These rules never last!

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what's one rule that your school slash workplace has implemented that absolutely backfired work instituted a point system for being late or calling off sick accrue too many points and you'd get written up fired if it continues they doled out the same number of points whether someone was in minut late or called awful together and if an absence lasted up to five days it was still only one absence so anyone who overslept or encountered heavy traffic and was running late would just stay home for the rest of the week after several months they decided that being late was only worth half a point in our office we are not allowed to have more than 14 consecutive days off so one guy booked a cruise for a month booked off 14 days then one day back then another fourteen days off he called in sick on his one day back a few years ago we weren't allowed to stand in groups bigger than four at our school because this old teacher told us it was gang behavior and encouraging gang violence one day my entire year of like 100-plus people got in a massive group screaming gang gang and throwing gang signs on our school fields so they had to bring every single teacher out to try and split us apart for a straight twenty minutes best school day ever any support called lasting longer than 25 minutes must be reported to higher-ups for a view ie if you have too many no matter if it's your fault or not you get a disciplinary review I implemented the rule of the likely hang up on a customer as close to 25 minutes as you can and call them right back I'm sorry I'm experiencing a small issue with my phone is it okay if I call you right back gotcha outgoing calls are not reported or recorded it's amazing my old boss tried implementing an incentive scheme for the underperformers while anyone who consistently did well received nothing three of us quit within a month because of rumors of a drug problem in the school that was the administration decided to drug test students the media jumped all over that violation of our civil rights or something the initial statement was that anyone who failed the test would be kicked out of school after the 40th or so kid failed they changed the policy to mandatory meetings with the counselor after the 100th kid failed they hired another counselor we used to be allowed to screen music et Cie on our computers Spotify was an approved program and would come installed on your computer someone complained about productivity despite us always doing our work and so the band streaming of any kind on our computers but now everyone just listens on their phones so you walk around the office and nearly everyone has their phone out now so it looks even worse when sponsors come into the office we weren't allowed to be friends with kids in grades above us but we could be friends with kids in graves below us that rule didn't last long my friend worked as a technician at a place that did installation for Telecom sound cable pretty much anything tech related really the techs were paid by work order completion each job had a value that got paid out when you finished the work order the experience text could finish more jobs in a day and made some seriously good money they were motivated to work fast to get more jobs done but also to do it correctly because having to go back within a certain time window and fix a problem didn't pay out so it lost money well some new management came in and decided to change everyone to hourly wages their idea to make techs focus on getting the job done right and not rushing it or the really good text saw a massive pay cut from it and immediately quit the rest of the text suddenly had no reason to finish jobs quickly since you got paid the same whether you did two installs or ten installs in one day so everyone just started slacking off within a few weeks the orders were backed up so bad install dates were pushed out for a month or more and when people finally did get their stuff installed it took all day instead of a couple hours that one change completely Fritz over the company it was actually my rule when I was managing a store rule was that the closer had to do all the closing work and mark the checklist and I would check it the following morning however I put a loophole M if you close tonight and open tomorrow you can come in early the following morning I was really the only one who closed and then opened the following morning and I knew that on many of those days I worked ten hours with non-stop managerial work so instead of staying late to clean I like to come in early and do it in sunlight well one day I followed my rule and the next morning I woke up sick and had to call an employee to cover he showed up to a dirty store opted not to clean and then got written up when the owner made a surprise visit I didn't close so it wasn't my job and the owner said you work here and the store is dirty so it is your job I then had to go tell the owner that it was my fault and he still responded regardless of what you did or didn't do he came into a dirty store and did not clean it that's not acceptable I removed my rule change and just made it mandatory to clean before leaving law no cellphones in high school security collected them when you walked in put em in ziplock bags and locked them up they lost like five people's fence no personal conversations the office would be silent for hours and motivation tuck a huge nosedive if the owner had a personal conversation he would