THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR - Motivational Speech Compilation (Featuring Billy Alsbrooks)

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[Music] I'm not gonna sit here and tell you life is gonna be Ron Howard happy days every day it's not gonna be that way matter of fact it's probably gonna be the opposite you see the enemy is gonna throw every thing he has in his toolbox and shoe now he can't stop you his self but his objective is to get you to stop you this message is for the struggle follow those going through trials and tribulations people in this world are gonna fool you disappoints you turn that back oh you the closest around you are gonna give up for you and when things hit the fan everybody's gonna run they're gonna look around and you will be all alone I'm just keeping it real with you cuz somebody needs to hear what I'm saying this ain't a motivational video madness is life this ain't no game to me and I know what you're going through and I must speak life into you right now nothing listen to me nothing can stop God will never leave you there's a power inside of you that you can only discover when you are truly alone just as the waves on a beach shore come in and out people relationships I like music and you should never make music when anybody who doesn't understand appreciate and value your lyrics sometimes you just gotta let these people go you gotta know your people code you gotta stop chasing people who don't appreciate you sometimes in this life champion and you don't do this by telling me what your mouth Nutella with your actions don't let the world convince you that you're nobody's just don't know it [Music] I'm speaking to the champion in June eyes champion the way of the warrior champion eyes give back up my spirit cries fear dies choked out by the scream the desire to climb and live out my dream take it for the team discipline reigns I wanted to badger listen to the pain I'm a winner to God be the glory tragedy and setbacks an inspirational story warriors like me we were strategically designed for the stroke many before me gave up in quick ected old bad the first time they got here buzzie blood don't scare me I fear not death whatever it takes champion to be the best of the best I was made for war I cry under heaven bless an unstoppable an immoral alleged clamp I say the Unger mobile Melton kicking and punching I just keep on pounding I found it that did decided a win I remember the fee and I see warriors like me we were gone and strategically designed for the struggle the way a warrior champion eyes give back my does choked out by the streams the desire to climb it move out my dreams take it for the same discipline raise I want it too bad you're bound to fail I'm a widow to God be the glory gentleness that banks an inspirational story before me JMO feet quit first time they got here I feel nice whatever the best on the breast climb I say [Music] because and that's what we do I'm Billy always Brooks blessed and unstoppable to God be the glory success is a war over the invisible it's having the faith and vision to see what could be can't be and will be when consistently watered with an undeniable grind truth the language of those who are truly alive saw no wings of faith they gracefully fly radiating the power that they found down inside wrapped in fire watch the chosen climb something in them refuses to be denied sees in the moment they know the time has arrived refusing the doubts or believe any of his lies we call these people overcome us because they know how to climb everywhere that you look around you you can sense that people don't want to see you succeed but I'm a plant that's in your spirit the fire and truth on the inside of you will make room for you whether the haters like you are nods out it's the best salesman that that's ever been he gets up every day and knocks on your door trying to sell you on the line that you aren't good enough but those who can sit in silence and still believe shall one day hear the music of that which they believe for each time you face something you fear in truth you go to a deeper level of growth awareness and personal power see the fire grows inside of you when you own and accept everything about you time to stop running and cry there's three types of people in this world those in the game those on the sidelines and those in the stand watching the time has come for you to make a decision right now which one of those three that you wanna be cloud man you could tell when somebody's about to go to the next level in life cuz you could see it in their eyes when the world turns their back on you oh well cause you crazy because your dreams are so big and when you feel like you are at the end of yourself and that you can't take a most difficult and pivotal times in your life you won't have to travel alone you can sit inside so one day he knew that they believed for Wallace and overcomers they know how to climb as an heir to the promise God has given you an inheritance beyond your own cape of see the only you will be able to come in possession of this inheritance is my faith real is self-awareness that when do thank you yourself and outcome in life real success this summation real emancipation sucks when you finally awaken to your own individual power and the guy who gave we wrap yourself in faith and unleash yourself upon the wireline come on Calma Repton fire the chosen climb this is Billy all's roofs and I am blessed an unstoppable fire truth musing and to God be the glory champions are champions