The animals of this world are SPECIAL AGENTS trained to SAVE the species from EXTINCTION - RECAP

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investigating the theft of a new radioactive element a spy cat infiltrates a hospital and has to face an ice demon to recover the substance today we're going to recap the story of the movie spicies from 2019 while waiting for his chimpanzee partner to make a deal a secret agent called Willie scans the surroundings and spots a rather suspicious leopard on a racing motorcycle although the Spy cat wants to get closer to neutralize him the mission leader orders him to continue waiting for the negotiation saying that they must maintain their disguises even though disagrees with the order Willies Waits until his partner picks up the briefcase with the contact as soon as the chimp touches the object the leopard and his henchmen show up to steal it setting off a Chase through the city streets while his partner swings from wire to wire Willies gets on a flying motorcycle and starts chasing the other cats giving the chimp a lift during the chase the leopard throws the suitcase to his partner who is driving on the roof and Willies has to go after him destroying the tops of the houses while his partner jumps on the thief's motorcycle with the primate on on its back the second leopard throws the suitcase back at the first and ends up crashing into a billboard even so the cat doesn't give up and jumps back into the street after the criminal leopard but as his vehicle is heavier and doesn't have wheels he destroys everything he passes including a building under construction looking back to see Willies the big cat ends up hitting a post office motorcycle and loses control ending up inside a tea house right behind him the Spy cat fails to break in time and also enters the restaurant breaking some supporting pillars in several tables despite this Willies manages to handcuff the criminal and retrieve the briefcase returning to the agency with a sense of accomplishment when Captain couter asks him to come to his office Willies is confident that he will be praised and begins to tell him how it all happened but contrary to expectations his boss is furious because of the destruction he has caused angrily the elephant shouts at Willies saying that he has made the agency look like a criminal organization as a way of punishing him Coulter says that he will remove him and puts him to work as a security guard guard on a platform in the East sea disgruntled willly says that he is the best agent and that he can't be put to work as a security guard but the captain says that this will be his punishment with no options the kitten accepts the mission and is flown by helicopter to the platform where he meets Hector the mouse scientist who conducts the agency's research on the high seas after the performances Willie spends his days waiting for something to happen while Hector watches his favorite soap opera just as the two are letting their guard down a submarine approaches the platform and ejects three individuals who infiltrate the place without the cat realizing their presence the group of invading animals manages to gain access to the warehouse and hack into the place's computers just above Willie starts teasing Hector for watching soap operas and the two end up fighting about to punch the mouse Scientist Willie sees a red light flashing on the dashboard and releases Hector to check the cameras finding out about The Intruders the two agents run towards the warehouse to prevent the robbery but the trio of Invaders noticed them approaching and send drones to try to neutralize them since he's trained to do this the cat can hit the drones quite easily but Hector has never used a gun before and can't hit his targets instead he jumps on top of a drone and accesses the motherboard to take control of the aircraft using the new Mount to destroy the others while his machines gain time the leader of the Invaders manages to gain access to the cargo and begins to escape asking one of his men to buy him some more time on the other hand the other two criminals grab a greenish cylinder and start to flee up the stairs but end up dropping a book after they have climbed up Willies arrives at the foot of the ladder and retrieves the object going after the two invaders straight away at the top of the platform the criminals are easily cornered by Willies and Hector but the other Invader appears behind them and knocks the rat out of the Drone opening the Gap to escape with his cronies when the mission fails the two return to the mainland where the captain fights them for letting criminals take the radio site and extremely secret and dangerous substance after his boss finishes talking Willie shows him that they dropped the hospital book and suggests that the Invaders hid there because of the discovery the captain decides to keep them in the agency and gives Willies one last chance to redeem himself saying that his next mission is to infiltrate the hospital and track down those responsible later the cat disguises itself as a nurse and puts Hector to sleep with a sleeping gas carrying him inside as if he were a patient as soon as he passes through the entrance the Pussycat doesn't think twice before pushing Hector's stretcher over and going to investigate on his own leaving the mouse to roll down the hospital stairs in the lobby Willies talks to the receptionist who points him in the direction of the