when the bear finds his friends they are all frightened to see the feline's condition soon after the cops show up and bramble continues his Escape then realizing he's in trouble Vic and Brier go after him but end up getting stuck in a puddle of fresh cement after dressing up as a dog the bear manages to throw off the police and then they both walk to the junkyard to look for the cube while Maurice and Arnold are distracted watching TV V AI manages to get into his ship and bramble tries to use his brain to turn it on however before he can complete his mission the ramp starts to move and the cat gets out to turn it off otherwise his ship will be destroyed however when he pulls the lever to stop the treadmill the object ends up being broken in the middle and he has to use his own body as a barrier to hold the cube while the bear keeps trying to turn it on then just as AI is about to fall into the press the vehicle takes off and bramble manages to save him they quickly escape from the junkyard in park on the roof of a building at that moment the bear gets out of the ship and goes to find his friends to explain what happened but he hears Tiki and the others talking badly about him so he decides to return to the ship meanwhile Avi is on his ship watching an old video of his family and leaves the ship to investigate when he hears a noise just then the cat runs into Bramble and the bear reveals that his friends are angry with him suddenly another drone manages to find them and Mr Cruz appears soon after however before he can capture the pair Ai and BR enter the ship and manage to escape while flying over the city they are surprised by a new Army of military planes and AI decides to invade the mother ship to defeat them once and for all in doing so he finds the parts that were missing from his spaceship and bramble manages to recover them meanwhile the cat fights off the guards and manages to bypass the ship's security until he reaches the room where his necklace is hidden just as he is about to take the jewel Avi is attacked and an energy bomb hurls him away at that moment Mrs Cruz appears and says that the cat has become her Target since he arrived on Earth the woman says she used the technology from avy's ship to build an insect that acts like armor repelling any enemy when her husband shows up Mrs Cruz decides to negotiate with the feline in exchange for the necklace and reveals that she is looking for a quazar it was these creatures that destroyed avy's home and the cat is furious to discover that the woman wants to control these creatures so he tries to stop her however Mr Cruz blocks his attack and the two start a duel with the help of his hammer Avi manages to hit him him but is chased by Mrs Cruz's fireflies and while trying to get rid of them ends up being hit by a punch when he is helpless and about to be captured Bramble appears and manages to rescue him the ship moves so quickly that the couple can't even see the moment when Avi retrieves his necklace and escapes now the alien intends to go to the South Pole but his plans are interrupted when the villains manage to reach the ship and the feline is captured at this point he accidentally drops his necklace and then manages to attack the man after getting rid of him Ai and bramble dive to retrieve the Jewel and are chased by the scientist who uses her robot insects to blow up a tower on top of them however the bear uses his brain to control the ship and Dodge all the debris then after retrieving the necklace he goes to rescue Ai and is surprised by an attack from Mr Cruz the villain tries to destroy the ship with his fist but Bramble manages to bond with the machine in such a way that it is able to detect the presence of any threat during the battle the ship takes the form of a giant bear and disposes of the scientist with with a colossal punch seeing the beautiful outcome of this fight the two friends are impressed and take the opportunity to escape however Mrs Cruz is thirsty for revenge for the attack her husband suffered and sends hundreds of missiles to eliminate the pair in an attempt to get rid of those bombs Bramble flies out of the Earth's atmosphere and the missiles end up being Frozen when they reach a certain altitude they start to fall and end up in the scrapyard causing a huge explosion now that he's in space Bramble takes the opportunity to take his first walk on the moon and has fun while floating due to the low gravity in just one day the bear gets to know almost all the planets in the galaxy and while observing the Earth alongside AI asks why the cat went there at that moment the feline reveals that he was looking for his family and tells him that he was born on Earth millions of years ago their species the ryons lived on Earth as a small tribe over the centuries however their population grew in one day they found an unusual substance which they named rotoni this metal allowed the technology of that small group to advance rapidly and in a few years the Rons became a great power however after conquering things unimaginable by human civilization they began to attract the attention of enemy tribes and a war was fought to decide who would have the right to the rotoni during the search for more substances like this the Earth was destroyed and the Rons had to flee the planet as they were unable to find a new planet to live on these felines lived inside their ships until the day they were all sucked into a black hole however avy's parents put him in a capsule and managed to send him to another corner of space on that day most of the individuals of his species were eliminated and a few managed to escape but AI lost contact with the survivors and remained a drift for millions of years when he returned to Earth everything was different and the Rons had disappeared hearing this sad story Bramble hugs his friend and tries to console him however Avi believes that his parents may still be alive and reveals that he needs to get to the South Pole to look for them having failed to capture their targets the cruise couple decid to ask Bramble friends for help and claim that he has been captured by an alien Mrs Cruz reveals that behind that Charming appearance AI is a bloodthirsty monster who possesses technology capable of blowing up the entire planet finally the woman asks for the group's help to capture the feline and free Bramble before he is eliminated at this point the pair have just arrived at the South Pole and the bear eliminates the soldiers so that he and his friend can enter the cave what they don't realize is that this is part of the cruise couple's plan to use them to find quazar looking at the ruined Place AI says that this is where the ryons lived before they left Earth at this point Bramble discovers that the necklace is actually the key to opening the gate that protects the world on the other side of that wall is the lost city with all the technology developed by the Rons before leaving the felines created a shield to protect the place