All of my anthuriums growing in ambient conditions! Anthurium collection PART 2

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hey guys welcome to part two of my antherium collection video part one was all of my antheriums growing in Greenhouse conditions in high humidity like my tent exos propagation domes and this one is all my antheum growing in ambient conditions so they're going to be bigger kind of on average and they're also kind of um suffering a little bit from spider mes the overarching theme of this video is going to be some ripping of leaves some speckling of spidermites that's kind of the reality year I've been dealing with spider bites for like I don't know 2 years it's been better these days I've been like a little bit more on top of things with beneficial um predatory mites but also it's just like they're they're Unstoppable but I get a lot of questions and I see a lot of questions in general in the community about how to grow antheriums in ambient conditions and like what are the best ways and I feel like maybe this could be helpful for some people you can learn from my failures I don't think this video is going to be nearly as long as the first one one so the majority of them are living here and here and I would say if push came to shove and I had to get rid of my tent I had to get rid of my exos for whatever reason I had to downsize I don't know like if something happened and everything had to change I could probably grow all but two of my antheriums in ambient conditions they just wouldn't be as nice you'll get like little holes every now and then by the way the only two species that I grow that cannot grow in ambient conditions is my splendidum well splendidum that was forced on me and my um antherium deay I feel like I have a lot to say about the pros and cons of growing in high humidity and ambient conditions and for me I'm um I'm in Canada but I'm like on the coast so I'm in Vancouver so the humidity isn't quite as dry or the humidity isn't quite as low as other parts of Canada I would say it's probably more consistent throughout the year so it's not like in Ontario or Montreal where it gets like really humid in the summer and it's like super dry in the winter it's a little bit more moderate here and so in the winter of course it's drier is ranging around 30% humidity because the heaters are on but in the summer it's kind of around 40 50% just ambient so it's not extremely low humidity here but it's definitely um much lower than my tent for example so I'm kind of on a time crunch today so we're going to just get right into it okay so I want to start off with my probably is it my favorite it's like definitely top three favorite antheriums of all time and I'm so glad I'm filming this video today because this emergent Leaf this is the stage where I love it the most it the colors are so magnificent this is my ethereum king of Spades I mean look at that new Leaf it has spider mites this thing has spider mites I would say the damage isn't so bad but I can definitely see mites on here and actually a side note after I finish filming today I'm going to take my Captain Jack spray this shelf back here is going to get dosed I don't want to keep using it over and over and over again because the spidermites will get resistant to it but the thing I like about Captain Jack is that it doesn't damage emergent leaves so I can surray on something like Super Fresh it will not get burned and I've actually been spraying Captain Jack with the lights on without rinsing it off no damage whatsoever from the Captain Jack I would say Captain Jack dead bug Brew that's the one I'm using it's not that strong that's probably why it doesn't damage the emergent leaves but it also um doesn't just wipe everything out so I have been slacking a little bit on that department but I will I it is part of my to-do list today to just spray every single thing front and back pedales inflows everything with Captain Jack so anyways this plant I got I think it was like early 2021 late 2020 I don't really remember I'll link the seller in the description his name is Randy his handle already in Plants his prices are on the higher side for Indonesian sellers but his quality is really good and he's just a nice guy I I don't really know what else to say like we've always had good experiences with him and I trust him I just really love this specimen so much because the veins are so spidery it doesn't have a lot of the bleeding it just has like the really clean veins there's a little bit of bleeding right in the sinus the new leaves are so red I think with higher light this one gets a little bit more vibrant and this thing grows so slowly I think on average I get like two leaves a year I'll be really lucky if I get three and I recently chopped it um the top cuting always make it you can see there's like some healthy Roots here it had quite a small root system when I cut it and then immediately after it started rooting it put out a flower and it put out this Leaf but mid and bottom cuting I don't have a great track record of getting successful propagations from it so a lot of them will just mush and also the intern notes are really tight on this so it's really hard to get min cuting out of it it grows slow so um I probably won't be cutting this for at least a year maybe two years I just want to get it bigger I don't want to use it as a mother plant for breeding but if it gets really mature and I feel like it can support something I I'll just assume that I'm not going to get very many berries out of it but I love King of Spades hybrids so the King of Spades is a hybrid I would guess that it's a complex hybrid of like mutated crystallinum magnificum bred over many generations I believe Uli doesn't even know what exactly it is but one thing I will say about kingom Spades is that its characteristics are quite stable in that offspring of King of Spades always kind of have that King of Spades look they're always kind of round they always kind of have this like spidery um venation pattern where it kind of like comes out really horizontally and then like drops down they'll often have really nice Reds in it so this is to me I feel like a quite a stable cultivar it's such a great parent in breeding except that as a mother plant it won't produce a lot of berries I don't think I've ever seen anyone report that they've had like like a huge yield off their King of Spades but yeah I just wanted to start with this one because it's like I cannot tell you how much I love this plant it's like one of my favorite plants in my entire collection it's everything I love in an antherium it's fat it's round it's got great colors got great veins and it takes quite a long time actually for it to fully harden off to just like green on green this Leaf has probably been hardened off for over 6 months maybe longer at least six months I would say and it's got really super thick udon roots and