Philip DeFranco's Patreon Scam

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Guess lot of people didnt watch the video, since it actually defends Phil

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Wayfinding92 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2017 🗫︎ replies

Reposted the video with a better title, hopefully that'll help

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/JustARandomFuck 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2017 🗫︎ replies
Philip DeFranco is a YouTube giant who is done variously well off of multiple YouTube ventures but is his latest one a scam Oh everyone I'm Alex and welcome back to another video hopefully you guys are doing well and in today's one we're gonna be looking at Philip defranco's patreon and what it actually is because apparently nobody's a clue recently a couple youtubers by the names keemstar and kvass have been hammering away at philip defranco calling him a scam artist for being a millionaire he's not funding his own projects or for hiding the fee that he receives via his patreon even though you may have done this scam thing or you could ask your fans for a lot of money through patreon to do the exact same thing you've been doing for years yeah that's literally the point but if you've done some research you'd actually understand why yes to ask for money they also like to point out that he's probably earning around two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a month virus patreon and all that money has gone into two cushions it's a bit like how my $400 a month on patreon has only gone into that sign people want to know where the money is going and that would be pretty simple if they actually did research maybe they don't do research because they've got a personal agenda that couldn't possibly be true first we need to establish why did philip defranco create his patreon philip defranco and all of his channels were acquired by discovery until they dropped them I am so nervous and excited about today and that's because today I am so happy to announce for the first time in four years I am an independent creator again now this is pretty much the biggest part of the whole thing because lately the hates free podcast just came out and on that podcast philip defranco discusses the fact that he had to rebuy his channel from discovery i was going from a situation where i had a paycheck no matter what we could've been getting three views per video i can still take that check to the bank I'm good but I had to buy the channel back I had to then or I didn't have to but I took my staff which then all needed salaries and lawyers fees then the new place then getting gear if we weren't able to already like get some of the gear in a contract the hundreds of people that Philip DeFranco had his staff who were running SourceFed and the philip defranco show ultimately all lost their jobs as well as this that means you had to move office space because you can no longer afford to rent the one that he was using in LA and due to this he basically nearly lost his entire show he actually hinted on the hate free podcast months and months ago now he was possibly going to permanently lose the philip defranco show oh yeah for some reason how about where you would put this if for some reason I am no longer on my channel three months into next year and let's say Jennifer April the next year if I'm if I'm unable to post on my channel I've disappeared from the internet was shut down and alike the philip defranco show was seeing its final days the only way that philip defranco is going to be able to keep the philip defranco show running as if he signed a nother seven-figure deal with somebody like discovery meaning they would be controlled by a higher power once again he was left trying to fund an independent news source with what very little money the channel has been making especially after youtube's d monetization period now wanting to make the channel independent news and also something that is reliable he decided to ask for people to invest who generally cared about the projects the fans kvass made an incredible video and it is absolutely brilliant by the way so I thought how somebody could do this little research or just completely gloss over fact to the point where they're literally making it up on the spot but he said that in one of the tweets that Philip DeFranco posted he was promising the new Philip DeFranco show this whole situation first piqued my interest in August when I put out a tweet saying after months and months where is Phil DeFranco his new network or is that money on his page from going to pocket and I got a reply which linked me to Phil Edie's tweet saying but new DeFranco show is almost there so close see you soon so it's been four months since that tweets that let's see if a new DeFranco show lives up to all its promises I mean I assumed it out by now has been for months the new philip defranco show don't don't mean the pds which is every like Monday Wednesday and Friday you mean the YouTube channel right Kavis you do know that he doesn't mean he's creating an entire news show he meant he was uploading a video but no no it's an entirely new show but he never promised in the first place because everybody knows it is patreon was just to reinforce the philip defranco channel but you know researches ARDS if you actually go to his patreon actually tells you what he is delivering what the main goal is and it's all there his aim is to upload more episodes of the philip defranco show not create an entirely new one he just wants to improve on the show these got currently and remove higher up people who can fuck with the vision that he's going for now if you didn't realize that there was going to be some form of hidden agenda here kvass then goes on to compare keemstar with philip defranco and there's no reason why philip defranco should be asking his fans the fun shit that's way extra and he doesn't even need he can edit and make his videos on his own like he used to and in comparison to this other channels in similar genres as phil such as drama ella run by keemstar he only has two employees yeah and it fucking shows yeah yeah you got that guy who does reliable independent news who very rarely ever gets a story wrong if even at all and then you've got the guy he fortunately calls people pedophiles don't get them confused please please don't ever compare those two I'm all wrong the topic of people scamming their fans for projects keemstar where is bad trick the game that you you brought out but you wanted your fans to preorder and pay for that never even go out of alpha in 2013 philip defranco is actually still uploading videos and delivering on what he's being paid for to the full extent but i'm still waiting for bad trick to come out late where's my copy that's scamming your fanbase asking people to pay for something that you never actually released now we're to get onto one of my personal issues here which is hiding the patreon amount and the only reason why I say it's a personal issue is because as somebody who did pledge it'd be nice to see how much the show was being funded purely out of Annie trespass but it's not something that we wrote but if he did keep it public it would show that he wants to be transparent and that's pretty big for somebody who's pledging or may wants a pledge now