Vesta Layne Mangun ~ Week lll "The Acts of The Apostles"

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how much time do you have tonight my moderator is not here oh but the bishop is and his wonderful wonderful sweet Venus oh my mind wasn't today awesome not only not only our minister but every one of these men on this platform were a flame of fire they were a flame of fire what's your name and what's your name and what's yours what's yours and what's yours the whole bunch but let me tell you and lanes taking her time and I shouldn't be taking your time but I prayed here I said God let people that sit in that audience tomorrow see angels all over that platform and let there be a circle of fire in circle every one of them that if is doing anything on that platform tomorrow God is with us don't miss the link don't miss a step and I loved every one of them and they were absolutely awesome and Gentry I already loved souls but she even made me love dogs i'ma get me one name but if you believe the Bible the message this morning is a good introduction to the book of Acts and it ought to happen and it could happen here tonight judge I'm glad you're here and I'm glad that sweet lady that has brought you here tonight that the both of you're here and I'm gonna speak rapidly so don't don't take my time you just sit up and and listen because I've got to hurry with this because I want to give you the very the very end of it but it's the message of the Bible what we heard this morning Souls that's the message before the foundation of the world that's the message of Jesus Christ that's the message of the apostles we've got to do something with this they much known much required the Acts of the Apostles and reality is the acts of the Holy Ghost spirit through the Apostles and the early church the author of this book is the Holy Ghost the pennmen is Luke whom Paul calls the beloved physician in Colossians 4 he was a close associate of the Apostle Paul as indicated in the we sections of the book he was a man of culture as indicated by literary style he had a universal outlook thus in the days of the Lord amidst the calculations and miscalculations of men the Spirit of God moved upon the systematic mind of loot to write as he declares in Luke 1 1 through 4 acts is not a part of the gospel of the birth life death resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ yet it is a continuation of it access not one of the epistles the letters are to the church that was begun on the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 yet it introduces them acts the liaison between the gospel and the epistles this is appreciated from the two key words began and continued the weakness of the town titled the Acts of the Apostles is quickly seen when it is realized that the greater part of the book concerns Peter and Paul the eleven apostles are only mentioned once Judas and Matthias twice and John five times other prominent characters such as Steven Philip Barnabas Mark Silas and Timothy are not apostles of the original twelve in reality the book of Acts is the acts of the Holy Ghost through the Apostles and the early church acts as a sequel to the life of Christ in the Gospels it records the spread of Christianity from Jerusalem to Rome it is the initiation of Jesus Christ Great Commission to make disciples of all nations every gospel writer closed out his Gospels with that Commission in some form or other Matthew 28 Luke 24 mark 16 John 20 acts 1 and 8 is the key to the book not only does this first predict the outpouring of the Holy Ghost spirit and its powerful witness but the geographical references present a simple outline of the narrative in general Acts relates the step by step of Christianity westward thank God from Palestine to Italy it begins in Jerusalem chapters 1 through 7 with Peter assuming the major role and the Jews as the recipients of the gospel following the death of Stephen chapter 7 widespread persecution broke out against the church and believers scattered sowing the seed of the gospel in Samaria and among the Gentiles 8 through 12 during the period of history the conversion of Saul of Tarsus that was a great name folks occurred chapter 9 Oh any an event of such importance that Luke in cludes three long descriptions of this incident chapters 9 22 and 26 the longest section of Acts focuses on the development and expansion of the Gentile ministry directed by Paul and his associates chapters 13 through 28 it concludes with Paul's arrival in Rome capital of the Empire and representative of the end of the earth and the book ends rather abruptly because in all likelihood Luke had brought the matter up to date and there was no more to write then but the church would continue through the same power of the Spirit the holy to write new chapters every day as we're writing them in Alexandria the key to the purpose of Acts is the first verse where Luke implies that the book is a continuation of the Gospel of Luke in the last chapter of the Book of Luke the Lord twice opens the understanding even of the Emmaus disciples then he opens the understanding of the disciples that were locked behind closed doors and saying I told you these things before I died now I want to tell you I want to open your understanding so the Gospel according to Luke told what Jesus began both to doing to teach and acts tell us what the resurrected ascended Lord continues to do and teach through the power of the Holy Ghost through the Apostles and his church as long as the church continues on planet earth our until the rapture of the church the power of the Holy Ghost through the church is the most striking feature in Acts the book has been called the acts of the Holy Ghost the work of the Holy Ghost spirit in Acts however cannot be understood without seeing the relationship between Acts and the Gospels am I going too fast thank you which demonstrates any sensual continuity both of the public ministry of Jesus in the Gospels Peter refers to it in his sermon to the household of Cornelius in acts 10:38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth our example not only our Savior but our example he anointed him with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him and the public ministry of the church in acts after acts 2 1 2 4 both are essential accounts of the results of the power of the Holy Ghost the power of the Holy Ghost anointed authorized Jesus as our example to preach the kingdom of God and to demonstrate kingdom power by healing the sick casting out demons and setting the captives free absolutely it ought to happen here tonight the same Holy Ghost power from on high in Acts chapter 2 gave the authority to the disciples and the early church the Apostles Jesus is the prototype of spirit filled spirit empowered Spirit led life acts 10:38 the book of Acts is the story of the Apostles of the early church that was begun on the day of Pentecost in a 10-day prayer meeting where Peter James John Andrew Phillip Thomas Bartholomew Matthew James the son of Alphaeus