They didn't know that the SMALL, WEAK MOUSE was the MOST POWERFUL FIGHTER in the tournament - RECAP

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after ingesting a magical substance a cat and a group of rodents become super Geniuses and travel around deceiving humans in exchange for money but they didn't count on the biggest challenge of all the evil Rat King today we're going to recap the story of the movie The Amazing Maurice from 2022 a cat called Maurice hunts mice on a farm where there is an infestation of the animals finding several in the well and even under people's hats at the same time a young man is shocked to realize that the feline can talk like a human the local residents need help to get rid of the rats a flutist called Keith appears playing his instrument and hypnotizing all the rodents who form a queue as they follow him the musician directs the animals to the edge of a river and they throw themselves into the water without any resistance in the village the villagers realize that the talking cat has disappeared as has the piper far from the village Keith finds the rats and gives them some belongings in addition Maurice appears and shows off the bag of money stolen from the people deceived by the group a rodent called Dangerous Bean believes that they shouldn't fool humans even if people fool everyone however they need money to find Paradise Island known as the land of dreams where animals can speak and live in complete harmony with humans Maurice claims that the island is far out at Sea and they need money to buy a boat that can travel there in the next town to be invaded the mayor hires rat Hunters to exterminate the animals however the food in the town is disappearing starving the people and the man believes it may have something to do with The Disappearance of the rodents after that the head of the Bandits enters the office a bizarre fellow who wears a cape completely hiding his face and identity in the city's sewers the group of trickster rats run through the pipes in order to invade the houses Darkon the gang leader is worried because he has found traps on the site tracks and rodent scat but there are no animals around when Keith and his cat Maurice arrive in town they come across advertisements about rewards for each Mouse hunted they can't find any food on the streets and there is only one store open the piper tries to buy the last food available but the fruit mysteriously disappears before he can pay for it at the same time Maurice breaks into a room and his colleague goes after him but the animal ends up knocking over several objects causing a lot of noise suddenly the cat realizes that there is a girl watching them so he asks the young man to stroke him in order to pretend to be some pet receiving affection from his Guardian even so the girl realizes that she is in front of a talking feline so the animal accidentally lets out a few words melissia is the daughter of the town's mayor and offers what food she has to visitors while Keith reveals that he is an orphan the young woman pours some spoiled milk into the animal's bowl at the same moment sardines emerges from the pipes about to invade the kitchen but the girl realizes his presence and grabs a pan to attack him on the other hand Keith is willing to protect his companion melissia decides to end her attack because she believes the mouse is a magical animal but she doesn't understand why a rodent is friends with a feline the girl discovers the whole scheme of the group that they cheat the people of the towns they they visit in order to get money however the big question is how did those animals learn to talk in the past the group lived in the garbage dump and fed on whatever food they could find including a bubbling green liquid that came out of magical cauldrons after a few days the animals discovered that the substance was being dumped by the invisible University they became intelligent learned to read and their names were created from the things they found in the garbage such as Peaches and sardines melissia believes they can solve the town's mystery as all the food in the town has disappeared as have the rats at the same moment the girl prepares for her new Mission by putting on a leather outfit in the Hunter's Hideout the boss feasts while delegating a task to his subordinates catching the new rodents in town in the manholes of the city the group of animals find a mous strap with a juicy cheese then dark tan the leader realizes that it is a different device from the ones they usually find so he asks his Partners to bring Mr Tic Tac a little mouse on a string the toy approaches but turns around so the boss pulls it by the tail but uses so much force that it ends up slipping out of his hands this causes tan to be thrown into the Trap which releases a cage trapping him further along the pipes the group finds dozens of those mous straps with cheese on top in the city melissia walks stealthily through the streets trying to be discreet and ends up attracting even more attention she finds the Hunter's Hideout and uses hair pins to open the door Maurice doubts the girl's ability to pick the lock then is surprised when the door opens easily melissia is is disappointed when she finds a normal room full of trinkets instead of something terrible she believes there is a secret passage in the room so everyone searches but finds nothing however there is a mouse passage where the girl finds a lever which opens a trap door causing Keith to fall straight into the compartment because he was on top of the passage just below the group finds a door leading to a room full of food while