These Plants Are IMPOSSIBLE πŸ˜’

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I've just shoved a load of rubbish down in a corner over there in the hope that you can't see it but I can't tell because the screen that I look at has a little box in the corner so if you can see it please ignore it hello everyone I hope you are doing well today I feel like I spend a lot of my time on YouTube making videos about easy care plants and things that are going really well in my collection and I don't spend that much time talking about the difficulties that I have plants that I find really challenging so I thought today I would make a video All About That and take you through some of the ones that are just kind of keeping me on my toes ones that I don't get on particularly well with just plants that I generally find very difficult to grow and why but first if you're new here hi my name is Claire and this is Yoli I make videos all about house plant care sharing tips and tricks I've learned over the years to help keep your plants happy and healthy and because these plants are a bit of a pain in the backside I feel like they don't get as much screen time as some of my others so I'm looking forward to taking you through them so yeah I hope you enjoy it let's get into [Music] [Music] it so as always these are in no particular order but the first one I've brought over to show you I've actually brought over a cutting of because the fo plant is hanging behind me there I'll put some clips into the full plant as well but it was just easier to do things this way and it is the scindapsus silver hero and don't get me wrong I absolutely adore the scindapsus silver hero and it's not a difficult plant per se I would actually say it's got very similar care requirements to things like my Aras my silveran the skin dapsis plants that I always talk about being very easy however this one just has a very weird way of growing and even just looking at it here you can probably see it's incredibly leg it's got these big long stretches of Vine that are all noed and no leaf and these aren't leaves that have fallen off it's just grown like this and I feel like although my mother plant is growing it's growing well for me it's growing fairly quickly is putting out lots of growth I am constantly chopping it back because it just looks very straggly otherwise and I don't know exactly why that is I can only assume that maybe it's a SK dapsis that wants to climb more and I'm trying to grow it as a hanging plant because I like the look of it like that but it does seem strange as I say that my other types of skin dapsis have been so more than happy to grow as hanging plants and this one's behaving very differently so yeah I've got probably about 14 or 15 different cuttings rooting around my flat at the moment and I plan on just continuing to pot them back in with the mother plant and eventually getting a lovely full plant going but even when I do get a lovely full plant going I just feel like that's not going to be it's it's not suddenly going to start giving me loads of leaves I feel like I'm still going to have to continuously chop it back and right now I think because I do love the foliage so much I think it is so pretty I love the color of it I really do on the whole love most things about it it is kind of worth it for me to be doing that also just shout out to the pot that Ross Made because I'm aware that I'm just holding this very casually without without referencing it um but I feel like as I say it's I don't know if it's anything that I'm doing apart from as I say the way that I'm growing it instead of letting it climb because I have had this plant growing in so many different conditions initially when I got it I got it as a cutting probably smaller than this so it has grown fairly significantly for me in the time that I've had it but I had it in my cabinet to start with then I had it hanging in my mom's Conservatory so I've grown it in all kinds of different lighting conditions and I haven't oh that's the coffee machine I haven't really found that anything makes a huge difference and my God okay let's just wait for that to finish I haven't really found that anything makes a huge difference and often when you look at a plant like this if it starts doing that it can often be down to lack of natural light and I would often say up the light and see what happens but that doesn't seem as I say to have really made any difference So currently I've just got lots of these dotted around and they look very pretty and they add little splashes of greenery and I really like the plants this is the thing it's not like as I say it's not like I don't like it I just don't know what I'm doing wrong or maybe the plants just like this but I don't know so if anyone is successfully growing the skaps of silver hero and you're not having this issue please teach me your ways tell me what you're doing right because I would love mine to not be doing this and then this next one was a struggle plant for me for such a long time it is the Boston fern and although I feel like on the whole I'm kind of nailing it with this plant now I feel pretty proud of myself and a lot of respects it is a plant that still very much keeps me on my toes like at the moment I'm not sure how well you can tell on camera actually but it's looking quite faded it's looking quite I almost want would say gray it's not quite as green and vibrant as it typically is and that is because the plant suddenly dried out and it needed water and this is a plant that likes to remain consistently moist and I struggled with it for such a long time for many many reasons primarily humidity and the amount of moisture that it requires but even now as I say having figured out this plant and having grown it healthily for quite a long time I