The Most HILARIOUS FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER

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merry early christmas oh my god my mom is calling me again hey guys i'm back fake minecraft speedruns are hilarious because people are terrible at hiding the fact that they cheated these are the funniest fake minecraft speedruns this speed runner starts off spawning in a village they immediately dig into this specific block and there's a chest under it but it's empty so they must have forgotten to fill it before they started the speed run also the villagers aren't moving and they're floating in the air so the speed runner definitely spawned them in prior to the run with command blocks and they can't even trade with them because they forgot to fill their secret chest from earlier they resort to plan b and get some wood and make some tools then they start digging straight into a wall that suspiciously had a bunch of flowers near it and there's a ruined nether portal that needs one more block of obsidian but it looks like they forgot to fill all the chests they spawned in creative because this one is completely empty with no shame whatsoever there's a hilariously obvious cut in the footage and the portal suddenly is complete but they don't have flint and steel to light it well they must be really lucky because they break the chest and dig beneath it and there's another chest this must be a new feature luckily there's splint and steel in the chest and that's it not suspicious at all they go to the nether but waste a lot of time trying to find another fortress all of a sudden there's a cut to the run but it seems like nothing is different they're still wasting a lot of time wait what they just killed a piglet and it dropped 24 blaze rods how is that even possible well i guess they don't need another fortress anymore so they go back to the portal but it's not lit anymore which is really unlucky and impossible but i think they did this for a reason they explore a little more and find a different portal that's already lit but it brings them to what seems like the middle of nowhere they go down this seemingly normal waterfall and it leads them directly to the stronghold still though they haven't found any endermen so it's going to be impossible for them to fill the end portal well they go to a very specific room and inside is an enderman farm they're literally falling from the sky and this guy doesn't have to move a muscle on top of that each enderman is dropping five pearls every time with this luck this guy should play the lottery they craft eyes of ender fill the portal and enter the end and out of nowhere they start flying as if they have fireworks and elytra but their hotbar doesn't show any of that also they just entered the end so how else would they legitimately get elytra so using these new tools and just cropping a fake hot bar over their screen they kill the ender dragon but it looks like they have so many plugins running the end game portal doesn't even work so they just cut the footage what incarnation this speedrunner starts off by getting wood building tools and exploring a mine shaft for extra lube they find pretty normal looking loot like a few gold ingots some armor and an ender pearl after a while of exploring they go back to the surface and they throw the ender pearl which is a complete waste because they're gonna need it for the eyes of engine are you serious okay so then magically teleporting to the stronghold was clearly fake but it can't get worse right well they start looting chests in the stronghold and they find some diamonds some bread and ac 130 wait what this one was legit this speed run i'm apologizing in advance for the brain cells you're about to lose world generation looks normal their spawn looks normal loot looks good okay now wait a second maybe they could have gotten away with the enchanting bottles but a diamond pickaxe and a sharpness 1000 book yeah right will it slide for now they go to the brewing stand and oh look a villager left some blaze powder in it how convenient the speedrunner tries to apply their sharpness 1000 enchantment to the wooden sword but it doesn't work so they just equip the book instead weird but when they use it as a weapon it's a one hit ko ah yes the one punch book now i love marvel movies especially doctor strange but this part is just too much for me i'm not sure how this is possible but they're in a completely different village now and then they jump down this hole and the fabric of reality is torn in half they return to the original village and they casually loot it for food as if none of that portal sorcery just happened on top of that they just casually walk by this floating portal to a different dimension they jump down the well but instead of the well it's a hallway that leads directly to the stronghold and it has 11 eyes of ender in it which is impossible right when they enter the end they suddenly have slow falling and at this point the speedrun moderators are probably impressed they actually waste a lot of time waiting for the dragon to perch despite having a book that can one hit ko anything finally they realize they have to break the end crystals to make the