Why I'm Getting Rid Of These Plants... Houseplants I Wouldn't Buy Again 🌱

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I feel a little bit guilty about saying that that I I'm I'm not in love with it anymore because I got it from one of you guys I don't know I really thought I'd love this plant more it's kind of not worth the battle for me at the moment I feel bad talking about my plants badly when they're here hello everyone I hope you're doing well if you've clicked on this video then you can probably tell that it is that time again it is time to get rid of some plants and this has been I feel like this is a very good time for me to be making video because I've just had my house plant tour video go up and I was listening to myself talk about like 90% of the plants in my collection and some of the ones that I was a little bit on the fence about I'm like oh just listening to myself say it out loud I'm like no I really don't love that plant so why do I still have it uh so yeah I'm going to be passing some of these onto new homes I've got plans for some of them I will talk you through all of that as we get into it but first if you're new here hi my name's Claire and this is Yuli I make videos all about house plant care sharing tips and tricks I've learned over the years to help keep your plants happy and healthy and yeah as I say there's quite a few that I am on the fence about at the moment but I've brought over 10 to show you and talk about today and hopefully this will be quite useful for me when it comes to making decisions as well so yeah I hope you enjoy it let's get into it [Music] so before I start taking you through the plants I just want to acknowledge the fact that I am aware I've got a big cut on my nose in fact it actually doesn't look that bad on camera um but I me and Ross and Yoli were staying at my mom's over the weekend and I came down in the morning and Yoli was so incredibly excited she had slept downstairs with my mom's dog head she was really hyped up and I was just on the floor kind of playing with her and she launched at my face and she didn't mean to but we just collided and yeah it it was very dramatic um but I'm fine and she's fine and I'm glad she's fine cuz that was a hell of a whack to the face but yes that is what is going on here but the first plant that I'm considering getting rid of isn't actually even potted up yet it's still in the prop box and this is one that I didn't show you in my house plant tour and it's also one that I feel like you might be quite surprised about I'm almost in a way quite surprised about it but it is my white princess fendron and I've got loads of SE in this prop box here and a lot of them in fact all of them have rooted really nicely they are ready to be potted up and I don't know why I honestly don't know why but I just haven't had the incentive to do it and like if you've been on my channel for a while you'll know that I used to have when I first moved in here in fact I had a beautiful big white princess fendron I'll put a clip in of it if I can find it but I grew that one from a teeny tiny cutting into a big beautiful plant it didn't it wasn't acclimating po particularly well to this space and I just didn't really I think I was kind of falling out of love with it a little bit then whether or not I wanted to admit it and so I did end up completely chopping that plant up this is some of it here and as I say the thought of actually getting that plant started in my collection again is just kind of making me go I don't know um and also apart from anything space I just don't think I have the space to grow that plant again because I would want to bring out the potential in I would want to try and grow as big as I can and I know actually some of you have said in my house plant tour video you were saying oh my goodness you've acquired so many more plants since last year and I'm like actually I haven't I really haven't I've just put more in this room because this is a space that I find easier to monitor like the bedroom is so much more empty than it was this time last year so yeah the thought of the thought of having a lovely big white princess filad dendrin again as a full plant just feels more overwhelming to me at the moment than it does exciting and I kind of think that says it all uh so yeah there are obviously a lot of plant swaps coming up this year I'm attending quite a lot of them so I'm thinking I'll probably just take a load of cuttings with me these ones are looking absolutely beautiful I'm not sure quite how well you can tell but they've got a really nice balance of variegation on the most of them they're not completely white they're not completely green and I'm sure they'd make other people happier than they're making me right now and the bottom line is if at some point further down the line I do decide that I want this plant back in my collection then I can I can get another cutting and I can start again that way but instead of hoarding plants that I'm not 100% in love with this year that feels like the right decision and literally Claire 6 months ago would not think that I would be saying this because I was so excited to get this plant restarted but yeah that's how I'm feeling about those ones so they're probably going to be swaps and hopefully I can get some things that I love even more in return for them so yeah that's the first one and I mentioned this one the other day but this is one that I actually got in the goodie bag at a plant swap last year and it's a DRM opsis macular and the funny thing is a couple of you commented saying that yours looks much different to mine and I don't know if maybe I just haven't been growing this plant in like the right conditions I'm not quite sure but I think the fact that I haven't taken that much time to actually learn about this plant and even pot it up it's still just in spagna Moss in the same Moss that it came in the fact that I haven't been caring for it that much I think says quite a lot I did