Simon Zelotes and Judas the brother of James remember Judas and Jude and Judah Judah all three but you have to differentiate them these all half-brother to Jesus Christ was the was Jude and James continued with one Accord in prayer and supplication with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus and with his brethren who didn't believe in him until after the resurrection he was reared under the roof with boys that did not believe in him until after the resurrection and in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples and said the number of the names in that prayer meeting together were about a hundred and twenty and Mary the mother of Jesus was there and so were his brethren when suddenly in Acts chapter two they received what Jesus we in order to do what Jesus did to teach what Jesus taught and to do what Jesus did the church was birthed in a mighty United continued earnest prayer meeting nearly two weeks shamelessly sleeplessly tirelessly waiting and knocking suddenly the Holy Ghost failed on all who waited for that promise of the Father in Pentecostal glory and power they continued in prayer steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine fellowship breaking a bread but they emphasized prayer centralized in prioritized prayer that's how they reached Jerusalem Judea Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth there's more prayer recorded in the book of Acts than there are miracles the Apostles lived and ministered in the realm of the miraculous even the layman like Stephen and Philip who served tables but they were used to modely of the Holy Ghost working miracles and stirring into our cities you can't read the book of acts without wonder and all at the miracles God worked for them through them and among them angels appeared to them unlocked their chains and walked them out of highly security prisons they were altogether different in the book of Acts than they were in the last chapter of of Luke it is the progress of the gospel as it pleases from its initial establishment into the development of the church as it moves from Jerusalem through Asia to Rome as it moves from Jerusalem through Asia to Rome and to the uttermost parts of the earth as it expands from Jews to Gentiles on earth Jesus Christ completed his work in redemption in heaven Jesus Christ continues his work in the church the work of redemption he did alone his present work is a Malone his present work is accomplished the Ministry of his servants and say this with me we can do this I want you to step better we can do this I won't stop much only just for this we can do this we are the counterpart we are the extension we are the book of Acts church in the 21st century we can do this we can do this now I'm talking about a miraculous way of living for every true believer the Lord has not changed the same Lord is with us we have the same promises and God is more than willing to do them again if the miraculous was needed to establish the church it is even more needed in these closing days of the church age evil men have waxed worse and worse and sin has abounded many times over Sadducees have increased violence has broken out the uncontrolled and hail has enlarged its barred borders so Satan has come down with great wrath as doctrines of demons comes in like a flood and apostasy grows worse say we need a book of Acts demonstration the book has two major divisions oh we're seeing these things in this church we're hearing about these miracles but we can do more and we're going to claim more we're going to see more the book has two major divisions home missions 1 through 7 in Jerusalem overseas missions chapters 8 through 28 in Samaria and to the uttermost parts of the earth home missions chapters 1 through 7 in Jerusalem Luke's starting point is they're sending Lourdes which is where the future ministry begins but he rehearse it a little of Luke as I told you he opened their understanding they walked with him for three and a half years without this promise of the Father the wonderful Holy Spirit and now he's connecting them and showing them how that that links them it created a link when he referred Duke referred back to it it refers to the resurrection and the disciples returned to also the promise given by the two men in white apparel that said this same Jesus which was taken up from you in like manner he's going to return to in the same way that he went away and so they returned to Jerusalem and were in that prayer room for 10 days and I've already named their names when suddenly Pentecost Acts chapter 2 it was one of the Feast established by the Lord in Leviticus 23 it was observed annually 50 days after the presentation or the presentation of the firstfruits the Jews still keep it in commemoration of the giving of the law at Sinai the day was not new but what happened on that day was new it was the fulfillment of that which the Old Testament had anticipated and which the Lord had promised just before he ascended saying if I go away I will send you another comforter even the Holy Ghost spirit of promise another of the same kind but diversities of operation and ministries one besides me and in addition to me but hear me but one just like me he will do in my absence this wonderful gift of the Holy Ghost will do in my absence what I would do if I were physically present with you the Holy Spirit the promise of the Father assures the continuity what Jesus did and taught and the miracles and signs and wonders he did say we can do that acts 1:4 through five and being a similar together with him Jesus commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem but wait for this promise of the Father which saith he have heard of me for John truly baptized with water but she shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence first of all we must understand that the first eight verses of the first chapter of Acts hear me proclaim the last recorded words of Jesus Christ before his ascension as we all know those last words of anyone especially that of Jesus Christ are of immense immense significance the Lord could have dealt any subject he desired but we are led to believe that the subject that he dealt with the baptism of the holy spirit was and is the most important in essence he was saying to his disciples and all his followers do not try to go and witness to preach to establish churches until you are first baptized with the Holy Ghost it is a measure of the spirit of the fullness of all that dwelled in Jesus Christ would you not want a measure of what wealth in Jesus Christ his nature his power his resurrection said what was in him a measure of that is in us and said we can do what he did oh I want to clap my hands I just have to stop long enough to do that that is that this grace that I wish somebody would shout at me we can do there now in fact the promise of the Father which eyes they are 2811 Joel 2:28 and 29 revealed what this promise of the Father the baptism of the Holy Ghost is absolutely imperative that is if the person is to be