THEY DON’T KNOW ME! SHOCK THEM WITH SILENCE AND SUCCESS - Best Motivational Speech Video Compilation

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if you're about to make a change in your life and you feel uncomfortable that's the best feeling you can have because for the first time in your life you're making a decision that's going to be best for you and not what somebody told you to do and that's when all bets are off man because you about to enter some some uncharted waters that's going to force you to challenge yourself to be perfect in so many ways and shooting for perfection is all good well a habit is a redundant set of automatic unconscious thoughts behaviors and emotions that's acquired through repetition a habit is when you've done something so many times that your body now knows how to do it better than your mind people wake up in the morning they begin to think about their problems those problems are circuits of memories in the brain each one of those memories are connected to people and things at certain times and places and if the brain is a record of the past the moment they start their day they're already thinking in the past each one of those memories has an emotion emotions are the end product of past experiences so the moment they recall those memories of their problems they all of a sudden feel unhappy they feel sad they feel pain because we are wired to like what is familiar and to resist what's unfamiliar and the most important thing to make familiar is praising yourself you have no idea of the breathtaking future that's on its way to you that's asking you please let me through when you decide that you are good enough when you decide you give yourself permission to have it all have all the love have all the health when you give yourself permission it's like the inside of your champion is saying let me out you wanna shoot for average because you're not gonna hit you're not gonna hit all that if you shoot for perfection and you hit good or great you're winning you have to make adjustments to achieve your goals other people's opinion of you is none of your business i'm saying be radical enough be outrageous enough be unapologetic enough to hold fear in one hand and passion than the other and leap anyway the people that you most admire the people that have achieved at a level that you want to achieve they are no different than you they simply know what they want to become and they're paying the price to get there that's it right now between me and the person i want to be between you and the person you want to be there is a gap of skill set and that's it but once you know your mission and once you believe that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to then you can do the extraordinary now for me getting out of that space of being lost of not knowing what i wanted to do with my life it all came down to needing to earn credibility with myself in very small incremental ways everyone has got three things wrong the number one is i'm not enough the second one is i'm different so i can't connect and the third is i really want something like freedom from depression or success but it's not available all of those things come from a feeling of emptiness inside because we're taught oh you feel a feeling why don't you eat some donuts or go on to ebay and buy or ambers or have a drink and our feelings are the most real thing we have and we push them down we find all this stuff to buy or eat or drink or take to keep us like john lennon's head comfortably numb but then the feelings regroup and come back because they've always got a job to do now how you think and how you feel creates your state of being so the person's entire state of being when they start their day is in the past so what does that mean the familiar past will sooner or later be predictable future fear is an emotion like any other emotion fear is an emotion like love like compassion fears and emotion we just gave it more power compassion oh that's nice fear we gave it a meaning fear is false evidence appearing real fear is a story that you've told yourself about something that might happen in the future it was about changing my identity because at the end of the day identity and values drive behavior so if you want to make a change you have to change your vision of who you are you have to begin telling yourself a different narrative and the narrative you tell yourself about yourself is everything we keep firing and wiring those circuits they become more hardwired so they're you have a thought and then the program runs but it's the emotion that follows the thought if you have a if you have a fearful thought you're going to feel anxiety the moment you feel anxiety your brain's checking in with your body and saying yeah you're pretty anxious so then you start thinking more corresponding thoughts equal how you feel you've got to feel the feeling until it no longer requires to be felt you can't eat it or drink it or shop it away but we're all taught that we can and should when you want to do something in your life you don't put options out there you don't put a b plan this is what you want to do you commit to it because as you become successful people will have definitions of who you are and also proclaim your love of success for what you should be accomplishing we have to begin to start living for something that's meaningful we have to start living for something that has the capacity to not just impact our lives but the lives of other people because human beings long for connection we don't want money we want connection we want belongings most people then wait for crisis or trauma or disease or diagnosis and wait for loss some tragedy to make up their mind to change and my message is why wait and you can learn and change in a state of pain and suffering or you can learn and change in a state of joy and inspiration i think right now the cool thing is that people are waking up