he's eating a piece of meat Maurice notices a bug invading the place and hides so he runs and catches the rodent realizing that it's his friend peaching the little mouse is startled by the teenager but soon discovers that she already knows the group's secret she then says that there's a problem with the rest of the team at which point Mr Tic Tac enters the room right behind him the rest of the animals arrive carrying Darkon trapped in his cage however Melissa manages to open the cage so the leader attacks the mouse but the girl protects him by keeping him in her bag the hunters suddenly appear and the girl accuses them of stealing food to feed the rodents they are catching and keeping hidden somewhere the man throws his gun knocking down several animals at that moment the young man steps into a trap but Maurice strikes the two men with a blow to the face the cat jumps while his friends struggle to escape and end up being captured afterwards each animal is locked in a cage yet Darkon tries to reach a key from inside but can't suddenly they realize that Maurice is there and he helps them to free themselves even so they need to find sardines and the teenagers to escape the city the only clue to their whereabouts is that the hunters told told them about a rat race the animals are confused because they've never heard of it so the cat tells them that there was never a mouse Left Alive to tell the story in the store room the two youngsters try to escape from their restraints then the girl realizes that dangerous bean and peaches have arrived and are gnawing on the ropes melissia says that the Escape was as easy as in the book Paradise Island a fairy tale that doesn't happen in real life upon hearing these words the little mouse ends up getting hurt since she believed everything to be true so she runs away from the place in tears Bean goes after her through the pipes and realizes that there is no one else there as she emerges from the darkness peaches doesn't realize that there are several hands behind her capturing her at the same time the two Hunters are devouring a meal and don't realize that Maurice and his friends have invaded the place the girl reveals to the guys that she has put poison in the food which makes them nervous the guy explained that they usually capture rodents to participate in fights and accidentally created the king of the rats a group of animals that have merged their minds and have great strength suddenly Maurice leaves the place claiming that he is going to warn the rest of the group The girl reveals that she left the poison antidote at the bottom of the building causing the bandits to go downstairs immediately in fact the men had only ingested something that causes stomach pain and the antidote was also the same substance after that the two teenagers head into the gloomy Woods where they must find a magic Piper to control the Rat King at that moment Maurice watches in hiding as the youngsters enter the woods because he is running away from the danger they all have to face even so the feline feels guilty for not helping his companions the group of friends follow sardine scent arriving at an isolated place where some men are releasing rodents onto a battlefield and then putting a rabid dog inside when the animal is released it swiftly destroys all the little ones in front of it soon afterwards the man announces a different kind of fighter the rat in the Hat and everyone realizes that this is his dancing partner who is getting ready to perform the humans put a seemingly harmless dog inside but it starts barking angrily dark Tom then asks his companions to tie a rope around his waist in the combat Arena the dog is released and lunges at the dancing rat who manages to dodge it by luck causing the animal to hit its head on the wall suddenly the rodent starts dancing catching the enemy's attention when he finishes his performance the leader of the group throws himself off the cliff and realizes that the Rope is not tied around his waist causing him to fall to the ground Darkon gets in front of the animal and the other rats manage to remove sardines from the combat area the boss attacks the dog which tries to eat him at any cost he then manages to mount his enemy who throws him up in the air and tries to devour him and then throws the little guy against the wall however the leader stands up wielding two sharp nails he throws his weapons at his opponent who is very frightened even so the dog lunges at him again but the rat Dodges sending his enemy crashing into the wall dark tan manages to get out of the combat zone and Dodges the humans who try to kick him he manages to escape but another dog comes out of the depths about to attack him and his friends throw an object at the enemy's head causing him to black out in the dark Forest the two teenagers reach a cliff and melissia throws a rope across the Gap then holds on tight and grabs the young man jumping over the precipice the girl believes that her life is a story because if she doesn't think that way she will become part of someone else's story and she tries to convince her partner to think the same suddenly they hear the sound of a flute and come across a house in the middle of the forest a bird flies in and lands on the window of the house then someone catches it afterwards a strange man comes out of the house holding a bird ready to go into the oven while the guy prepares the food the two teenagers hide behind a tree unaware that the piper is getting closer and closer the man begins to play his instrument and a bird appears bringing an apple to add to his lunch at the same time dangerous