born again according to John 3:5 and is to be spiritually effective it what the Holy it is the resurrection power it's the power that brought Jesus Christ out of the grave it's the power that raised him from the dead if any man have not that spiritual nun appears his nature is in his attributes his DNA it's the Dynamo in you of which the gifts of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit is manifesting and and and what you've got to understand it is whatever is done for the Lord he says must be conceived by the spirit birthed by the spirit and carried out by the Spirit those who are born again of water and of the Spirit are merely channels through which this spirit works even Jesus disciples personally had been with him for some three and a half years which means they were privileged to have the greatest teaching and preaching any human beings ever heard still our Lord emphatic Li tells them and all his followers that they must be baptized with the Holy Ghost tarry until you be endued with power from on high this tells us how important this great baptism actually is in the days of his flesh in John 4:14 I have been with you now I will be in you O without the moving of the Spirit someone as well said the moving of the Spirit is the beginning of life life eternal life eternal I'm not talking about life of 70 years can you imagine you can't get your mind wrapped around that I've got the I've got eternal life inside of me my body may die but but my eternal spirit and it will resurrect me I have to get that in without that there's no eternal life in me and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all one Accord in one place senator came to stand from heaven period of them cloven tongues like found they were all filled with the holy and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave their mother it's the birth sound it's the Abba Father sound the word Pentecost in 5050 well I've already had not already done that and it was on the day of Pentecost and for all there was 120 or more and the initial physical evidence that one had been baptized or filled with the Holy Ghost there is no infilling without this particular sign the prophet Isaiah in fact some 750 years prior had predicted this phenomenon and was and it was quoted by Paul but this this just jumped out at me this week Isaiah said well stammering lips and another tongue will God speak to this his people and this is the rest in 1st Corinthians 14 and 21 Paul refers to that he says in 1st Corinthians 14:20 in the law it is written speaking about our share with men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people and yet for all that will they not hear me saith the Lord there are five accounts of outpourings of the Holy Ghost in acts three of these accounts in fatty clay state the recipient spoke with tongues acts 2:4 acts 1026 acts 19 one through seven the other two occasions give no details just saying they receive the Holy Ghost age 17 9 17 this does not mean that they did not speak in tongues only that it is not mentioned in fact there is evidence they did regarding the revival in Samaria Acts chapter 8 Philip the Evangelist and when Peter and John laid their hands on these individuals that they might receive the Holy Ghost Simon the sorcerer saw this taking place and offered the Apostles money that he also may have power to do such Peter answered him send your money perish with you can't buy this this is for whosoever will you can't buy this your money your money your popularity your all of that you have neither part nor lot in this matter this the word matter in this we looked it up the word matter in this particular case is the Greek in logos which translates into other ins talk a word this strongly implies that they spoke with other tongues when Ananias played pro Paul to be filled with the Holy Ghost in acts 9 the scripture doesn't tell us there that he talked in tongues but Paul later tells us in 1st Corinthians 14 and 18 I thank my god I speak with tongues more than you all so the biblical evidence is replete that all believers were without exception speak with other tongues when baptized are filled with the Holy Ghost Peter explains Pentecost saying but these are not drunken as he supposed seeing it is but the third hour of the day but this is that get hold of that but this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel seven to eight hundred years prior he didn't say this fulfills that spoken by the Prophet Joel but rather this is that which were spoken this is the fulfillment of the first proclamation of the gospel in genesis 3:15 this is the fulfillment of first Peter 1 10 through 12 of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently who prophesied of this grace searching what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ would come and what would be signified in the glory and whom and unto whom it was revealed excuse me that not unto themselves but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven which things the angels desire to look into this is that this is that's which the dispensations all were tied into it's the best wine that he's saved to the last we're living in the greatest dispensation of all the dispensation of the church age the Holy Ghost dispensation this is that this is what the prophets inquired in search diligently into the Angels desired it this means it began on the day of Pentecost and it continues to this very hour this is that we must go tell it we must go tell it we must go tell it x2 now when they heard these things that were pricked in their hearts Peter preaches his first message you ought to study that message it's the most perfect message that's ever been preached it's really even even pause three messages Peter preached a powerful message there that that fisherman preached and three thousand souls were added they were how can we get this this group of three thousand one hundred twenty individual people were fused by the Holy Ghost into one body these ordinary people became the founders of the greatest community of all times they the church the promise of the Holy Ghost and the accompanying power were not exclusive to that day and those people for says the Apostle Peter the Apostles with the keys to the church age Holy Ghost dispensation when asked what they must do after his sermon Peter said to them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of removal the blotting out the erasing of your sins and ye shall receive this gift of the Holy Ghost but the promise is unto you and to your children and to all that are far off even as many as the Lord our God shall call who wouldn't walk God's nature on the inside of them it's for me I want it I have it I want more of it I want to stay filled with it if you have been called of God even if you've just made this first step of repentance the promise of the Holy Ghost belongs to you Peter Sirmon acts 2:14 for it was not what Peter thought it was what God said he caused his hearers his auditors to become witnesses themselves with such