it can take some underwatering it will take up water quite quickly I find like it drinks quite a lot but if it dries out a little bit it's not going to immediately start crisping I think this is a combination of letting it get completely dry and also it's starting to flower I also think this Leaf looking kind of weird and like wonky is from it starting to flower so this Leaf was forming at the same time as its first flower um this leaf looks a little bit better I will say but it is quite small because I keep cutting it and I need to stop okay so last video I showed at the very end a lot of you might not even have made it to the end of that video cuz it's was kind of long I showed a little batch of seedlings that me and Charmaine did so the mother plant was her real and then the Poland parent was my black crystallinum which I didn't show in that video cuz it was growing in ambient conditions but also I haven't shown a long time because it has been struggling it's honestly like to me a beautiful beautiful dark crystallinum and I love crystallinum so much I think as one of these like classic pure species pure species go cuz like a lot of um hybrids I believe are being sold as crystallinum and you know but anyways I got this from Tropicals in 2020 I think this is what it looked like then it was so black and the veins were so crisp and so bright sparkling silver I was in love and I grew it in my tent for a while but as Crystal line would go it grows kind of like a helicopter the pedals get really long so it wouldn't fit in there so I grew it outside in ambian conditions in pond so I was growing it in like a self-watering vessel um it had that indicator but that indicator would break all the time unbeknown to me I didn't know that they would just kind of get stuck in that position where it shows that it has water but it's actually like bone dry so a lot of the roots dried out it got really sad So eventually I moved it straight into treefern soil and this is the first Leaf it grew like I could see the I could see the beauty in it no but really like before it started to rip itself into pieces I saw the venation pattern on it and I was like oh that's that's really promising cuz I hadn't had a nice leaf grow on it in over a year I kind of forgot what it looked like in a way and I recently topped off its old two leaves because I just couldn't stand looking at the crispy crispy edges anymore from it being super dry but this was grown when it didn't have a lot of roots so I had to remove a lot of the dried out roots when I moved it to tr soil um this is grown with very little Roots the plant couldn't take up enough water to form properly it has since grown a bunch of nice healthy Roots it's not root Bound by any means but this Leaf is the latest Leaf to come out and I'm just reminded of why I love this plant so much and I refuse to sell it even when it was really ugly I probably could have given it away for free but I was determined to Glow this back up once this Leaf is fully expanded I'm going to cut this off we're going to put this ugly episode behind us and I think the main reason why it's growing so much better now obviously has a better root system but because the treer soil doesn't dry out quite as dramatically as the pond um I think I'm just kind of done with self-watering pots in general I'm just kind of doing my own self-watering setup with having a Le a layer at the bottom and just keeping a reservoir on Plants but the concept is kind of the same I'm just not relying on indicators cuz I just don't trust them after that the one that I was using was the elho brand um self-watering pots but anyway this one has like insane veins there's so many veins is that not the vinest crystal inem you ever did see this is definitely veinier than previous leaves I've had on it but I kind of just attribute that to it getting more mature so I wish that this was a little bit more expanded by the time I showed this to you I'll definitely show you updates I really hoping it doesn't show up with like spidermite Speckles actually in saying that I see some right now there's some faint speckling right down at the bottom you know what hopefully it's like subtle enough that I can kind of look past it I'll show you plans later that is like so speckly that you could you can't not see it but sometimes it's subtle enough you can kind of like not see it at a distance so anyway I love crystallins I'm just like pushing for like a resurgent of love for straight up crystallinum not hybridized with anything just straight crystallinum with really clean intensely sparkling venation they can get really big and think it just be like this showstopping piece in in a room just on its own for anyone who doesn't like super long pedals and just like wide reaching um growth patterns maybe it's not for you or maybe you're going to have to like cut off every leaf and always just keep like one or two at a time it's not a super super easy antherium I think you know case in point it will not grow perfect leaves it won't grow super fast if it's not like kind of optimal in the root department but I think it's so great for beginners to get into because they're a pretty approachable um plant to get I think you can learn everything you need to learn about anoran care through crystallinum it's not a walk in the park you have some challenges here and there but you're not breaking the bank in order to do it so anyway all that to say um this is the Poland parent to that hybrid we did and I'm glad to finally be able to show you the actual parent plant there's a couple of imports that I'm acclimating in ambient conditions right now so typically with Imports I will acclimate them either in a bin or in my tent if I trust the source that it came from that it doesn't have pests because pests can sneak through the phytosanitary process but every now and then I won't have space anywhere and when these plants came in my tent was at full capacity and I had like two bins full of plants in this room so I was like they're just going to have to live outside so the first one is my only B AF besier AF is so variable and I think the first time I ordered it it was off an order form I'm pretty sure I'm 99% sure at that time I think it was like 2021 is whenever it was first introduced by Tropicals or equ regenera I don't even really remember where I ordered it from I think it was Tropicals but yeah at that time I didn't know how variable they were so I didn't know that I was looking for like a specific type of BF like a specific look so I just wasn't hugely in love with the one I had so I chopped it into pieces and then grew them out a little bit and then sold them so this one I got like maybe a month ago Lauren had imported a whole bunch to the shop and this was one of them and I was like like ooh before we sell it maybe I'm going to just snipe it because I thought these little ears were really cute the way they kind