and manage the city's climate to make it habitable in an attempt to contact his parents AI plans to fly to the lighthouse and send a signal into space this way he will be able to send a message to his family if they are still alive the cat flies quietly over the city without even suspecting that it is being followed by Mrs Cruz's fireflies as he walks through the streets of his old home AI remembers the good memories he had there and cries when he thinks of all the friends he has lost suddenly The Shield covering the city is destroyed by fireflies and the cave begins to collapse with the impact of the explosion Avi and bramble are thrown far away and have to hide inside the ship to survive the detonation of The Shield opens a hole in the cave through which the soldiers invade the city along with the soldiers are Mr and Mrs Cruz who have gone there in search of quazar despite being outnumbered the two friends decide to fight back and after dodging the shots they break into the pyramid to stop the couple during the chase AI reveals to Bramble that only stubborn people can control a quazar otherwise it is capable of dominating his mind and Awakening his darkest memories just then Brier appears and starts shooting at the ship seeing his brother the bear wonders what made him join the Army and goes after him in search of answers after separating from his friend AI continues his mission to stop the couple but Bramble ends up falling into a trap and is surrounded by his own friends while being shot at he manages to communicate with the group and everyone stops shooting immediately when they hear the Bear's voice after discovering that they have been tricked the trio decide to help Bramble save AI as the cat has been captured and is being held prisoner by Mr Cruz when all her enemies have been subdued Mrs Cruz prepares to free quazar but AI begs her not to the keine tells her that it was these monsters that destroyed the Earth and claims that if they are awakened the entire planet will be reduced to dust upon hearing avy's sad story the soldiers become frightened and Mr Cruz tries to convince his wife to abandon the mission however the woman is blinded by her quest for power and claims that she will crush anyone who stands in her way she then goes through the portal and AI orders Bramble to use the power of the core that is coupled in his brain to shut down the quazar however he fails to activate the core in time and Mrs Cruz takes control of the Giant when the creature awakens the cave begins to collapse and everyone has to flee to avoid being crushed by the Rocks during their escape Bramble and his friends end up falling underground in the bear despairs when he sees them all unconscious meanwhile Mr Cruz and his army congratulate the scientist on having been able to complete her goal of becoming the most powerful person on Earth at that moment quazar fires a laser beam capable of splitting the cave in half and destroying the military ship that took the soldiers to the South Pole when they realized that the woman has lost control the soldiers flee to avoid being crushed as the giant is destroying everything in sight desperate Mr Cruz tries to communicate with his wife but she can't hear him while looking for Brier Bramble discovers that his brother has been crushed by the rocks and runs to help him but he is not strong enough to move the Rocks as the giant walks through the ruined City new collapses occur and Brier's body ends up being completely buried when he realizes that his brother is eliminated Bramble desaires and begins to cry then he hears Brier's voice coming from the middle of that cluster of rocks and the bear tries to console him the animal asks Bramble not to blame himself for what happened and says that of all his friends he is the one with the purest heart just then another cave in aurs in Bramble is about to be hit by the Rocks but he manages to access his powers and uses all the rotoni around him to form Armor after freeing his brother and saving his friends the bear goes to rescue the soldiers who are in danger and also saves Mr Cruz who was about to be eliminated his next challenge will be to stop quazar and prevent it from toppling the transmission tower to do this Bramble needs to gather an even larger amount of rotoni in order to form a giant fist to hit it after being hit the monster counterattacks and tries to hit Bramble however the bear manages to dodge all his blows and continues to land powerful punches on his enemy when he finally manages to take him down the bear prepares to turn off the quazar but ends up being caught and thrown to the ground the giant then fires a laser attack at his opponent and bramble manages to produce a shield to protect himself but collapses during the attack when the battle seemed to be won Brier and his friends appeared and began to attack the creature Cruz and his soldiers arrive soon after and join them in this battle to defeat a common enemy while the Army fires bombs and missiles at the giant AI tries to shut it down but the scientist releases a huge amount of energy from her body and gets rid of all her opponents at once in the meantime Bramble wakes up and creates a giant suit of armor to fight quazar as an equal determined to protect his friends he strikes his enemy violently and manages to block the laser beam fired by the monster after crushing quazar head Bramble wins the battle and is about to eliminate M Cruz however before the bear can strike the final blow he manages to access the saddest memories in which the woman is trapped and decides to go and help her when he touches the scientist they are both transported back to their childhood and bramble Embraces the girl who spent years having defend for herself after her mother passed away at that moment the scientist manages to reconnect with the happy memory memories of her past and the link created between her and quazar is broken then Bramble manages to get her out of the Giant and Mr Cruz runs to hug his wife even after everything that's happened he's still worried about her and is relieved when he finds out that his beloved is fine then the giant robot explodes and the survivors celebrate finally Bramble can consider himself a true superhero and becomes a source of great pride for his friends after sending the signal to his family AI finally reunites with his parents and has the opportunity to visit several countries with them so what did you think of this movie leave it in the comments below and if you like the video like And subscribe for more movie Recaps see you next time
Channel: Prime Recap
Views: 247,146
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Keywords: how to beat, beat movies, sumarring movies, defeating movies, horror movies, scary tales, recap, film summary, film summarizing, movie summary, movies recap, mr recap movies, mr recap animes, mr recap
Id: yRsIdR6sxNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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