changing room without checking his papers on the stairs Hector is woken up by Kev and Jim the maintenance workers who help him up on the other side Willies walks through the corridors until he reaches the director's office a grizzly bear that has the exact size and shape of the radio site Thief qualifying him as a possible suspect while looking for more clues Willie sees a news report about a rhinoceros agent who was frozen by an ice demon after telling us about the case the frog journalist says that rhinos are close to extinction and recalls what happened to the mammoths 20 years ago when they were all suddenly Frozen after the report Willies leaves to continue investigating when he finds nurse Khloe and her team pushing the Rhino to the emergency room because of the animals weight the staff can barely move the stretcher and Khloe asks Willies for help noticing the Rhino's weight the cat takes a fire extinguisher and puts it under the stretcher breaking the valve so that the cylinder acts as a propellant despite running over Hector and almost destroying the entire hospital they managed to get to the emergency room in time and the rabbit starts monitoring his Vital Signs discovering that he is about to collapse from hypothermia while they tried to rewarm the patient with the defibrillator Kev and Jim tried to fix a drinks machine and accidentally knock out the hospital's power now that the defibrillator has stopped Willie sees an eel in the aquarium and has the idea of using it to shock the Rhino thanks to this the large mammals heart starts beating again and it begins to recover its body heat inside the drinks machine Jim is helping Kev when he gets stuck in the gears while he is being dragged around a jet of coffee falls into the snake's mouth turning it into a Chinese dragon that flies around the hospital after Reviving The Rhino Willies and Khloe go out to talk when they meet Kev running away from Jim seeing the gigantic Dragon the rabbit asks Willie to distract the creature while she looks for sedatives to immobilize it in the middle of the confusion Hector wakes up on the stretcher just as Chloe picks up a crossbow with a sedative and gets an injection right in the forehead even so the rabbit manages to hit Jim with two darts turning him back into a normal snake in Flight with everyone in free fall Khloe ties a fire hose around her waist and throws herself off the balcony to rescue them preventing Willies and the others from crashing to the ground in the lobby one of the employees takes Hector to the receptionist and asks which ward he should stay in as she can't find his papers the spider wakes up the mouse and asks what he's doing in the hospital as he is still under the effects of the drug Hector tells them that he is a secret agent in Disguise causing him to be be taken to the psychiatric ward along with other patients who have escaped when he regains his senses Hector begins to think of a way to escape but no matter what he does nothing seems to work after many attempts Hector sees a ram in a straight jacket and has the idea of using it to escape causing the animal to headbutt him and rip the door off finally free the rat scientist goes to Willies who takes him into a room to talk on the spot the two argue again and the cat says that Hector is nothing but a burden Furious the mouse knocks over a patient chart and starts to run out of the room but before he can leave Willie sees that the stretcher was supposed to belong to the rhinoceros as the animal was partially frozen the cat says that it is impossible for it to walk and assumes that the Rhino has been captured just then Dr bear arrives with Mia a bee who works as an actress and stars in Hector's favorite soap opera hiding under the stretcher the two agents watch the bear present the room to the actress and then leave when she is alone Mia begins a phone call with a stranger who tells her about his mission to steal a nuclear bomb thinking it has something to do with the radio site the two agents come out from under the stretcher and grab Mia asking what she intends to do with the substance as Willies fills her with questions the girl accidentally drops the recorder revealing that it wasn't a phone call but a rehearsal for her next big role when he learns that she is going to play a spy Willies tries to leave as quickly as he can but Mia realizes that they are real secret agents and asks for their help to train for the role like a true fan Hector doesn't give it a second thought and starts giving willly various tips while he tries to leave but Mia won't allow it and says she wants to be part of the mission promising to tell everyone about the investigation left with no options Willies accepts and sets off with his group to investigate the hospital finding a pair of nurse bats roaming the corridors finding the two very suspicious Mia suggests following them and Willies agrees to encourage them the cat takes advantage of the bats entering the elevator and asks Hector to go downstairs to wait but when the door opens the place is completely empty confused Hector enters the elevator and hacks the system to see the exit history discovering that there is a secret floor between -2 and -3 with this new discovery they go up to the middle floor and start exploring the place which seems to be abandoned while investigating Willies finds a mural with several photos of the doctor and a map of Mammoth Island indicating that he really is the ice demon on