say that in my house plant tour video as well I was like sometimes when I notice myself just not having the motivation to bring out the best in a plant that that's often a very telling sign that that's not the plant for me and yeah I just don't think currently I don't think this one is don't going to be wrong I think all things considered it's actually looking pretty healthy and I love how glossy its leaves are but it's just not particularly exciting me so yeah I'm confident this is one that will also make somebody else much happier because yeah like it's just to me it's just fine it's it's just a bit boring I like I don't like saying that about plants but it does just feel a little bit boring so um yeah but as I say what's boring to me is going to bring joy to someone else so hopefully again hopefully it can find a nice home but for the time being it's just it's living in my cabinet I am caring for it but it's getting a very basic entry level of care and I'm confident someone else could be bringing out much more in this plants than I currently am and my reasons for getting rid of this one may already be clear this is my aloe vera plant my big aloe vera and I feel an emotional attachment to plant because I've had it for a very long time because I've grown it from a very little pup but it is just a plant now that is more I feel bad talking about my plants badly when they're here um but it's just a little it's just more frustrating than anything like every time I pick up this plant to move it I will accidentally either like stab myself in the eye or I will accidentally whack another plant and it come flying off a shelf and it's just get it's just so wild and big now that I I don't really know what to do with it and I do think it's lovely and I think if I had more space like if I had another room that could just have this plant in the middle of a table or something maybe I would consider keeping it but yeah I just at the moment it's just it's taking up so much space on the shelf that I'm growing it on and if I ever want to take it off that shelf it damages everything around it and I know some of you were saying in the comments after my house plant tour that I could consider growing it on the balcony and in theory that's a really good idea and I think maybe summertime that would be possible but I think for the rest of the year here in the UK with aloe vera that's not really an option I mean if any of you have found a way to do it successfully in the UK please let me know but I can just imagine this plant not loving that not really enjoying that so yeah it's obviously an absolute Beast now it's giving me such insane growth it is definitely you for a pot upgrade as well like all of the growth down here at the bottom I can see is very like flat and deflated and that is definitely just because it needs more room it needs more room I also know I said at the beginning of this year that I was going to try not to buy too many new plants this year but I do like touchwood on the whole on the whole I'm feeling pretty on top of my plants at the moment I I'm really loving my plant care at the moment and there are a few new plants that I would like to add to my my collection I'm just looking at this massive space this plant's taking up and I'm like I could fit like four plants in that space plants that I would love more and excite me more than this one's currently doing I think that's the thing I think that's the bottom line actually with this plant it just doesn't excite me and I know not all plants have to like I have got some that are very predictable in their growth structures but I don't know it's just yeah it's very nice it's very nice but when I'm working with limited space I'm like it's very nice enough so yeah if I can find a way to hang on to this plant and grow outdoors then maybe but otherwise I think it's probably going to have to find a new home at either a plant swap or maybe a home with a neighbor my neighbors and me do a little bit of plant swapping here and there so maybe one of them would want it I don't know but yeah it's also got some little pups in the soil at the front here oh I did if you can see just coming up there so I will divide them and again I'll take some of them to swaps but currently it's not doing a huge amount for me and then this next one again I showed you it in my plant tour but this is the aliccia purple sword and as you can see this Leaf is not looking particularly happy at all this Leaf's unfurling and it's it's doing okay I have trimmed back the Dead Leaves it was giving me but it's just one that I don't know I really thought I'd love this plant more and I know I've said this about plants in the past but occasionally you can see something in someone else's collection and really admire it and really appreciate it and you just for some like whatever reason it is you just don't feel the same about it when it's in your own collection and I've mentioned this again in the past but like my friend's got a beautiful allocation purple sword and I saw hers and I was like oh my goodness I was like I have to have that plant and I got it and I was just a bit like oh I don't like yeah I'm not feeling how I thought I would feel about it and for that reason I hate to say it but this one has just been very neglected and I have far from brought out good in this plant I feel like I've barely kept it alive and it is a really beautiful allocation when it's grown well and I know that someone else would love it more so yeah this is one that I think actually and it's rare I say this about a plant but this one could kind of lift right out of my collection like if this was just suddenly not here I don't know how much I would notice and typically I feel like I'm very attentive and I think if like even if one little thing was to be moved I would notice this one I'm not sure I would so I'm definitely going to take this I might actually there's a plant Swap this weekend I might actually take this one with me then hopefully