because they master the art of getting back up now no matter what you do or how much you prepare at some point in your life you are gonna get knocked down but see for the Legends champions warriors and for the overcomers no us no no tribulation no situation is strong enough to keep them there with their loss and defeat behind you awaken the giant within you great Estonians they doubt you so the world will try you but don't you let it you still have fighting you let alone a champion inside of you let Ahmad cxf inside of you each challenge you face is a great big mirror that allows you to see inside yourself where you respond to struggles will reveal to the world who to really be champion isn't just about the door the being part you gotta become that person those lights live in you you keep accepting to be nothing less whaaa legend show him what a champion looks like a bitter taste of defeat sting of a loss never again said to champion whatever the coast fight back to the day Nick bury me do it die by any righteous means necessary because that's deep the struggles by God's will destroy my god Big Dance the only thing that helps me I won't bother me my god booth baseball this train dedicated to greatness Victor's right I'm gonna take the pain but it did now break put it in Oh oh my bring it on my cards bigger that's why I'm blessed and unstoppable legends of Champions this is Billy all's Brooks and my god still lives it's him be the glory success is not created it's always been there we just have to align our thinking with it and by doing so success becomes visible to the outside world success is not achieved it's display greatness is always available to those who are willing to think in a way that will allow it to manifest itself now what I'm gonna do here on this message is teach you the art of greatness the seven elements that dictate success circumstances are born out of a consciousness that allows them to exist so the first element that you have to tap into if you want to go to the next level is vision I like to back everything up with scripture when there was no vision the people perish success starts with self-awareness do what you have to do is awaken to your true identity see greatness made you there for greatness is in you God and that designed you to be an efficient mediocre look one that would be going against this old nation you will never fully understand who you are until you actually see your father and your father loves you you are not here by mistake you have a purpose in life you have a calling on your life there is a need a void in this world that only you can feel you have been given specific natural talents gifts and abilities perfectly suited for what you've been called to do now contrary to popular belief you would decide for more than just doing a nine-to-five just scrape it by month by month leaving just a boat broke that is not God's plan for your life I'll back it up I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly he's talking about you abundant life pressed down shaken together running over what dream did God plan inside of you either one of us has a dream God put it in all we have to do is awaken to it the enemy's objective is to keep you so busy every day to keep you worn out credit job that you would never decide to do to keep you so tired what to do here if you wanna experience success at the highest level you gotta start getting clear on what you want in life if you don't have a vision for your life you're gonna be helping sales build their fish vision is the genesis of all greatness you feel the success first in the mind uses all weight everything that doesn't belong in your life from that vision you're walking out you get up every day and build what is already there now we'll get a little to phone you right here to manifest your dream fully your mind must be held to a standard of unwavering fidelity you to believe that has already been accomplished you're thinking must remain loyal to your outcome desired and not fall victim to the seductress mistresses about several contrary to that tree greatness requires wholeness and wholeness is to yield one's entire being to the belief that the vision desired has already been attained I decide what it is that you want in life and then get a vision for the in your mind and then own it I don't mean rennet I don't mean lease it I mean go to the title company put the money down and on that dream then you got a capture it down on paper write the vision to make it plain so heat it read it can run with it you got to get that vision town okay I know a man who writes down his goals every morning and every evening and reads them out before he spots today and before he ends it he's been doing that for the last 20 years and now he's worth 200 million dollars who can do it to see these laws these elements that I'm laying out here for you today they're available for anybody they're not a keeper of persons they don't care who taps into them they just so faint anybody that aligns with them will produce fruit with the truth does not discriminate she loves all who embrace her and that's you all you gotta do is tap into these principles that I'm laying out here for you the second element to the heart of greatness the mindset you got address your mind the words this be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind be so mind it transforms your life you can't get extraordinary results with an average mindset it just don't work that way now hear me out those are products of the mindset and the mindset is the old