if you keep it simple you can find your voice and also know that you operate off short term goals when you don't know where you're going in life do not look four years down the line do not look two years all year you look next week next month you keep your goals short and that way as you accomplish those goals then you can start piling up little trophies or little moments to know that you're actually accomplishing something you're actually climbing the steps to success and so i always tell people shorten your goals shorten your window and that's how you find your voice once i switched my narrative to being the learner it didn't matter where i started it only mattered where i was trying to go and as long as i had that clarity then i could execute because i believed i could do anything i set my mind to without limitation turns out most people spend 70 percent of their life living in survival and living in stress so they're always anticipating the worst case scenario we want to finally find a place where we fit in in this world the only problem is that we don't fit in in the world because if you're fitting in in the world you're not able to make the difference that you're here to make it means that you've been dumbed down to a point of operating in the way the same way every other member of the herd is operating at that point you become completely ineffective this is why you are suffering so you are weird for a reason you care more about your self-image than you do about living in the truth of who you are i want you to imagine you're at the end of the road and you know you're at the end of the road just imagine all you can do is relive your life [Music] i want you to imagine you're there and you go back and think i wonder if we had a move there what would have happened and then what if i could only do it over again i said wouldn't that be terrible it's been the last days of your life like that wouldn't it be better if you look back and say wow what a trip when you lose it big enough it can be accelerating and then we did this and what you're doing is laying there and you're reliving your whole life well there's where the goals come in that's where the purpose for life comes in you're going to have a main purpose you've got to have a purpose for life and you've got to have meaningful goals you've got to be meaningful you're trading your life for it even immersive experiences so a lot of us today we live in this world which is like 10 minutes a day do it for 10 minutes today everything will be great and that is great there's nothing wrong with that and meditation mindfulness all these habits are the same the more you immerse yourself the more you get an experience that stays with you the more that you can live with that experience and keep going back to it for 10 minutes a day so i really believe in immersive experiences i love the 10 minute a day advice but i also deeply believe in having an deep immersive absorbed experience that completely takes over your whole body mind and soul [Music] the biggest one i would say is never pick the easy road never never and it always goes back to kind of the hero mentality never pick the easy road ever in your life that is the one road that is doomed it is due you may achieve what you wanted but you want the permanent fix the permanent fix comes from the hard road the hard road gives you permanent the easy road gives you the quick fix you will go back to where you started on the easy route [Music] that hard route is so permanent that it ends up callousing you everywhere everywhere have you come here to avoid life or to experience life experience life all the different dimensions of what this life holds must happen to you isn't it so if you come to avoid life if you feel insecure that's what you will do you will try to avoid life when you're alive and try to avoid life it'll cause immense misery when you're alive you live when you die you die don't get up from the dead visualization is a gift to your heart and your soul it's a gift because if the the idea is the seed visualization is the is the fertilizer it's the fertilizer because when your thoughts are connected with an emotion see you visualize yourself winning and you would feel all the emotion that came with that and all you're doing now is you're not chasing a foreign emotion you know the feeling and now you're just doing what's necessary to get back to that feeling in real time and it's really important in the visualization you can't see it over there you have to see it right here you got to feel it right here like i am it's all i am i am i am in my dream home i am in my dream relationship and then unpack what that looks like but most importantly unpack what it feels like and when you have that that emotion in this moment all of a sudden you stir up something that i don't think will ever go back to sleep it'll go okay let's go get that i have a philosophy that every moment every precious nanosecond and moment is perfect and so when i connect to the perfection of that moment there's really nothing to do it's to be aware and to allow to surrender but not to give up surrender but to understand that you know as you know we're talking right now the oceans don't need any instruction what to do the um planets that are moving in their elliptical orbits around the sun don't need yours or my intervention the universe and looking like galaxy that's you know flowing through the universe at a million and a half miles per hour doesn't need using my instruction so that means that every moment is perfect so i want to connect to the perfection of every single moment be aware of that every single moment so life is there has never been a point any time and there never will be where everything is perfect okay there's no such thing because life is a possibility because it's a possibility it cannot be perfect it doesn't matter what we do there's still something more to do and then the power