words as as ye yourselves know the results 3000 that very day added to the hundred and twenty oh and and this was the first of his three summons preached by Peter recorded in chapters two three and four this is just a simple introduction chapter three of Peter and John I'm gonna I'm gonna rush down through here on their way to a prayer meeting here's a certain lame man lame from his mother's womb whom they'd like say we can do that are you convinced of that needs you to be convinced say that can happen in this church anytime anywhere this is not done away with this is the book of Acts this is a book of Acts Church we ought to contend for it contend for the faith that was once delivered this is for us heals this certain lame man from his mother's womb laid there every day begging alms the whole place knew him and when Peter took him by the hand lift him up and silver and gold have we none but such as we have in the name of Jesus Christ and he stood walked entered with them into the temple walking leaping and praising God said we can do that Acts chapter three verses 12 through 16 is a part of Peter second sermon explaining it was called into question about all of this they didn't rejoice over this and his and and and they said but did you do this Acts chapter 3 versus twist and his name through faith in his name what's the name has made this man strong Thank You brother Kenny he always asked us and I shout it louder than anybody I love that name I love that name I've been baptized in that name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I've been healed in that name my faith in that name this man is standing here well because of this mighty miracle of eBrush Peter and John are put into custody howbeit many of them which heard the word believed and the number of the men was about five thousand that saw that that's why we have miracles are you willing to be crippled are you willing that in John 9 that our last evangelist preached on that it was such a great sermon and that that boy had been blind for twenty-five years and his mother and father walked him around for 25 years and when they asked who had sinned and not the family not he not anybody and Jesus said that I might be glory that God might be glorified are you willing to take on something that God can move for you and then he be glorified he said and then the Sanhedrin commands Peter not to preach or speak henceforth to end to no man in this name but Peter and John answered and said to them whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken to you more than unto you more than God you judge people we cannot but Speak the things which we have seen in her remember in Luke 24 Jesus opened their understanding and said repentance and remission of sins must be preached in his name among all nations say beginning at Jerusalem so Jesus Christ commissioned and commanded us that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name and we're not gonna stop preaching in Jesus name do with us what you want help yourself but we are of these things and being let go they winch they went to their own company they went to their own company I'm with my own company tonight I won't live with you die with you go to heaven with you I'm yours I'm on your hand you ain't running me off for getting rid of me if you vote me out I'll go to some corners start waving we cannot but Speak the things that Jesus being let go there were birds of a feather flock together so you're stuck with me then they had a prayer meeting for bonus outspokenness unreserved utterance without cowardice timidity or fear by stretching forth thine hand O Lord heal that signs and wonders may be done in by thy name the Holy Child Jesus I said when they had prayed they had a prayer meeting instead of being shut up this time until they had a prayer meeting in the place where they were playing the place was shaken how would you like to be in that I would and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and they spake the Word of God with bonus we've heard of earthquakes we've heard of but this was a prayer quake prayer shakes opposing him go ahead but oppose this hinders and hindering spiritual forces prayer will shake on solvable problems and impossible situations / can shake you out of your community and your fearfulness hallelujah Ananias and Sapphira they didn't have to sell their property there was no that's in chapter 5 there was no harm in keeping back part of the price or all of it they were not commanded rude The Lying was combined with hypocrisy the church had just been launched with a mighty revival the messages don't get in the path of a revival don't get in the path of revival stay stay pure and true and holy worshiping the number of disciples was multiplying the Grecian Jews natives of the greco-roman world who spoke Greek spoke against the Hebrews who spoke Arum rather than Greek because their widows were neglected the Apostles chose out seven men guess what they had to be honest report full of the Holy Ghost in faith and wisdom and appointed them to take care of the Grecian widows all leadership laymen and all in the church must be full of the Holy Ghost and faith and wisdom and Stephen and Philip laymen are among the seven and Stephen full of faith and power and great wonders and miracles among the people six and eight he is brought before the council and they were not able to resist his wisdom and the spirit by which he spoke he preaches to that council in such a skillful review of israel's history his passion that's in Chapter seven you ought to read it they loved their history his passionate conclusion led to his violent death he became the church first martyr not just to go out here and witness and knock on doors the death instead of quenching the believers what's what it did became the medium for the dissemination of the gospel he was martyred but the message increased the book moves into the field of overseas missions chapters 8 through 28 saul of tarsus consenting to Stephens death great persecution against the church at Jerusalem wish I had time to stop there and explain to you maybe I will in the epistles but let me tell you when a boy is weird and say I'm a Pharisee of Pharisees and you were reared in this church and you are staunch in this church somebody try to mess with this truth you'd kind of get upset too this man loved what he was in I wish I could talk to you a long time about that great persecution though he did it was terrible what he did terrible stripped them whipped them like they whipped Jesus and and all but it was in defense of what he had been taught since he was a child and studied at the feet of Gamaliel he was a Jew of Jews he was a Pharisee of Pharisees and he Philip was the man that preached to the crowd that at Samaria that was Saul of Tarsus continuing then Philip another one of the seven is what I'm trying to get said goes to Samir that's a layman and a citywide revival enjoys great success and yet Lee when he leaves it and goes in minister as the Lord's bidding and goes