He was supposed to TURN into a WEREWOLF HUNTER, but he ended up turning into a WEAK POODLE - RECAP

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after a tragic event that took the life of his father a young werewolf prepares to become the leader of his pack but on the day of his coronation something totally unexpected happens today we're going to recap the story of the 2020 movie 100% wolf during a fire in the town a group of werewolves break into the house and save one of the victims while Freddy Lupin watches their every move hidden behind a bush realizing that someone else is trapped inside Freddy runs towards the fire to rescue them but his hair catches fire and his father orders him to go home flashheart didn't know he was being followed by his son and says that he will only be able to take part in rescue missions when he becomes a wolf he then discovers that the boy used the Moonstone to find them and asks Freddy to keep it safe while he accompanies him on another mission that night as usual the group comes together to carry out rescues and help the people of their town in any way they can this time however Freddy is allowed to accompany them and discovers that his pack hates all dogs just as Dawn is about to break the group splits up and flashart Carries his son home on his back the pair then take the forest path to avoid being seen and Freddy almost gets run over by an ice cream truck luckily flash har manages to save him in time but when he sees the boy being captured by a wolf the driver decides to get out of the vehicle to help him immediately the werewolf runs away with his son and Freddy says that he will make his father very proud because one day he will become the strongest wolf he has ever known upon hearing this flashart claims that it is the spirits of the Moon that decide what kind of wolf the boy will become and suddenly they are both surprised by Crips arrival when he finds out that Freddy is okay the man is relieved but panics when he sees that he is accompanied by a werewolf terrified KP tries to scare off his enemy with some karate moves but ends up falling off a cliff and is saved by flashart however in trying to free himself from the wolf's clutches ends up causing them both to fall luckily he manages to hold on to the rocks and save himself but flashart disappears into the lake worried about his father Freddy starts screaming for help and his uncle shows up to save him immediately Hotspur takes the boy home and on the way he ends up losing the Moonstone which is later found by days later all of flash heart's friends and family gather to say goodbye to him as they believe the pack leader is dead however Freddy believes that his father is still alive somewhere and can't accept that he's gone until the boy grows up and becomes a wolf strong enough to lead Hotspur takes on the role of pack leader 6 years later all the werewolves in town gather at the lopin Mansion to watch Freddy's transformation however his uncle isn't happy at the idea of being stripped of his leadership position and claims that the boy doesn't have the strength to lead the pack upon hearing this lady hiil recalls that Hotspur was unable to recover the Moonstone and the man justifies it by saying that is equipped with the best wolf detection equipment every time his pack approaches him he ends up being attacked with toxic silver powder and tranquilizer darts still Lord Heil thanks him for his work but says it's time to make way for Freddy to lead when the young man appears lady he taale Begins the ceremony and upon coming into contact with the Moonlight all the Wolves transform however when it's Freddy's turn to complete his metamorphosis to everyone's surprise he turns into a poodle terrified the Wolves try to understand what is happening and Hotspur is happy to know that he will have a chance to continue in his leadership position he claims that the boy has been cursed for losing the Moonstone ring and Lord hiil says that Freddy has until the next moonrise to prove that he is a true wolf otherwise he will be banished from the pack and another leader will be chosen to replace him that night when he returns to his room Freddy is visited by his makavelian cousins who capture him and dye his fur pink the Paar then put a silver collar around his neck so that he won't be able to return to his human form however while trying to remove that necklace Freddy ends up rolling downstairs and accidentally traps his cousins inside the attic while trying to think of a way to become a real Wolf the young man comes to the conclusion that if he can return the Moonstone to the pack his curse will be broken so he decides to leave the mansion and after jumping over the wall ends up falling into the back of a truck that takes him to the city center however during a turn the youngster ends up in the street and is almost run over seeing the dog in danger batty appears to save him and guides him to the sidewalk however instead of thanking her for her help Freddy begins to belittle baddy for being a dog and claims that he is a human seeing that the poodle isn't doing too well the dog leaves and it doesn't take long before Freddy gets into trouble with the dogs in the neighborhood at this point he realizes that needs help to survive on the streets until he gets the Moonstone back so he decides to go and ask baddy for help while they're talking they're both being chased by two Hunters who want to arrest them at the city shelter but the dog is used to dealing with these guys and manages to distract them Freddy watches intently as her new friend shows those big guys who's boss and easily manages to defeat them with her wits after getting out of that alley Freddy tells her that he has to find the ice cream truck guy and baddy promises to help him on this Mission but first he needs to learn how to act like a dog so as not to arouse suspicion and so that night the boy receives his first lessons he learns to use his nose to