i'm still in shock... AMAZING Rare Plant Unboxing ðŸŒą Aroid Market Houseplant Haul

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oh my God oh my God I don't think my mind has ever been so blown by a plant this is just something else this really is something else oh it's a weird and wonderful Hoya I don't even have the words right now so as you can see I have spontaneously dyed my hair and in the short time of my being a blonde so far I can categorically say that yes we do have more fun because look at the size of of this box that has just shown up it is literally almost as big as me so I haven't actually imported plants for almost 2 years but the last time I did I used the same company aroid market and oh my goodness I got some of the most amazing plants that I've ever ever ever seen in my life so I am super super excited to find out what is in the box but first if you're new here hi my name's Claire and this is Yoli I make videos all about house plant care sharing tips and tricks I've learned over the years years to help keep your plants happy and healthy so I'm going to get into the box in this video show you what I've got I've got some mystery plants in there that I don't even know about so we're going to take a look at them talk a little bit about acclimating importing in general all that sort of stuff so yes I hope you enjoy it let's get into [Music] [Music] it all actually cannot get over the size of this box it is ginormous and as I say I have used our road Market to import plants before I had a really really positive experience last time I got some plants such as my ho angelat Reds my Hoya latifolia sarac which is the plant that I potentially talk the most about on my channel I got some really amazing things and they were pretty big and well established and they were in a box half the size so I'm just a little bit intrigued I was going to say SL scared I'm not scared I'm ridiculously excited to get into this box but yeah so aroid Market as I say I've had a really really good experience them previously when I've ordered and they did actually reach out to me this time and ask if they could send me some plants which is very kind of them so thank you Arro Market but I obviously what I don't know how to get into this I obviously said yes and they let me pick a couple of plants and then they've picked some mystery plants for me as well so I I can't wait to see can't wait to see what's in here uh as I say the couple that I do know about have been wishless plants of mine for I cannot even count how long so I just can't wait to see them and I'm hoping that they're going to be okay because I think these ones have probably been in transit for about a week and a half in total and although we're not in like the depths of winter here in the UK it is the is starting to drop quite a lot so I'm hoping that they're going to be all right they look from what I can see so far they look very well packaged so I'm hoping they will all be in good condition okay okay I'm in the Box how do I show you so this is what it's looking like I can't really see much at the moment just lots of packing fill so I'm just going to grab what I see first and hope that I've got some lovely things I'm sure I have okay so oh interesting okay so it says luckily it says the names of the plants on the bit of paper oh my goodness okay okay so this says Hoya Angela Splash and I already said about my Hoya Angela Reds at the beginning of this video and this looks incredibly similar to my Hoy andelot bread oh my goodness in fact it looks almost exactly the same and this is a plant so weirdly I feel a bit emotional but this is a plant that I absolutely loved so so so much and when I moved here things just started to go very wrong with that plant and I felt so sad but I did end up chopping the whole thing up I gave some sections away and I have got one leaf left of that plant and it just isn't going well for me and I've kind of pined after the plant but I haven't seen anywhere in the UK that's selling it I don't know if this is exactly the same it looks the same but it just looks a little bit splashier but oh my goodness I don't know if this is a massive coincidence or I don't know if arid Market have potentially seen my videos where I've been sad about the fact that I don't have this plant anymore but this is literally this has just made my day this is I mean made my day this has made me so happy because as I say it's a plant that I loved so much and I just thought that I'd lost so yeah I I could not be happier about that and just look at the back of its leaves aren't they gorgeous I'm so excited to have this plant back oh my goodness okay I think I should probably look at the roots I'm I just want to get in there and get through all of them but I'm going to look at the roots as I go just to kind of give you a bit of an idea um as I say I'm in the UK and I think I I don't so I got my shipping notifications saying that they' been shipped about about two weeks ago I think I could I'll put the exact date on the screen um so I've just unwrapped them from the cing film and the moss in there is it's quite compact but it does feel damp still a little bit damp so I'm just going to carefully take it out um but yeah so nowadays in the UK I know this will probably vary with different countries but when you import plants from places like Indonesia which is where I imported these ones from um you do need to have an import permit and it is really really