it'll find a lovely new home cuz I actually got this one I got this one at the last London plant Swap and I thought I was getting an aloca Saran cor which is such a massive wish list plant for me it's it's a cross between the alaka Mitchell Siana and the alaka Zina I think I'll put a picture on the screen and I thought that's what this was um and when it started giving me these beautiful stems I was like oh my God I was like it is aaran this is so exciting and then when it gave me its first Leaf I was like hang on a minute I was like that's not what I think it is and it was in fact this one so I think maybe just because it wasn't what I was expecting it was a little bit of a let down from the start I don't know I don't know but yeah it's one that as I say I'm I'm more than happy to pass on it's had its time in my collection I've kind of tried with it I'm not interested particularly at this stage and trying again with it so yeah fingers crossed it finds a good home and then this next one I feel a little bit guilty about saying that that I I'm I'm not in love with it anymore because I got it from one of you guys and I think it's lovely but it's another one that I don't know why I just don't like growing in my collection and it is the monstera escaleto and this is one section of it I um I'll put a clip in of the other section I got of it which looks a hell of a lot worse than this um but I've tried a few times now with the escaleto and every single time I've just not got on well and I don't know why because I get on really well with the monstera adenon ey I've got a couple of different types of Aden I in my collection and I find them pretty easy plants to grow and the first time I had an escaleto I feel like the reason that maybe I didn't get the best out of that plant was because I didn't get it onto a moss pole straight away and it did start getting very kind of stretched and runnery whereas with this one I did get it onto a moss pole fairly quickly after it had rooted and even then it started it started just giving me weird kind of mangled growth and I I was convinced there must be pests on the plant something I wasn't seeing because even here you can see its growth is coming out just a bit like I don't know it's just unfurling weirdly and I don't know why it's got great humidity it's got good heat it's in it's it's the main sections on a good MOS pel that I keep really hydrated and I just find it really hard it's just a plant that I find really hard and although I do love the look of it when it's healthy it's kind of not worth the battle for me at the moment so I'm not giving up immediately but this is this is my last try for the time being I as I say I have propagated this bit here it has rooted you can see just in there it's got a lovely root so what I'm going to do is I'm going to pop this back up with the mother plant that I took the cutting from I'm going to get them both onto a moss pole just to kind of I feel like if I've got two stems on there then it's going to be a little bit Fuller and maybe look a little bit better and I'm really going to give it my all but I don't have the highest of Hopes And if it doesn't work this time then yeah it's one that I'm not going to go back to just because I feel like I've given it a really good go and it's causing me more stressed than it is anything else and plant care shouldn't be stressful it should be fun and enjoyable and you should feel like you're learning and although I'm sure there is a learning curve in this and who knows maybe this will be the turning point maybe this will be where I start really figuring things out with this plant but it doesn't feel like that at the moment so yeah I'm I'm sad about this cuz I really wanted this to work but yeah last try who knows maybe it will go better this time and another one that I've been on the fence about for quite a long time is this one the rapid Deora deurer and when I showed you this one in my house plant tour video I said that I thought maybe this plant was a crawler and some of you corrected me in the comments and said in fact it's not it is a climber I just thought it was a crwler because of the way it was kind of coming out of its pot here um but thank you for correcting me and despite the fact that I now know it's a climber it doesn't make me feel any differently about it so I'm like okay maybe the fact that it was a crawling plant was just kind of a bit of an excuse for me but don't get me wrong I think it's a lovely plant and I think it's giving me some beautiful growth I also think that when this plant matures and again I'll put a picture on the screen so you can see what it looks like but I think when this plant matures it's lovely but I just don't find myself caring about it that much and I literally wait until it leaves it's super super super cly before I rehydrate it like I don't monitor it in the same way as I do with a lot of my other plants and for that reason I'm like it yeah it's not the plant for me I don't think I think it will be it will be for someone else I know it is a plant that is quite high in demand and I kind of feel like I'm wasting the opportunity by having this plant and not even trying to do more for it so yeah as you can see it desperately I thought it wants to crawl but it desperately wants to climb it's got this kind of Runner section here that it sent out it's doing a weird thing at the end there actually what's that you see that it's like it's getting ready to give me a new Leaf but very weird so yeah I think I'll probably take some wet stick cuttings of this section and then maybe just take this as a full plant back to the plant swap I did get this from the plant swap last year as well and yeah I really want to like it more than I do like I there's so much to like with this plant that's the thing and this is where I get so bad and in my head about like convincing myself that maybe I should give it another go like I love the kind of shiny waxy foliage it's so robust it's almost