of turn in towards each other it's kind of got like an Ace of Spades shape in general except the loaves are like teeny tiny and kind of kind of narrow on top I thought this had good potential cuz every leaf is quite round um and they do that little curving in thing I think everybody wants the one that has a flat sinus which is like a one in a million so a close second for me is this kind of almond shape and so I got this into my treefern soil mix the same potting situation as I always do and it's been rooting so happily in it I find BF is not the easiest antherium in that it doesn't really grow well for me in a wide variety of substrates so I think I've only tried to grow them either in just straight Pond possibly treefern and treefern soil and treer soil has definitely worked the best for me I think Bess a is kind of like war aquum in that it likes to be quite quite damp all the time so it really doesn't do well with any sort of wet dry cycle so I do think treer soil is the right call for at least me and I just have to be really careful not to let it dry out because it will really show it I mean these leaves are kind of showing it as well this is kind of what happens when I acclimate antheriums in ambient conditions but it has pushed a leaf and and we'll see how that forms I think the root system is pretty healthy so as long as I keep on top of the watering it should in theory form okay without ripping itself into pieces the second one I'm acclimating right now is um this hu or King of Spades red crystallinum I got this also from the same seller I got my King of Spades from so I ordered two from him I'm acclimating one in my tent and this one outside this one just seemed quite a lot perkier than the other one the other one seemed a little bit more soft in the leaves so I thought this one could survive out here so so far I don't see any Roots but I don't see any decline either maybe this this is the lowest down Lea so it's I'm not concerned about that I really like all these little electric Flex on this and I think overall it's a pretty dark specimen which usually when I order stuff from Indonesia it will get darker in my care cuz the light isn't as strong as like growing in um they will often grow in these like shaded grow houses but it's going to be a lot stronger Sun sunlight than what they're getting in here so hopefully it can get even darker than this in my care okay I figured I'm going to do all of my Lux hybrids all at once well not all of them all the ones growing in ambient conditions this one is um quote unquote vag Lux so the mother plant was a plant that um Anna at the shop called vag because at the back of the leaf it well it doesn't have it on this plant but it basically it kind of half fused and It produced like essentially labia so nicknamed it vad and now vad is just like the name that we call it vag Lux is quite a fun one because all the emergent leaves they have really nice kind of Dusty pastely kind of Pinky emergent leaves this one is showing really green in my viewfinder but in real life and under those lights it's kind of like a bronzy beige yeah I'm looking at it right now and it's like it's very Brown toned but it's showing up really really green in the viewfinder this one has been responding really well to boat mode so when I put it into this pot it had none of these leaves it was like this big that was the biggest leaf on it I got it out of a a coffee cup it was like a 16 oz coffee cup put it into this pot this was the first leaf that grew out look how dark it is it hardened off super black it's right under grow lights it's not getting burned then this Leaf grew it's a little bit of a size up it got a little bit bent here but also really dark it kind of looks like the Easter Island faces and then this Leaf is still kind of floppy it's still expanding a little bit it's ready for a repot it's in treer soil it can probably go into an 8 or 9 in pot not that I have a 9 in pot 8 in pot do I have room for a 8 in pot that's another story so after this I don't expect it to continue sizing up it's going to probably stay I mean it will probably still grow but the leaves aren't going to be continuously sizing up anymore do I want it to continue sizing up I'm not really sure because I don't have space for all my plants to be like sizing up dramatically with every leaf so that's definitely something you can do if you want to slow your antherium down just let it be a little bit root bound I mean at the very least if there's a lot of stem above the substrate you can just make a little collar for it and just fill it up with substrate so essentially you're giving it more vertical substrate but you're letting these roots be on the tighter side so that when you do go to chop it then you'll have some Roots up top as well this one is crystallinum Lux this is from Anda and she kind of introduced luxurian hybrids first to the community this is like the first one I ever got from her and a couple weeks ago I said I was going to repot it and guess what I actually did it so I transitioned this from Pawn no drainage to treer soil with drainage it was pretty root Bound in there it has started to root a little bit so this is probably like 2 weeks of root growth not a ton but I don't see decline it did try to flower but the flower never emerged it just kind of died off in the sheath so hopefully with this Leaf it'll be able to push out a flower and I'll be able to cross it ideally I want to do it with my crystallinum black um it is also pushing another Leaf so I think it's I think it's doing good I think with Lux hybrids my biggest challenge is getting edema on the leaves they just show really kind of dramatically with Lux hybrids they tend to do better in soil in general I feel like luxurians and Lux hybrids cuz I think with more consistent um moisture in the substrate it doesn't dry out and get wet and dry out it's like more stable so the edema doesn't show up as much because I I actually do think that if your plant is used to drying out and getting water and then drying out and getting water if you move it to a substrate that doesn't have that sharp dry wet cycle it will get pretty bad edema so if you're like a chronic underwater and you're just suddenly like I vow to be on on top of my watering and I'm going to water it um before it fully dries out and then you start to water plants really deeply you can ECT that some of them are going to show edema whether or not actually translates to damage and rupture cells like this I think it will depend on the plant so this one showed up after I got it to Tre and soil but I'm not too fussed about it I know it will grow another nice leaf and I'm just going to let it acclimate to the this more wet substrate I just realized I've been filming for so long and we got so much left to go and um Jam's on her way here so I need to speed up this one is one of my favorite Lux hybrids this is from Amanda