JOE ROGAN'S SPEECH NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR | One of the MOST Eye-Opening Speeches

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the perception that people have of ultimate success and ultimate happiness is uh it seems motivated by what they don't have rather than an understanding of what success and happiness really is their idea is that one day i'm going to go and i'm going to be in my golden years and i'm just going to be able to sit around and do nothing and tell everybody to when you are working and slaving away you think about that beach with your feet up and the waiter comes over would you like another margarita mr peterson yeah yes i would these people that live this life do they have something they're working towards do they have an idea that they're working towards i mean when you when you press them on it and ask them like why are you here do you ever plan on leaving do you ever see yourself going somewhere else that's what's confusing to me like i understand that they're enjoying and i understand that they're they they like that life but that it's a calling like the calling to do nothing or just think i think it's a management issue i think a lot of what happiness is a management issue and decisions that you're making right now like you could be in a state of mind right now but you can make some decisions to adjust that and over the next couple hours you'll get to a much better place feeling like that you're you're making something you're you're turning like a constant state of thinking and expression and consideration you're turning it into a number and i just i don't like that idea i don't like that idea these constant management decisions they waver in and out of your life on a daily basis like this idea that you could have a good mindset then also you'll be happy that's like it's that's like it's like the tide it comes in and it comes out there's gonna be days where you're just not feeling so good physically and that's going to affect the way your happiness level is one of the big ones is eliminating interactions with people that are negative that is gigantic and because i've realized that i'm not really as independent as i used to like to think i was i used to like to think that my thought process was independent and that i don't give what anybody thinks it's like hunger i mean it's it's it's it's something that's go it goes in and out it's always there but happiness is a good answer yeah but i this is something i've cultivated for a long time and avoided things that make me unhappy and figured out what those things are and been very rigid about eliminating them from my life people say that because they absolutely care what people think and it bothers them so they say i don't give a but that i don't give stuff is almost entirely nonsense you do care and you care in both ways you care if people are critical of you care if people are positive you but you also care if people are living positive lives also sets in your mind that when you meet these exceptional people that move you like what are the characters what are the qualities that they have what are the characteristics that they that they possess and those things become significant and important to you whereas if you live around a bunch of people that are complaining and about everything and they see the negative in everything over time i've learned that these people you just you're not going to fix them i used to want to fix them when i was young i used to want to go hey man i see what you're doing like dude don't do that anymore listen just try just just do this and and stop doing that and start doing this and if you just work towards this you can be successful those people are the opposite of that they're the opposite of inspiration and they're just they're they're mud you're just like it's like you're up to your ankles in mud you try to trudge through life it's difficult you're not light it's not it's not pushing it there's not a wind at your back the wind's in your face and it's rough i'm wasting a significant amount of my energy on someone who doesn't want to waste any of their energy on themselves and so managing the the community and the tribe that you're in making sure that you're a good member of that tribe that you're doing your part people are fuel and other people it's one of the reasons why i like talking to people one of the reasons why i like to do podcasts because i get a lot out of you know like just talking to you about your time in the monastery or your you're pushed to get to that 100 miles like you get energy out of people like that and you think about this energy and you think about this inspiration when you're doing other things there's a lot of cynicism in these days about uh inspiration and about motivation because there's a lot of fake you know you can go on instagram and you see a million of these inspirational quote pages and they're run by people that are probably depressed you know when you're around happy inspirational people that are successful it makes you feel better and you get inspired and if you act on that inspiration your life will be more fulfilled and it's not just inspirational in terms of financial success but in terms of doing difficult things and i think that there's a lot of people out there that think somehow or another you're going to get to some place where you're living in silk sheets and you're getting your toes done while someone's dropping grapes into your mouth i don't want that i've never wanted that that guy's not going to be happy he's going to be bored hour into the grapes you can get those grapes away from me stop painting my toes what am i doing in this bed the human organism the animal that we are needs constant stimulation because it evolved trying to find food and escape enemies and find shelter escape nature escape the elements try to survive and this is the great joy that you have in taking care of your children so you can protect your children from the elements and the enemies where there's this middle-aged person with no future and no idea of how to get out of this rut and probably never will escape it and might just wind up sucking on a gun you know and it's also the great sadness that you see in losers when i see a loser i see some guy who's 43 years old lives in his parents basement he hates the world i think part of that world is because we have been fed this line of that you're supposed to seek comfort and i don't think you are i think you're supposed to seek lessons and you're supposed to seek difficult tasks and and and accomplishments and through those things and through doing things that are hard to do even if it's just a 90-minute hot yoga class oh hello sadness my old friend hello depression because when you're not doing anything you feel like and that's just part of being a human being and we can pretend that we're something other than what we really are and we can pretend nah me man i'm just cool just chilling doing nothing you're human human reward systems are carved deeply into your dna and if you don't respect that if you don't respect the mechanism of happiness and fulfillment and what you really need to do in order to feel satisfied in life camaraderie love family friendship struggle testing yourself learning these traps that people sort of establish in their own mind of giving themselves excuses or giving themselves in insurmountable obstacles insurmountable paths there's so many different factors that lead to a healthy body but how much of a healthy body leads to a happy mind that's where it gets like you can't blame some of these people that are suffering from like a disease some of these people that have like something wrong with the way their brain is producing these happy hormones i've known of quite a few people that got up on on pills after operations or injuries or stuff like that but um i know quite a few of them that kicked it you know that just realized it was happening i think it's fascinating i think it's a fascinating discussion but it is in a sense it's limiting free speech as well i mean and we have a real problem with that the problem with it is that as soon as you start to put any regulations at all and you know you say oh you shouldn't be allowed advertising to advertise even if it's advertising honestly about a great product people will have real issues with that 15 20 minutes a week i'll have a glass of wine i'll put my feet up i'll kick back and then that little voice in the back of my head it's like are you doing everything you can do get up come on the thing about stuff though as opposed to like goals is like stuff you could always just keep buying stuff and making money to buy stuff and then you find yourself being one of those people that just does stuff for money because you want to buy the stuff for me the most important thing is the stuff that i put out if people like it like if i do a podcast let's say if i do a ufc and i suck if i stumble through something or i make a bad call or it's not that will be up for days i've heard steve harvey talk about money like how much money he wants to make per year and and someone was making fun of it and i was thinking well he's in this vibe where he's trying to get stuff and and make money and you got to make money to get stuff and you get sort of in this game of accumulating more and bigger and better things the same with a podcast if i do a podcast that doesn't go well if i do a set the set doesn't go well or stumble through a joke all i care about is the stuff that i do in terms of like agree like progress i focus all my progress on that i'll distract myself with stuff the only thing that means is your friends and your loved ones and what you're trying to do with your life
Channel: Wealth Motivation
Views: 635,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joe rogan motivation, joe rogan, joe rogan motivational speech, joe rogan motivational video, joe rogan desperation, joe rogans life advice, joe rogan experience, joe rogan motivational, joe rogan motivation 2021, motivational video, rogan motivation, joe rogan best speech, motivational speech, one of the most eye opening speeches ever, motivation, wealth motivation, joe rogans speech will leave you speechless, JOE ROGAN'S SPEECH NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR, inspirational speeches
Id: E1wbrVXH_BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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