of that you can't overstate the power of that for individuals to get their life together the individual is an unbelievably powerful force and every single person who gets their act together a little bit has the capacity to spread that around it's it's a chain reaction and so it's a lovely thing to see [Music] is that it's a mix of pain and pleasure that's what makes it so powerful the idea of our mortality is obviously very painful right what could be more painful but the idea of transforming that into something beautiful into something enlightening into something that kind of fills us with a much different spirit which which motivates us to get something done which makes us appreciate what we can look at we're alive and the sky is blue and you know and all that so mortality has his ability to sharpen our senses to sharpen our appreciation of life and that turns the pain into pleasure but the pain and pleasure always go together so underneath that kind of ecstatic feeling that you feel when you're aware that that you know there's eternal time and that there are all these insanely wonderful things about around the world it's always going to be mixed with that tincture of pain about how i'm going to be gone and i won't be here to appreciate it but that mix of the two emotions of what makes it so powerful and so insanely addictive right because pure pleasure on its own can almost get monotonous the things that break your heart if you choose can open your heart fear the world says fear is bad fear is only an opportunity for bravery training we do make excuses because we are very good at self-deception because if we actually had to face the responsibility of playing with our business in the world we'd have to let go of our addiction to our excuses and leave what's safe and we'd have to actually leave the pain to go to the possibility of pleasure and joy and greatness and believe it or not that frightens us [Music] life is a fight for territory and once you stop fighting for what you want what you don't want will automatically take over and so it's a fight it's a challenge in life every day and what we have to do is embrace it what we have to do is see it as a project to be worked on them i've read something once that i live by said in life you will always be faced with a series of god-ordained opportunities brilliantly disguised as problems and challenges number one is that you need to really get amped up about why that goal matters to you because once you know why the goal matters that's going to be that thing that gives you meaning and purpose that turns into a passion that allows you to show up and keep doing it when you're bored because boredom kills more dreams than failure i just promise you you just get to the point where it's such a blind you've got to do it day after day month after one year after year it's just like it really drags on it's like it's easy to do something once maybe you can do it for a week but when you have to just keep at the grind then you really have to have a strong why because you can do anything you want in life just not everything a huge believer in the power of intention and awareness so when these negative thoughts creep in whatever they are fear i'm aware of my own thinking and once you're aware of a thought it loses its power to have a feeling over you if you don't align your thoughts and your feelings neither one has any power there has to be a congruency between what you're thinking and what you're feeling that's why like for example when people set up all these goals i'm gonna make a million dollars or i'm gonna be happier i'm gonna lose 20 pounds in the moment you're having that thought if you're feeling that you can't have it if you're feeling that's not going to happen your body which is your unconscious mind actually at work the feeling overrides the thought and that goal has no power you realize whatever it is you're going to give yourself over to and do all the way it needs to be something that you are really on fire about now getting on fire about something you're not born with them you cultivate that fire so you're gonna pick something starts as an interest you're gonna pick it engage with it fan the flames of that fire by talking about it to yourself to your friends to your family to anybody who will listen about why it matters to you and then you go hard on them that is a constant and it's something that you can't control right you just cannot control the things that are happening in the world around us but you can always control what you're thinking and what you're doing in response to it so all of my work centers inside this gap between what's happening in your life and in your work and what your reaction is to it and how you can't control the things that are going on around you but you can always control what your reaction is and that gap there that's about five seconds long and you start to understand that you can change how you think you can change your habits you can change how you lead you can pivot you will become unstoppable and i always no matter how much i've accomplished in life my life is always lit that day one week one because that's where the you grind you grind at the beginning and we always start to get very complacent and very comfortable as we start to get to where we're going we start to relax we don't wake up early in the morning we're not prepared you start to get this very soft mentality and then you become that person so that's why the day one week one mentality throughout your whole life it keeps you grinding hard [Music] emotion is a muscle i mean i think the most powerful muscles are the invisible force muscles it's your spiritual emotional muscles like courage unused doesn't grow it shrinks so i pass on the line regularly so that it grows and when it keeps growing then pretty soon the stuff that used to make me crazy it doesn't touch me it's not that i'm so great because i'm well trained