so this is Lux Ralph line and Fort Sherman I am on a mission to grow mine as dark as hers if you ever get plants from Amanda one thing you will notice is that she has like beautifully dark plants she really has her lighting dialed in that her plants are like not getting a crazy amount of light they stay super black and her specimens from this batch cuz I got this as seeds I think it was like a year and a half ago and I've never been able to achieve the Blackness that she has I know that it's possible because all of her specimens are super like oily black they just look like they're covered in tar it's so pretty they have like a purple shift mine always look a little bit more green like this it definitely does have the pap elongation and stuff but I keep trying to push it back away from the light more and more just to see how low of a light I need to grow it in order to get really dark leaves without it kind of like reaching like crazy towards the light because like if you get your plant under too low of light what will happen is that they're going to start reach reaching for the lights I'm just trying to walk that fine line I haven't found the right light yet for it to get really dark leaves but yeah this one is in desperate need for a repot it is on my to-do list for this week um but this one is like probably the biggest leaf I've grown and this is after a chop but you can see how much um stem is above the substrate so we we need to we need to address this this week couple videos ago at the same time I said I was going to repot that Crystal luux I also said I was going to repot my luxurians my straight up pure luxurians and I finally did it also went from pond to treer soil I've had this for so long also since before Tropicals in ecuagenera was selling Lux I kind of paid an arm and a leg for a very small propagation of it the blees were like this big but I've had it for so long that I should be huge by now and it's not that I want it to be humongous I just don't think that this is like super healthy so I figured it's going to be happier in treer soil um The Roots look fine but I don't see new root growth but the existing roots on the plant are still there it does seem to be still pushing that one flower it doesn't look like it's like Browning at the tip so I think it's might still push it out I'm not I don't plan on doing anything with it I don't need to add to the lugs hybrid conversation I don't think I think there's enough out there but other than that not much to report I think it's going to do better in soil versus pond because I'm growing it at ambient conditions and these plants dry out a little faster than my Greenhouse plants I don't want it to have that dry wet cycle that it's going to ruin leaves cuz I find luxurians when you get a Dema on it it will show up as damaged like as a yellow Halo all around the leaves so I'm just going to try to keep the moisture as constant as possible for it as I was putting it back I kind of noticed it on the older Leaf so you see here I find that edema damage will start like this and eventually it overtake the whole Leaf okay so lately I've been kind of getting rid of some of my mother plants cuz they're getting too big so I had some biggish plants here that I just I gave one to Jing I gave one to Charmaine I'm just trying to make space because these plants are getting a little bit too big so I really have to like start editing what I truly truly love and only keep that so I don't have as many fretti ey left than I used to but the one plant the one fretti ey that is silvery that I kept is my favorite one which is this one it's been struggling with spider mes but I I love it just same this has historically been a plan for me where it gets blacker with more light so I discovered this when I started using mother lights and the mother lights are 32 watts very strong it was pointing directly at this plant and it just kept getting blacker and Blacker like look how black it is look how black it is compared to my hair it's like the same color so I think the thing I love about this plant the most is how pinstriped that silver is and the texture do you see that like elephant skin texture I love velvet antheriums when it has that elephant skin texture this is a new Leaf it got a little bit dinged up coming out of the sheath but you can also see the texture on it it just has that like pebbley grain it's pretty damage free up top but there's a little bit of spidermite damage down here at the bottom this one also does I know it's not showing up really well on camera but it it does do this like brownish emergent Leaf which I think is so pretty so I've had this far too long for it to be this small but it's definitely one of my favorite forghetti ey in my whole collection it's so dark speaking of forgetti ey and speaking of spidermite damage oh my gosh it looks so bad this is tofu GTI ey let me show you the nicer Leaf first this is the specimen that I decided to keep because it's so weird so the mother plant is tofu I'm going to put tofu here is a jingx plant I have tofu right now she's right here tofu is the mother plant and the Poland parent was my dark forgetti eye this thing is so wild it looks so reptilian it's so vibrant it's got this like Viper green a really pink sinus and this stays for so long this Leaf has been fully Harden for many months now on the older leaves look how pink that sinus is the next Leaf from that I'm trying not to show you this disgusting Leaf yet really pink sinus it's starting to fully fuse its sinus but it has a little bit of a wave like it's like do I want to fuse it do I want to have loes so there's that and then the newest Leaf got absolutely annihilated by spidermites I probably should just cut it off oh my gosh it's flowering well isn't that something this Leaf has a flower emerging maybe I won't cut it off do I want to cut it off it would be interesting to sell fit and see what these Offspring look like because every single specimen in that very small batch of tetti eyes looks like it came from a different set of parents I honestly love my specimen especially when this Leaf grew I got it I had upsized the pot and so the first Leaf was a pretty dramatic upssize and seeing the sinus start to to fuse cuz it's fused up to here I was so an a it cuz it's like a fretti eye but it's so narrow so I don't know what it's going to end up looking like I probably won't self it until it starts to get a lot bigger than this this one actually needs a water it's in tre and soil I will definitely be drowning this in Captain Jack after I film because I've been spraying it pretty consistently I would say every 5 days or so I just don't know if any spidermites are left on the plant this is probably a good candidate for actually just taking into the shower and just rinsing every leaf off since it doesn't have an emergent Leaf to ruin I could also get like some Castile soap and just soap up