easy to obtain you just do it on the gov website and it's so nowadays it's known as a peach SL paths thing that you need um and it's just the case of going on there and just filling out this form saying what you're importing and okay so those are the roots yeah so you just say what you're importing and if you don't have all of the details of like weights and package sizes and stuff I wouldn't worry I just guessed mine and I did that last time as well and everything's still got here okay so I think it's just like showing that your name is attached to an import permit I think please don't take anything I'm saying as gold here but that's what I have found in my personal experience for importing but yeah okay so the roots are looking really good they are a little bit dry a little bit dry but nowhere near as dry as roots have been in the times that I've imported like bare rooted plants before so I think that's really hopeful um I I will probably probably go ahead and put this one into either spagna Moss or Lusa Pon because that's what I'm doing I mean spagna Moss often just to kind of acclimate the plant and get it started Lusa Pon I am growing a lot of Hoyer in at the moment and my hoers are loving it so that's the only reason I say that but these roots are looking fantastic as I say way better way better than I was expecting them to so yeah oh I'm so so so happy with that one yay okay okay right that is plant number one I think I'm right and saying there are seven or eight in here so I got a lot to get through [Music] um oh and this is another Hoya so this is another one so I don't know anything about this but this one says Hoya glab glabra SP sumara that's what it says on it uh and as I say I got some weird and wonderful hoers the last time oh it's a weird and wonderful Hoya the last time I ordered from here um oh my goodness okay so my Hoya lolia sarak if you don't know which one I'm talking about I will put a clip on the screen because that's the one that I R about all the time this one is very very similar from what I can see structure wise but it but it's it's potentially weirder so it in fact looks very Latif folar so the leaves down the bottom look like that and then the ones up here look very similar to in fact they look very similar almost to like the macr Filer and then it's got little tendra here and these leaves do sadly look a little bit floppy um but to be honest what I'll probably do is trim this tendril back uh and then yeah and then hope that it'll push out more growth points and it's also weirdly rooted oh hang on is this two cuting cuz I was going to say weirdly it's almost rooted in two places it's got roots coming out there that aren't wrapped and then it's got these ones so I'm not sure I'm not sure I'm going to have to take it out and have a look but yeah glab glab Ross sumara I think that's what it said I need to like with a lot of these plants I think that I don't know a lot about I need to go away and do quite a lot of my own research and find out about them but if any of you know anything about these plants or if you've got them yourself drop me a comment down below let me know let me know anything that's worked well that hasn't worked anything that you've discovered about these plants yeah this is all awesome this is this does as I say remind me so much of my lolia Sara work again I can still feel that there's some moisture in the Moss even though it's not ridiculously moist so hopefully the roots will be in a similar condition to the other one okay so it's got a fairly small root system that's what the roots look like and as you can see it has got some me met that's been wound around it and I guess that's kind of like a little trellis for the plants I think I definitely will get this plant onto a trus because it is looking like it would like that um I think it would just encourage that growth to kind of size up quite a lot as well but it's gorgeous it's absolutely gorgeous I never want to say that I know a plant or I think a plant's predictable after certain ones that I've own such as the sarak like that one has the most bizarre growth structure and has done the weirdest things for me in the time that I've owned it so I don't want to say that this one's going to be similar because it could be completely different but I am very very excited to find out bit similarly to the last one as well I think I will probably do either spagna Moss or semih Hydro some sort of semih hydro for this one because again the roots look really hydrated might be a couple that needs a little trim here and there but on the whole day look in really good condition so yeah I'm really really happy with that how exciting oh my goodness okay where to go next okay this one I don't know what this is I'm just going to oh it's another Hoya okay you know what let's let's have a hoya break I can see a filad dendron here let's have a look at the fendron um oh my goodness and this is one that I did not choose for myself but it is I don't think I chose for myself no I don't think I did um but it is a wishless plant of mine it's a variegated filad dendrin Bell marks and it says mint variegated which I'm guessing means the varation on it isn't going to be quite as Ora like quite as yellow oh my God the size of these leaves oh my goodness this is just beautiful how perfect does that look honestly like I know there's a lot to be said for the time of year that you import like I would never personally recommend importing in the