spring of a belief system to be successful one must not just address the thoughts or the mindset but dig deeper and adopt the belief systems and awareness that truly dictates success to self fully integrate you gotta adopt Matthew 19:26 as the foundation of your thinking and that's with God all things are possible with God all things are possible now that with God part is consciousness and our understanding of who God is is also understanding where God is greater is He that is in you than he that is in the Mara that means losing you you have the power of God residing on the end the world belongs to the phone and once you know who's on the inside of you you can aggressively attack your dream [Music] reality champions refuse to entertain yourself limiting beliefs in any way shape or form that doesn't exist because we God all things are possible oh because destiny is obligated by universal law to concede to the demands of unwavering faith you gotta protect your mind you gotta quarantine Oh doubters haters and naysayers who don't believe in your dream you gotta get those people out of your life your dream is too important to let it be put in jeopardy by those around the only people you should have around you this is a disciplined mind rooted in truth consider your possible poor greatness into your mind daily what you got to do is surround yourself with greatness people who understand it exemplify it and are constantly pursuing it the only people I hang out with are the sick and hungry people who are sick and tired of being average and hungry enough to do something about it that's who you should hang out with that's the mindset you gotta adopt if you want to be unstoppable the third element to the oughta greatness is the inner standard the standard that you hold yourself to day in and day out cultivate a spirit of excellence and everything now let me back this up with the word then this Daniel was preferred about the presidents and princes because an excellent spirit was in him and the King thought to set him over the whole realm to step fully into greatness you got to understand the average is to play and you got to refuse to have anything to do with it mediocre it's too dangerous to leave unchecked here's where we make a mistake when we think we can compartmentalize average see if you let actors exist anywhere in your life it will stick to spread to the other areas there's nothing wrong and having big dreams and big goals but in order to achieve them you got a plan in place they understand and that will produce an outcome that you want just like the world's tallest skyscrapers success must be built on a deep and solid foundation enduring prosperity can only be engineered a solid core values strong righteous principles and impeccable character what do you want to stand for in life that's the old saying if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything a standard of greatness should be the filter that you live your life through refuse the compromise to be swayed by your emotions external circumstances should never dictate your actions it's who you are at the core this should always command your response your understanding it's the personal code that you represent and choose to live by live by the code the three the standard of greatness matter what you do how big or how small it should always be done with a spirit of excellence now the first element to the art of greatness is focus the number one reason people fail is broken focus they lose attention they take it out off the vision they take their eyes off the prize the Word of God says look straight ahead fix your gaze directly before you as proverbs 425 written by Solomon no prizes man can't believe you got a refuse to give time energy or focus say anything it doesn't move you closer to your goals find out what's most important in your field or whatever it is that you're trying to achieve find out what's most important and then put all your time energy and resources there you gotta keep your mind and your attention on the things that you actually do controls a bit challenges and break them down into small manageable pieces you take it one rep at a time one set at a time when time one week at a time all your attention on what you can control what you can do right now and put all your effort down you got to get tunnel vision all you see is the dream and the things you gotta do to get there that's it element five to the all the greatness is cry that's true work ethic when it comes to greatness when it comes to success your work ethic is your credit score the only fools the pavement or blood sweat and tears those are the only credit cards accepted here you understand what I'm saying let's go to the world do you see a man skilled in his work he will stand before kings he will not stand before obscure men your mind imagines the dream but in order for destiny to bloom it must be constantly watered with blood sweat and tears success comes directly off the assembly line of an intense work ethic you can't purchase greatness with Bitcoin the only currency accepted is sweat you got a hammer bang and chisel on your craft until you master you hear what I'm saying they say it takes 10,000 hours of doing something before you master it 20,000 to become a legend at it your grind and your preparation those are weapons you gotta use them there's no goal or dream that could deny the person who masters the art of hard work success that has to be complex just decide what you want and then grind at the level it takes to make it reveal itself the sixth