to minister to one man in the desert and led that individual and Ethiopian to Jesus Christ Paul chapter 9 introduces a character who will dominate much of the New Testament in his ministry for Jesus Christ he is introduced as saw the bigoted Pharisee the persecutor of the Saints but but the power of God he became Paul the devoted apostle the preacher to the Gentiles he wrote 14 of the epistles if you believe you wrote Hebrews and I may have time later on to show you why I found in the Bible why I believe that he wrote Hebrews to the uttermost parts of the earth chapters 10 through 28 that this is the section that deals with Paul's Church establishing ministry the first three chapters deals with preliminary events which while they led into the ministry of Paul are actually concerned with Peter the gospel was about to move out to the Gentiles the hand of God was upon two men at the same time Cornelius over in Macedonia and Peter in Joppa who was being prepared for his unwelcome task by a vision in which he saw a sheet descend from heaven containing all kinds of animals clean and unclean Peter with all of his Jewish pride would sooner go hungry than eat that which he considered unclean but God was preparing him for ministry to men whom the Apostle considered unclean because they were not Jews in fact the men were already on his doorstep with the invitation from Cornelius Peter was ready journeyed with those servants to Caesarea there he learned that God is no respecter of persons and that the gospel is who is for whosoever will any and all made in God's image God loves them and most to save them far as Peter preached the Holy Ghost fell upon these Gentiles as he had descended upon the Jews in Jerusalem for they heard the how did they know for they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God 10 that's chapter 10 46 to 48 can any man forbid water that these should not be baptized which I perceived holding this wethersby and he commanded them to be baptized the name of the Lord then prayed they him to tarry certain days now chapter 11 Peter has to defend his ministry he has to go like brother tini oh and he was the superintendent of this state they had a board that's brother Cox that aboard but we've got in st. Louis the big body which involves more he had to go to the big body he had to go and explain what had happened to him down there when he baptized those and the Gentiles got the Holy Ghost last twelve verses of chapter 11 relate 13 years of vital church history from the death of Stephen to the famine in Jerusalem I want you to get that that Chef they were battled because they were the touchstone of Christian ministry and the liaison between east and west between Jew and Gentile Gentile the Acts of the Apostles declares the course of the gospel from Jerusalem to Antioch and there to Antioch and from Antioch to Rome it was the passing of the spiritual center of the East - the world center of the West Antioch was the halfway place Antioch was the wake away from the old and the inception of the new it was the last of three great moves which had resulted from the persecution at Jerusalem the foundation of the church in Samaria through Philip the growth of the church in Judea through Peter the forming of the church in Antioch through not Peter Barnabas nor even Paul but a small group of unnamed unknown man unknown heroes who being scattered preached the word as they went they formed the church and it was there that believers were first called Christians because they went forth to telling say we're going to tell it the council at Jerusalem sent Barnabas to investigate the things that were happening so delighted was he and what he found in that city that he sought a pastor for them the man of his choice was the man who had whom he had defended eight years earlier the man who had retired to his own city of Tarsus to witness for his Lord there his name was Saul and for the next two years these men Barnabas and Paul labor together did we say Barnabas and Paul voila watch it though that was not prepared long it quickly became Paul and Barnabas how graciously Barnabas the senior man slipped back in order that Paul might have the place of honor which God had made for him Lord make me as gracious this morning us I put in here for me as well as giving me the courage of Paul now persecution broke out now about that time Herod the King stretched forth his hands to make certain of the church chapter 12 with these words comes the introduction of the church to the third persecution it was this time that James the brother of John the two sons of Zebedee James had his head cut off stretched forth his hand and killed James the Herod did and Peter was put into prison now strange are the ways of God they're just past finding out James was permitted to die Peter was miraculously delivered from prison you say they had a big prayer meeting but the prayer meeting didn't even believe it was he when he got there and was delivered he got out of prison easier than he could get into the prayer meeting so when guarded with the 16 soldiers changed and bolted doors you just don't fight you just don't figure that all of this out I can't stay there yet it is not for us to question the actions of a Supreme Being who we know to be all-wise honoring God against the deliverance of Peter was something more harmful than soldiers are changed of playing people who did not expect their prayers to be answered but God is faithful now ordination separate me Barnabas and Saul they were fasting and praying there in the 13 separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work burned two women they then call this ordination of Barnabas the son of consolation who came from Cyprus who sold his property was a rich man sold at all lated at the Apostles feet and saw the one-time persecutor from Tarsus was the commencement of the great missionary in prize which has never ceased was the commencement of the great missionary enterprise which has never ceased they sent them away chapter 13 verse 3 so they being sent forth by the Holy Ghost departed 13 and 4 thus from Antioch foreign overseas ministry began officially the great overseas missionary program of the book of Acts began there say World Missions program began there across Asia through Europe and into the uttermost parts of the earth Paul's first missionary journey chapters 13 through 14 verses 26 to 28 solution Cyprus Salamis Paris Peugeot Antioch Presidium Iconium Lystra Derby Presidium Pamphylia at Agra liya each name calls to mind events which took place there in this is the chapter which begins with Barnabas and Saul and ends with Paul and Barnabas it also records Paul's first sermon scripts wrote throughout the it was scriptural throughout and Christ centered it because it declares Christ's death for sin and his resurrection for justification the sermon was also personal that was to his hearers not himself this was typical of all of Paul's preaching and should be of our preaching it was always effective it was a saver of