beans is looking for peaches in the sewer pipes a voice calls his name and directs him to a dark room filled with books inside he meets the head of the hunters who claims to know him the weird guy wants the rodent to join him suddenly some Rats start appearing in the room and invade the Robes of the boss who increases in size dangerous beans asks where his friend is then the enemy pulls peaches out of his coat the rat tries to wind up his opponent by telling him stories so that he doesn't realize that Maurice is right behind him at the same moment the man receives a blow to the face but this only makes him angrier causing his eyes to Glow with anger the cat then throws his money bag at the guy's head almost causing him to fall over the enemy recovers and the three friends take the opportunity to try to escape through the Rat Hole but the feline is too big to get through the passage so it jumps through the glass window causing everyone to fall into the street down below the rest of the group emerges and makes their way into the sewer in the gloomy Forest the two teenagers sneak into the Piper's house while the guy is asleep Keith reaches for his instrument and slowly seizes it however the guy wakes up and hits the young man when he turns his back and drops his guard the young man faints and when he wakes up he realizes that his friend is facing the madman who begins to play his Magic Flute enchanting the young people and making them walk outside the residence against their will the couple begin to move strangely to the Man's music because there is an animal inside his clothes that is bothering him then he drops his instrument and the girl takes the opportunity to attack him with a kick causing him to be thrown into the oven his clothes catch fire and he runs desperately jumping into a well during the confusion Mr Tic-Tac emerges from inside the man's robes revealing that he is responsible for the attack the rest of the group flees through the city's pipes but some of the animals begin to despair with fear during the Ruckus morice admits that a long time ago he had to swallow a mouse which turned him into a talking cat this perplexes his friends as he shows No Remorse at the same time they find a way out of the manhole and run out of town after crossing a bridge the group encounters the boss who is waiting for them at the end of the road the rodents ask to see the true face of the enemy who gives a command and thousands of animals begin to appear appear and enter his body revealing his identity as the Rat King the monster releases some kind of spell that makes the members of Maurice's group approach against their will even so the feline decides to flee the scene in order to ask for help along the way in the forest he bumps into the two teenagers who are carrying The Magic Flute to hypnotize his opponent however the Rat King is bewitching more and more animals to join his body Darkon decides to throw a rock at the enemy but loses his strength and is dragged into the pile of rodents the creature is about to capture dangerous beans but melissia appears and tries to distract him soon after Keith starts playing The Magic Flute even so the young man's friends continue to be captured one by one while he gets closer and closer to his adversary who catches him and throws him away the girl faces the monster and receives a powerful blow causing her body to be thrown into the forest the young man believes that his music isn't working so melissia encourages him saying that it's not the music that does the magic but he himself at the same time dangerous beans refuses to obey the Rat King so the creature captures him and threatens to take his life however the music comes on again causing parts of the creatur's body to fall apart freeing the animals that have been hypnotized gradually the monster is destroyed releasing thousands of rodents leaving only eight Bewitched animals that were United by their tails into a single organism suddenly the enemy releases a spell that causes an explosion demanding that dangerous beans join him but the mouse denies his request then the opponent strikes a magical blow causing the little guy to be seriously injured Maurice decides to act and jumps at the boss who throws another power at him causing the animal to move away however the feline manages to get close and Strikes each of the animals until he reaches the junction of their tails it swallows the center causing the enemy to fall apart then the group of friends appears in Maurice approaches carrying beans even though he is almost lifeless later in his imagination the cat realizes that lady death has come for him and His companion but the feline claims that he still has six lives left so he asks to donate one of his lives to the rodent and the lady decides to Grant his request when he realizes that everyone is fine he kisses micia who is startled but Returns the kiss after a few days in the city hunger no longer exists and Keith has become the town's Pied Piper putting on shows with his fellow rats who live in harmony with the humans so what did you think of this movie leave it in the comments below and if you like the video like And subscribe for more movie Recaps see you next time
Channel: Prime Recap
Views: 260,131
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Keywords: how to beat, beat movies, sumarring movies, defeating movies, horror movies, scary tales, recap, film summary, film summarizing, movie summary, movies recap, mr recap movies, mr recap animes, mr recap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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