middle of winter um but these these are like so far so far these are in absolutely perfect condition these could have come from the shop down the road and I'd be happy like sometimes when you import plants you like I've had it before they've turned up and like loads of leaves have kind of been hanging off and they've looked a bit battered and beaten up or like you'll be like oh well I've got to chop all the leaves off this one but maybe I'll be able to get it to give me some growth again at some point and I know obviously things can change as plants adjust like if this one loses a few leaves I wouldn't be I wouldn't be overly surprised just because it's not quite as Hardy and robust as the Hoy is but it looks fantastic like look at the balance of variation on those leaves isn't that beautiful that's just gorgeous and I can already see some amazing roots coming through the spum Moss but I will just take a closer look as well and I know that some people grow the Bell marks on a moss pole but equally when I've had non variegated spell marks in the past I have just let it kind of grow like a bush so I'm not sure with this one what would you guys recommend any of you that have got the pl like do you think it would work better on a moss pole do you think it needs to be on a moss pole I know there's some types of filad andrin that are more I was going to say self- heading um more just kind of bushy in their structure that actually don't particularly benefit from climbing I'm not sure if this is going to be one of them oh my God again these are perfect fruits so perfect they're hydrated they look plump they look full they look healthy and as I say like I don't it might be weird that I'm shocked but if you've watched other import videos that I've done in the past you will see the reason why I'm so shocked about this because I have I've just had not bad experiences in importing but I think just like normal experiences importing and this is this this today is like another level cuz yeah that is that's beautiful so again like typically sometimes I say like oh I wouldn't put I wouldn't put these roots straight into water because they might be inclined to rot I think this would be totally fine going straight into water because as I say there's no dryness I can't actually see any bits that I would even need to prune back um so I I I'm I think probably spagna Moss for a couple of days just to allow them to kind of rehydrate a little bit and acclimate in fact maybe even putting it back into the Moss that it came in and rehydrating that a little bit but then I would have thought it would probably be ready for potting up um also I was going to say I've given these plants a little check as I go I can't see any pests on them obviously I will be very vigilantly monitoring them for the next couple of weeks but again touchwood I haven't encountered pests I don't think with any plants that I've imported from AR Market before um okay oh okay I can see the two oh my God the two the two that I I ordered and they look way bigger than I thought they were going to be like way way way bigger um okay let's do one of them now and then let's go on to cuz there's others in here as well then we can go on to other plants that they've chosen for me um but this one my God the weight of it this is a this has been a wishless blood spne for ages I've mentioned it in videos before it is an antherium radicans and it says mature size on there oh I'm excited to open it I said I the beginning like I always feel a little bit scared you know like the anticipation of something is just like too much and you're so excited and you just want to do it but also you're like oh that's how I feel about this whole experience oh my God oh my God I don't think my mind has ever been so blown by a plant when they say mature size this one has got inflorescences on it this this is ridiculous this is actually ridiculous oh my God obviously it's all been pushed very much upright and shipping but look at that and look at those huge inflorescences just there I can actually see some pollen on one of them so I will 100% be collecting that and I might be able to try and cross-pollinate some of my existing antheriums but oh my God that is just beautiful I thought this would be like the quarter quarter of the size of what this actually is this is the most amazing the most amazing antherium and I like I've wanted this for I think since I first made like a wish list video on YouTube I have wanted this plant and I've just never got it I've never been able to find somewhere that has a price that I think think is acceptable that has a plant that I don't know a plant that I think I was going to say has good genes a plant that I just think would be the right plant for me um I've never seen one and gone oh yeah that's my plant uh so yeah this is like my plant on steroids this is crazy um and I can also say I will take a look at the main routs but I can see it's got loads of aerial roots coming down the main stem just there so I think potting this in like quite a tool Tower pots would probably be the best thing to do or I know some of you have been saying recently and this is something that I used to do all the time for my clarinervium and I don't know why I've stopped doing it because I have had more theum struggles this year so I should really just be doing it in general um but actually taking spagna M and wrapping it around that area there so that they can root into it uh because they