but the main reason i do it even more than that you know people negotiate well i'm able to do it tomorrow i'm going to do this or i'll let me wait two more minutes until i'm ready there's nothing with me for decades i go i say we do i'm not here to discuss with my mind there's mind and then there's soul and spirit and soul and spirit my soul knows and when i say jump you can jump i'm not here to have a discussion with you want to say this is doable it is hard but even if the deck is stacked against you even if you do legitimately have it worse than every other human being on the planet now what now what what are you going to do you're not a bad person if you're like it's just not worth the energy right let's know our why let's know what we're going for focus on that you got to focus on the motivation you've got to get yourself in a position where you want the change but don't spend cycles lashing yourself hating yourself i can think of nothing worse put time and energy into it their choices no matter how hard something is you've got a choice and so i always come back to that one simple phrase now what and so what i want you to understand is that if you look back on your life you have had moments where you have felt passion your purpose on earth is to figure out how to align your life so that you feel more energized and excited by it that's it [Music] mission in life has been and still is is to to give people a vision of themselves beyond their mental conditioning and their circumstances to let them know that they have greatness within them but han greatness it's not our destiny it's a choice that you have to make every day often times when you hit bottom you bounce and that's where i think the power is that you when the world feels upside down you always have the power to make it right when one chapter ends you always have the power to write a new one when you know you feel like nobody loves you you have the power to learn how to love yourself [Music] you are but one habit one killer routine away from having the exact life you want your life is a reflection of the choices that you make it doesn't mean that some things aren't way harder for you than they are for other people it doesn't mean that other people don't have more motivation than you but all of us can make a different choice at any time set rules in our lives focus on our motivation get super hyped about something find a way by connecting this hard-ass thing that we have to do to our identity to a person that we love and letting it be about them not just that thing use any tool at your disposal but if you get the habits the routines the rules the identity right you get all that stuff right and you will have your ideal life but the mentality of can't hurt me is just that no matter what's in front of you man you have to face you have to confront you have to overcome and move forward [Music] it's an image of the structures that we strive to create it's what we're striving towards when we walk uphill this is what it means it means that you know everyone has their disabilities let's say but the question is what do you do about that and what you do is you you set yourself up on your damn crutches and you struggle up the bloody hill that's what you do that's what you do because the alternative is to descend into the abyss teach people to stand up in the face of the things they're afraid of they get stronger and you don't know what the upper limits to that are because you might ask yourself like if for 10 years if you didn't avoid doing what you knew you needed to do buy the debt by your own definitions right within the value structure that you've created to the degree that you've done that what would you be like well you know there are remarkable people who come into the world from time to time and there are people who do find out over decades long periods what they could be like if they were who they were if they said if they spoke their being forward and they get stronger and stronger and stronger we don't know the limits to that we do not know the limits to that and so you could say well in part perhaps the reason that you're suffering unbearably can be left at your feet because you're not everything you could be and you know it when you're in the zone you're expanding your skills at in a manner that's intrinsically rewarding because you're succeeding so you want to set if you're good to yourself you think okay i need to set a goal but i need to set a goal that someone as stupid and useless as me could probably attain if they put some effort into it then you got then you've got it perfectly because it's not so high that it's grandiose or impossible that you fail necessarily and then justify your bitterness it's like it's yes exactly well i set a goal and i didn't attain it so i'm not going to set any more goal like no you set a goal that was inappropriate that's right you didn't calibrate it properly and and you're playing a trick on yourself because you wanted to fail so that you could justify not having to try which isn't helpful you're still going to be a victim it's like there's no way out of that you know because life is this life is a challenge that in some sense can't be surmounted so there's no way out of your problem but there are certainly proper ways of dealing with 60 years to put yourself together and god only knows what you could become and that's so that message is so much more it's so funny because it's so it's such an attack but it's so positive because there's faith there in the in the potential that makes up the person rather than the miserable actuality that happens to be manifesting itself at the moment and young people respond extraordinarily well to that because when you know that if you're a parent and you love your your child your son your daughter what you're trying to foster is the best in them you want that to manifest itself across the course of their life you want them to