will just look at it some days and I'm like oh my God I I didn't stay on top of it watering and it's not one like for example like some of my agena or fundin if they dry out a little bit then I'm like ah you know they'll be fine for a few days this one like if I hadn't watered this one today I can guarantee in the next couple of days it would just be a crisp and it is worth it like it's one that I have struggled with as I say a lot and I've always kind of decided to keep in my collection and try again I've killed many a Boston fern in my time it's one of those ones that I think when you're first kind of getting into house plants it's like a classic and everyone's like oh yeah get a Boston fern and no one really tells you how finicky they can be so I got one fairly early on needless to say it didn't last very long at all and then I just kept trying again and again and again and even this one that you see here has been lopped back to nothing I think three or four times in order for me to reset the plant and start again so yeah it's one that although I don't struggle with as much nowadays I do feel like I can't take my eyes off in the same way as some of my other plants like I'm going away on holiday soon and I'm a little bit worried about leaving this one I am just going to have to move it right back from the window because it is right in my window at the moment and I'm just going to have to water it a little bit more than I maybe will be comfortable with usually and maybe cling film its soil I think that's my plan with it I could get it into semih Hydro as well but I don't know I'm not sure but yeah it's one that I love it's up there currently I would say it's probably up there with one of my favorite plants I just love the texture of it I think it's gorgeous but yeah the fact that it can go wrong so easily does on some days frustrate me and if you've been on my channel for a while you will definitely have heard me moan about this one before and it is the antherium Regal and oh my goodness I love this antherium more than anything and I so want it to love me as well and it just doesn't seem to be it doesn't seem to be a match I just feel like we don't like each other very much this is a plant that I got probably about two two and a half years ago now at the rare plant Festival in leads and it's a plant that I'd wanted for ages and ages and ages I had I was going to say had pictures up of it that's a lie I'd had pictures saved on my computer and like my Pinterest wish board for plants which I know sounds sad but yes that is something that I do and I had just dreamed of owning this plant and I found it for a fairly reasonable price on the EA Janea store when I was at the rare plant festival and I was like oh my goodness I'm actually going to get a Regal and I remember on the train home I was so excited and I got home and I was so excited and within 24 hours the beautiful big leaf that it came with had died off like it was already slightly yellowing but you know when a leaf is yellowing so subtly you can't really tell if it's going to go or not and it was and since then I've never got out of the one leaf club and every single leaf it's given me has just looked a little bit battered and beaten up and to be honest this is probably the healthiest Leaf I've had from it but I have just tried and tried and tried and tried and tried and I feel like I just can't get it right with this plant honestly I have spoken to loads of people in the community I have watched countless care videos on YouTube from other people that are growing this plant amazingly and I feel like I'm doing everything right and I just don't know why it doesn't like me so yeah I still like right now as I say it has got a beautiful Leaf I am appreciating it and I do think it's lovely but it does feel like quite a lot of stress for something that's not giving me much back and I think even maybe if it was giving me one leaf at a time but every single leaf looked beautiful and conditioned with no kind of damage and tears and then maybe I'd love it even more I don't know but as I say this is arguably the best aesthetically best Leaf it's given me in quite a while and it's still got lots of cracking and discoloration and yeah so so I I want to say we're getting there with this plant like I feel a tad more confident than I did this time last year let's say when it was completely leafless and it was just a stump in a cup but I feel like we're moving quite slowly compared to some of my others like some plants I'll get and I'm like oh I don't really understand them but I'll do a load of research I'll do lots of trial and error and then I'll figure them out and it's been a couple of years and I still haven't figured this one out so again any tips would be greatly appreciated but otherwise in the meantime we're just going to keep going and hope that at some point I can figure it out because I love it I really love it but I haven't ever been able to sit back and actually appreciate it in my collection because cuz yeah something's always going a bit wrong so we'll see we'll see and this next one's one that I really don't talk about very often purely for the fact that it's never looking great and I just don't feel like I get this plant but it is the filad andran domesticum varaga and that leaf there I think is absolutely stunning and then every other Leaf is just a a little bit weird and warped and I don't know it's just doing weird things and this is one that Emma had in her collection I think she got it as an import plant about a year ago and she wasn't getting on great with it so she gave it to me and I was like oh I'll give it a go and the first thing I did when I when I was given it is I chopped it back to try and conserve some of its variation because it had completely reverted