are epithetic plants that essentially mimics what what they would be doing in nature and just kind of provides them better conditions to be able to grow so I think yeah I don't have a tower pot this Tool uh I think that's probably what I'm going to have to do oh my God the more I unwrap it the more I'm loving it texture of those leaves oh my goodness wow so there are some Roots here like towards the end of some of these roots you can see they've snapped and they've I wouldn't even say rotted just kind of dyed back a bit so I will definitely be giving this one a little root prune root pruning I've said before as well can also help to encourage growth in your plants so never like unless you're taking off the whole root system which I would not recommend unless it's like an emergency of some sort like a root rot situation um but taking the roots back a little bit can often just help your plant to kind of boost boost their growth a bit so I'm not going to worry about taking a few of these off but again on the whole I think this looks fantastic I think this looks absolutely amazing um and I think I'll probably again I think I'll probably be getting this one to semih hydro I would say probably semih Hydro in a tower pot to about there just cuz I think that's what it's going to take up and then I'll probably wrap spag and Moss and wrap it around the plant there and what I'll probably do because as I say all of these Imports as I'm going through and looking at them all of them seem fantastic now but whenever you import plants sometimes there is like a transitional phase when they acclimate to your newspace meaning that issues might not start to show for a few days or like a week or two uh in fact when I imported from was it our Market was it green space's ID it was a couple of years ago I think um when I when I did an import before I had a couple of alloces that looked absolutely fine and then a few days later they started to rot and I hadn't realized when I first got them because they' looked fine so what I will do is I'll do an update video on these plants in maybe I don't know maybe two weeks or something and I'll let you know my God another hoyya and I will let you know how they're getting on um but this one is a hoyya steni SP Papu I'm not sure if that's right oo okay so this is a hoya I I don't think I'm familiar with this Hoya and I mean it's lovely it looks very healthy and it's just kind of like I mean for at least the section I've got here is just very solid green and shiny and robust looking and I mean I love I love hoys for that reason I think they are they're just the most brilliant plants they are just so I mean robust is I never just used it but the perfect word to describe them like they can kind of take on anything um and they can be knocked about a bit and typically they're just fine uh so I don't usually worry that much when like even when I import HOAs just because they do tend to take it quite well um and yeah this one's a little bit similar to the from looking looking at the leaves I've got here a little bit similar to the Hoya daan oh I just knocked a leaf off but yeah a little bit similar to the Hoya Diantha that I got for my birthday um and again that was one that I've got so many nice people that was another one that the seller included that as an extra cutting for me um and I think these are gorgeous to be honest I don't know if this is a hoya that I would have chosen for myself I'm just being totally honest I'm not saying that I don't think it's beautiful I'm just saying that it is like my preference at the moment tends to be towards slightly more kind of unusual things and when I say unusual I don't I definitely don't mean like rarer um or less common I just mean things that are a little bit funky and weird kind of like the angelat red down there um that I showed you first and like as I say this is this is a beautiful hoer and I know that I will love watching it grow and whenever I form form a relationship with a plant I always grow to love it more and more um and as soon as I start watching it grow and all of that sort of stuff I always I always enjoy the plant more but yeah just looking at it off the bat it kind of looks like something you might find growing in your garden here in the UK which isn't a bad thing but yeah I will let you know you never know it might be one of these plants that completely surprises me and it might do something weird and wonderful and it might make me fall in love with it oh oh I have noticed something fun and I don't know if you'll be able to see this on camera cuz I can only barely see it now but it's got teeny tiny hairs all over the leaf I doubt you'll be able to see it's not like ridiculously fuzzy and furry just kind of like um a little bit human uh but yeah so it doesn't also it doesn't have the Great greatest Roots some of the roots did fall away in the Moss so I think I'll probably pop this back into some fresh spagna moss and I would have thought it would root again absolutely fine hoers as I say are very robust and typically I mean even if I was to kind of take a cut there I think I could still get it to root um but yeah it's got a little bit of damage on this Leaf just here and I'm not entirely sure what that is it doesn't scream pests to me and it almost looks like it could not saying definitely but could be fungal um and if it is I'm just hoping that hasn't spread to the rest of the plant so yeah I'll probably take that leaf off and I'll