detect territories marked out by other dogs and discovers how to play fetch with sticks baddy then teaches him to ask strangers for food in the street and while scratching in an alley they're almost caught by the Wolves when those creatures leave baty teaches Freddy his last lesson and says that werewolves are evil she says that according to the other dogs those monsters run around the streets at night pretending to help people but the truth is that they are people who sacrifice puppies to the Moon God upon hearing this the boy tries to defend his family but realizes that if he tells the truth baddy will never help him so he pretends that he hates those wolves too and after a few minutes of walking finally finds with his ice cream truck The Man became known throughout the city for being a Madman who believed in werewolves but was never able to prove the existence of these creatures when he arrives at the entrance to The Hideout Freddy is caught on the security camera but as he doesn't look like a wolf he isn't attacked so the dog manages to get through the bars and after dodging all the terribly scary fantasies the man keeps inside he finally manages to find the ring however after catching it Freddy discovers that the jewel is just a cheap replica and ends up being captured by at that moment he notices that the ice cream man is wearing the ring and tries to grab it but can't get free confused KP realizes that the Moonstone has begun to glow and that this only happens in the presence of a werewolf to find out what this creature is the man takes it to his secret laboratory and begins to scan it at this point Freddy tries to communicate with him and tell him that he's human but all the ice cream vendor hears is barking through his analysis cryp discovers that the creature has human dog and wolf DNA which leaves him intrigued to find out who owns the animal suddenly he hears some knocks on the door and on opening it batty manages to get in the dog quickly tries to free her friend and almost ends up being captured however she manages to turn the tables and uses the lab's equipment to attack the human while is trying to dodge the lasers Freddy manages to break free and steals the ring the dogs then run away and the man discovers that the dog belongs to the Lupin family after saving her friend baddy goes home and the boy discovers that she has been abandoned she tells him that she had seen all her siblings adopted and was left alone in the pet shop until the day she was thrown out because no one wanted to take her home then Freddy decides to tell the truth and says that he belongs to a family of werewolves the boy says that if he can't turn into a wolf by the next full moon he'll be expelled from his pack and that's why he had to steal the ring suddenly the hunters appear and capture baddy when Freddy tries to attack them one of the men also manages to capture the animal and both are taken to prison once there the pair meet the commander and her dog the woman then orders him and baddy to be taken to the beauty salon for a bath they then take part in a photo session which will be forwarded to the list of lost animals that morning hper is in his car when he is surprised by the arrival of after stealing a strand of his mustache the man is Led away from the vehicle and by chance while looking at the list of lost dogs Hotspur comes across a photo of his nephew meanwhile baddy and Freddy are taken back to their cells and meet their new companions among them are Twitchy the smallest and angriest dog in the pack heish the psychologist in Bruno a dog with a passion for balls as soon as she arrives in the cell baddy begins to think about an escape plan and wonders if it is possible to escape through the underground passage however HH reveals that this is where the most dangerous dog in the shelter lives and Twitchy says that it's impossible to get out alive he says that his group has tried everything to escape but they always end up being caught and taken back to prison however baddy says that she will think of an escape plan in the next 24 hours and Freddy becomes desperate at the thought that he won't be able to return home until the next full moon just then his uncle appears and says that the dog belongs to his family when he sees him Freddy feels relieved because he knows he'll be taken back to the loopin mansion but instead Hotspur steals the Moon stone that the boy has retrieved and orders the commander to take him back to his cell along with the other dogs meanwhile is in his lab doing DNA tests to investigate whether Freddy is related to Hotspur and discovers that they are both werewolves at lunchtime when the guard shows up to feed the dogs batty has an idea to escape and uses a piece of bone to stop the gate from closing Twitchy then goes under the bars and pushes the button in order to open the door however he accidentally presses the wrong button and sets off the security alarm at that moment the commander and Cerberus appear and Freddy takes the blame for what happened before being punished he approaches the woman and tries to hit her with a urine jet but is caught by Cerberus and ends up wetting the whole cell Furious the commander orders the dog to be thrown into the dungeon along with the Beast and her friends are worried about him when he gets home Hotspur finds panny and the housekeeper asks him if he has managed to find his nephew the man then claims that he hasn't found him but knows that he will be home that night to prove that he is worthy of being a leader however when hotp enters the Mansion Penny spots Freddy's photo and immediately decides to go after him at this point batty is trying to think of a plan to free her friend as she knows he was sent to the dungeon for trying to save her so she enlists the help of the other dogs to reach the ventilation shaft and they all manag to escape through the tunnels while walking through the cramped Place baddy spots the commander next to a