become continually more than they are to see what they could be and that's the ethical requirement of individual being in in the proper sense is to constantly know that you're not what you could be to take responsibility for that and to and to commit yourself like body and soul to the attainment of that ideal [Music] you have to move from point a to b in life but point a is often a very difficult place to be because we're fragile and bounded and mortal and limited and because we know that and so one of the implications of that is that life is essentially suffering and i believe that to be a fundamental truth but but perhaps not the most fundamental truth because i think the most fundamental truth is that despite the fact that life is suffering people can transcend that and partly the way they transcend that is by pursuing things of value and so that if there is no value proposition at hand then you have no meaning to justify the difficult conditions of your [Music] life [Music] if you think about the times when you're at peace with yourself with regards to how you're conducting yourself in the world it's almost always conditions under which you've adopted responsibility right at least the most the most guilt i think that you can experience perhaps is the sure knowledge that you're not even taking care of yourself so that you're leaving that responsibility to other people because that's pretty pathetic and an even smaller minority think that's justifiable but most of the time you're in guilt and shame because you're not you're you're not only are you not taking care of yourself let's say so someone else has to but you're not living up to your full potential and so there's a existential weight that goes along with that what life will be which is at minimum a series of difficult challenges and often more than that because of course people go through very difficult times in their lives and a resilient person is capable of standing up to things in the face of fear and moving forward voluntarily convinced of their own competence and ability to prevail and i mean that literally to instill in them a sense of courage in the face of the difficulties of life and not to protect them from that we don't even want to be protected from those difficulties because a major part of life and its meaning is the the challenge that comes with confronting difficulties nietzsche said he who has a why can bear any how people who have no purpose in their life are embittered by the difficulties of their life and they become first bitter and then resentful and then revengeful and then cruel and there's plenty of places to go past cruel that's just where you start if you're really on a downhill path compare yourself to who you were yesterday and not to who someone else is today because even if it the perfect opportunity manifested itself to you in your incomplete form the probability that you would recognize it as the perfect opportunity is zero you might even think it's the worst possible idea that you've ever heard of anywhere and so you can take these tentative steps on your pathway to destiny and you can assume that you're going to do it badly and that's really useful because you don't have to beat yourself up it's pretty easy to do it badly but the thing is it's way better to do it badly than not to do it at all so you you start your path and you think that you're heading you know towards your star and so you go in that direction then because you're here the world looks a particular way but then when you move here the world looks different and you're different as a consequence of having made that voyage and so what that means is that now that thing that glimmers in front of you is going to have shifted its location because you weren't very good at specifying it to begin with and now that you're a little sharper and more focused than you were it's it's going to reveal itself with more accuracy to you people used to ask me like oh how do you get rid of the negative voice i'm like i don't know that you want to like the negative voice is a powerful reminder to practice gratitude it's it's also a good reminder that maybe something is wrong maybe you are doing something wrong and you should adjust and you should rethink i should say activity without purpose is the drain to your life activity without purpose is the drain to your life it's a train to your wealth it's straight to your lifestyle if you can develop a psychology of resilience in yourself you don't have to be optimistic or fake you can be real the realness is whatever shows up you are larger than anything that can happen to you telling you this is the secret the real secret to shift it inside of you and add the real value most people are trying to pursue something in the future that they already have it says no more i'm gonna change this and suddenly you do something to make your life better you break out of the impossibility of life has to be this way when life is controlling me and so the model for me is this and i just want to say this to everybody there's probably a point in your life where you were given a script of who you were supposed to be whether it's your parents or your friends or your spouse and we live too often in our lives some other person's script right someone else's script remember this you're the lead character in the story of your life and the person who controls that script is you and your god and at any point you can decide to step into a new chapter you can step in to be a whole new leading character a day at a time with the big picture in mind i mean we all want to be heading somewhere but if we're staring at that mountain top we're going to trip on the way you know and and i would say this that yes we want the vision but when there is when we get to the top of that proverbial mountain it is not a tada moment it is not a no i've got it no by the time you get there you've got you've got double the amount