SHE DIED ! We BOUGHT HER STUFF at VAULT AUCTION ! Storage wars extreme unboxing mystery boxes

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from fragilia so this has to be  good that's a small country in guam could be two but what are you think it's true this one's heavy huh b2 b2 or not 2b3 that is the question   please be locked please be a coin collection this  box right here i could promise has at least seven   million dollars in it and then he came to try to  talk to uncle michael did you notice that i didn't   say one word to him and they're like looking at me  and he's like it's all right if you don't want him   i don't exactly what it's like working with  uncle michael i run circles around him okay ladies gentlemen boys girls pirates  it is like seven ish in the morning   um we're here by we i mean locker nuts right  there we are going through things like that and   things from here we bought a major purchase last  week and i'm not sure if i'll even use this clip   in the beginning of video it might sequence  in it might not whatever we are we excited   more tired than excited but there is an excitement  there what are you tired over uh because we got up   really oh jack don't like getting up early i don't  mind it i don't i gotta get his locker nuts hat on   see that guys locker nuts what unit did i  find that in ray smith it was from the race   he's got the racemen he had the shout out to ray  smith anyway we're gonna find something exciting   today i promise it stay tuned on like button share  button subscribe and say something pretty like it'll come to you it'll it'll come to you   this one's from fragilia so this has to  be good that's a small country in guam what about this stuff they weren't so rafferty but  sometimes these are very valuable these old radios could be two but i don't know is it a military  jeep or it could be some jewelry in there found piggy bank empty piggy bank um this  is a seashell a muscle okay we've got   light switch covers those are  insequential harold woods there oh so cute let's see what do we got in here what are you think it's true oh yeah it kind of is a  little bit of jewelry is here um it's got that native style to it   but i don't think it's actually silver though  still cute would you like to look in it you got some buddhas it's really good  luck to rub their belly so let's do that   i'm going to rub them all all sorts of rubbing  and then we got another piece of costume jewelry and then we have this unit is brought to you  by the letter m for michael   cool some costume jewelry it's better than sharp  stick in the eye found jewelry box like this is   this is what you call click bait ladies and  gentlemen you achieve something in the storage   that seems extremely exciting and you find  a way to title your video found full jewelry   box on three two one teaching everybody how to  make their videos clickbait is important it is   a lot of people think oh how come you guys do  that but that if you watch any big every video's   clickbait doesn't matter what it is the most  exciting you can make something sound it's life look at the whale pelvis he's courting her   ma'am how are you would you join me  through a frolic across the meadow today broken chip take a whole little set of it look at  that teacup we should have a tea party   jack how many people have done  that on their youtube channel can you drink tea on your diet i can actually  okay one of the few things i could actually have   which is kind of neat what do we got here all right some catholic thing or something yeah  a lot of a lot of prettiness there and then   last but not least this what do we have here  that's pretty cool corroded led i don't know   what you're going to light up with that 75 lumens  is that one's heavy huh medium b2 b2 or not 2b3   that is the question oh yeah we've got shoes  although i see something kind of cute a little bit   i love a good open toe shoe open foot  shoe depends on the foot well yeah shane company well feet are my thing you want to get my attention show  me a cute foot i'm sorry does it that's what sealed the deal for the little woman   she has the cutest feet yeah well i  fell for her the very first moment i   ever saw her to be honest with you the very  first pillow her first day on the job here the smile some eyes but when i saw her feet for  the first time done to you uggs some good ones here too  yeah there's no money in there no   right now size nine and they're not in bad  shape you could tell she didn't want to wear   her uggs too often still got the sticker  on there yeah um i don't know what that is it's i think it's like car parts or something something weird yeah car parts  with shoes and that's where i keep my jacks   that's a jack yeah where'd he go  the jet found another jack jackson   could this be something good because it's from  the shane company which represents jewelry i'm just gonna pull it all out and see  actually shopping there's a good good sign yeah   she bought something for 39 something for seven  it doesn't look like it's like her bag of receipts   polo jeans ralph lauren hey baby gift  card haven't found a gift card in a while   okay nope nothing nothing of impertinence okay a nordstrom  bag firebox and an aquarium okay i don't really need to  pull that out what is this please be locked please be a coin collection baby and child okay that's weird a cow  collection creamers or something yeah   mr k's milk farm dixon california okay so  some kind of got some cows and she must have   been a small time distributor for them very  weird explains the weightiness of this box oh [ __ ] that was silver stainless northwest orient what is that an  airline yeah it could be yeah it could be very weird the other guy had airplane blankets  like blankets northwest orient butter knives northwest orient nom nom nom nom this looks like  a whole bunch of those look at these they're nice stir it up they have good rotation i was just  trying to see if they had good rotation if   