large machine and discovers that she intends to turn all the dogs into wigs when the equipment is ready the woman calls Hotspur and tells him that all he has to do to start the project they have built together as press the button while trapped inside the dungeon Freddy hears the sound of chains moving and starts screaming for Help Believing he is about to be devoured by the Beast however to his surprise the creature says he doesn't eat dogs and is confused when he sees the Lupin family symbol on the dog's collar at that moment flashart realizes that the poodle is actually his son and refuses to believe that he isn't 100% wolf after hugging him the wolf says that after falling off the cliff he crawled through the forest until he reached the road where he was captured by the hunters and locked in that cage the werewolf says that even though he was chained up he didn't give up hope because he knew his family would look for him however when Hotspur found him instead of freeing his brother he imprisoned him in wolf form with a silver bracelet since then flashart has been locked away in that dark place after telling his sad story The Wolf tries to understand why his son has turned into a poodle and Freddy says that dogs are the kindest and most caring creatures he has ever met suddenly his friends come sliding down the pipe and fall on top of flash heart believing the creature to be a threat the quartet unite to attack it and upon hearing the battle cries the commander sends the guards into the dungeon at that moment Freddy manages to break up the fight and says that the wolf is actually his father when he discovers that a pack of dogs has gone there to save his son flashart realizes that those animals aren't as bad as he thought and baddy tells him that the commander has built a machine to turn them into wigs immediately Freddy remembers seeing the commander and his uncle talking and realizes that Hotspur has the control to start the machine then with the help of the dogs Flash harp manages to break free of the chains and the group escapes through the tunnels however before they could escape the commander and her bodyguards found them and managed to surround them suddenly panny appears on her motorcycle and rushes at her enemies during the fight she asks Freddy to run to the mansion to stop her uncle from becoming the leader of the pack once everyone has made it through the ventilation shaft Twitchy decides to stay behind and help peny defeat the enemies during their escape from the tunnels the group ends up in the subway and gets a ride out of there when he comes into contact with sunlight as he is no longer wearing the silver collar Freddy transforms into a human again and has to steal some clothes on the way that night Lord hiil announces that since Freddy didn't show up for the ceremony his pack is without a leader therefore the group will need to summon the moon spirits to choose a new Commander just then Hotspur appears and says that he has found the Moonstone so he is worthy of taking over as leader of the pack he then turns into a wolf wolf and is followed by the other members of his pack on his first day of rain Hotspur presents the surprise he has been preparing for the last few months and shows off the machine that will destroy all the dogs in the city then just as the madman is about to press the button Freddy and his friends show up and the boy manages to stop him soon afterwards flash hard appears and all his family are happy to see him except for his traitorous brother while the Wolves try to figure out what's going on appears in his ice cream truck equipped with silver guns and starts shooting just then flashart is hit and collapses immediately Freddy runs towards cryp while the dogs take his father to safety when he sees Freddy the ice cream man recognizes him and says that everything he has done in recent years has been to try to avenge the boy's death while the man is distracted hper takes the opportunity to attack him and ends up dropping the remote control that will activate the machine quickly Freddy runs to get him and manages to steal the control meanwhile penny is in the pet shop freeing all the dogs and trying to defeat the commander however when Hotspur presses the button the machine is activated and Twitchy ends up being sucked into it at that moment the dog directs all his Fury towards saving himself and destroys the device from the inside causing a huge explosion realizing that his plan has fallen through Hotspur is furious and attacks Freddy while trying to escape the boy accidentally frees his cousins from the attic and manages to gain time to climb onto the roof the problem is that his uncle continues to pursue him and Freddy sees no choice but to transform himself knowing that in human form he will never be a match for the enemy seeing that his friends and family believe in him the boy feels even more encouraged and when he is Touched By the Light of the Moon he transforms back into a poodle despite his fragile appearance Freddy discovers that he is as powerful as any other wolf and using his Roar knocks Hotspur off the roof the next day the commander and her staff are arrested and all the dogs in town are welcome at the loopin Mansion now that flashart is back in charge of his pack Freddy doesn't have to worry about being the leader and has the opport Unity to learn from his father how to become a strong and courageous wolf so what did you think of this movie leave it in the comments below and if you like the video like And subscribe for more movie Recaps see you next time
Channel: Prime Recap
Views: 239,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, beat movies, sumarring movies, defeating movies, horror movies, scary tales, recap, film summary, film summarizing, movie summary, movies recap, mr recap movies, mr recap animes, mr recap
Id: bL5HYgaFozo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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