element - the art of greatness is discipline now let's go to the word therefore I do not run aimlessly I discipline my body and make it my slave I myself will not be disqualified now to achieve greatness you must first master yourself what you do consistently you will eventually become your habits and daily routines must be in alignment with the outcomes you want to accomplish discipline is the daily process of creating the life you want by consistently chiseling away at the things that don't belong you got to stop letting your emotions steer your life it's time for you to get behind the wheel and put your life on the trajectory that you want it to be your discipline must break your body's spirit until it becomes your slave dedication determination and commitment these are the three great equalizer stir this up whole lot of people and the Hall of Fame they're only an average talent but they would discipline work ethic and your discipline are your transportation where is your vehicle taking you that's the question you want to go to the next level you gotta be hungry dedicated and fearless one by one you must overcome the daily temptations that stand against your dreams this woman's sacrificing the short-term benefits for a bigger greater desired outcome it's a loud declaration to the universe that says what I want to achieve it's more applied to me than the meeting ratification of the things that prevent me from it how bad do you wanna be successful self mastery discipline cannot be outsourced it's a choice that only you can make the price of victory must be paid with sweat day in and day out another seventh element the final elements of the autumn day this is perseverance and the word says let us not grow weary while doing good for in due season we shall reap if we did not lose heart now I like to say this nothing can be denied the one that won't be denied in order to do that so you gotta have a strong Wow a motive a motivation to do what it is that you want to accomplish you gotta find you a way that you can run through walls with what is the reason that you really want to be successful what is that reason behind it you gotta find something so strong that it wakes you up early in the morning and keeps you up late at night no matter how many times life knocks you down you just gotta keep getting back up keep applying pressure to the world folds into your demands refuse to concede to any other outcome than the one set out oh god it's not a halfway God he's not gonna halfway heal you halfway deliver you halfway bless you he's gonna go all the way cuz we God all things are possible and when you believe that when you have that kind of faith you can persevere through anything the secret to success is refusing to give up perseverance transforms average everyday people in super champions no matter what your goals are in life there's gonna be massive challenges huge setbacks and heartbreaking disappointments each of these circumstances will disguise himself as failure to step into great you must reject this flood and continue on towards your dream with even more determination don't buy the lie the devil's trying to sell you failure is not an option for a believer you hear me not an option it does not exist I'm not gonna lie to you like like everything's gonna be all gravy all good all the time cuz it's not on the way to success there will be many times when you feel crushed exhausted and alone you'll be tempted to lay down so in the towel and quit but it's been mighty warrior that you musta rise to the occasion of rise champion your choices journeys soul-searching moments will officially define you refuse to be a victim and claim the crown of God by way of persistence keep my player present to the universe Falls until you demands when you would rather die trying then live at Sakura then yourself fully in the greatness and only then I'm gonna say it one more time refuse to concede to any other outcome than the one set out for the one believed for all these elements are laid out here and the art of greatness are held together by faith according to your faith so be it unto you all things are possible to him never greatness made you there for greatness is in you don't settle for anything less than what you're meant to be what you were designed to do don't let nobody tell you that you are average so let nobody tell you that you're not good enough that's the life from hell no you're worse you are amazing just the way you are perfectly designed and strategically a simple for success go get what is yours it's billions Brookes blessed enough stoppable struggle struggle struggle struggle they say it's lonely but see I don't fear being lonely I fear being around average people who want me to be just like them I need people so long but they never came because no one can I learn does it but how do I learn to get comfortable be alone I learned how to function in the dog dances you see people who need anyone you're not comfortable being alone can accomplish anything the cell theory six because I don't have any friends to reject me to fish and cry stoppable looking fear my eyes you're looking in the wrong place see I don't feel because I don't got nothing to lose people that feel got stuff that ain't got nothing oh my god is my dream and best believe I'm gonna make that dream a reality and I do or anybody so standing in my way people put me on the door those addicted to the by become slaves to the burn and I'm burning with passion for what I want to do in life you know these nine to five Walking Dead zombies