i wanted to swap them out with the ones i  have at home looks like a lot of these jack   i don't know what they are but  i'm sure we should probably   auction them you think i don't  know it's a nice little stick   let me look them up but they're brand new brand  spanking nubian and then we got finger pumping i don't know northwest orient okay let's see what do we got in  here please don't be her nude photos i would hate to have to look at those jacks  you're right it is an airlines cutlery and they   do sell look at this actually this is really  good this i think one set 22 bucks 10 bucks   we might get our money back ladies and  gentlemen that's good oh they're still moist come on pokeymon we should do a puppet show anybody want to see a puppet show no yes no   i just had my finger up a bird and it's crazy  and a dog i could be a dog you could be a bird no a little early otherwise  it's is a nice piece of wood like a wood shop project that went wrong that looks a little better see we should call a lifeline in on this is  that jeebus yeah that's my only only dragon   ball z expert it's right up there alley  really spanking paddles it is save that my kids have been acting up  that's a nice trunk right here   cobra come on snake no no remember that  one time i did that yeah round snake this box right here i could promise has  at least seven million dollars in it it's in this bag cute little  what's up with the bird theme here before's kitchen somebody colored all over   bethesda's book and i don't  even want to read what that couldn't could be good oh this is this is a me  box right here straight up this guy's all over the   board here 15 bucks 45 best offer 25 best stuff  here okay this is some personal stuff i don't   need to really look in here it's got a cat like  it's a team here paperwork what do we have here we have a battery please be i don't know what sony  makes they make anything like a canon 76422 this looks like a video yeah  um sony does make some very nice cameras carl zeiss lens um i don't know a mini dv still cute you know  it's in good shape it's got the original bag   it comes with four cassettes you can  basically start making home movies tonight   and that's a wrap on that box oh  we got a new garbage waist can   this one probably has a lampshade so i'm not gonna  get all technical and carry it over to the table   and break out the knife and do all that when  i could just go like this and it is a freaking   christmas penguin let me  get a no that's a ghost huh oh boo hoo i thought it was i probably should save the box this is  how moving companies are and this is   what people don't realize when they go  and buy the stuff the moving companies   they always think oh it's going to be great  but that's the fact is they take boxes and   same with that one yeah there's  nothing in it okay ooh here we go   rock food challenge you are on a diet so come  on come on there's no excuses on this one those are kind of good fish symbol very popular we have an elephant  with this tusk up so that's good luck   these are for when you're baking bread that's cute that's a rabbit  or is that a chinchilla this is hot piling it on we got here we got a little bit of a native  american doll no we got jack skellington's uncle   yeah i think i smell uncle michael sacajawea yeah that's a whole lot of boater  this is heavy come on be sterling   be to sterling help us pay for the unit oh look who decided to show up guys look who  decided to show up merry christmas humbug this one has look at this look at this   this has been this is what i don't  like this one has been sealed yeah can see that it's been  sliced and then it's been reopened it's kind of cool like when you used to  go to the doctor's office back in the   day and your mom would be in there and  you'd be waiting and playing with that what a bubble wrap a weird stool and a ball and a hat that's almost cool but not quite  it's like kind of but not quite as serving cheap serving trays cool kitchen  stuff nothing special a lot of bubble wrap   they're just fluff this one is also from  that small country in guam called virgilia no can't look rabbit shells do all right right get a nice little lock together  we didn't keep those one   bag we found the other day remember to  keep this like a bucket of them yeah jerome oh greece number 22 it's made by bologna and there's the rabbit so is the  rabbit and that's not the same rabbit   cute little box of junk and then he came to try to  talk to uncle michael did you notice that i didn't   say one word to him and they're like looking at me  and he's like it's all right if you don't want him   i don't this is what she happens when you go to a  moving vault you get boxes like this guys one item let's go right there it's just lower it says bl1   jack said this is better so  we're going to hold him to it okay this is kind of neat  like what do you do with this   look at that he said i think  you should have one wow hanging on the wall yeah it's like a little basket  right yeah it's kind of different i wouldn't say   it's super valuable it's got that new mexico type  motif to it arizona as uncle michael calls it   uncle michael is an expert so we keep him around  this is like uncle michael at work right here   looks like a clown no back and forth that's cool oh another one something in  here there's me daredevil oh they work you want to buy it okay  mike oh he's in this could be good oh it's a godzilla butterfly mothra  check this one out check this running circles around uncle michael you watch  this exact let me show you let me show you   what is like exactly what it's  like working with uncle michael i run circles around him identical to our work procedure   perfect and priceless come on come on  big money it's a gold box yes nothing okay we built a house we put up walls  they came over they came over again   they were almost done the end all right this is the greatest invention  ever known to man it's called spandex something every woman should own