philip defranco actually explained why he does this on the hate free podcast so i uh i don't show it because we don't see it once again as donations if it was a donation cyant like when there was the the legal fund right of course show it but i see what we're doing once again as very close to roosterteeth first we're in like the infancy of it more and more of the content is being made content stuff access all that is there's a one-to-one transaction philip defranco cc's patreon as a subscription service and not a donation platform which patreon tends to have it seen us in the same way that you pay five dollars for a movie you don't necessarily need to see how much money that movie has made so no ever what you're going to get is what you paid for and has been funded to the full extent in my personal opinion the only reason he would actually have in keeping it public is to come across it's not a site full to people who aren't even get a pledge to it anyway and are incredibly skeptical I also understand one of the reasons why he hasn't kept it public and that's because a lot of people recently I've been trying to figure out where the money's going alluding to the fact that maybe the two new cushions aware or the estimated 250 K is going which is not even a figure that we can even know is a cure at the moment one of my big issues were being a youtuber and seeing Philip DeFranco doing what he's doing is that even other youtubers who never put any money into the content they're producing or youtubers who just don't seem to ever know what's going on let alone people don't actually know how much money it costs to run a business have a set and hire editors and that is just a small group of things that Philip DeFranco is doing in fact he actually goes on the hate free podcast recently and explains where the money is going and still that probably doesn't even cover half let alone a quarter of where the money actually has to go to just keep it running at a reasonable price without even guaranteeing profits people see a millionaire like Philip DeFranco and believe you should have bought a fucking deaf star by now I mean that just isn't the case the ignorance of people not knowing what actually goes into creating a show like his or let alone a YouTube channel of a set and editors and staff isn't just ignorance but it's just plain hateful and borderline defamation of character before you could see how much money he's receiving at least try and understand what he actually has to pay for first millionaire or not he's trying to actually run a successful working company people have argued for you should fund out of his own pocket but at the same time he'd probably be broke and it's maybe something that people don't like but a Millionaire is no longer a millionaire if they spend their million and judging that he's actually giving something in return he's actually giving you a service the least you could do is fucking pay for it just because Netflix make millions of dollars doesn't mean that I believe that I should have my Netflix subscription for free because of the fact that we're already Moke enough I'm pretty sure that people we made Netflix and millionaires by now can't believe I'm even still paying for it it would be like me going into your workplace let's say McDonald's taking a hamburger out from behind the counter and going I already know that you've grossed multiple billions this year that's my fucking Big Mac I mean the only thing that's an improvement on this is on YouTube it was still free even if he didn't fund it and they philip defranco actually was a money whore he would have just signed a nother seven-figure deal he would have be trying to run an independent news source where there is nothing getting the way between him the news and you he would have sold his soul away for millions of dollars more profit and also a fully funded studio and cents but he would have strings attached we'd have to meet the requirements of said employer now a lot of people aren't really sure when the money's going and that's something I also find incredibly hard to believe because if you watched his second channel yes the second channel that is advertised showing the journey that the philip defranco show is going on as well as that they moved offices he's hired new people and he's been moving in for the entire year a lot of people say why does his set seem to cost so much you know it's just a couch and a bunch of pillows it doesn't look like a new show it's because he's trying to be the everyday man he's trying to show you but you don't need a flashy CNN news set to be a news channel and honestly would you want it that way that's like knowing that I make a million dollars a month and going wow just a fucking sign why is any recording in front of his Beverly Hills mansion at the end of the day you do not know what goes into philip defranco show you don't know what money is going in and out you don't know what he's paying for but I can tell you this just because you don't know doesn't mean that you should assume and then spread that false information because of your own personal distaste for a man all in all calling philip defranco a scam artist is nothing but a missed truth at the moment because currently none of us could possibly know how or where this is going even philip defranco doesn't know the time that it's going to take to put all of this together currently he's delivering on his promise although people like john's guests have complained that they haven't received rewards but even though this is an issue philip defranco has a person hired that you could contact to actually receive your rewards if you have issues it's like literally based off of one tweet from a guy that's like but I don't think he's scamming anybody I saw that tweet by scarce actually I thought it was I mean he's like I didn't get my stuff but I think you you good and he's the most scarce yes like contact us send a message I also send you a mug I don't think you're at that tier now as somebody who mass ships shirts I also have the issue where occasionally stuff will get lost and if people contact the support they will get their order and if you're gonna cool somebody out make sure that you have an ad your game funded by fans and failed keemstar or I don't know create a patreon and then delete it due to backlash covers books just doesn't look very good for you in the end thanks for watching do your research and have a good day if you want to support this channel via merch you could actually pick up two new Christmas designs over on internet sensation dot shop it greatly helps and keeps the channel alive so thank you I promise I won't spend too much of the profits on cushions [Music] you
Channel: ImAllexx
Views: 1,429,010
Rating: 4.5615277 out of 5
Keywords: philip defranco, philip defranco show, defranco, patreon, philip defranco patreon scam, philip defranco patreon, philip defranco news network, the philip defranco show, philip defranco patreon is a scam, philip defranco scam, defranco elite, keemstar, philly d, philip, youtube, phillip defranco patreon, philip defranco scammer, philip defranco youtube, philip defranco proposal, youtube news, phillyd, phillip defranco, scam, patreon scam, imallexx, kavos
Id: P3Cm3nMPvxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2017
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