and the first Leaf it gave me after that I was like oh okay I think I've done it I think I think it's worked it's giving me lots of love variegation and every leaf since then has just been I don't know like it's a bit curly and it just doesn't look very healthy I've wondered so many times if this plant has pests but I've checked it I've treated it it's in my cabinet with loads of predatory Ms at the moment and I I don't know I know I could get it onto a moss pole and like if I was giving anyone else advice I would probably tell them that is what you should do but you know sometimes a plant just doesn't motivate you to do that because you're just not a fan of it like I know that sounds like a really bad thing to say but I just don't know how much I care about this plant and it's really sad to say that because there's been multiple points where this plant has really excited me like as I say when it first started growing back after I made the initial chop I was like oh this is cool like and I don't know many people that have this plant like this is going to be a really fun one to experiment with and and that excitement has just kind of died a bit of a death because I always feel like it's just looking a bit unhealthy and unhappy and so yeah I'm this is one actually I'm potentially thinking of getting rid of I have been really good actually these last kind of four five months at having when I say a clear out I I don't really like using that ter with plants having a bit of a cleanse of the plants that aren't making me that happy I've given Lots away to new homes I've given some to neighbors I've given some to friends I've given a couple to my mom and I feel like my collection even if it's grown in some ways because obviously I have brought new plants into my home at that time as well I did my massive Molen haul but I haven't found anything to feel more overwhelming just because I feel like I'm enjoying caring for the plants that I've got a lot more and I could be wrong it's not like this one requires a huge amount of care I've got it in semih Hydro it's in my cabinet all I do is fill its Reservoir and pest check it that's pretty much all I do but nonetheless I'm like is it taking up space am I going to suddenly do a 360 and be like oh you know what I love that plant again and I just don't see that happening right now personally I don't see that happening right now oh is that a bee oh there's a bee in here I need to let him out how did you get in this is how I open the window now this is my lepismium cruciform I just grab its pot and pull cuz I'm not tall enough to open the window go out please and then to close the window we use a bread board but yeah as I say this is one that currently is not bringing me that much joy I'm not even really enjoying the variegation on it to be honest I'm not a massive one for yellow Ora variegation on the whole anyway I think I really liked the look of the first Leaf because it looks more kind of creamy and I don't know I kind of thought that's what would happen when it matured it's not maturing it's not maturing and I think I'm done with it so yeah that's a plant that I find difficult and also don't like very much apparently uh that's that decision made this is why it's good to talk things through sometimes yeah I'm going to probably chop this one prop it put it in one of my boxes and take it to the next Plant swap that is my plan oh and then this next one's sad this is really sad and I feel a bit ashamed of this cuz I feel like it's a plant I should be able to get right but I just can't uh it looks like this at the moment because there's nothing else to show but this is my third or fourth maybe antherium warok quanum I just don't understand this plant I like I know it's one that some people do struggle with I know people as well that say it's really easy and I'm like okay teach me your ways cuz I don't find this plant easy to grow whatsoever and I have tried so many things as I say the first anther morim I ever got was a few years ago and I didn't get it from a great seller it arrived already with like evidence of it not doing well like the bottom of the leaf had been all chopped away where it had obviously browned and it was a bit faded and it just didn't look that healthy I didn't know much about the plant at that stage so I was just kind of like okay let's just keep growing it and see what happens and when that one died I was like okay maybe that was was purely down to the place I got it from and when I got my next one have I had have I had another two or another one I don't know but I managed to keep my last one alive for about a year and a half which if in the grand scheme of things isn't great like you want to be keeping your plants alive long term and even though that one was surviving in my care kind of similar to the antherium Regal it just felt like quite a lot of stress and I never felt like I truly knew the plant and I've tried growing it in my cabinet and I've established that for me in my home it is not a plant that enjoys cabinet life I think it gets too hot in there and air circulation probably isn't the best for it so I took it out of the cabinet and I had it at two leaves at one point two beautiful beautiful leaves and then slowly but surely they just started to wilt and curl and dry up and I ended up losing them and then I ended up losing the whole plant so someone actually very kindly one of you guys sent me this at the beginning of the year and so I feel a little bit ashamed showing it because obviously I haven't got on great with it the good news is I'm pretty sure the root system in there I'm not 100% sure but I'm pretty sure the root system is still alive so I'm hoping it will grow back and I can try again oh okay I might have lied about that uh seeing as the top of it has just