just monitor the rest of the plant very carefully I might do a little baking soda treatment on the rest of the plant just to be on the safe sides yeah it might be absolutely nothing but it is just something I'm going to keep an eye on uh and that being said I am just going to go wash my hands before I look at the rest of the plants fabulous uh okay so how many have I got I've got three left I've got three left um I'm going to do so I've got one more Hoya a oh a refid Deora that's exciting and then the one that I chose for myself and I think I'm going to ends with the one that I chose for myself cuz it's such a special plant and you'll see why when I when I show you it um but I'm going to I'm going to do the rapidor so this I know what this is and this is beautiful this isn't one I chose for myself but uh I've seen it before and it's absolutely sunning so this is a rapidor puber puberula puberula variegated um I'm actually not sure I've seen the variegated version of this but if it's what I'm thinking of it's stunning okay okay so this one hasn't traveled particularly well as you can see I don't think much of the foliage on this one is going to be savable which is such a shame but to be honest I would I would have been completely shocked if IID made it through this whole unboxing without at least one having something that wasn't perfect about it so yeah there are just certain types of plant that don't travel as well as others but the good thing is with this one as you can see from the stem it's got some really good nodes and aerial Roots so I think what I'll probably do is I'll probably chop this one up and I'll put it I'll put some sections of it into my prop box I'll just have a little look at the main root system because what I might do as well is just remove some of the lower foliage pot it up and then I would have thought it would probably kind of kick into action again from the lower nodes but yeah I mean my um my rfap for tetras Sperma is a fairly Hardy rapidor I would say but this one's obviously a little bit more sensitive I feel like my tetras sperm would travel quite well but again mine cuz mine is a true repitor and not a tissue culture plant which a lot of people have got uh mine might be a little bit different to some other people's if that makes sense does that make sense I think it does um but yes it's got very good roots they're a little bit dry at the moment but not overly dry and I think if I pop so what I'll probably do is I'll probably take a cutting about there this bottom section I'll put this in water and hope that some new growth points come from here and then these top this top section here I'll probably put into my propagation box and yeah I'll let you know I'm I'm confident I can save this plant yeah I have no worries at all about that so I will keep you updated with it this one might not be one that has much to come back to in a couple of weeks but in a in a month or two I would hope I'll have some exciting updates so yeah that's what it's looking like for now but I will let you know and then so penultimate plant is yet another Hoya so this is a hoya SP a splash is that how we pronounce it I'm not sure um but this is one that I'm not familiar with so another one that I'm excited about ooh oh this is lovely so this one's got quite pronounced vation it's almost a little bit similar to the Callis filer in some ways if you look at the veins but that's really really gorgeous that is 100% something that I would choose for myself I think it's lovely oh and it's got some little new leaves coming just up there as well which is very exciting so yeah I'm guessing I don't want to jinx it but I'm guessing the roots of this one will be fine just because all of the other hoers so far have been great it's so lovely to have some beautiful new hoers I haven't I haven't got any new hoes in a while I went through a phase where I just could not stop buying them um and I was buying Hoya cuttings on Etsy like every other day um which was not good for space saving all my bank account but I haven't got any for quite a while so this is lovely and oh my God does it have good roots aren't they insane so yeah again no worries currently about this plant I think it should acclimate absolutely fine yeah so the final one the final one is the one that I have probably been the most excited for and it looks it looks so big again I wasn't expecting it to be nearly this big but those of you that have been here on my channel for a couple of years I don't know I don't have anyone from a couple of years ago still watching if you are say hello down below it' be lovely to know who you are um but a couple of years ago I got a antherium vichi and it was my pride and joy plant I spoke about it in so many of my videos and I just loved it and I was not as good back then at judging the balance between overwatering and underwatering in certain types of plants and theorum is definitely being one and at one point or another I must have just given it a little bit too much and almost overnight the main chunk rotted and I lost the plant and back then that was a plant that I'd won in a cutting on eBay and I wasn't in the position financially to be able to buy another one for myself they were so expensive back then and they're still not the cheapest plants in the world but back then you'd kind of be looking at like I think about3 or 400 for like a little plant whereas now I'm pretty confident you can get little plants for under kind of 