trying to rain on my parade and tell me I'm a dreamer so I'd rather die on my feet dreaming then crawl on my knees to a job that I can't stand to make somebody else rich you got a heartbeat and you breathing but you not really living do you stand to be who you supposed to people you see vidya is attracts all and you came out running no the way it be it's a face to head home without this your upbringing is to choke your mom and daddy didn't prepare you you're fooling didn't prepare you for life they didn't equip you with the tools for you to stand out I will keep it real which I used to cry myself to sleep but not now it's not tears that hit my pillow but sway see you feel what I'm saying it resonates on the inside with you cuz I'm not saying it from my mind I'm not saying it from my throat my heart I'm saying it from my spirit deep down that's who I am that's why when I speak I set you on fire because you know what I'm saying is real you've been that food and you know what it looks like you know what it feels like I read this out of some self-help book bruh now I live this here that I'm talking to you they say Billy now if you want corporate jobs and you were corporations to hire you to come speak we need to tone your message down I only know one speed bra and that's wrong straight up uncut step don't paint by the blue dilute my work for a sec are you kidding me say I understand the secret the secret to set yourself on fire money chases fire money chase to foul you and I'm gonna give it to you straight up and even corporations don't understand the fire I don't feed you anyway cuz they're not gonna be here long see the grace that actually changed the world they understand my language the Steve Jobs the Google brothers that be stones Zuckerberg Elon Musk lik saving Bill Belichick all these people do you got field fire if you wanna change the world when you living in the dog you got two choices just stay down to the flame and I chose the light shine it I don't know borrow my waiver passage for the clock if people would have put me on have people came to my rescue when I needed them emotionally I would have never been to achieve the levels of success that I now punk I'm not just okay I'm not I just know my I'm not reckless I just won't be denied what I know is already by these two the difference between me and the rest is I pay my college tuition in pain there's no scholarships for free rides for greatness ain't no three meal tickets no skipping lab passes and no Powell's for friends to put so long ain't no one coming to save you the one you're looking for is already compass now it is when you are prodigal struck [Music] this is the jungle and only the strong survive you see I simulated the struggle day in and day out before they came ever began before I ever got in the ring I wanted in my mind and every so-called setback see I'm not like the other people that you folks I'm not like the other people you've been in the ring with you say oh no Billy you cocky you are confident you are under estimating your opponent but just study it sim will tell you what it is why I am so confident in my ability because I've already fought you in my mind a million times before I ever saw you I am a seasoned warrior designed for overcoming you see I'm immune to loneliness I knew deflection and I've known the mystery what you gonna do to me yes nothing that you can do to me that ain't already been done I'm addicted to the struggle I've overdosed so many times on struggle that I'm powering and numb to it now see I don't feel you know I do I fear those with you because you are so wicked I'm ready to face me I'm determined on the inside and you will feel the wrath of somebody who will not quit they get what they came for see being at the top they say it's lonely but I don't fear being alone still being around it's people like you that's trying to make me like you for years like all people used to doubt me Oh be jealous of my dream but see now I realize it was fear they knew I was gonna do it I said I was gonna do comfortable being alone Billy always Brooks and I am blessed and unstoppable to God be the glory and if you looking for me you know where to find me o day every day boy I'm sweating [Music] [Music] I got a question for you are you living life or his life living you how bad do you want to be successful are you ready to level up in life are you ready to go to that next level are you sick of being average I ask you again are you living life or his life living you this August 4th Orlando Florida less than unstoppable this event will sellout get your tickets now Billy oles Brooks live August 4th Orlando Florida be there get your tickets now at Billy Al's Brooks comm backslash events [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: MotivationHub
Views: 3,943,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motivationhub, motivationhub motivation, speech, success, motivation, billy alsbrooks, THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR, the way of the warrior motivation, warrior motivation, legends, warrior, warriors motivation, way of the warrior, billy alsbrooks way of the warrior, motivationhub way of the warrior, motivational video, motivational speech, motivational speech compilation, powerful motivational speech, music, motivation music, best motivation, best motivational video, 2019 motivation
Id: HeryR7zarlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 58sec (2458 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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