vengeance forced to remember  what's this all about double stitch bay area hardcore that's kind of a cool shirt  a lot of spandex i'm not seeing like lulu   lululemon or whatever but it's all good  stuff right yeah flea market one yeah i think   those look like you right there mike these are  those are i don't like the high waist though i   like my um my spandex when i wear them to  be hanged below my belly button you know   yeah yeah it's the way i prefer to wear my spandex all right apparently uncle michael likes them not  for me oh the white though okay awfully long no oh it's tickle me tickle me elmo look at  that or what's what are you doing emma okay all right flashlight neon light stop light   i'm having deja vu so something about this moment  we're in right now has been on my mind before sun's going to come out soon for a minute i can  feel it right here i can see it in my vision   of my brain i don't know what the heck this is  oh the unmentionables hey that's kind of cute   all right she like to be a  little seductive i can see yeah   there we go you know how i am about  panties find them in every unit get another one of these cheap nothing special faux  marble you got a pair of them the other one didn't look like that what the hell are these keyboards they're throwing knives what are you talking about i'm not very good at this  though let's try underhand   okay so these aren't very good these are  definitely not your beginner throwing knives   okay those are cute actually those are  brand new i think yeah i have to dip stuff something the little woman  might actually wear calvin klein   all right it's not quite vintage almost  almost worth putting on an auction there   cool stuff very seductive i like seductive  things this is poetry i like that okay okay be something cool what is that that is  cool what are those frogs yeah porcelain   sign though frog crossing frog crossing whoa  that is different it is it's high quality too   yeah all right this is porcelain go ahead  jack keep going don't stop you got better   luck to me look at the first thing  out you pulled a bit i this is nice   i like what they did here you could just see the  depth and detail of the moon as it's coming out   over the mountain and you see the pack of wolves  they're running towards their food because at   daybreak you know that's a good time to eat as an  animal they really did a good job on this this is   a basket jack would you like to show everybody  your juggling skills i taught you this week yeah this is vintage nerf ball  right there yeah okay you ready you're getting the hang of it like i'm  actually trying i'm not gonna do it with three   for being a novice at this  you're doing one oh look at   that see how he interjected that  into the the picture i like that i taught jack that this week guys everything um there's like a weird little like he  made a little model and he's like hey   we're gonna have a plane and what  did you joke about look at this   iced mean gerstenberg that's kind of a cool  hat it's not all worn out if we had a bunch of   those i would definitely say we put them in an  auction because people like that type of stuff we need boxes these are what did he spend his time doing is this literally just padding and there's  nothing in it am i tripping i think i am tripping i've never played this game you  guys want to do it right now no never done it uncle michael's scared you hear  him you see here that toner's voice   here we have midday that actually looks like  it could have some type of value to it midway   june 4th 1942 almost before the end of world  war ii it's in excellent shape actually   you want to look at it nope no just giving you  another set of hands no i don't like to get too   into detail you know this way everybody gets mad  at me you don't even show that you go so quick pickets charge look at that  that's the battle of gettysburg remember it was yesterday that's nice that actually from 1980  those two pieces are very very very   interesting yeah together as a team i think that's solid gold jack he grabbed it like it was open i don't  know if this one has any good value to it   what do we have here the chess master choice of where's the champions shuttle we  found pieces in the other puzzle   well i'm hoping these are ones he never uh  constructed and they're working there's a   thing for it okay please please  please be brand spanking nubian no um there's two of those   yeah see it's it's it's the one that i just  opened up had the spaceships in it right somebody will like those but  they're not quite new if they were is it they're just all completed and those would have been some  good money though yeah okay those are just 30 bucks right here on ebay  nice that one's easy to list yeah um citation okay he tried to and quit game of  i'm not really big into puzzles   this is a cheaper brand the test stores definitely know so that one's decent and the  other one's decent i don't know what to do   with their jackpot we're gonna take them  to market or what this one's assembled no   it's not assembled he took a few pieces off with  hard to tell if any are missing not bad not and   not what i was hoping to find in this trunk but  it's a little better than some of the trunks then   clip i was going to film a little clip of you  filming and clipping this right there quickly   i'll get all flustered all right we're done with  this video we're going to continue on don't forget   to go to jack's channel locker nuts he has lots of  videos on this as well i will finish it we have a   lot to go we got uncle michael here we're going  to unload this trailer we're going to get all   this filmed today and this should turn out to be  decent by the time we're done hopefully hopefully
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 12,358
Rating: 4.8802819 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker
Id: ZH_p6QmUV4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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