come off with the collar I like the warocqueanum to look at visually is one of my favorite antheriums I think it is just beautiful I'm going to stop holding the empty pot as well cuz no point in showing you anymore but yeah when I see pictures of it in other people's collections I'm like oh my goodness it is a plant that I like yearn for like I really want to have it in my own home I want to be able to appreciate it and I feel like I've learned so much with antheriums especially in the last year I feel like I've done lots of experimenting and I don't know I'm just a bit gutted that that's one that for whatever reason I cannot get my head around and I really hope at some point further down the line I'll be looking back at this and I'm like aha now I've got a beautiful one but right now in my current environment I I I don't think I'm going to give it another go purely because I don't think it's fair on the plant unless I'm going to spec like I don't know change up very specific things and go in with more of a game plan I think I'm going to wait until I move and I'm not blaming this all on the environment I'm sure a lot of it is me but it hasn't worked here for me so far so yeah that is a massive struggle plant and then this one I thought I would include this one on the list because it has been one of the most difficult plants for me to get to know similarly to what I said about the Boston fern I do feel like touch all the wood I do feel like I know this plant now and I feel fairly confident with it now but it is my variegated alocasia Fred deck and this is an allocation that I took such a long time to actually feel like I know and I was quite surprised actually and I did make a care video on this plant a while ago and I know I said this in the care video but I was quite surprised because I'd had an allocation mitana in my collection for years and years and years I felt like I really knew that plant and I was like considering they look so similar like so similar I was like surely their care needs can't be that different and although on paper they're not that different the smallest differences make such a big impact with this plant like I got so much wrong for such a long time when I first got this one and I've had this one now getting on for about 2 years I believe and when I first got it I went through the one leaf phase for months months months months a months it reverted completely at one point for me as well and I was like oh my god I've just spent all this money on this beautiful plant and I've lost it and then yeah I've just played about with different environments different lighting conditions different substrates and I feel like finally I've struck a good balance however it is one that I am still very strictly monitoring cuz I know things like before when I thought things were going right they would suddenly take a time for the worst and then all of a sudden they'd be going wrong so I don't take any anything for granted for this plant and this actually this plant has been I was about to say revolutionary this plant has made a very big impact on me in terms of the way that I care for plants in many ways but on a practical level right now I've got it through next door in the bedroom which I know I've said before for whatever reason probably ahd brain but I find a really difficult space to keep on top of like I have had so many plants in the bedroom that will just die because I I genuinely forget to go in there and water them which I know might sound ridiculous but this because it is one of my one of my favorite plants one of my most prized plants and one that I feel like I have worked so hard to get to know and get uh the level it's at now I'm like if I have that one next door I will be much more inclined I think because I like hyper focused on this plant and I love it I will be much more inclined to go through that and then be reminded to check all the other plants and actually it's been living in the bedroom for since October so October November for about 8 months now and in the last 8 months I felt so much more on top of that room purely because I go in there to check on this one so yeah if any of you guys are struggling to monitor a certain space I would highly recommend doing the same thing I've kind of used that tactic for me in different areas of this room as well because I've got a rehab shelf down the bottom there that gets incredibly neglected because because most of the stuff there doesn't need a lot of Maintenance it's all in bags and boxes and for that reason I really do forget about it but I've started putting like propagations I'm really excited about or allocation corns that need quite a lot of Maintenance I've started putting them down there and again similar principle it just kind of brings me back to those areas and I feel like I'm able to just be a little bit more attentive in that way but yeah I love this one but it isn't one that has been straightforward so I know I get a lot of messages about this plant if you are like just getting to know it just know it's a it's a journey it's a process and it does well it did for me anyway at least take a bit of time before you kind of get to know it I don't know why it is with some plants like and others are fine but that one really yeah that one on the Boston fern I would actually say are probably two of my most difficult that I've got to know not like woim level oh and then this next one might come as a bit of a surprise but it's my mon the section of my monstera dubia that's on a plank and I will lift this up and try and show you a little bit better because if you watch my other videos you will know that I've got a big beautiful monstera dubian that looks nothing like this anymore it's uh in fact I'll put a clip in it you you can kind of see it behind my bed