life under life many believed and death unto death there was many much opposition but I'll always preach to the Jews first he loved him he said I'd be willing to be cut off and accursed for them even though it was the Gentiles who believed neither did the Apostle modify his message to the unbelieving Jews he hoped that they would modify their persecution now the difficulties of those early preachers were not limited to one source enlist from when they healed an impotent man instead of persecution it was exaltation and the people who claim them as gods and worship them to some this is a more subtle temptation than rejection when Paul and Barnabas established themselves as men and and Paul interfered said we're not dogs we're just man that fickle mob who yesterday hailed them as as deities today stone them is demons they dragged Paul's body out of the city believing him to be dead left him they thought he was dead evident he was only unconscious 14 years later he and rowdy he said I don't know whether in Corinthians chapter 2nd Corinthians 14 he said I don't know where that was in the body or out of the body but I can tell you some things and he did after this the Apostles moved on revisit revisiting many of the churches confirming the Saints exhorting them in the word and ordaining elders over them on this return on their return to Antioch they had a testimony meeting not telling the people what they had done but declaring what all that God had done through them I'm moving as quickly as I can I want you to hear at all how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles a difference of opinion concerning the Gentile converts as to whether or not they should be circumcised called for a council meeting in Jerusalem chapter 15 it was this concerning circumcision which was in the flesh the business meeting closed all agreed upon it was not necessary for them to be circumcised in the flesh it was a circumcision of the heart a letter was sent to the Gentile churches accordingly so far as the Acts of the Apostles is concerned Peters not mentioned again after this meeting Paul's second missionary journey begins in chapter 16 through 28 the Lord seems to have overruled in the splitting up of Paul and Barnabas over John Mark to the establishment of two tours instead of one Paul took Silas went in one direction Barnabas took mark and went in another direction one apology important ministries was to return to churches and established saints a ministry which is forgotten today in an enthusiasm for evangelism if the Saints were built up which is the real work of the church they would become soul winners God has never promised crowds it is the one by one personal work which should count are you following are you getting it do you understand it the second tour took Paul and Silas to Lystra here Paul found Timothy who became his companion and later a pastor Paul put him over Ephesus for a while Joe as being forbidden by the Holy Ghost to preach in Asia they came to throw ass where they heard the call to miss Macedonia in response they went to this principal city Paul looked out for the big cities Philip I the Philippian jailer and the establishment of the church at Philippi you're gonna learn that those letters are two churches that were established in the book of Acts not to find the crowds of waiting but to find a few faithful women meeting for prayer at a Riverside to these Paul ministers and so came the first European convert a woman named Lydia another woman was delivered from demon ISM there again this did not bring revival but a riot and the apostles who had taken a sea voyage to Macedonia were cast into prison with bleeding backs and feet secured in stocks they had made a mistake they had misunderstood the Lord's leading no no no no no not at all God moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform these men of God could sing in the midst of defeat and disappointment they learned that this experience brought them into the lives of the jailer and his family whom they were privileged to lead to the Lord and the establishment of the church at Philippi in Thessalonica 1st and 2nd Thessalonians where the Apostles turned the world upside down Berea Oh Berea myfirstproject 66 years ago with the young people was a Berean class to get into the word and incidentally our book of Acts next year's going to be the book of Acts for the queer service there are no failures in inquisitors it's going to be in the book of Acts Berea where the people were commended because they searched the scriptures for a verification of what they were being taught then Athens the city of learning were Socrates Plato Aristotle and others had taught their philosophies where art and idolatry were prominent Paul came with this message of salvation notice how he addressed them ye men of Athens usually he said men and brethren but there were no brethren there in the religious outlook of the city they worship anything that men sought to deify unless they should fail some deity they had set up an altar such a one as the unknown God where they worship were where their worship ended Paul began he introduced them to the God they they did not know showing his supremacy and his dignity and his doctrine the result was a division of opinion some marked some would hear more some believed Paul never returned to Athens those who pressed procrastinated and said we will hear you later never had that opportunity again because today is the day of salvation Haarlem Paul Minister for 18 months here he met Aquila Priscilla Gallio and others pause third missionary journey Ephesus chapters 19 through 21 this is reason I'm hurrying he was at Ephesus that wicked city of Ephesus Paul went there oh my my my my that's where they stood in the streets for two hours and worshipped Diana the people prided themselves in their evil ways it was the seat of worship for Diana in the streets for two hours Paul stayed three I three years in Ephesus and for two of those years he reasoned in the school of Tyrannus so hard was the place that at one time he said I fought with beasts at ephesus this did not mean he fought with animals but men who were bestial character once the city was in a great uproar because the people feared that Diana would be dethroned and out of his many Labour's there was established a church there to which the Epistle to the Ephesians is written there as well as the message of Revelation to 1 through 7 Greece this was a revisit and was and was for three months there again Paul met opposition tro as seven days here he preached all night raised to life eutychus who thought who fell out of the window and in 27 is a statement often repeated upon the first day of the week when the disciples came together to break bread Paul was ever preaching in the synagogue on the Sabbath day to the Jews and breaking bread on the first day with the believers this does not harmonize with the teaching of certain persuasion neither does it support their argument that that another persuasion changed the day milita's