50 60 quid which is still expensive but nowhere near as bad as it was but this one looks like an absolute Beast oh my God I mean it's root ball alone oh Bonia goes all the way up it goes all the way up I I thought it finished there that's why I've been unpacking at the end of the Box oh my God I'm feeling a little emotional today and I feel like this PL might make me cry oh my goodness it's cotton inflorescence as well oh my God okay one of my dreams has been to cross-pollinate the antherium vti I was so hoping to be able to do it a few years ago with my original vti plants and obviously that never happened I've got a radicans here and put in inflorescence I've got a v here I don't think I could cross those two I don't think that would be possible but I could could attempt some hybridization I can't like I I'm not even in yet and this is blowing my mind they've wrapped up individual leaves oh my goodness I don't even have the words right now how amazing is that look at those leaves this might actually be the happiest I have ever been receiving a plant I can't cannot I cannot believe how beautiful this one is like that leaf there just look the lights going in this room and it's not the best time to be showing you it but oh my goodness that is just amazing I feel so so lucky I feel so lucky to own all of these plants but I feel so lucky with this plant I mean my my little one years ago was I I treasured it so much and this is just this is just something else this really is something else this is just blowing my mind um so yeah I think it goes without saying aroid Market thank you so much for these plants honestly I am thrilled with them I'm so so so happy with them and I'm so grateful for them and I can't wait to now keep you updated with all of them and I can't wait to show you the Journey of these plants and what happens to them please please please make sure they all survive and hope that yeah I can I can grow them big and healthy and beautiful and the these could just be these could be the start of some really like cool new planty adventures like cross pollination look at that infloresence just there look at it it's got pollen on it this is so exciting yeah I'm I'm absolutely lost for words Gob smacked and I just am yeah so happy I'm so happy so yeah um I will do an update video in as I say a couple of weeks oh you know what I haven't even I've got so lost in my Anan beich I haven't even looked at the roots that's fun let's look at the roots but yes as I say I will do an update video on these plants in a couple of weeks I'll let you know what's worked I'll let you know what hasn't I'll let you know what decisions I've made in regards to like what potting mediums I'm going to put them in I hope there's not going to be any major drama but as I've already said in this video sometimes you just can't tell like sometimes a plant will look absolutely fine and fantastic and it will then start going downhill just after you've got it I found that I mean I know I've already mentioned alloces once in this video Piper as well as a as a genus can be awful for this like it can look gorgeous and healthy when it's been packaged it's almost like it's been pressed and then in the coming days it would just go g and look awful so I'm hoping that none of these are going to do that but yeah I will absolutely let you know these roots look phenomenal oh my God I'm I'm just going to be sat staring at this be ey all night tonight Ross has just moved in and we we were going to have a nice evening and watch a movie but I think I think I'm just going to have to go spend some time with my plants sorry Ross my God this is literally all root I can see some spagna moss in here but it's majority root yeah these roots are phenomenal aren't they the healthiest fullest Roots you've ever seen I know it's weird that I just smelt them they just smelt really good oh my God so with my beautiful vichi here I think I might pop it into distilled water just for I don't know just for 12 hours until tomorrow and then what I think I'll probably do similar to the radicans is pot it in semih Hydro um oh my God the length of these roots as well uh and then what I'll probably do is just wrap some M around the top here that feels like the right decision but oh my God yeah I'm actually in love and this is potentially the best unboxing I have ever done in my life of anything so yeah as I've already said Thank You arod market and yeah I'm so happy I'm so happy and I will keep you updated with the plants and I hope you enjoyed this video as much as I enjoyed making it and if you did enjoy it please make sure to give it a thumbs up subscribe to my channel have a lovely day and I will see you in the next [Music] video stay sexy PL lovers
Channel: The Jungle Haven
Views: 34,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I'm still in shock, amazing rare plant unboxing, aroid market houseplant haul, wishlist plant unboxing, importing plants, rare houseplant unboxing, aroid market review, importing rare houseplants, Best rare plant unboxing yet, aroid market house plant unboxing, rare plant unboxing, importing rare plants, insane rare plant unboxing, aroid market rare plant unboxing, importing plants from indonesia, rare Indonesian plants, rare plants from abroad, plant unboxing
Id: eb-IdleNh-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 0sec (2460 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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