all the leaves and rinse everything really thoroughly cuz this is probably the plant that has the worst spidermite damage in everything you're going to see today okay this plant also needs water dead inflow I tried I really tried to selfit I have tried three times to pollinate this plant does not want to take this is antherium wind lingery this was my first when linger ey I had this um I guess I don't need this Sauer because it's so dry I've had this since I want to say 2020 maybe it was like the cusp of 2020 to 2021 and I grew it from a Little Seedling to this size honestly it probably could be a lot bigger but I can tell you this is one of the first plants that I started growing in treer soil and just seeing how fast the roots were I will say I think the the reason why it didn't grow for so long I just chocked it up to be like a plant that never grows oh like this plant is like so finicky it's just like such a slow growing plant but it's worth it because such a great plant I'm pretty sure it was because I was growing it in like a very Coco husk um mix and one thing about Coco is that it will just absorb all the the nutrients in your substrate if you don't buffer it so I actually think that when linger right being quite a heavy feeder in my experience cuz if you don't feed it and water it very consistently you'll have warped leaves like this this is not that bad but sometimes wle leaves will basically like curl almost like the inflow if you let it dry out or if you don't feed it enough while it's growing a leaf so in order to get something like kind of flat like this you have to make sure you stay on top of the watering but in thinking back I pretty sure because I was growing it in Cocoa it just didn't have the food to actually grow and ever since I got it into a cocis um treer soil substrate it has been growing way bigger leaves it's been flowering kind of non-stop that might be because of the TPS one I'm not sure but the thing is my my specimen whatever variant this is does not seem to want to take Poland so if you guys know Owen on Instagram growing plants he's like the windley guy he has like every wly known to man and um he has what he thinks is this I did send him a piece of this but he has one that he thinks is really similar because it's like very kind of on the shorter wider side it's really waxy kind of glossy and he says that his I think he calls it Anton Valley is I think where his his plant came from he says it's quite similar to this one and that one um doesn't accept poen very well and also when it does it will take like a year to grow berries and I think he has bred another I might be wrong but I think he has bred others that have a quicker ad gustation period so I just don't know if this one is ever going to produce berries for me will keep trying it was just the golden opportunity the last time I did it because I had pushed out two inflows that were kind of staggered so they did line up I pollinated one to the other and then I think um a few days after that cork screw inflow it just went straight it went limp and then like the spadex just straightened out completely it was like so bizarre but if you like strap leaves I think wendley and plums are the nicest strap Leaf pendant antheriums to grow in an ambient in conditions I am not a fan of atar folium I have gotten rid of all of mine cuz I find them quite difficult to grow really nice leaves I find their growth rate quite slow wendley and polum are the ones for me my Barac bam has gotten so sad and I'm not 100% sure why ooh okay well I'm cutting you off this is the newest leaf on it and it is covered in spider mes look at that well before I throw you in the garbage I'm going to spray so you can dye in the garbage that leaf was facing the wall so I didn't even look at it so this is not even the newest Leaf this is the second newest leaf on this plant this is for some reason holding on this this is the leaf prior to that I think it's time to go can you can you break off cleanly yep before I actually looked at that leaf that I just cut off I kind of thought it wasn't expanding cuz it was just like stuck in that little tiny curled up size for so long I was like I think it's because it started to flower for the first time so you can see here I'll just pull it off now the remnant of its first flower the first flower that fully emerged and went went through all the phases so I just kind of like left it like that I think the roots are fine it's completely covered in algae I do need to get it into a bigger pot I just don't have a bigger pot right now now a couple of videos ago I was like asking people for uh clear Orchid pot options in like different countries so that when I get questions on like where to get them and they're located in the US or in Europe I can send them somewhere and then people were telling me that there's a 10 and 12 in Orchid pot um but I'm going to need at least a 12 in for this because there's a lot of stem um I got two Russo pot extenders on it as well so this one I think needs a big um Captain Jack spray down and a shower it does okay in ambient conditions for me for me ruam can grow absolutely fine in ambient conditions provid it has a huge root system and when I got this into this pot a long time ago it's been over a year it was a snug fit so this is a lot of roots I would have repot it by now if I had the pot for it but you can see this Leaf this grew in ambient conditions when it did emerge it has Crystal a little bit on the tip here when it did emerge it did expand perfectly in ambient you just need to make sure that you establish the root system like very strong and then move it into a water retentive enough substrate that it doesn't go through sharp dry wet Cycles in my experience I've grown Queens in Moss Pawn soil then tree soil soil and Tre Soul would be my my go-to going forward for all queens that's just my personal opinion this one is is one of my two antherium PTO flums this one is like my narrow form one I think I imported this well I didn't import it I got it from a popup like maybe a year and a half ago it's been growing really well I don't really want it to grow that fast because the longer those straps become the less space I have for it cuz when you're going on a shelf like this like when the when the straps become very numerous and very long they start to cover other plants and you have to keep like elevating that pot higher and higher so they don't hit the floor um the newest leaf that I just put out is this one here see if I can get the whole thing in the frame starts right here and that's how long it is definitely not the biggest specimen ever but it's so easy going honestly I'll probably just chop off some of the yellowing leaves just to just to kind of clean it up I know it's not good for the plant but it also is less leaves for me to spider my tree it will probably just look a little bit better so let's just do it now so