call the person out and yell at them got that owner was Appy glad I got out had a fellow at my old place at work that was promoted to Sales Manager within a few days he drafts up a document which he tries to get all of us to sign basically stating that we aren't working to our full potential and that to make profits or we would have the work even when we weren't working akka taking calls from customers no matter the day or time this resulted in an almost immediate revolt and about 10 plus people bypassing him directly and going right to the owner he was demoted then later fired within a week any software related to whether written inside or outside company time belongs to the company me so if I write and release malware at home it's the company's problem the clause was immediately removed the deputy head of our school banned fidget spinners and rightly so in his defense there were everywhere on the final day of year 11th someone hacked his school and friend at logic and edited the bulletin leaving a notice in his name saying that fidget spinners were now not only unbanned but mandatory and that aficionados could come to his office and learn tips and tricks from him all printers were defaulted to print two-sided and you were unable to disable that feature the thought process being that this would one reduce paper waste by literally cutting consumption in half to prevent people from printing out personal crap on work printers this was decided by a committee of people primarily from ours who were tasked by the CEO to find ways to reduce costs and improve our corporate culture to improve out culture we basically decided that we'd be idiots about work printers and then we'd all sing together and have a coke what ended up happening instead was that corporate finance crap a brick because you can't or shouldn't print financials double-sided and the eyes doesn't take too kindly to getting filings delivered to them in that fashion reverse the policy nope just force areas to add blank pages into documents so that we trick the princess vows then implemented their new Gestapo program where you were awarded for turning in anyone who was doing personal business on work computers or on work printers the problem was that a stunning amount of personal business was actually stuff like employee benefits staff filling out insurance forms submitting flexpay receipts scanning your transcripts for our tuition assistance program etc while the VP avows decided to go full on Thunder idiot and say that employee benefit stuff wasn't work-related needed to be done at home on your personal PC our freaking chief legal officer came down as our voice of moral reasoning to say that was bullcrap and only then did some of the stupidity unfold the printer thing was done officially once the KO and CF have started getting double-sided financials when they complained their underlings gave them time studies to show the financial cost of having highly paid CPAs to crack like insert blank pages to trick printers instead of you know doing accounting and stuff during our general meeting last week the owner of the company went on a bit of a rant about negative reviews of management on a popular jobs website with a green logo he demanded that we stop posting negative reviews immediately and shamed anyone in the room who had done so as you can guess people doubled down and posted their grievances on the same day as the meeting I was told this story when I was in the Army by a parachute rigger the workday in the Army is nine o'clock for 30 riggers packing troop chutes had a daily quota of 35 chutes once they got good at hit these guys could be done by 2:30 which is a very nice workday indeed well they got this new captain who decided that since these guys are getting 35 done by 2:30 then obviously making them work until 4:30 would increase output even more so of course that unit numbers went why lie down and the 35 and you're done for the day was quickly reinstated in college after my freshman year they decided on a new rule set to enforce a meal plan because students just weren't signing up for them and students were entering small houses nearby therefore you're not allowed to move off campus unless your home is within 30 minutes of campus you have to have a meal plan while living on campus our food was god-awful bad I researched into why it was so bad and it turns out it was by Sodexo half the time all the food was so horrid that we couldn't stomach it and the other half it was just bad but stomach herbal no what happened students had meal plans but they didn't eat they went out and bought their own groceries to bring them back to their rooms school realized it was wasting tons of food because it was preparing it and nobody was eating it so it tried to shame the students by showing us how much was wasted every week some students decided to respond by putting a sign on the administration still saying food won't be wasted if you give us some actual damn food we can eat another big one was when they implemented the housing lottery for our campus originally it was a first-come first-served basis administration got mad because people started camping out in front of the area the night before so the ones who really wanted certain roommates could make sure they were there bright and early so the random lottery system comes in and we were told we couldn't change your decision at all until a month after the next year started everyone just made swaps on their own and told the administration afterwards administration