kind of filodendron in its growth pattern I don't know like there's a lot to really really love but I'm not going to try and justify it because yeah it's one that consistently for months now has not been making me happy and it has felt like more of a chore to look after this plant than it has a joy and New Growth has not excited me on this plant and that is very telling so yeah it's another one that I am definitely going to be parting ways with fairly soon I'd say and then I brought a baby over of this plant to show you I have also got the mother plant behind me here but she's very very big and not that easy to show you and technically technically it's also an isolation um but this is my ala portadora and I'm definitely firstly I'm definitely going to be getting rid of the babies that I got of this plant I've got got I think about 12 sprouted corns like this at the moment not all as big as this um but this is a plant as you can tell that grows to be very very big very quickly I umum oh dear no don't do that I was saying in my house plant tour that this one was giving me a new leaf and that is the new Leaf it was giving me already it is sizing up insanely and so quickly but the reason that I am contemplating potentially getting of this big plant here uh if if you've watched my other videos you have heard me bang on about it but it's just pests like I I cannot figure out why this plant is so prone to pests like don't get me wrong I've had other house plants that have been pests susceptible in the past but this one there's just there has not been a period of time that I've had this plant and it hasn't had pests really badly and it's had literally every single pest Under the Sun and I've tried pretty much everything the only thing the only thing I haven't tried on this plant yet is dious Earth and I feel like that is probably in fact it is the last thing I'm going to try and then I'm just going to accept the fact that someone else can try with it because like as I say it's a difficult one because it's not a plant that I don't like in fact arguably it could visually be one of the like one of my favorite plants in my entire collection so it feels really weird to talk about even the possibility of getting rid of it but the amount of effort to maintain it takes with that plant and the amount of showering down and Horticultural soap treatments and changing out its soil and showering it and all of this sort of stuff and not being able to have it touching any of my other plants because I'm scared that if it does it's going to spread something that is that just become so stressful and I've had this plant for I don't know six or seven years now and it's just becoming a little bit too much so on a positive note I think the babies will do very well at plant swaps I think they're going to make a lot of people happy and I know that if I was to get rid of this plant so long as so long as people know that I I would not be getting rid of this plant saying it was past free because I don't think it's ever actually been pest free I'm sure someone would love it and I'm sure maybe some I don't know maybe someone with a smaller collection could offer it a better home I don't know but yeah I love it and the thought of getting rid of it makes me feel sad but I think it may be the only option and then I'm not quite sure with this one this is another one that I'm very much on the fence about but it is my antherium doraki and I do love that new little leaf it's giving me it's so so so pretty but I briefly touched on this again again in my house plant all video um but I like this plant but it's one that I didn't buy for myself I got it from my friend Emma who just wasn't completely in love with it anymore and I like to be honest I preferred it when it was in her care like since it's been in my care it is growing very differently like I've been so bad at rotating this plant so all of its growth is facing one way that in itself doesn't bother me but the thing that does bother me is that every single New Leaf it gives me looks beautiful for the first couple of months like that is a relatively new leaf and as you can tell it looks lovely but after that it just starts to like split and break as if I don't know as if it isn't getting very good humidity levels and on the whole the humidity in the spot that it's in is really quite good so I can't quite work out why it's doing it I can only think that maybe it's just down to like the shape of the leaves because they are I don't know it almost feels like with some plants like for example the clarinervium they're very flat and they're very I want to say like not flexible but like this one it almost feels like it's pulling quite tightly and I can understand why it is a bit brittle and breaks do any of you have experienced growing this plant and if so have you found this to be the same thing and if you haven't please tell me what you're doing right cuz I would love to love this plant more but I just don't feel like it's doing amazingly in my care like again it's just got lots of breaks and cracks and splits and it it looks like it's been battered it looks like I've whacked it or dropped it and I haven't so yeah not that I need all of my plants to be looking beautiful and lovely and conditioned all the time but when there isn't anything that leads you to believe you're doing anything wrong it's a little bit annoying when stuff like this is just consistently happening so yeah I'm not quite sure how much energy left I've got for this plant that being said I do love doraki hybrids I think they make some beautiful beautiful hybrids I've got a doraki silver blush in my cabinet adore that one that one is sizing up really nicely hasn't given me any grief at all but in its p form yeah just not quite sure how I'm feeling so I'm not going to part with this one just yet but I do think in the next kind of few months if I haven't got to the bottom of it I may consider may consider getting rid of it I'm also tempted to