They Don't Care | Gabriel Iglesias

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out of all the countries I performed in my favorite country outside home is Australia and I'll tell you why Australia much like us in America has its list of priorities you know what's not on their list political correctness they do not care about your feelings it's like a country full of Daves believe it or not it's very refreshing to be around such a large group of people who speak their minds so freely and if you know that before you go there you're going to have an amazing time but if you don't know that and you show up it is a culture shock and a half because I showed up and I didn't know everybody says you got to see the beaches and I went to the beach I had people coming up to me hey somebody help me get them back in the water yeah right there big fella look at you right there oh look he's moving he's moving he's moving oh he's crawling he's crawling I bet it tastes like gravy it's not bullying if everyone does it yeah that being said I'm in Australia Sydney Australia at the upper house for me it was one of the most iconic places I've ever got to perform and it was bucket list definitely after the show I wanted to go hang out with some Aussies and see what that was like I'm hanging out at a pub first things first Australian people do not drink Foster's beer that's an American thing they don't drink that over there I tried ordering one to fit in didn't go over well yeah bartender looked at me hey you like the taste the piss do ya okay don't order that again so I'm hanging out with these two Aussies and we're drinking a rum called bundyburg at first glance it looks like a Coca-Cola bottle because there's a polar bear on the front and then you drink it and you're like that's not Coke as we're talking a third Australian joined the conversation and he sounded a little bit different from the other two he had more of a raspy voice more like oh yeah boy he sounded like a drunk pirate underwater these two guys didn't like him so they called him a name and they and now it's just me and drunk pirate we're talking about life in America life in Australia talking about our differences he tells me that he's a professional knife maker he's showing me how it's done he's showing me pictures we wind up polishing off three bottles of this rum and drunk wasn't even the right word to describe our level my tour manager Ryan he comes up to me and he says Gabe time to go and I look at Ryan and I'm like Mariah I just made a friend and he makes knives and a little pretty my tour manager always knows how to talk to me no matter what condition I'm in if I'm drunk he knows better than to talk to me like I'm an adult he talks to me like I'm two he looks at me and he says hey buddy you hungry foreign if we don't leave right now they're going to close McDonald's and you're going to have to eat at the airport I gotta go oh Mom you gotta go you gotta go no worries and he goes to shake my hand and when he shook my hand he put his personal pocket knife that he made in my hand as a gift that's for you Mike thanks for being nice thank you I'ma cut cheeseburgers with this Martine and I just got back from India yeah so let me tell you I started posting on Facebook and Twitter that we were going to go out there to do these shows and then people started sending me messages questioning what I was gonna do first of all are they gonna understand you in India well they understand English okay will they be able to follow along with your stories once we got there I come to find out that more people speak English in India than in all of the US and Canada put together Mexico in there for extra credit because there's that many people and yes they have the internet they got the internet they got Bollywood they got Hollywood they understand American culture so much more than we understand theirs second thing people tried to warn me about going over there Gabriel be careful India is a third world country don't drink the water in India it contains parasites that'll make you really sick don't eat the food from the street people especially the street meat it contains a parasite that'll make you really sick and most importantly there's a lot of crime over there don't stay out late when the Sun goes down you I'm like is it that bad so I'm like let me get this straight there's a lot of crime don't stay out late don't eat any of the food from the street vendors and don't drink the water why does that sound familiar that's Mexico [Applause] when Martin and I got over there we found out that Indian people and Mexican people have so much in common you guys I'm telling you it's insane how similar we are especially the food the food is so similar for example Mexicans love tortillas Indian people love naan bread which is a fluffier form of a tortilla Mexicans love chicken Indians love chicken Mexicans love hot and spicy Indians invented hot and spicy most popular drink in Mexico is Fanta most popular drink in India is Fanta Indian people worship cows Mexicans love barbecues a lot of similarities most of the people that I met over there were very hard working and humble and I gotta tell you every time I talk to someone I was always greeted the same way they'd look at me they'd put their hands together they do a little bow and they say namaste which is an endearing hello it's really nice and sweet and then I noticed that Indian people when you're talking to them do this thing with their head where it will begin to move side to side as they're speaking now first when you notice that you think oh he slept wrong he just got a kink in his neck get a Tempur-Pedic now when they they start speaking their head starts moving and I notice this the guy is checking us into the hotel and he's really cool he's like listen if you have any problems at all okay you call the front desk we will send somebody to your room to help you however you need we got it for you right here okay it's very good now one thing I notice is the more they talk and the more excited Indian people get the more the head starts to move around somebody at the hotel yelled out to the clerk that's fluffy and the guy was like oh my God I don't believe it oh my God even crazier than that is that the mouth is actually connected to the neck when the mouse stops moving the head stops wherever the Mouth left off and when you see Indian people talking to each other you can see it okay let me tell you something okay oh okay hold up wait wait wait wait wait hold on wait okay like if you're Indian and you stutter you are so screwed somebody stop him I'm not gonna lie you guys when I first saw this happen I thought it was hysterical I thought it was funny but then I started thinking about it head movement is just a form of expression no matter where you live in this world people Express themselves in their own unique way whether through facial expressions hand gestures body movement extra words everywhere you go things are different and that's just how they express themselves in India now back to the whole Indians Mexican thing that is something else that we share in common with Indian people head movement now