These YouTubers Are Paid To Sell Cheating

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The Youtube stars being paid to sell cheating Oh not this again. Hello everyone, I'm Alex and welcome back to another video Hopefully you guys are doing well and I generally do mean that because it seems like a lot of youtubers recently have been taking advantage of you guys as always pretty standard stuff Hey, we're used to it by now. The BBC recently Have published an article about a bunch of youtubers who have been doing some very Morally ambiguous things that are not necessarily illegal, but can get people in severe trouble I'm sure most of you watching this are in high school, college, university, and I think there's one thing we can all agree that we don't like and that's homework or assignments Youtubers have been playing a website called edubirdie Which allows you to basically pay for somebody else to do it for you and youtubers have been taking money To get you to use this website Which then when you get caught for using it gets you kicked out of your college or uni now these youtubers aren't just promoting cheating Necessarily, but also plagiarism because even if you don't use what's given back to you You could basically just copy parts that you want to use So let's look at some of the hilarious excuses people had for promoting this website Yeah, I think you're one of them, I think you're one of the really stupid people mate I did hear you I really did I don't know if you know what plagiarism is but that's copying and Stealing somebody's work that you didn't do which if you're paying somebody else to do it is plagiarism Some of the ads by YouTube is as young as 12 They get free homework in response for promoting your product A super smart nerd will write it for you, well Adam you should probably employ one of those people because let's face it you haven't made very clever decisions, Have you? I do miss your terrorist pranks. [Adam] A super smart nerd will write it for you. Oh, you just get somebody to write for you. You know just just pay somebody to do it for you I'm getting paid loads of money for it, so yeah. I know this is morally wrong, but I don't have to go to school I'm a youtuber who does fuck all on the platform anyway, and I'm an idiot So why won't you just be an idiot like me and never learn anything And then you can end up wearing your cap like that. does this scream intelligence to you? Super smart, super geeky Super intelligent people who aren't making these youtube videos Quite clearly edu birdy has found the biggest idiots to promote this product to more idiots because the only people who are gonna actually use this are people who are pretty brain dead Because everybody knows it it's wrong to not do your work It's like a number-one rule when you're in education and these youtubers know that it's wrong and any of them that try and tell you that it isn't I Mean, maybe they didn't go through the education system. They are youtubers after all. Sam looks horrified look at him; poor bloke like he's just looking at it thinking oh They don't even have to have an education and they're making away with money for me for just shamming products down people's throats FIFA cos promoting his edgy birdy website to people who play fortnight; have you seen fortnight? It looks like a child's game. So you're literally promoting it to children I honestly felt like these youtubers used it because it explains a lot about them These people are so dumb because in the advert they are actually just straight up promoting cheating they all promote cheating Rarely none of them say you could use it as a reference which would be technically fine They just say cheat just cheat it. You don't even have to do it Just submit this, absolute mugs. stuff like that, stuff like the master's degrees and the fees that clever peoples have (slow motion) They do your essays for you I've never done an essay So just get someone else to cuz I would love that to happen at my school YOU might write it and get a D mate. YOU. Most people aren't thick They can actually do their essays and don't need somebody to do them for them You what the funniest part is? Is if you look at the reviews on this website, most people don't get A's they get D's Or kick you out of college in uni But we'll just leave that part out because I'm getting paid for it and they can have their life ruined for 250 quid. I would have used that so many times. I know you would Adam, cause you're You're lacking upstairs the absolute disrespect for your audience is just insane That's the thing that just shines through here the fact that these people Have no belief in their audience for one. number two: no care for them. You know anything that happens to them, the consequences. They won't accept that, they won't take that on they don't even think about it. They just got the email through they saw how much money was being offered and they took it. You know I'm not saying that you should but I've been paid to say that you should You guys are really selling this one you guys are really selling it. You know you look convinced You look convinced by this brand. Oh, it really looks like that you understand that this is definitely something that's okay Oh, hang on. That was a bit of sarcasm. They look like they don't know what they're doing. And last but not least, I'm gonna leave my favourite one. Play the clip. and here's his statement at the end Well that went well for you didn't it. at the end of the day, People knew that promoting this website was wrong. Very few youtubers promoted it as a reference Website which even say, you know Murky waters, that you're walking across there. I've seen some pretty dodgy choices when it comes to sponsorship deals and people just promoting companies that they may have never even known about Tried vetted anything they don't have they're promoting a scam to you I've seen many mobile apps that just seems so dodgy But youtubers would just fork out and it's really not a surprise it more youtubers continue to push this type of Content after the ad crisis because as soon as the ads went away So did most people's morals and by looking at most of these people on there already? They didn't really have many to begin with Edu birdie is based in Ukraine allows students to buy essays rather than doing the work themselves. That's the website you're selling You can't already tell me what you didn't know that because I just meet you didn't do any research And if you're promoting stuff to your audience you haven't researched Things you really did not care There's just nothing to you. There are 1,400 videos of a total of more than 700 million views containing edgy birdie adverts Although I put a lot of responsibility on the youtubers here in fact It's pretty much entirely their fault that this thing is happening. I will say if you're a reviewer, if a youtuber is promoting anything Make sure you understand You're being advertised to make sure you understand what's being advertised to because when there's money involved most people kind of drop Certain parts of their ethics in order to try and get you to get on a product They'll leave out many many things. It could end up really really doing you in in the future like losing your entire University degree. I suppose you guys should go in there to Edu birdie because it looks like you have to go back and get another education. Thank you guys for watching this video if you do enjoy it don't forget to leave a like and subscribe if you need if You want to turn notifications on my channel be greatly appreciated, and if you want to check out the clothing I'd appreciate that too So thank you very much. I will see you guys in the next one and Maybe will we promote you somebody? he doesn't completely ruin your school life Peace out people and have a fantastic day See You guys Next Time
Channel: ImAllexx
Views: 534,835
Rating: 4.9541492 out of 5
Keywords: satire, adam saleh, adam saleh vlogs, adam, saleh, vlogs, vlog, family friendly, kids, secret, scam, kid friendly, family channel, family vlogger, family fun, cheating, edubirdie, bbc, csgolotto, helloworld, youtube scam, youtube cheat, imallexx, BBC
Id: bfJiTuN_Cps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Thu May 03 2018
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