of Paradise by the window but that one is big and beautiful and fenestrated and this was the original mother section of that plant and what I've done since I've separated the big kind of fenestrated section from the top is I've just continued to chop it back and just essentially propagate the top of this plant and I think this plant is starting to get a little bit stressed by that it like I almost wondered if it would start putting out growth points further down and it's not at all and I'm just starting to like yeah there I'm starting to lose leaves and the leaves that it has got a very curly I've been very Vigilant in my pest checking it's just one that is slowly on the decline and I'm not quite sure what to do about it to be honest I've checked the Roots the Roots are fine and if this was any other vining plant I would say I'll chop it up and propagate it but in my experience taking one stad duia off a plank and this is why I've said before if I was starting again I would absolutely opt for a moss pole but taking it off the plank kind of Damages the aerial roots that it's got and means that in my experience at least it typically doesn't root it doesn't put out growth and can often just rot and die and I really don't want that to happen but I know that something needs to happen so I think probably I can see it's got a growth point and your growth point coming up just there so I think maybe once that has hopefully put out a lovely healthy Leaf I might just make a cut here and see if that encourages some growth down here and just keep doing that I don't know I don't know and it's such a shame as well because obviously it one on stage this was my absolute pride and joy this is these are actually it's growing on planks of my mom's old shed it was the plant that made me so happy and although I still have got my lovely monstad dubia this bit is now suffering and I don't know I feel like it's not even in the greatest state to go and find a new home I don't know who would really want this plant in this way at the moment it just looks very battered and beaten up and it's got more yellowing down the bottom here like look at that leaf so so yeah it's one that is just since they keeping on my toes making me feel a bit worried at the moment because it's one I really don't want to lose I love having a shingling section as well as the big fenestrated section in my care but yeah I just feel like something is just upsetting it on a pretty major level at the moment so it is a struggle plant for me for sure right now which is weird because as I say it's never been a struggle plant previously I think it's just the trauma that I'm causing it from all the chopping so yeah I don't know and then risk of sounding like a broken record the next one is my aliccia portadora and if you are not new to my channel then you will know how much I love but hate this plant at the same time I've said many times before it is probably visually my most beautiful allocation and in in fact one of my favorite favorite plants however it is such a magnet for pests and when I say that it sounds like I'm being dramatic but I'm really not like I pest treat this plant every single week at the moment last week I accidentally missed a pest treatment and I had spidermites literally if I don't do it every single week something will happen to this plant and for that reason I just always feel a little bit stressed about it so yeah it's it's one that in order to kind of grow beautifully and look its best needs to be grown in higher light than what it's receiving right now and ideally it would be right in the middle slap bang in the middle of my windows right there but because of how past prone it is it's one that I'm like I don't want it anywhere near my other plants so at the moment it's living just at the end of the sofa in fact just in front of where Yoli is at the moment it lives just there so it doesn't ever come into contact with anything else and it's doing okay but it's very much doing the alloca in thing like as you can tell it is getting ready to push out a new Leaf there but as soon as that happens I can pretty much guarantee that this Leaf will dive back and when I was growing this plant in my mom's Conservatory it was oh my God it was probably about the size of me at one stage it was ginormous and if you look back at my old videos you can see it in the background because it was beautiful beautiful beautiful but I've chopped it up so many times I've reset the plant so many times and I've always just just found it a little bit of a challenge just to say purely for the fact that it is so pest prone and I've wondered before if this is like an issue specific to me is it something I'm doing wrong but the amount of people that I've spoken to that also have this plant in the plant community that have said oh my God I know exactly what you mean so I don't think it's just a me thing and also because I've got so many alloca in my collection like even ones such as the alaka Jaclyn that are supposedly very prone to pests such as spidermites I I don't know this one just is way more than any other way more than any other and I don't know what it is about it that that makes it so pest prone but because this one is one that's such a draw for pests it means obviously I've got to be very Vigilant with all of the plants in the rest of my collection but particularly all of my other alloces because I heard this a while ago and someone confirmed it for me actually when I was in Moren and I found it very interesting um but certain genus of plants like if a for example if one of your filad dendrin is heavily affected by pests pests are going to be more drawn to other filad dendrons in your collection and the same goes for alacia and when it is already a genus of plant that is susceptible it just