My Worst PE Teacher Experience (Ft. SomeThingElseYT)

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so back in middle school one of my favorite  classes that i always looked forward to having was   physical education and whilst in most of my  lectures i tried finding different ways to snooze   or stuff a big bag of doritos chips under my desk  and finish it quietly before class ended pe was   just another recess where i could play sports with  my friends and just genuinely have fun but all   that was taken away from me when this 1 pe teacher  came along and we're going to call him mr pain mr pain wasn't just your average hey let's divide  them into teams and play some good old dodgeball   kind of teacher no no no no he was the kind of  teacher who would immediately get you down on the   ground to do some military push-ups and if you  weren't counting loud enough he was like louder louder ssay it louder first of all there was no one in school that  was as jacked as mr pain like as a skimpy   little middle schooler he looked massive  to me he always wore these exact same   tight-fitting black training t-shirts that  made his muscles look like they were about to   pop out of his skin or something plus  he was also the official coach for the   varsity boys basketball team which meant  that he knew how to keep the rowdy bunch   in check he was like fletcher from whiplash  or the gordon ramsay of physical education   he was the kind of teacher that was not afraid to  push you beyond your limits by any means possible   if he wanted you to eat a bowl of bark and nails  you were gonna eat those barking nails along   with the bowl and even the table itself now one  thing you're gonna know about mr pain was that huh hey have you heard this bozo named tj toons  got his youtube account hacked a few weeks ago i   know hasn't he heard about online protection it's  like he's asking for his computer to get hacked   yeah if only he was using nordvpn he wouldn't  have gotten his computer out in the first place can you um can you tell me more about this  nordvpn uh sure hey wait a minute aren't you tj   this video was sponsored by nordvpn i'd have  to say after my recent hacking incident i've   taken online protection more seriously than  ever before thanks to nordvpn's top military   grade encryption and no data logging i can now  freely serve the web without having to worry about   getting my personal information stolen by pesky  hackers ever again haha just look at him they're   powerless little scrumps of simply boot it up and  pick and choose whichever country you want to be   in out of the 60 different countries available and  boom you now have access to all these shows that's   not available in your country and you can do this  on six different devices simultaneously on either   desktops or mobiles plus if you think this isn't  for you there's a 30 day money back guarantee so   don't be afraid to give it a try head on over to toons or used to code tj toons to   get 73 off a two-year plan plus four additional  months free once again that's toons   enjoy and now back to the video now one thing  you gotta know about mr pain was that lack of   competence and frailty was intolerable standing  in the shade during a blazing hot day f sitting on   the ground after stranious exercise f walking for  a few seconds during a mile run fff and a sprinkle   of detention cause yeah he can just do that oh and  all the students were super reluctant in speaking   up or asking any questions because if you said  anything remotely dumb or slightly out of line   this happened and that's how you  play basketball any questions um yes   mr toons can i sub out during a game when i'm thirsty do birds lay eggs in the air   no do cows grow on trees no sir good now go  put on a heart rate and run a mile please bro   if mr pain had a knack for anything it was  definitely making people suffer through his   exercises but among all these exercises the  worst out of every single one of them was   none other than treading water now if there's one  thing that i can't do for the life of me is this how how are they doing this i mean don't get  me wrong i'm a pretty good swimmer and i have   no problem swimming laps around the pool but  for some reason i just couldn't tread water   and knowing this you would think mr  pain would maybe put me aside in the   shallow end of the pool and teach me how  it's done like a normal swimming teacher   but nope he put me smack dab in the deepest  darkest part of the pool and proceeded right   to the main event we called it the treading  circle the way this exercise worked was that we   had to tread water for 15 whole minutes while  linking our arms over each other's shoulders   in one big circle so if the guy beside  you started struggling and panicking you were dead but that's not all to make  it even worse mr pain would make us take   turns in carrying this 10 pound rubber  brick over our heads and if you dropped   it before he blew the whistle everyone in  the class got an f for the day now this   was me in middle school i know i know i know  i was one scrawny looking noodle arm beta male   not only were we unable to use our arms  to tread but as you can tell from the   picture my muscles just weren't developed  enough for this and to top it all off   i was right next to one of the least fit kids in  our class this wasn't even a pe exercise anymore it was attempted murder surprisingly though  i was able to survive the first few minutes   of the exercise but then it was finally my turn  to take over the brick once it was passed down i   knew that nothing else mattered more than  this very moment because if i dropped it   then everyone got an f this meant a lifetime of  bullying and being made fun of and i wasn't having   any of that there was five seconds remaining  on the clock and by some miracle i managed to   keep the brick above water in the expense of  my head being completely submerged underwater   and at this point i was literally breathing in  and gulping down a crap ton of water for air   and before my brain could panic and give up  on everything altogether i finally heard it take the brick hey where are you going   it's okay don't look back don't  look back just just keep swimming   just keep swimming who cares about on f i'll die  trying to finish that exercise all i gotta do   is get on land that's right that's right come on  legs don't give up on me now come on almost there mr pain obviously saw the sad public display  of me thrashing and bashing like a maniac so he   casually stepped in to save me without breaking  a sweat and then i passed out thankfully i didn't   take the blame for the class failing but despite  my best efforts i still got an f for not finishing   the task and after this grueling and embarrassing  near-death experience i hit the cafeteria to take   a breather to treat myself for all the crap i went  through for the day but before i could even pick   out anything i heard a very familiar voice  call out to me from behind mr toons yes sir pick a drink all right right sorry for holding the line i   actually haven't decided yet you can order first  if you want i don't mind no i mean pick a drink   it's my treat yeah go ahead  it's it's fine it's on me okay thank you keep it up you know that moment when someone you know  who's always been so mean and so harsh to you   suddenly show you one tiny vulnerable act  of kindness and it somehow becomes this   huge emotional slap across your face that hits you  way harder than a thousand normal act of kindness   from a regular friend this was that moment i  freaking chugged that drink with tears rolling   down my eyes and that's when i realized this was  mr pain the kind of teacher that you hated with   every fiber of your being but also respected  admired and wanted to impress just as much   i've been so caught up in just how much i hated  the way he taught or just the things he made me do   that i completely forgot about how  much of an impact he's made in my life   looking back on it now as a grown adult i only  have respect and appreciation for what he did   for me as a teacher and i guess that was just  mr pain's way of showing that he cared at the   end of the day he was still the worst pe teacher  ever but then again he was also kind of the best all right let's get to recording hello hello  hello hello blah blah blah here we go yes mr toons   yes mr toons yeah mr toon what do you want   yes mr toons what is it what do you want mr  toon [ __ ] indulge us with a question about about subbing mr toons mr  toons mr toontz mr mr pain   is the name don't wear it out or  you'll be lame it rhymes so it's cool   god damn little kid look at you what are  we doing it's stupid pat pat keep it up okay i think that's it i hope uh hope the video  does well i mean it seems like a good video it's   fun it's cool it's great i love you god look at  us look what we're doing uh okay well you know   the drill stay hydrated uh and smash like that  smash button there we go that's the one bye bye
Channel: TJ Toons
Views: 7,810,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SomeThingElseYT, PE, Teacher, tjtoons, story-time, animation, Experience, Worst
Id: bl9DuMLr9k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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