They Hid So Much In The Gladiator 2 Trailer

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It's been 24 years since the first "Gladiator"  movie, and it's clear from the trailer for   the sequel that director Ridley Scott has been  coming up with new ideas over that entire time. After Pedro Pascal's General Acacius arrives in  Rome, he plainly lays out the state of the empire. "Rome has so many subjects. She must feed them." By this time in history, the Roman Empire  was a sprawling conglomeration of provinces   that reached from northern Africa in  the south to the Atlantic in the west,   Britannia in the north, and Parthia in the  east. Keeping things functioning over such   a vast distance was a monumental task that  occupied much of the Roman emperors' time. Closer to home, managing Rome itself was  a massive undertaking on its own. By the   time of "Gladiator 2," in the early 3rd century  C.E., higher estimates put the population of the   urban center at upwards of a million people.  Feeding this mass of humanity was not easy.   Grain shipments were perpetually arriving  from North Africa to keep the city fed. Not only did leaders have to  keep all those people fed,   they also had to be entertained.  The Roman poet Juvenal wrote: "The people that once bestowed commands,  consulships, legions, and all else,   now concerns itself no more, and longs eagerly  for just two things: bread and circuses!" The line references Roman citizens'  obsession with getting free food and   having entertainment at all times. The source  of much of that entertainment? The Colosseum. Toward the end of the trailer,  Denzel Washington's character,   Macrinus, makes a revealing  statement about his past. "I was owned. Now, I will control an empire." This is a reference to the wild  real-life story of the Emperor Macrinus. Macrinus was born in the Roman province of  Mauretania. His family was of equestrian status,   which is a sort of second-class Roman aristocrat.  In essence, Macrinus wasn't as important or   affluent as the elite Roman senatorial class, but  he grew up in a solid upper-middle-class family.   He started as a lawyer before working his way all  the way up to the lofty position of praetorian   prefect, a highly influential individual who  functioned as the head of the Emperor's personal   bodyguard. Eventually, Macrinus assassinated  his own emperor and seized the throne. Macrinus may not be quite a rags  to riches story — even if the movie   sounds like it may embellish his origin  with the whole "I was owned" bit. Still,   he stands out as the first emperor of  sub-senatorial status to sit on the throne,   which will give his rise to power  that much more of an epic trajectory. Toward the end of the trailer,  General Acacius is shown saying, "I will not waste another generation  of young men for their vanity." While the line is left unexplained,  this is likely a reference to the   young emperors Geta and Caracalla. The  brothers are infamous in Roman lore for   their mismanagement and selfish behavior.  This is borne out earlier in the trailer   with Caracalla's response to Acacius'  concerns about keeping the Romans fed. "They can eat war." The historical fallout between the two  brother emperors is an important event in   the Empire's fortunes, and culminated  in Caracalla murdering his brother. After this, historical records say Macrinus  began plotting against Caracalla. Looks like   we're in for another tumultuous,  corrupt Roman emperor plotline,   except this time, we won't be dealing with  Joaquin Phoenix's Commodus. We'll have double   the trouble in the form of squabbling,  bloodthirsty, warmongering siblings. The "Gladiator 2" trailer is filled with  well-shot moments of spectacle that we've   come to expect from Ridley Scott. However, one  particular set piece stands above the rest. In   the first look at the epic, viewers see Paul  Mescal's Lucius fighting an unexpected foe:   a gladiator atop a rhino. At  first, it's easy to think that   this sequence is just a way to up the  ante from the previous film. However,   many will be surprised to know that gladiators  were actually forced to fight animals. When it came to fights in the Colosseum,  some gladiators had no choice but to test   their skills against hungry animals, though  not always. In most cases, animals would   fight other animals for humans' amusement.  But there were matches where humans battled   animals in the Colosseum, which included bears,  rhinos, elephants, and surprisingly, giraffes. It also appears that there's a staged sea battle  in the long-awaited sequel. Early on in the   trailer, the amphitheater fills up with water to  accommodate ships for some kind of naval battle.   