some of you in the building tonight are like stupid we don't have head movement yes we do it's a little different see with Indian people the head movement is side to side Mexicans our head movement is front to back the difference between that is that with Mexicans we have to be very very upset in order for you to see the head movement otherwise you can't tell with Indians it's all the time such a nice day it is such a beautiful day today I'm so happy it's very nice very good oh my God I can't believe it so nice Mexicans when we're mad that's when it comes out for non-latinos hey trust me you cut off a Mexican in traffic see what happens that's funny I don't know why the black people are laughing you guys take it all oh no you didn't oh hell no I know he ain't talking about me uh-huh I hit a bell I hit a bell I made myself dizzy dude so let me tell you guys if you ever get the opportunity to travel to India I encourage you to check it out you are gonna see some beautiful things you are going to see some amazing things you're gonna see some sad depressing things and some real horrible things overall it's a well-balanced trip but when you get back home here to the United States you will have a whole different appreciation for your life believe that I guarantee this you guys there's a lot of people in India and with a lot of people comes a lot of traffic first things first American traffic and Indian traffic very different here whatever happens on the freeway will stop the whole freeway in India there's 10 times the traffic but it moves see the problem is Americans were fascinated by accidents we're fascinated by the idea of seeing potential death that's why we slow down on the freeways we say we don't want to see it but what happens in traffic what's going on over there [Music] there doesn't even have to be a collision you could be on the 101 freeway and a car has a tire blow up and it spins doesn't hit anything it's now facing oncoming traffic you know what happens to the rest of the freeway even on the other freeway where there's no accident I'm sorry somebody might be dead sorry [Applause] in India if there's an accident in the middle of the street you know what they do they drive right around it they don't stop and it's not that they're not sensitive to the situation they are it's just that there's so much chaos that happens on a regular basis they just need to get to work they do see what's happening and believe me their heart felt you know they'll drive around I'm so sorry for you Nothing Stops the flow of traffic in India they need to get from point A to point B and so they go they go if there's an accident they drive around if there's something blocking the street they get on the sidewalk to go around it's amazing the way they drive and here's something else no one uses turn signals over there no one uses turn signals they use a horn now if you go to India tomorrow from the time you get there to the time you leave you're constantly going to hear a horn it's an actual language when people are driving I'll show you you're driving car on your right car car in your left light up ahead they talk to each other while they're driving and they barely miss each other every single time also you'll be on the 101 freeway here and there'll be six Lanes in India you'll see six Lanes but guess what you'll see 12 cars across yes they have lines but they're basically there to let you know more or less the direction you might want to go in they're this close to each other and even at the light they communicate you see everything cars trucks vans motorcycles pedestrians cows children all waiting for the light and they talk at the light with the horn very good you can go you can go welcome you're welcome go go Nothing Stops the flow of traffic over there Indian people drive think of ants you know how ants travel in a straight line and if there's something in their way like a rock ants will split up go around the Rock and reunite or climb over the rock worst case scenario they dig a hole and go under the rock that's the mentality of driving in India a man can get shot in the middle of the street people just look at each other somebody pick him up and they'll drag his ass onto the sidewalk and if there's an accident and they need to get around guess what's going to happen to that guy on the sidewalk Nothing Stops the flow of traffic in India except cow now I know we've always heard the stories and the jokes about all Indian people don't eat hamburgers I asked the question and I found out it's believed that cows are people who have died and they've been reincarnated and their new life is now the cow which is why they don't eat them and why they give them all the love and respect in the world over there I saw this firsthand there's a cow crossing the street while we're driving and the cows know they're cocky they know that they can cross [Music] oh [Music] no one honks at the cows no one yells at the cows no one touches the cows they wait for the cows to finish Crossing the cow that we had laid down the driver just shut off the car started tweeting there is a cow in the middle of the street #momo I asked the driver what's going on I said there is a cow I see that there's a cow are you gonna honk at it go around what's what's going to happen uh we cannot uh we cannot uh hunk at a cow we must wait for the cow to move you're kidding I am not kidding we must wait for the cow we drove past a dead body 15 minutes ago that is probably him [Applause] like seriously the driving situation over there is so intense you guys one morning one morning while we're there I needed to get to the airport fast because I overslept and so I get in the cab and I hand the driver a 50 bill and I go sir I am running very late I need to get to the airport as soon as possible whatever side street you have to take or back road I'm all for it whatever you have to do let's do it and I hand them the money and he goes very good let's go and we take off the guy is hitting anywhere from 50 to 70 miles an hour on the street we are making incredible time I notice that we're heading in the direction of a red light he ever been in a car with someone and you're paying attention to what's going on and you notice that you're about to hit a red light and you you know how you start to mentally and physically prepare yourself for the deceleration of the car and you start anticipating the pressure from the break and if you don't get the sensation of slowing down by a certain point all alarms go off in your head and you sock the driver in the chest not only did I not get the sensation of slowing down I got the opposite he gunned it towards the light and it caught me off guard I couldn't even scream I was like and then and then I got air hey [Music] he looks at me he goes what is wrong what do you mean what is wrong dude didn't you see the red line as calm as can be didn't you see there was no one there you told me whatever you have to do okay
Channel: Gabriel Iglesias
Views: 3,021,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Q517anwqqGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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