the other side of the room Hector finds a folder with secret files on climate change and an old VHS tape walking around the place the spies find a cupboard full of radio tanks in a suit identical to the ones the Invaders wore on the platform confirming that it was he who stole the substance just then Willies hear something approaching and sees the two bats carrying the Rhino's stretcher away while following the nurses Willies is chased by the ice demon without realizing it leading the criminal straight to the Rhino as soon as he sees his Target the villain freezes his path and tries to attack the large mammal but Willies manages to attract his attention with a shot while hiding from the ice demon the spies find a motorcycle with the agency logo on it and decide to take it discovering that a part of it is capable of detaching to become a spaceship now that he can fly Willies goes after the exoskeleton Subzero and fires several shots at him but the villain still has the upper hand and manages to knock Mia and Hector off the bike using the armor thrusters the ice demon flies away and attracts Willies taking the opportunity to hit the ship with a freeze ray now that the agent is without a vehicle and unarmed the villain approaches and it's Hector who has to come to his rescue running over the enemy and firing a shot that breaks the freeze ray with that Hector manages to make the villain fly away and comes to the conclusion that the doctor stole the radio site to feed his exoskeleton in addition Willie shows that he got some of the enemy's hair to do the DNA test proving once and for all that the doctor is the culprit excited Hector goes to one of the hospital beds and uses his computer to analyze the hair but for some reason the system says that the species is not in the database confused the Mouse shows the result to Willies and says that the doctor must be a rare subspecies of bear downloading an expansion in the database after spending the night wondering where to find a VCR Mi wakes up the next morning and remembers that she has an antenna reduction surgery scheduled saying that the doctor will be here any minute just then Khloe appears in the room and asks what Willies is doing there forcing Mia to invent that they are cousins although she doesn't believe it Khloe talks about the surgery again and asks if Mia would like to give up claiming that once the antenna have been reduced she will no longer be able to communicate with the other bees in the Hive even so MIA insists that she wants to have the surgery saying that this is the only way she'll get her next big role giving in to pressure from her agent Khloe then takes Mia and Willies to the operating room while Hector stays in the bedroom waiting for the database at the time of the surgery the cat notices that the doctor has a bruise on his arm and asks what happened already imagining that it was the scratch from which he removed the hair despite this the bear says it was just a little accident with a pen and then changes the subject as the machines approach Mia we Willies knocks over a cup of coffee and burns out the motherboard circuit taking advantage of the Gap to ask for a break and go back to his room there the cat tells Hector about the bandage on the Bear's arm and asks if they can confirm that he really is the culprit but the mouse says that the update is still 85% complete wanting to arrest the doctor soon willly says they should forget about the DNA and find a VCR cycling to an antique store there the two agents ask for the device and go to the back of the store to watch the VHS tape as soon as they put the object in the VCR Willies discovers that the recordings are from the agency and that the doctor had been a member for over 20 years in the tapes the bear is on Mammoth Island the only place where the species existed until then because of global warming the Island's mammoths have begun to disappear and the doctor has gone there to carry out some experiments with his climate machine using radiosy energy to reverse the rise in temperature on the planet in the present day the doctor realizes that it will take a long time to fix the machine and postpones the surgery releasing Mia who returns to her room a few minutes before the DNA analysis is finished not knowing what to do the girl calls Hector to tell him the news but his cell phone discharges just as the analysis reaches 99% as the sellers don't have a cell phone charger Willies gives up on DNA and decides to continue watching the recording thinking he can reverse all the climate disasters on the planet the doctor turns on the machine right in the center of the island cooling the flowers that were already wilting from the heat despite the success something goes wrong and the Machine overloads freezing the flowers and causing an explosion of ice that wipes out almost everyone on the island at the hospital the analysis is finally completed and Mia discovers that the hair Willies picked up is from a mammoth which leaves her quite confused given that the doctor is a bear and that mammoths became extinct in the island accident in the antique store the agents finish watching the tape and Hector says that it proves that the doctor is involved in the extinction of the mammoths and also in the development of the freeze ray with the tape in hand Willies receives a call from Captain cter and goes to his office office to hand over everything he has discovered when he learns that the bear is to