means that I've got to be hyper hyper Vigilant so yeah I've contemplated getting rid of this one many times just because of how much work it is and the thought of getting rid of it makes me sad but it is also a pain in the backside so for now it lives on in my care but yeah it's not the easiest and one that you might not have expected to see on this list but I thought I would include because actually is a struggle plant for me like even if I don't think it is it absolutely is it is my Hoya latifolia sarak and this section specifically I am really struggling with and this is the original big mother section I chopped this plant up a few months ago now it Al had three massive kind of dinner plate leaves like this it was beautiful but it wasn't giving me any sustainable growth like I've had it now for two or 3 years and in that time it's given me I think two or three leaves it's had lots of leaves that have fallen off and I was like is it flat might related I got a microscope on there did all the checking couldn't say anything treated it and eventually took the plunge and chopped it and two of the sections of it that I chopped are doing amazingly well like incredibly and this one I'm still really struggling with and I don't know what it is about this section like arguably this one has a stronger root system because it is the mother plant it's got the original Roots they look really healthy as well because I've checked them and it did start giving me a lovely uh like a lovely growth point just there and i' again I've chopped it back it was this huge long kind of tenderly Runner lots of little bits of new growth on that and I was like oh my God how exciting it hasn't done this in ages and I trellised it I put it on there I wound it anticlockwise and within the space of about a week and a half all of those leaves had turned yellow and fallen off which makes me think it is flat might related but like I say I can't see anything so I just don't know but currently this section is just I mean it looks very pretty don't get me wrong it's lovely but it's just not doing anything and I don't know at some point I I guess further down the line if the other sections are doing well for me then I'll pot them up together and get that going as my plant and maybe pass this along to someone else to have a go with because I know it is a plant that a lot of people want but yeah it's it's just one that I don't know why is not responding well for me the other option of course is to completely chop and start again in the same way as I have done with the others but I wouldn't have thought I'd need to do that but yeah we'll see currently currently it's just looking exactly as is and the other sections that I chopped that didn't have any Roots at all are doing better so who knows and then finally another antherium that I think um I think I will probably get rid of because I have not got on well with currently only has one leaf but it is arguably the most beautiful Leaf it's had in my time of owning it it is the antherium doraki and again this is another one of Emma's hand me- down plants another one that she liked but she wasn't getting on amazingly with and I have had this plant now for about 6 months and previously it had I think about 10 leaves like it was quite big and bushy and all of its leaves were gorgeous but as soon as they finished hardening off and kind of hit maturity they were just cracking and breaking and I just could not keep them looking condition and I couldn't find any way around that I was like the humidity is high it's getting plenty of water like all of the things that I would have typically thought of that would be causing that didn't seem to be causing it so I just got myself in a bit of a cycle of I don't know what to do and eventually decided to chop the whole thing back which if you don't know me that is what I am prone to doing if I'm not getting on well with the plant I think sometimes chopping it back resetting it is a good way to kind of figure things out from scratch and so far things are going well but this is leaf number one and this is one that hasn't finished hardening off so we will see if this one hardens off and doesn't crack then maybe I'll consider hanging on to it because I do really like it the only reason currently that I'm considering holding on to it is just because I'd like to cross-pollinate it uh and I feel like it is potentially one that could start giving me fluorescences quite soon because it is quite mature it's got a very good root system but yeah that's where I am at with it at the moment I think it's lovely but it's just one that I have not found easy so again with any of these plants honestly if any of you've got any tips or any Corners that you've turned that you feel like might be useful for me or anyone watching this video please do comment them down below and yeah also let me know some of the plants that you're struggling with at the moment or plants that you just gen generally find difficult because everyone seems to have plants that are more suited to them and that's a good thing but it is still frustrating when there's a plant that you like and you can't grow it so yeah again let me know in the comments oh but I definitely feel better for having a moan I always do when I've when I've made a Moy video and I've been like BL about the plants that are causing me grief so thank you for listening and I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please make sure to give it a thumbs up subscribe to my channel have a lovely day and I will see you in the next [Music] video Stay Sexy PL lovers
Channel: The Jungle Haven
Views: 28,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aUJ6us0V5rE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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