of ambitions and opportunities and challenges ahead of you than you did when you started and it's great because that means you've evolved it means there's been some ascension to life stay in the race commit to the chase you realize individually and as a people that that's as good as it gets meaning we're never gonna reach our fully transcended self that's the point we keep chasing it we're never gonna have perfect justice in society that's the point you keep trying to get it you know we're just tapping into the 11 percent and if we can say oh the process we stay in it yes we want vision we want to know where we're going we want to write the headline first and go i'm going to hit that place that's where i want to i want to be when you get there the headline is not exactly as you wrote it before you took off hopefully it's generally in the same storyline structure but it's always yet because even when you get to where you think you want to be you're still going oh this is just on the way to yet most people aren't but that doesn't mean there isn't something you could be great at there's lots of hierarchies to attempt to climb and if you fail in one go trying another but the point is you're still trying to aim for the talk and what the hell are you going to do if you don't try to aim for the talk you know flap about uselessly and whine about your life it's not helpful it'll just make you miserable you're not reliable to anyone you can't help out in a crisis it's like so you tell young people this is another message for conservatives like i don't care what you're going to do but go out there make something of yourself for god's sake be an honest person and work and get to the top of whatever it is that you want to get to the top of you know and and and then stand up for yourself like a respectable human being and be a bit of a light on the world instead of a blight you know and you can tell young people that and they haven't been told that by anyone now and so the young men are so hungry for that that it's it's painful to watch they're so relieved when someone finally comes up and says hey you know you you get your act together a bit discipline yourself see if you can learn to tell the truth concentrate on something for a year or two you can be a bloody world beater when you can do that and start to feel great about little things every day starts to feel like christmas and when you can say i love the change every change in my life has changed for the better there's something good coming from this when you can remember you must take control of the direction of changing in your life and make it change for the better when you can do that your life is extraordinary and so what i tell people is because you're more likely to believe something negative don't even worry about what's true worry about what empowers you there's both of those narratives are based on facts so the truth of one or the other doesn't matter one is empowering one is disempowering act in accordance with the one that's empowering unbelievable what a foolish word a rude and disrespectful word we think we use it to flatter and give credit to wow what an unbelievable play what an unbelievable film what an unbelievable act of courage what an unbelievable sunset now why would we define things that are incredible and awesome things that actually make us believe in them more with this pillar of an autonomy unbelievable the things we usually say unbelievable about other things as i said that make us believe in the awesomeness of life war each other all the time don't they another form of distraction is just doubt and doubt comes from the supper it comes from a loss it comes from fear it comes from the sacrifice and so just remember this you're supposed to suffer and sacrifice so let me ask you a question what are you willing to risk in order to make your dream come true nothing ventured nothing gained you're gonna take a risk maybe it's financial maybe it's a risk of time maybe it's a risk at your job maybe it's a risk of looking bad maybe it's a risk of failing of falling on your face of going broke of going through pain of going through anxiety maybe it's even a risk in a relationship that's just going to be difficult while you do this what are you willing to risk in order to win and you have to accept that because remember what i'm going to tell you the price you will pay for not making your dream come true is far greater than the one that you will pay to make it come true well well you're nowhere near what it could be that's that's the positive message it's like yeah you're a mess you don't have to stay that way the constraints we put on ourselves our potential those are man-made who the hell do we think we are putting those ceilings above our ourselves that's a very arrogant thing for me and us to do it's an arrogant thing for us mortals to put a roof overhead and go well that's as good as it can get that's as much as i can see succeed that's as much as i can love that's as sad as i can get that's as happy as i can get now no more i again we're just tapping into the eleven percent most of the times we think we think our wax is melting on our wings because we're too close to the sun there's still ice and snow on the ground it ain't even close to being hot enough to melt the wax we've got so much further that we can fly that we do not give ourselves the credit for so take the roof off and say no i i this is not even close as good as it can get i'm tapping into the 11 percent i've got trust we've i trust that we have so much further we can fly them even more to give ourselves credit for and to put a ceiling on ourselves is actually [Music] within yourself have you ever experienced anything outside of yourself everything that ever happened to you darkness and light happen within you pain and pleasure happen within you joy and misery happen within you have you ever experienced anything outside of yourself no