blame for everything the elephant says that everyone thought he was eliminated after Exterminating the mammoths but now that they know he's alive he'll go with his men to the hospital to hunt him down as a way of rewarding his agents Colter stands up and says he will promote them allowing Hector to see a bandage on the captain's arm before the mouse can come to any conclusions Colter's assistant gathers up the paperwork and puts it on a shelf which is actually the mechanism to a secret room where the exoskeleton is hidden revealing that the ice demon is Captain Coulter who is a mammoth and shaves his hair to look like an elephant now that they have discovered his secret cter arrests the three of them along with the leopard confused Willies takes advantage of his time in prison to think about why the nurses took the Rhino underground and why the doctor broke into the platform to steal radio site while he's thinking about it the leopard approaches to fight with Willies but Hector manages to keep the pece with a video game and the three of them join forces to escape thanks to the map tattooed on the feline's back the two agents manage to escape and go straight to the hospital entering the secret floor to talk to the doctor there Willies meets Khloe and discovers that she is also part of the doctor's team and that she helped to break into the platform the rabbit then reveals that she always knew he was an agent but was surprised to discover that he was enough to think that the doctor was the ice demon confused the two start asking questions and Khloe decides to take them to the doctor's office where she explains that she stole the radio site to power his machine and prevent global warming face to face with the doctor talks about the accident on Mammoth Island and reveals that he has been hiding in the hospital since that day working on his research with radio site to save the endangered species after the doctor has finished speaking Hector tells him that Coulter is a mammoth and that members of the agency are about to break into the hospital to arrest him to protect the innocent Willies joins the doctor and tries to tell the soldiers who Captain Coulter is but the agents don't believe him and a battle breaks out in the middle of the lobby being trained Willies and the others manag to knock out almost the entire entire agency Squad but they are outnumbered and end up trapped at that moment Hector appears with reinforcements from the psychiatric ward and manages to knock out several soldiers as Jim approaches the battlefield Kev takes a coin and puts it in the coffee machine giving a whole cup to the snake who turns back into a dragon however enemy reinforcements also arrive and Coulter appears with his exoskeleton freezing everyone around him to confront him Jim spits a huge blast of fire and the ice demon responds with a freezing Ray turning the dragon into into a crystal to end the battle the doctor appears in front of Coulter and decides to give himself up before finishing off the bear the mammoth in armor tells him that he was only a baby when he arrived on the island promising to save the mammoths although the elders believed him Colter's father already imagined that something could go wrong and decided to send his son away in a boat allowing the little animal to see his species become extinct from afar after the sea froze over Coulter returned to the island and found his family gone repentant the doctor says it was an accident and that Coulter is free to complete his revenge but Khloe and Willies refuse to allow it and join forces to stop him wanting to destroy the radio site on the mammoth's back the rabbit jumps towards it and ends up being frozen even alone Willies doesn't give up and goes after his former Captain with an ice stake but ends up being pushed away and exposed to the freezing blast at the last second Hector steps in to save his friend and ends up being frozen in his place Mia then appears determined to avenge her biggest fan and uses her antenna to an army of drones that fly around the villain trapping Coulter in a Vortex of ice taking advantage of the distraction Willies grabs a gun and runs up behind the mammoth while asking the bees to get out of the way firing a shot right into the radio sight tank even after his freezing gun explodes Coulter doesn't give up and takes me a prisoner before he can do anything the doctor appears and shows the captain that he managed to save his sister on the day of the accident making Coulter surrender using the power of radio site the doctor manages to unfreeze everyone was frozen by the ray in addition Mia was able to make the most of her time as a temporary spy and used her knowledge to play the lead role in her new movie achieving worldwide Fame on the other hand Hector stops working at the agency and becomes Mia's security guard working alongside his star for the rest of his life so what did you think of this movie leave it in the comments below and if you like the video like And subscribe for more movie Recaps see you next time
Channel: Prime Recap
Views: 75,564
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Keywords: how to beat, beat movies, sumarring movies, defeating movies, horror movies, scary tales, recap, film summary, film summarizing, movie summary, movies recap, mr recap movies, mr recap animes, mr recap
Id: 2gxanh2ZX3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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