got mad and said they needed to move back to their original rooms and most everyone said no so if you need me here I'm at this location I swapped with this person so me and my friend or friends could room together like we wanted I was gone by this one but the school had a very rare type of semester schedule that made us stand apart from everyone else we were a block schedule a new president came in and she decided that we needed to get off that and instead go to a weird hybrid system there just sounded more convoluted than going to a normal semester system turns out the faculty and students hated that idea in ridiculous amounts and it showed in a campus-wide vote on it where the results were published new president decided to force it to change by saying that the faculty had influenced the student body that it was inconvenient for them and therefore the votes of almost everyone who didn't like it didn't count a massive amount of professors retired at the end of that year in response zero tolerance just created a new way to bully not me but my friends old place my friend was one to show up a half-hour early before work and was a commission-based salesman with salary just like the other salesmen who would always show up barely on time two hours late Friday night comes along and management decides to hold a meeting to announce the new policy if you're late you go home for the day and if you're late three days a month you're fired the weekend goes by and everyone is on time during the week a few people call out sick writers the store opens the weekend is coming up and my buddy is scheduled for Saturday but not Sunday or Monday and he's going to Disneyland with his wife who has Saturday Sunday and Monday off Friday night he packs his wife's car Saturday comes along and he's in the parking lot a half-hour early he pops in his favorite cassette fires up a joint and proceeds to hotbox his car he walks in five minutes late reeking of pot looks at the clock and then to his boss in front of the whole sales floor and loudly says oops I'm late guess I need to go home with a crap eating grin on his face the bosses started backpedaling the policy and started to tell him it wasn't for him and they'll let it slide he loudly stated that it wouldn't be fair if they made an exception for him and that he would see them Tuesday when he got back to work on Tuesday the policy was gone same company years later hired some absolute genius of an accountant who sold the idea to management that employees were making more than management and that they should go from Commission to salary all the top salesmen jumped ship as soon as possible the reminding bottom-feeders gotta raise compared to their normal salary and Commission and they didn't have to do crap all day to get it less than a year later they shut their doors for the last time loaned la 14 school and Loan Ball mo late 80s Early 90s are fairly small rural school went from k-8 so we split lunch times in our gym / cafeteria for some reason our school actually invested in a noise control system because we could apparently be quite loud during lunch and I guess the teachers got tired of trying to keep us kids quiet our SH and eat this new piece of equipment was mounted high on the wall and looked exactly like a stoplight when it was green we were free to talk if it became yellow we were to be careful of how much noise we made if it turned red it would buzz loud like when the game clock runs out at a basketball game installing this thing almost immediately had the opposite effect they desired it became a game to us we would only get quiet in order to make it go back to green then as a large group we would progressively get louder we would stall it out of yellow before surging our collective voices to make it hit red and be used said said said at which time we would all share laugh and get quiet again to reset it to green good times no backpacks in the classroom which led to hundreds of backpacks in the principal's office one morning no one gave a freak about that rule programmer here management's implemented an agile work tracking system that measured programmers by the amount of feature requests they completed we quickly figured out how to game that system by breaking everything down into the maximum number of feature requests we could imagine we'd make separate feature stories for make new button make button blue make button respond when clicked make new page for the new report run business logic to get results display results in grid set font for grid make grid sortable make back button return to previous page we became greater dividing a one-day task into 21 our tasks management loved it our team looked twenty times as productive and became an example to show off our processes the best performing team despite producing far less actual work and more useless form filling phones should be stowed away in a box in the front of the classroom everyone was like me we'll see how it goes in other words no stopped giving kicked back for walking sales I work at the hotel and the high management had the bright idea not to give us anything for charging walkins late checkouts early check-ins and upgrades so now we give them for free whenever we can our process integrity people decided every international order over $100 zero zero zero needed to be approved by a manager at the purchase requisition stage before the sales order could be processed the problem purchase requisitions only generated after the sales order was completed this meant