Paul wanted to return to Ephesus as the way was not opened he sent for the elders of that church to come to him at Malaysia and then he told them he would not be seeing them any more because he was going to Jerusalem and was not sure what kind of reception he would receive there however he was as ready to die for Christ as he had been to live for him he requested that the Saints at Ephesus should be as faithful to the Lord as he had been faithful to them at the same time he warned them of trouble which they would meet the wolves of false doctrine would come in and scatter the flock after a sad farewell with them he left them as he sailed for Jerusalem visiting many cities enroute it must have been a sad journey for he was saying goodbye to many of his friends and he was also being reminded that his experience in Jerusalem was going to be anything but Pleasant yet in the midst of these circumstances he could say I go bound in the spirit but none of these things move me and was joyful I have not shunned to declare unto you the whole counsel of God Paul was in Jerusalem chapters 21 through 26 after being received graciously by the Brethren Paul reported to James pastor Bishop of Juche of Jerusalem and the elders concerning the work of the Lord had permitted him to do the elders rejoiced with Paul but reminded him that there were many who because of their religious bigotry were not rejoicing although they sought to take precautions against these enemies the enemy was not always particular about truth a rumor fanned into fury in which Paul almost lost his life he was rescued by soldiers on the steps of the castle he made his defence declaring his citizenship and giving his testimony of salvation he let them know he was a Roman citizen because of his father and all was well with his hearers until he mentioned the Gentiles then their anger broke again away from away with this fella and they brought him before the Sanhedrin again once more a true and faithful testimony was born of the Apostle and that night the Lord came to him with a word of encouragement be of good cheer Paul for as thou has testified of me in Jerusalem so must there bear witness also at Rome so he knew that he wasn't gonna die in that storm on that ship because he was going to get to wrong he was sent with a bodyguard to see surreal which was the Roman capital of Judea there he faithfully declared his testimony of God's grace and power and made known the gospel before Felix the governor Festus the successor and a grip of the king of these three real rulers Felix trembled Festus hesitated and then resisted Agrippa was almost persuaded all were convicted none was converted oh but God gave them a chance during these trials Paul as a Roman citizen appealed to Caesar for justice the appeal took Paul to Rome then chapters 27 through 28 this was the beginning of the world program now that has reached to the uttermost parts and he has in it has never ceased Paul the prisoner is often seen as Paul the pilot not only directing souls to the moral shallows of life but now of the ship that was to be taking him to Rome bad judgment on the part of the captain of the boat but they they they thought this preacher didn't know what he was talking about they were well-trained seasoned Mariners but if they hit a storm and eventually a shipwreck Paul encouraged the men aboard by showing them his own trust in the Lord what a message we have for a storm-tossed world sinking in sin if only we would preach it and live it wherever wherever we go whatever we do we've got the message if only we were what was the color to the occupants of the ship was a consolation to the inhabitants of the island of Malta it brought to them salvation and the healing power of the Lord after three months on the island of Malaysia they sailed again at last reaching Rome Paul arrived as a prisoner but through the courtesy of someone he was not cast into prison but allowed his own house and a certain amount of political freedom even though always under guard he no longer travelled for the Lord but he continued a wonderful ministry to all who came to him teaching the kingdom of God and through the medium of his pen from Rome he wrote what is known as the prison epistles did you get that say fissions Colossians Philemon and Philippians the Apostle was released for about four years but he was real rested by Nero who having destroyed Rome by fire himself sought to lay the responsibility and the blame of it upon the Christians it was in those last days while awaiting his death that he wrote the second epistle to Timothy telling him that the time of his departure had come he exhorted Timothy to be as faithful in the word as he himself had been the workmen moved on but the work continued on one died but others came Timothy too was faithful in all things and so were others who followed him now it is our turn to continue telling the same message be as faithful as they were be is steadfast the book does not end with Paul's death but only with his ministry a ministry which has never died and never will die so they tried everything they could think of to silence these fishermen tax collectors farmers carpenters shepherds housewives imprisonment threats scourgings stonings death nothing succeeded in silencing them but death there would come the time when Peter would actually stand before you can say care for sir Caiaphas I looked it up and the Sanhedrin as Jesus had done and nothing but flaming words of courage would pass his lips whether it be riding the side of God to hearken unto you more to god judgy but we cannot but Speak the things which we have seen or heard now it takes a great conviction to change men so drastically nor do men persist in a lie or even a delusion if every time they insist on its truth they are driven they are driving nails into their own coffee men do not invent a story so they can be crucified upside down as Peter eventually was or have their head chopped off like Paul outside the city of Rome or be stoned to death like Stephen a self-hypnotic illusion may sustain people for time but not for very long in the long run and illusion does not build character strong enough to stand great hardship or great persecution only the bedrock of truth can do that and whoever and wherever men are merely fooling themselves that do not become purposeful men well integrated men with self-sustaining qualities of leadership as these erstwhile timid apostles became and we know that Peter even denied the Lord before a little girl and now he stands up and says help yourself Here I am I'll be even be crucified upside down you don't do that unless something powerful changed your life and here is something else it was their continuing fellowship with the risen Lord through the years which became the integrating guiding sustaining power of their lives through his spirit they had guidance and strength through his spirit they had wisdom and peace and joy through his spirit they had boldness and courage and they had power qualities that they had