like this Leaf here I mean and probably this Leaf here I think that looks a little bit better okay next up are two plants that I kind of effed up the leaves a little bit so this next one is one I find not that easy um this one is what Tropicals is selling as um crystalum super special super I always say super special now because Charmaine say super special silver special there's no super in the name it's just silver special it is insanely silver I find the leaves are on the more like soft pliable side they're a little bit thinner they can grow really dark and they can often have this like kind of grainy pebbly texture but overall the silver is just so bold and so bright and sparkly I'm absolutely in love with these but it doesn't grow that well and I think part of it is probably because the leaves are on the thin side I think the roots aren't like super thick juicy Roots they're more of the thin antherium Roots so this one for me has grown way better in soil versus pond because again the dry wet Cycles this one I actually let completely dry out by accident because I sometimes I still get fooled by the algae on the side of the pot I'm like oh it it has water no it's just dark because it has algae so it was really dry and then I just like watered I like to water deeply cuz I don't like to water often so I water it as usual very deeply and then I believe it messed up this emergent leave here it was still really fresh at the time you can see here where the cells have burst it's almost like papery translucent and the tip fully dried out and dyed in looking back I'm not really sure what I could have done differently because I had already let it completely dry out I think maybe the best course of action would have been to like water it very lightly or maybe only water the reservoir and let it slowly kind of take up from there rather than like completely saturate the pot and also leave a little bit of a reservoir cuz that's what I did it was disheartening because I was really looking forward to this new Leaf I really want this to get big because I love this plant a lot if you are ever shopping Tropicals this is definitely a good one I would recommend actually getting one um in person or on a live sale where you can pick the exact specimen because some of them aren't quite as silvery as others I'm pretty sure if you're going to get this plant you're going to want as silvery as possible so this is definitely not an easy one but it's I think once it gets nice um it'll be worth the effort and the weight this one this one was so sad cuz I was looking forward to this Leaf too look at that it pretty much the exact same thing happened these two plants are sitting side by side so they both completely dried out and they both got completely drowned with water but this one is my mag mag hybrid I want to say I don't know what to call it this is from Amanda and it was sold to her as a MAG from nsse I think but it's obviously not a pure mag because it doesn't have it has squarish petales but they're not a perfect square and in general the leaf just doesn't look like a pure mag this was my favorite Leaf which is now starting to Yellow but this is my favorite Leaf I love the venation on it it's kind of spidery it's kind of like when it was a nice Leaf it was really black and it reminded me of aara this is the most recent leaf that didn't get messed up it's so pretty and it's flowering and I wanted to pollinate it this Leaf I think based on its width would have been quite a nice upsize but it got messed up on the tip the roots seem seem healthy um I not that long ago moved it up a size in pot so it hasn't fully fully filled it out I did have plans to pollinate it I I still might I'm not really sure it would be cool to get like King of Spades on it or maybe like red Crystal Port I can't say for sure if I had just lightly watered it or only wet the reservoir when it got fully dried out would that have happened I think I probably would need to pay closer attention to these plants in order to say like that's my experience I can't say for sure but I think if I had to do it all over again that's what I would have done just water it very lightly and then water it again a couple days later okay we're going to take a brief break to let my camera cool down I'll be right back okay I'm back and I got to go way faster now because I've been filming for way too long and I have a meeting and jings coming over Okay so this one is growing in my living room this is red Crystal Port from Amanda this used to live in my tent and it was transitioned out cuz it got too big and it has been doing okay actually this Leaf was the first Leaf in ambient and it Formed pretty well I'm pretty sure this Leaf ripped itself coming out of the sheath and it also got a little bit crispy because I let this thing completely dry out all the time I am the least on top of watering in my living room but it has grown this Leaf since and hopefully it expands okay when this Leaf came out it was fully dry like 100% dry and I was like oh crap maybe it's not going to grow okay but it seems to have resumed expanding so hopefully it'll be be okay once this Leaf grows up probably going to have to prune some leaves because it's getting way too full down there the plants are getting a little bit too big it's just too leafy it's they're all growing into each other it's harder to um treat for pest down there and the the pest that I'm dealing with in my living room is Mee bugs fortunately I'm not seeing Mee bugs on this plant right now but the less leaves I have the easier it will be to treat it also started flowering there's a little inflow poking out of this one it'll probably flower again on this Leaf after and um this one also needs water this is my other SP silver Peru like I don't know why this plant was sold at SP silver Peru I have one that I showed in last week's video that actually looks like silver and like the other things that are sold as s SP silver per this is not the same plant whatsoever there's some similarities the pedial is squared it's kind of reddish but this one is like a more dark red there's no silver to be seen on it it's very triangular it had a very red sinus when I got it it has hardened off pretty green but there's still a bit of red it's been really slow growing but it seemed to have been okay in ambient conditions I don't know if it came from ambient conditions I got this from my friend Jesse I thought it was such a cool looking plant but I haven't grown a leaf and I've had this for like over 6 months probably but it seems to be pushing something finally out of this little ceril here so we'll see um it's been really low maintenance otherwise I'm growing it in tree friend soil it's in a cover plot so I try to keep a Reservoir when possible because I again like I'm really not on top of watering in my living room but this one's quite interesting again I don't know what exactly it is