it was impossible to complete any international order worth more than $100 zero zero zero and they launched this policy unannounced two days before Christmas I ended up staying in the office until 9:00 at night trying to get our data people to create a way for me to order dollar sign 300k in parts from Sweden before the holidays in Germany you need a paper from your doctor when you are stitch at least three days they enforce that you needed one even if you just are away for one day so everyone had to go to the doctor if not feeling right and of course we were away for weeks a big shipping company I worked at for a couple months said we would be working 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. they didn't tell the new employees including myself that holiday hours we're going to be 7 a.m. to whenever the Frick we feel like telling you to go home around 10:00 to 11:00 p.m. naturally people would get in 5 to 7 hours of work and go on break then just not come back that later we can no longer allow lunch breaks me and roughly 50 70 other workers quit on the spot when my school moved to a newly built site they also tried to establish a new ruler set for a new generational something the first one because they love their fancy new building so much was that nobody was allowed to leave the building until the end of the school day including breaks the front door would literally be locked unless there was a fire alarm suffice to say either nobody turned up or a lot of fire alarms were pulled before the rule was thrown away there were also military-style uniform inspections at random throughout the day and they look to us I was in sixth form to set the example for the kids however they were so overzealous in dictatorial that it became comical and we all very quickly stopped caring and told them to send us home or get lost and stop treating us like trash there were more stupid rules like this but our first group a sixth form ended up tearing them all down in a couple of months when I was in eighth grade my school implemented a new iPad program we were recognized as an apple certified school or some bullcrap like that the problem was that students were just using them to play games administration didn't have any way to crack down on it and teachers had no clue how to implement it into the classroom we constantly played 2048 in class since it was impossible for them to block all the different iterations for it and when they made it an instant be merit to be found playing it even in luncheon tomorrow we just switched over to browser Tetris it was so bad that one kid who sat right next to me didn't even try to focus on school he would spend the entire period playing on his iPad then constantly complained that he kept scoring fifties and sixties on his tests at an industrial site I used to work for they introduced an absolutely no overtime policy the people that most commonly worked overtime were the maintenance guys they had to cut out their preventative maintenance in order to make their hours while being available for all shifts it took three months of daily breakdowns before they decided to try something else my middle school tried to prohibit students from bringing backpacks into class you could bring a purse back etc' however just not a backpack they wanted students to either stop by their locker before every class period impossible without being late or carry a large stack of heavy textbooks around all day due to the latter reason the rule got cancelled within a week this was in 1998 slash 99 so I'm not sure what they were trying to achieve with this rule one job I had had a nails should only be in neutral colors rule every rule was enforced rather strictly except for this one because for the words of a manager every woman would get written up no end words in the Huck Finn our high school teacher made us buy the censored version for his class and numerous parents complained about the censorship as well as the added cost since our school library had sets of the original we could have read for free no one can clock in more than five minutes early there is too much overtime while this has resulted in the shift' relief not getting onto the floor for 15 minutes because before you have to be clocked in to do your daily safety meeting which takes 15 minutes which is causing the people who are waiting to go home to clock fifteen minutes later which renders the entire stop clocking in fifteen minutes early thing a moot point my high school band girls from wearing any shirt that exposed their bra straps because seeing a bra strap would give high school boys evil thoughts most of the girls in school responded by wearing the same shirts they'd always worn without bras as a teenage boy it was a happy couple weeks the school tried to then mandate that all female students wear bras until the male teacher asked a fifteen-year-old if she was wearing appropriate undergarments or not she called him a pervert her parents who thought the whole dress code things was a stupid as most of the students threatened a sexual harassment suit against the school everybody in charge panicked and it all went back to the way it was before they tried to change anything a nursing home in our area thought it would be a great idea to bring back the traditional white nursing caps they made it mandatory for all female nurses to wear during their shifts or be written up and eventually Poynting yourself out male nurses were not included about half of the staff quit within the first two weeks