I deep fried STEAKS in Movie Theater BUTTER and this happened!

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thanks bloodline heroes of letheus for sponsoring this video this is popcorn oil lucky enough we can find it easily in any supermarket in the united states now this thing has a rich buttery taste if you've ever been to a movie theater and you had some popcorn and it was delicious it was because of this there's something going on with this oil here that makes it extremely flavorful it makes regular blend popcorn better you can always use popcorn seasoning at home and those turn out okay but for some reason this oil makes it even better and today i want to find out how this oil can make a steak even better and of course the first thing we're gonna need is steaks as you can see i chose three beautiful ones they're all new york strap one and a half inches thick and just as good as steaks can look now since i have three of them this is how this experiment is going to go down i have no idea what the popcorn oil is going to do to it so i want to try out two different versions the first thing to do is to put it in a container then completely fill the whole thing with it i'm talking about submerging the entire steak with this beautiful oil as you can see my steak even became golden and for the very first method i'm going to be using something called con feed and here's how it works all i have to do is to put it in the oven at 250 degrees fahrenheit because as that was cooking it was perfect because it allows me time to go ahead and make an incredible side dish and i mean just take a closer look i'm not quite sure what to call this one but hey leo gave a name in the end of the video he called it barbecue cannoli now to make it it is ridiculously easy and here's how everything starts off with this the pasta it's called manicotti at least to me it is impossible to find on my supermarket so i got it online i just followed the instructions in the packaging and cooked it up now for the important part the filling into a food processor i threw in some cheddar cheese processed on high and then it was ready following that i added some ground beef followed by some minced garlic a little bit of parsley then salt and freshly ground black pepper put the cover on and blend everything on high we want this to mix as much as possible really creating a nice smooth paste as the final thing to add to our filling is cream cheese a whole entire block mix it on high once again and that is our filling the next step is to put everything into a bag then you want to cut out the tip grab the noodle and slowly fill everything up once that's done grab some bacon and wrap the whole thing around it does not get any easier than this folks as the next thing to do is to go ahead and bake it you can definitely do this in the oven if you don't have a smoker but come on now we want to add additional flavor so into the smoker we went at 300 degrees fahrenheit i let it cook in there for about 40 minutes once the time was up i took it out and look it is now almost ready because the next step is to add some barbecue sauce i'm using a sweet one that i made at home but you can use any one you like just make sure you are very generous with it then you want to put it back in the smoker for about 15 minutes take it out once again and add some shredded mozzarella cheese right on the edges get some more of that wonderful barbecue sauce and add it on top because all there's left to do is to throw in some parsley for coloring as now today's side dish is done friends i don't say this very often but this was crowned by leo as the best side dish of the year so far just wait for you to see when we taste it because by now my fully cooked coffee steak was ready and this is what it looks like the internal temperature was reached to 120 degrees fahrenheit it is fully cooked but as you can see it just looks horrendous but i'm pretty sure it's gonna taste very different now you gotta remember one thing this steak has no seasoning at all and the same thing goes with these two other steaks and that's because i'm gonna be doing something i don't do very often which is to season the steaks after they're cooked talking about that since i have two others here's how i'm gonna cook them one i'll be deep frying it in vegetable oil nothing special about that because it's gonna be our control the middle steak is just gonna get a fast quick sear yes on the popcorn oil the final steak in the other hand i'm going to completely deep fry the whole thing the oil will be at 325 and once the temperature of 120 is reached i'll take it out and slice it up to see which one is better because now i say it is enough talking and it is time for us to deep fry some steaks in popcorn oil and find out how good it really is so let's do it [Music] before moving forward i want to thank today's sponsor bloodline heroes of leathes it has some of the most unique mechanics i've ever seen in the game let me show you what i mean to start it is a free-to-play hero collecting fantasy rpg with beautiful graphics 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bloodline heroes of lethas for sponsoring this video but now let's get right back to it all right everybody here we got our beautiful steak incredible side dish for the first time ever i think i am more excited for a side dish than i am the steaks because that looks amazing what does it look like can you even distinguish it looks like cannoli cannoli exactly we'll be on the side dish in a second all right