because even as far as SP silver Peru goes this is not that same plant this is one of my newer newer Acquisitions this is Ace of space cross with beet this is one came from Amanda very recently this is a top cutting if you can even call that it was like the majority of the plant she just took off a tiny tiny butt cut for herself but this is one of one that she had not her hybrid but it's so beautiful it looks so much like Asus spad just a little bit more pillowy and a little bit darker it doesn't right now have that red sinus that ASA Spades has but I don't know if new leaves have it I haven't grown a leaf I put it into Tre soil when I got it I don't really see root growth but I can see that the existing roots on it are still fine and it's living right here in the corner Amanda had been growing it in ambient condition so it was already used used to it so we'll see how it goes I just love this plant despite this little hole my plants get this too in ambient conditions Amanda grows like 95% of her plants in ambient conditions so she's definitely better at it than I am and even Amanda will every now and then get a hole in her leaves it also got a little bit scuffed in shipping cuz it's such a big big big plant and it was a huge box of plants that came up here but despite the cosmetic damage you can see how beautiful this plant is so I am ecstatic to have it and I'm so excited to grow my own leaf from this plant okay so the rest of the plants I'm going to turn the camera around because it'll be much easier cuz some of these pants are way too big to be moved okay so this is the Shelf where I grow the majority of my larger antheriums cuz it has the highest shelf clearance there are just two Bina bars up here it'll get some light from my soultech which is up here in the ceiling some plants near to the front like this one for sure and some plants like this will get some light from the soultech but the majority of it will be from these Bina so it's not a lot of light this one was a plant that I got from Lauren a while ago and it's just been one of my favorites it's like very classic I just call it indom it's just kind of like a run-of-the-mill magnificum hybrid but I love it it's very veiny it's very round this is a fresh Leaf so you can kind of see that it's still soft so it hasn't fully hardened yet but the fully hardened leaves are very dark so this was the parent plant to one of my hybrids it's not a super special hybrid but this is one of them this is my no mag for GTI I silver so the mother was this plant and the Poland parent was this plant so it did take after Mom quite a bit but the Blackness I think came from both parents and it's starting to fuse that sinus it's very cute it's still in like the really old soil with moss top dressing from the shop I haven't repotted it I don't have a pot big enough for it I think eventually I'll have to get it into like a not clear pot maybe one of those like big elho pots and I just won't be able to see the roots which you know it's pretty normal but I'm so accustomed to clear pots but I'm just going to have to trust that the roots are okay cuz I do think it will be happier in a much much bigger pot but it's always really fun when a new Leaf pops out because they are so massive and it's just so fun to see something go from like this big to like I don't know if you can see how big this Leaf is it's quite massive I'm going to do this plant first so I can get it out of the way this is my dark forghetti eyee it's covered in Poland I need to give this one a little bit of a shower this is the newest leaf and it does have spidermite damage on it you can definitely see it here as far as dark foret eyes go it's not that dark I definitely think they're better specimens I do struggle to get this one quite dark but I do love the really bumpy texture but I am so happy to finally have that dark fretti ey specimen that I showed in last week's video the one I got from my friend Aaron because that one is so dark and so bumpy and it's the dark fretti of my dreams but this one has been with me since 2020 and I love her she's currently pollinated so she was pollinated with tofu so last time we did tofu forgetti ey and this time we're doing forgetti ey tofu and forgetti ey is more fertile than tofu so we're going to have a lot of seedlings from this one and then this one is another what I call the darkish fretti ey when I got it from eoa it was like fully dark there was no silver whatsoever but over time a bit more silver showed up but in saying that none of the dark forg I've seen have absolutely no silver but yeah this one is pollinated what is it dark Phoenix so this one has dark Phoenix pollen on it I know dark Phoenix for GDI ey hybrids already exist out there but I personally wanted to see it happen and this is the only thing I have pollinated with dark Phoenix right now because as you saw from last week's episode I keep breaking the inflows this is like fretti ey town this one is my fretti ey hybrid so this is um darkish fragetti ey so that one you just saw earlier pollinated with my friend's dark fragetti ey so imagine it's like these two together not really this was the mom and the dad was my friend's dark forgetti eye which I think it's actually darker than this one so this is the only one I have left from that batch I have another prop I think but this is my specimen and it's just popped a new leaf and this is like the Moment of Truth sometimes I just check for Speckles does this this one seems so far spider might free um this one has been pollinated with Pap R5 and it did take but this was done when May 25th so it's only been a few weeks but forgetti eyes take about like 3 to four months to produce berries so not very long time and this will be the first time that I use one of my babies to make seeds I think is it possibly I might be lying this one right here in the middle is mag mag Ace Ace no yes mag Ace I might have to turn off this light to show the plants a bit better is this better kind of I grew this one from a seed um a few years ago I can't even remember how long ago maybe it was like 3 years ago or something I had two specimens from the seed batch I bought two seeds at once and I kept this one I sold the other one because when this one was younger it looked a lot more like Ace of Spades but then as it got bigger it was getting more green so now this is what it looks like I did pollinate it but I think I think it didn't take because as you can see the spadex is turning orange up at the top and that's kind of what happens when the the inflow doesn't take the color on the Spex will change according to the species so I'm not going to write it off completely but I'm pretty sure this didn't take cuz it does look like it's dying the next thing that will often go is the the pungle will start to yellow so far the pungle looks really healthy it hasn't started yellowing yet but as soon as you see yellowing here