several started working at my facility the others that stayed said that the residents and families of resident laughed and made fun of the nurses constantly pretty degrading in sexist comments basically about three months after this all went down someone from corporate came in and fired all the directors who implemented the uniform change and everything went back and several nurses stayed with my company but a few went back when the rules changed no swapping shifts without a shift swap form immediately backfired when the manager had a stack of shifts what forms every day to approve and update the digital roster one of top managers for my work decided that everyone who's worked there for seven plus years had to do a special online training course that consisted of two four hundred plus page volumes of leadership training followed by a 2025 question test for each volume you were expected to complete this within one year of being automatically signed up for the course failure to pass the tests or to complete the course by the end of that year entered you ineligible for promotions and almost guaranteed to be laid off within a year so many people tried to take the guaranteed severance package option by not doing the course that they had to change the rule that you wouldn't get laid off or not promoted but you still had to do the course people still didn't do it that guy finally left shortly after and a new guy replaced him and promptly chucked that course and the whole idea of it into the garbage it's in place this year but I'm assuming it's gonna backfire shortly my high school band backpacks and phones this year and took away advisory which was pretty much a free period for clubs to meet thank God I graduated last year and don't have to deal with this bullcrap but I'm sure it's not going to go very well as a part-time employee at Walmart I was told that I need three weeks in advance to change anything about my shadow I was going back to school for the summer pretty abruptly and told my managers that I need choose days and Wednesdays removed from my shed you'll for the next two weeks immediately so that I could go to school they told me no so I went in the day before class and just quit no two-week notice from me I was pretty clear that I was going to go to school regardless of whether they'd fix my schedule and I wasn't about to get fired for not showing up for half of my shifts way back in the ended alluvion days of the 20th century I worked as a government inspector in one of the larger US State this was before the advent of government employee unions each fiscal year the personnel department would come up with proposals for reimbursing employees for official travel discuss it with an employee Association and send it to the state legislature for other standing one year someone came up with the bright idea that travel reimbursement should cover more than overnight trips employees who were required to travel more than 25 miles from their headquarters should get a lunch allowance my guess is that no one looked hard at the proposal and those that did were thinking of staff who went to occasional meetings not people who were on the road every day well my agency had the state divided up into districts inspectors in the districts were on the road almost daily in my case it was a combination of overnight and day trips it was pretty common to be more than 25 miles away from my office and my colleagues and I discovered that it was easy to change pretty common to almost always multiply that by not only my own agency staff but staff in every other agency that did field work we cleaned up on the lunch allowances the state budget for employee travel was completely blown before the year was half over as soon as legally possible the rule was changed to cover only specific emergency conditions College removed shares in cafeteria so people won't hang around now people just don't eat of the cafeteria it's a ghost hall and most of the food is thrown away daily really sad in an attempt to make school more enjoyable I guess they put a Jukka box in the cafeteria this was in 2001 so there was a bunch of generic pop songs in it and like a handful of classic rock songs my school was full of rednecks and they wanted country music so the only song that ever got played was that smelled by Skynet for a week everyone eating lunch got to hear that song like five seven times I say a week because that was how long it took before some stoner slash Tweaker got fed up and cut the power cord pizza place I worked at in high school implemented a zero policy on employees taking home any food home that wasn't paid for at non-employee prices any screw-ups or UN picked up orders trash the local homeless population started flocking to the store and calling in bogus orders because they knew there would be free pizza in the dumpster every night worked in an office with strict 835 office hours as time went by people would come and later say 845 but might stay till 6:00 or even later one day one of the directors got mad off because someone he wanted to talk to wasn't there at 840 and sent a nasty email demanding that everyone stop showing up late saying we all had a bad work ethic etc from then on everyone was in a dead on 830 and of course left at 5:00 on the dot [Music] [Music]
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Id: zCu8viZ8dRY
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Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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