take some cuttings a bit because as you can see down the bottom here it's got some fantastic aerial roots and I'd love to try and like just just try propagating this plant in that way anyway so I might be able to get a few of outfit and then again probably plant Swap and not because I don't love them but just because I need to stop being such a hoarder I also need to get rid of some of my antherium clarinervium babies because some of them like this one for example are really starting to size up now and I don't have the space for them and I have been so not reluctant to let them go but I've I've I don't know I've I've still got like 80 of them maybe there 80 in exaggeration I've got a lot of them and I know I don't need all of them and I know that I absolutely could not fit them all in my flat once they're big so I do need to start being better at looking at homes for them and again as I keep saying plant swap is probably going to be the best way to do it but I don't know I think part of the reason why I've really struggled to part with these little ones is just because I umum so I pollinated my mother plant my antherium clarinervium mother plants probably about 2 and a half years now and it literally took from pollination to harvest it took about I think about a year a year and a half it was such a long process and then actually from potting the seeds up and kind of playing about with germination things and actually getting some babies from it again that has been a very slow process and I found it so incredibly rewarding to do as a grower like it's taught me so much but now I feel very protective over the little babies and know that sounds so silly because there so many of them but I do feel like I don't want to let them go like I do just want to hang on to them but yeah as I say like I'm not properly appreciating all of them I'm not growing them all in the best possible way they are getting a little bit neglected some of them and I know there are people that would really like to have this plant so yeah I think I will probably have to make some tough decisions and start finding new homes for them I was going to say as well I don't know whether or not I will do this but I occasionally in the past have put things on my Instagram story if I am getting rid of plants so if you guys are on Instagram I will put my Instagram down there um just keep an eye on my stories and if at some point I am thinking of getting rid of something and I want to just like throw it out to the community then I will do it that way but yeah as I say I'm very proud of these ones which is part of why it's so difficult to get rid of them but they're lovely and I know for a fact they will find good homes and then finally this is not an example of this plants growing in the way that it wants to be growing but it is the filad dine perzo Verde and again I've got a few pzo veres in my collection and the one that I'm growing outside of my cabinet it's kind of growing a little bit weird and wacky off one of my shelves I really like that one but this one I mean it's got these insane aerial Roots all over it and I Know It Wants To Be got onto a moss pole I know it can get ginormous I just firstly don't really think I have the space for it and secondly I just don't think I love the pzo Verde as much as I thought I would and again I know for a while it was very much like a trending plant and I think I was a little bit influenced and I just don't think it's I don't know I just don't think it's the plant for me so yeah that being said I do think I do think this section is very very healthy it's not highly variegated but again I don't think I've really put a lot of my own energy into bringing out the best in it bringing out the best possible variegation because it is one that requires fairly specific care if you are looking to grow a ver like a very highly variegated one for example it needs very high levels of heat so yeah I think it's lovely but it's just it's just there at the back of my cabinet at the moment it's just a space filler I don't feel like I'm actually enjoying growing it particularly like again New Growth isn't particularly exciting to me so it is one it is one that I think I will be parting ways with fairly soon but yeah those are those are the top ones in my collection right now that if I was to just not have anymore I don't think I would care that much about as I say I am trying to get better this year at parting ways with things when they're not making me happy to free up room for other plants that do make me happy but yeah do let me know down in the comments below what some of your plants are that you're maybe not in love with at the moment ones that you're thinking about getting rid of I do think I think it's good to kind of talk about these things and normalize the fact that just because you buy a plant it doesn't mean that you have to be in love with that plant forever they are living things and they do deserve to be in homes with people that actually love them and appreciate them and are wanting to grow them well so I think really it's a positive thing but yeah I really hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please make sure to give it a thumbs up subscribe to my channel have a lovely day and I will see you in the next video [Music] stay sexy F lovers
Channel: The Jungle Haven
Views: 41,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: falling out of love, Plants I will never buy again, why I wouldn't own these 10 houseplants again, I wouldn't own these plants again, house plant regret, worst houseplants in my opinion, plants I would not buy again, plants i will not buy, houseplants not worth the money, don't buy these plants, plants i would not buy again, my experience with houseplants, top 10 worst houseplants, best and worst indoor plants, why i wouldn't buy this again, house plants i wouldn't buy
Id: s7fM5UMhUWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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