that means it didn't take but anyway this one has been growing really well in ambient conditions it has not skipped a beat it used to grow my tent and then I moved it into an EXO which has less humidity than my tent but it has been growing non-stop here it's growing in treef friend soil it's got a lot of roots and essentially if you want to move a plant out from a greenhouse into ambient conditions you want to make sure it has a lot of roots first so the better the root system is The Sooner you're going to have nicely formed leaves the better the growth rate is going to be I mean if you remember that crystallum that I showed at the beginning with that really mangled Leaf that's a leaf that grew in conditions with not a lot of roots because a lot of it dried out in pond and I moved it to Trin soil so I think Trin soil is great for ambient growing you have to deal with fungus knats but because it promotes such healthy Roots you will get leaves that are able to expand better in ambient conditions this Leaf grew in ambient conditions and it's so perfect this one I actually chopped and then I realized it wouldn't fit in my tent anymore because the growth pattern is a little bit wide so I was like okay I'm going to just trust the treer soil and I'm going to move it right out here it didn't go back into my tent so it had lost a lot of the root system from being cut and then I popped it into a nice big pot so this is like the biggest clear pot that I have and then I just prayed that it wouldn't decline but the first leaf that grew out was so perfect it's at the size now where it can get Ace pox because if you guys know about Ace pox I'm going to put a photo right here this is Justin Jones's photo of what Ace pox looks like it looks like some sort of fungal um infection that's systemic to the plant so it just lives in the plant and as the plant matures it will start to grow this stuff there's been people that say they have cured Ace pox from their plant by using I might be butchering this name but fosle Al it's like an aluminum derived uh systemic fungicide I don't even know that I can get that here but if I could or if I could get it from the states I think it costs like $150 a bottle and that would be us doll so I'm not 100% sure I want to invest that in this plant but but yeah anyways all that to say I cut this plant and it rooted really well in tree soil there's a bit of glare so you won't be able to see all the roots but in person you can kind of see a little bit more extending down into the Leo layer it did root really well in ambient conditions this is one of my oldest antheriums and it's so teeny tiny it's so sad this is antherium vti narrow form I've had this since 2020 and it's this is the newest Leaf it's so small I don't know how Tyler does it Tyler Russo plants he has grown his plant probably in the same amount of time he's grown it to the size of one that would be in like a conservatory I don't really know what this plant wants but this one it grows just fine in ambient conditions this one also started to speed up for me in um treein soil so this is one of the first plants I grew in trein soil as well so this has been in trein soil for like 2 years it does grow really slow as far as antheriums grow it probably is like one of my slowest growing ones that in King of Spades this is one of those classic antheriums I think that everyone should have and I like the narrow form way more than the regular form because you get the satisfaction of all the ribbing at a smaller size whereas with the regular form V you do have to grow it bigger to kind of see the satisfying ribbing okay this one is my antheum Queen of Hearts I had repotted it a couple videos ago and I got two cuttings off of it it hasn't really declined this is the newest Leaf this Leaf was already starting to go pink I was suspecting that it was because there was Coco cooy in the substrate it was either getting burned or it was getting um kind of hungry because the cocao was stealing all the nutrients I wasn't really sure it was kind of like some cocoa in the middle of the substrate and I had repotted it into a bigger pot but I didn't take out the cocoa so it was like cocoa coil at the core and then my treer soil on the outside so it wasn't a lot but I'll give you guys updates you know when it grows the next Leaf hopefully from now on it'll start to hold on to more leaves cuz I don't own anything that has quite this Leaf color and the texture and I I love this plant so much and I just want it to be happy and that I believe is everything I might have missed a plant here and there I have plants kind of dotted around my house and I might have forgotten one or two I hope some of those things were helpful for anyone who's like looking for best ways to best best ways to grow antheriums outside of a greenhouse in in low humidity I would say if you have the luxury of starting something in high humidity and get like a really robust R system and then moving it out if you have that luxury to do with that to multiple plants and I know that's not always the case but that would be like the step-by-step process that I would go by I personally don't do it gradually when in terms of humidity drop I would go like straight from tent to outside once it has the root system sometimes if you don't have the best root system and you move it outside you'll just have to deal with the growing pain so expect a few leaves that tear on the way out that don't expand very well looks pretty wonky and once it gets a really strong root system it should be able to support really nice Leaf formation but make sure you your plants get getting enough light so you has the energy to grow out a really strong root system don't let those plants dry out if you can use a micro isol inoculant and get those roots growing really strong more drought tolerant I think that could be a really big game Cher for growing antheriums in ambient conditions but all that said it is totally possible to grow massive beautiful antheriums in ambient conditions I'm still learning myself for a little while I was growing the vast majority of my antheriums in Greenhouse conditions but this past year I've grown a lot out here as a have gotten too big to grow inside of a greenhouse but yeah that is it for today I hope you guys enjoyed it I hope you're also having a really lovely restful weekend I love you so much and I'll see you in the next one m [Music] [Music]
Channel: youdontevengrowhere
Views: 7,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: houseplants, anthurium, rare plant, plant care, lechuza pon, tree fern fibre, anthurium care, red crystallinum, ace of spades, fort sherman, ralph lynam, antolakii, bvep, king of spades, carlablackiae, crystallinum
Id: pmMvqKH12Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 21sec (3201 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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