dragon perch so they attempt breaking one of them and they die by accident honestly if you consider magic as tool assisted this was a great speed run this speed run actually has a professional start to it they spawn in a village take a bet in a crafting table but then there's this weird tree that has a sign on it that reads i am a tree with apples and item frames he breaks the base of the tree and falls through a trapdoor to the stronghold there's a chest that has three ender pearls and iron boots and an end portal that only needs one eye of ender the chances of this happening is literally one in a trillion but the speedrunner can't actually complete the portal so this is the end of the run right wrong he jumps into the lava and there's a secret cavern beneath it that has an unusually tall ruined nether portal in it but there's ancient debris near it so this is clearly fake they find one block of obsidian and flint and steel in the chest and there's conveniently one empty spot on the portal to fill they like the portal enter the nether wait a second how are they running so quickly on soul sand they conveniently find a bastion and there's a door that leads to an enchantment table no wait why are they leaving the speedrunner instead jumps down a ditch lands on a blaze spawner and the button they press gives them one blaze rod totally legit they go down a hallway with 16 ancient debris which isn't even possible and it leads back to the nether portal why aren't they going through the portal they throw an ender pearl and find another lit nether portal and it leads them to the middle of nowhere i don't think they understand how speed runs work they go up to an oak tree in a desert which isn't even possible and remember what happened last time when they broke a tree well this must be the newest feature so they're in the end but they have no blocks to bridge to the i can't watch this anymore and oh look a ladder how convenient with no shame whatsoever the speedrunner fights in a grueling battle against this recreation of the enderdragon and beats the game who did they think they were fooling this speedrunner starts off by getting wood jumping in the ocean and taking a swim and then he crafts a minecart wait this is the wrong footage this speed run starts off fairly normal they have a legitimate looking world creation screen but when they load in it clearly says changed game mode to survival despite the terrible job at cropping it out on top of that the player has blocks on their hotbar and nonchalantly throws them into the ocean as if it never happened oh yeah they spawned in an ocean remember the creative world from earlier coincidence i think not well maybe they can redeem themselves wait no why are they mining stones with their hands ah yes a conveniently placed barrel right at spawn full of water breathing potions the only thing that would be even more convenient would be an underwater shipwreck full of overpowered loot am i right you've got to be kidding me this kid really placed stacks of netherey blocks eyes of ender and end portal frames and thought they could get away with it well it's still early in the run they can still redeem themselves right wrong they must have gone in creative and built this nether portal and another barrel full of more unnecessarily overpowered loot they only take the flint and steel and try to light the portal but quickly realized that they built the portal incorrectly but it's fine they've got a plan the speedrunner tries making the end portal and after a few minutes of trying to figure out why the portal won't work they realize they forgot to place an eye but even then it still doesn't work i can't watch this anymore naturally they try to make another end portal and they mess that one up too third time's a charm right after wasting five minutes being bad at cheating they finally get to the end but they realize that they never got any tools so they waste another five minutes trying to figure out how the slash give command works after legitimately getting anotherite pickaxe you can see they turn on keep inventory even after they try to crop it out of the video hmm not sure why they'd need that on roll the clip that's right they use the slash kill command that even kills themselves but it's okay they're making great time after shamelessly respawning and returning to the end they almost get killed by an enderman and beat the game a lot of people have been asking me when my next videos come out so if you want updates on my videos go follow me on twitter link in description
Channel: Ayundaru
Views: 16,376,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fake minecraft speedruns, fake minecraft speedrun, fake minecraft speedruns be like, fake speedrun, minecraft speedrun fake, fake minecraft speedruns in a nutshell, mincraft, fake speedruns, minecraft speedruns, minecraft manhunt, minecraft 1.17, caves and cliffs update, ayundaru, linus studios, linus studios fake minecraft speedruns, funniest fake minecraft speedruns, most hilarious fake minecraft speedruns, ayundaru fake minecraft speedrun, minecraft in ohio
Id: dKngJmftQwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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