This sequence might seem a little bit ridiculous  and far-fetched, but it's actually inspired by   real events and illustrates how impressive the  Colosseum was in terms of magnitude and scale. "The greatest temple Rome ever built." Colosseum ship battles, known as naumachia, were  staged spectacles that entertained the Roman   masses. These events were mostly choreographed  and entailed less bloodletting than some of the   other activities that took place at the time in  the arena. However, they still delivered visceral   thrills and were considerably more ambitious  than the typical bloodsports of the time period. It's believed that Emperor Titus organized  the first naumachia in the Colosseum, and   it required over 3,000 men and several ships to  bring it to life. That's quite an impressive feat,   and "Gladiator 2" looks like it'll recreate  these historic events on an epic scale. While it's clear that "Gladiator 2" has its own  battles to fight, the shadow of Russell Crowe's   Maximus still hangs over the characters  and the Colosseum they're battling in. "I never forgot it, that a slave could  take revenge against an Emperor." They're words that almost echo the same ones said  by Lucius' mother, Lucilla, in the original film "Today I saw a slave become more  powerful than the Emperor of Rome." It gives a strong indication  that history is repeating itself,   and if that really is the case,  it would make sense that Lucius   eventually rides out in the armor of  the original hero that he's inspired by. At one point in the trailer, Lucius is given  Maximus' ring before it cuts to the young hero   in what might be the belly of the Colosseum.  Looking up at the armor worn by Maximus,   along with his sword, we're given  what is most definitely Lucius'   "suit up" moment. It'll certainly  make for a historic hype moment,   but one thing that needs addressing is the person  that gives him all the gear in the first place. It's confirmed that Paul Mescal's sandal-wearing,  sword-swinging hero is Lucius, the son of Lucilla   who returns in "Gladiator 2" seemingly no  better off than where she was 24 years ago.   How did her darling son grow up to become the  war-torn hero he is now, fighting to the death   in a stadium she tried to get rid of? More  importantly, will this new chapter really   dare to use the same trick twice and have a  royal in the stands shocked to see someone   thought to be dead actually alive and chopping  people's heads off to survive? Looks like it! The difference between this scenario and the  one from the original film, however, is that   this discovery could stay secret between family,  unlike the original movie. You'll recall that   after Maximus' still iconic reveal, both Commodus  and Lucilla immediately knew who had returned for   vengeance. Could "Gladiator 2" see Lucilla play  dumb about who this up-and-coming champion really   is to keep Marcus Acacius in the dark? If so,  then to those who are about to lie, we salute you. A Vanity Fair article about "Gladiator 2" reveals  that Lucilla sent Lucius to grow up in Numidia in   Northern Africa, which was at the time outside  the bounds of the Roman Empire. Ridley Scott   revealed to the magazine that the early sea  battle scenes in the movie take place there: “The film begins with the raiding party of the   Roman fleet, which comes in from  the sea and decimates Numidia." Odds are this isn't the only battle  we'll be seeing as the movie progresses,   and we have to wonder if the Romans'  biggest rivals from the time will appear:   The Parthians. The heart of their  empire was in and around modern Iran,   and it ran up against the far-eastern borders of  the Roman Empire. The Parthians were some of the   only people in the ancient world that could  stand any chance against the Roman military. Parthia is the region where Caracalla  went to war during this period. It's   also the setting for Macrinus' eventual  coup. As with "Gladiator," it looks like   we'll have some knock-down, drag-out fights  outside of the Colosseum. It'd make sense   if the place for some third-act  battling to go down was Parthia. There are many nods to the original "Gladiator"  throughout the trailer. The Colosseum scenes   are particularly reminiscent of Russell  Crowe's glory days as Maximus. One scene   in particular seems to be a clear callback. When  a Rhino lumbers out of the gates into the arena,   we get a shot of Lucius shouting  to his petrified fellow fighters, "This is about survival. Survive!" From there, half a dozen gladiators, including  Lucius, face down the terrifying beast with its   blood-stained horn. The hero shouts out tactics,  encouraging his cohorts to hold together until   the animal charges and then split up and head for  the walls. While we won't know how the scene ends   until the full film comes out in November 2024, we  do know how a similar scene ends in "Gladiator." Maximus and a group of rag-tag, under-equipped  gladiators are confronted by chariot-riding   opponents armed to the hilt. They band  together, under Maximus' direction,   and ultimately defeat their overpowered  enemies. The scene is a classic, and it   already feels like Ridley Scott is trying  to channel that same mojo in the sequel.
Channel: Looper
Views: 18,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: looper, gladiator, ridley scott, denzel washington, gladiator 2
Id: tmWfJUDJq70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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