so what i am asking you is what happens within you who should determine how it should happen [Music] what happens within you who should determine how this should happen somebody else definitely you should determine what should happen within this isn't it so if you determine what's happening within this your whole experience of life will be determined by you nobody else but you isn't it the first thing they should do is understand why we have goals not just to set a goal because most people don't set goals right they they're operating with a limited level of consciousness so they're thinking i could get a little more money and if i could get him to help me and her to help me and this happened then i could do this maybe this is get a new car what we've got to understand is we're trading our life for our goals literally trading our life would you trade your life for a car or a house i don't think so so it's got to be something really meaningful and we're not taught to think this way we should sit down and don't give any thought to where the money is going to come from where the help's going to come from it's what do you really want to go and follow that go and live that purpose and i see time and time again that when i see people trying to live their purpose they are protected that it things work when you're playing in your dharma and your purpose things work things move they happen and i'm not saying they happen without effort but they happen they move whereas when you're not you just constantly feel like you're grinding up against you know a war how important is it to you to grow because you were put on earth to grow to contribute to serve to help you were in your way and the current version of you is perfect as it stands right now but it will be inferior next year you're perfect as you are announced ladies men you two you are perfect as you exist right now but that version of you isn't sufficient next year you gotta be crazy hungry crisis to get to that next version of you and often people try and belittle and devalue their own pain to get out of it but that actually just slows down the process and then they're back to square one again so you've got to accept the pain you went through you've got to accept that you want to heal it one of the best ways to explain this is how what we search for in our partners or in life is what we did or didn't get from our parents we need to have the awareness of developing the emotional skills that our parents didn't have so again reminding ourselves of being aware that we're literally creating lives that will continue in the same direction unless our mindset changes start breaking it down start breaking it down and most of us we live in a box and we don't want to go outside that box at all ever outside that box is all these possibilities of life what we do is we shackle our mind we are a prisoner in our own mind this is all i can do this is all i'm good at and we we we take away the possibility you could be this you could be that you could be all these things there'd be nothing so what people understand is that they live for themselves not knowing that you have the power within yourself to change millions of lives by face of life my biggest fear in life is if there is a final resting place in this world and there's a final judgment and you talk to something much bigger than you i don't want to sit down and have a conversation with someone with something that says you're in heaven this is what you should have been on earth and are you really in heaven now are you in hell thinking about how much i left on a table for fear for not willing to go over the wall and over the next wall and over the next wall so my mind i believe that and god knows all at least i believe that that's how i live my life i now know that there is no cap on the human mind there's no cap we cap it ourselves [Music] i'm telling you tell a good lie i'm gonna make a difference in the world and you don't believe it but say it a million times you're gonna end up believing it i'm meant to do something special in my life there's no way in the world god put me on this planet to just be a regular guy no way the blood in here is boiling i want to do something big with my life this guy was put on this planet to make a difference say it over and over and over and over and over and over again convince everybody in the world the entire time you're just trying to convince one person and that is you and that's the game of future truth see there's a book being written about your life isn't there someone somewhere has taken inventory of your life don't compare your chapter 1 to someone's chapter 10. you write your own book and at any moment in your life you can decide that you want to make this the new chapter you're tr literally in your life you can turn the page and those previous chapters are your old book it's like old testament new testament old story news story they're connected they're related but you can flip the page and you can have a whole new story if you decide right now i am literally turning my breakthrough is i turn the page and in this second i start to write the best chapters of my life you could decide to do that we also have to play the infinite game it's not about being ranked number one it's not about outdoing anyone it's about how to outdo yourself it's about how to make sure that the work that you're producing is better than the work you produced before you are your competition and that is what ensures you stay in the game the longest and that is what ensures you find joy because the joy comes not from comparison but from advancement you
Channel: Absolute Motivation
Views: 166,603
Rating: 4.8739738 out of 5
Keywords: #AbsoluteMotivation, #MotivationalVideo, #SelfHelp
Id: 6e58oaR9xiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 4sec (3004 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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