because we got a wonderful experiment here i'm really excited about i got this experiment when i went to the movies by the way so oh yeah keep thinking all right movies yeah okay forget about it forget about what i just said we're going to go this direction dig in tender as hell man perfectly medium rare everybody you see this beautiful crust you can't get this crust very often deep-fried crust wow enough talking give me your honest opinion on this one you guys ready yup all right let's see very first steak cheers everybody cheers [Music] that's a good steak it's just done right everybody this is a great steak although i do miss that charcoal sear the chocolate flavor exactly these kids love the charcoal flavor everybody we're charcoal addicts extremely juicy perfect crust i think this might be one of my favorite videos because google's done something he's never done before which is put some salt on the board for me you guys have no idea but i love salt this man is addicted to salt everybody we have so many nicknames for him the sodium savant the salty savage i don't i can't there's too many can we all agree that this is a nice wonderful steak perfectly cooked and it's our control i highly recommend that steak that's a good control all right let's go let's go for the second one please dig in give me an honest opinion on this one i'm curious to find out how it tastes you guys ready all right second one cheers everybody cheers oh wow it's so different oh man i like that one so much more than the control stick you're right angel went down the wrong pipe this one's a lot better than the last one it has a lot more flavors yes a lot more flavor i agree the juices themselves that you get from the steak are creamier it's a little bit more savory it's a little bit rich whatever you did to it enhanced the flavors of the steak and just made it an overall better experience i love this see i agree with leo and all the things that he said right there except for one thing which one he said it's a little bit rich nah it's a lot rich it's rich as hell bro what you guys are trying to say is that it is buttery it has a buttery buttery buttery buttery feeling everybody but i'll tell you one thing this one tastes a lot better and you are both right i really enjoyed this steak right here it gives more flavor everybody it's more flavorful it's better it's more delicious speaking of very delicious and better and all this stuff i think this is a good time to cleanse i see you really want to go for it then let's go for it you know leo has a jingle and i think you should know about it let me clear my throat sorry when the food is glistening our bellies are listening very good well this one is definitely glistening let's go for it let's go for the side let's do it we're going to give you an honest opinion on this side dish everybody cheers cheers cheers oh i wrapped my case baby it's so good it's savory it's sweet everything you're saying is going in one ear and out the other because i'm just focusing on all the flavors that i'm getting hit with by this side dish and it's absolutely phenomenal google like you knocked it out of the park where this is an absolute home run of a side dish this might be the first video that i say this is my winner overall because that side dish is magic better than the steak so far number one i need to shake your hand oh wow you enjoy it and number two bring it in brother i really like it that one right here you're gonna make that for my birthday this is top three side dish all time wow this is number one for me number one wow leo that's a big statement this is so good that i'm sad that i only have one bite left that is absolutely delicious highly recommend doing the side dish but now it's time for our final steak you guys ready let's do it all right let's go for it dig in very last steak everybody let's see cheers cheers this is just like a different oil or butter or something else the flavor isn't as in your face as the previous steak in my opinion takes away a little bit from the steak juices it doesn't taste as beefy as the previous one i agree leo but still it's an enjoyable steak i already know who my winner is okay i have a feeling that you're gonna go for the very second one i'll i'll uh keep it a surprise for now yeah the second one's the winner and you if the second one's the winner we all agree the thing is that this third one is very good yeah it's delicious but the second one had a you know like it's like ah it's like right it's like you know it's like by the way it was deep fried in popcorn oil this is what this experiment is all about have you ever been to the movies and you ate that popcorn isn't popcorn in the movies a lot better yes 100 i think it's because you don't have to make it no it's because of the oil trust me that thing has so many calories everybody they dunk the oil in there would you try it i would love to know because it does taste better it's quite unique it gives a buttery flavor on the mouth especially after you swallow it so it's nice i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did enjoy hit that thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in anything i use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,307,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, cooking, deep fry, bbq, best steak, steak experiment, how to cook, grilling, popcorn, popcorn oil, popcorn butter, steak butter
Id: 1SHtfzBrrT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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