not had before Pentecost until after the first Easter morning and Pentecost now they felt that they were still in touch with him in a different way yes but in a more powerful way they knew that he was still with them even as he had promised go into all the world and lo I'm with you always Thank You gentry they felt that they knew that the promises he had made to them before his death were now fulfilled and they men like Cleophus and his friend went up and down in the land they crossed the sea they shook the Roman Empire until it tottered and failed they changed the world these are they of whom it was said these are they that have turned world upside down and they've come thither also they became martyrs all but John all 12 of those apostles that were in that upper room in that 10 day prayer meeting that received that that was poured out in that book acts the second chapter all of them were martyred for preaching that truth not witnessing it at the mall or at the grocery store no no they gave their lives for it all but John this is a fact 21st century pill we cannot ignore through 20 centuries which are followed in every land there have been men and women who have experienced this same fellowship who have felt the same power in their lives who have had the same peace and inner serenity who have had the same joy and the same radiant victory they were not crackpots moronsontour lunatics included among them were some of the greatest minds of the world has ever seen some of the most brilliant thinkers philosophers scientists scholars they were not frustrated personalities who fled the world of reality and found refuge in dugouts of their own wistful escapes for life on the contrary most of them have been radiant souls filled with an abiding joy living to the full every golden hour and tasting the deepest jaws of life dismiss as you will the sentimentality the hysteria and the wishful thinking that they may be born in times of crisis that may be born in times of crisis in danger there are still a residue hard stubborn testimony from people who met him during the Second World War for example while they drifted on life rafts in the ocean many of them were were filled with the Holy Ghost ride out in the midst of the ocean can I tell you this your life today can be guided just as theirs was your problems can be solved solve your weaknesses can be turned into strength your struggles can become victories your sorrows can be turned into joy this is the reality that can be yours sitting before me tonight are those you are asking right now or saying I wish God would use me like that I wish God would use me like she has been talking about let me look at you and tell you God is raising up a generation of men and women for these last days there will be many who are willing to sell out to God in total obedience crying out Jesus use me please don't refuse me I want to see Souls saved and impact my world you better get ready because God is getting ready to see a mighty anointing come upon no name unknown who will follow him to the ends of the earth yes you will say yes I will say we can do that so we can do that take the Holy Ghost it's going to operate in my life supernaturally I'm going to see the supernatural I'm gonna have a boldness and a confidence and an anointing I've got a call from another world I'm gonna go forth boldly I'm gonna be a prayer warrior an intercessor I'm gonna be a pleaser and a worshiper I'm gonna be a witness mine eyes have seen the glory on the coming of the king he is trampling out the vintage where The Grapes of Wrath are stored he has faith of his terrible Swift sword but this truth is marching Oh Oh me glory hallelujah glory glory Oh Oh do y'all Oh are you are you do you want to be you want to be a carrier charlie Oh mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming well bring out the vintage where The Grapes of Wrath are stored yet loose the faithful lightning shouting shout at everybody this one he has sounded forth the trumpet that will never never retreat he is sifting out the hearts of men before his judgment seat Oh be swift my soul to answer how much you loved it how much you loved it oh my god hallelujah I know it's easy for us to think that this book goes from Genesis to Revelation and that's where it stops but the book of Acts is still being written to this day and I'm gonna make sure that I'm carrying this truth and I hope they're gonna make sure that you're carrying this truth and that the Acts of the Apostles are not only written in here but are continuing to dwell and each and every one of us I'm thankful for this truth I'm thankful for this book I'm thankful for that Spirit of God that resides on the inside of each and every one of us that it gives us and affords us the opportunity to continue to write these pages maybe not literally but these pages are still being written the Acts of the Apostles are still being written through each and every individual here Lord Jesus thank you for that opportunity I don't want to take that for granted I don't want to take that lightly the fact that I have the opportunity with the Spirit of God and the power of God living on the inside of me I have the opportunity to share this book with people and to share this truth with people and have the Acts of the Apostles come alive in my life so before we leave here tonight just throw your hands up in the air and let's pray this prayer together in your own way Lord Jesus fill me afresh anew with your spirit with your power God and do me with supernatural power from on high so that that book of Acts that I read about then I admire that I aspire to be like God let that come to fruition in my life god I want to walk by people in my shadow heal them I want to pray over costs and handkerchiefs in people's lives be restored I want to preach messages that allow people to come into the church God God thank you for affording us the opportunity to preach your word and to teach your word fill us fresh and new with your power and your spirit let us continue to write that Acts of the Apostles thank you for being with us tonight thank you for enjoying the house of the Lord with one another and a file one another before you leave Wednesday night Greg Allbritton will be preaching for us looking forward to that next Sunday morning Charles Robinette mission service next Sunday night sister mang and right back here with the epistles looking forward to what God is doing here at the PIO a go tell somebody about Jesus you you
Channel: Azusa Street 1906
Views: 4,359
Rating: 4.963964 out of 5
Keywords: Pentecostal preaching, Lee Stoneking, Jeff Arnold preaching, Pentecostal Church, Pentecostal people, upci preaching, apostolic doctrine, prayer and fasting, anthony mangun, BOTT preaching, Because of the times 2015, UPCI, United Pentecostal Church, Apostolic Preaching
Id: c2kQ3Tx4XyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 31sec (4171 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2016
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