I Survived the World's Strictest Gymnastics Coach

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today I'm trying out for a gymnastics team with  the world's strictest coach step kick you call   that a kick come on above horizontal I thought I was early but it looks like they already started   higher point those toes I have been on Plenty of cheer teams  but my childhood dream was to be a gymnast so   I'm about to put my gymnastics skills to the  test to see if I have what it takes to please   one of the strictest coaches in the entire world  Peyton you're going to make us fall class we have a   new gymnast here Anna and she's late I thought  I was on time we get here half an hour before   class starts and what are you wearing I thought  this was a nice outfit for gymnastics I can do   like so many tricks and stuff our dress code you  have to get changed I didn't bring anything else   50 push-ups 50 push-ups 50 push-ups now now you  have to beat each of my four girls in a series   of challenges to be on the team I don't know if  I can do this keep going this is getting intense   and practice hasn't even started yet this is Chloe  she is the best what just say she's the best did   she just say that she is our top competitor on floor  girl no she is not the best and you have to beat   her in a competition I am the best I'm pretty  nervous for this there is no room for nerves in   gymnastics get it together not no I am and the  fact that nobody sees that here it just shows   that I'm out you're not the best I'm the best  no I'm the best I'm the best I'm the best I am   the best I've had enough of this coach is being  way too strict and has lost all her common sense   I'm clearly the best at floor cartwheel Race 3  2 1 go wait right now okay I guess I I have to   find a spot to hide for the rest of Class come  on Chloe what is that Chloe's definitely going   to win honestly if it was me on the floor I  would be doing way better yeah I'm definitely   better than her how are you looking oh how slow  are you oh my goodness that was terrible how did   you do those cartwheels so quickly just have  power and strength this might be a lot harder   than I thought there's absolutely no hiding  spots in this parking lot I guess I'm going   to have to get creative Anna you have a lot of  work to do I'll try my best next is best jump   Chloe show us how done the first round didn't go  great but I actually really like jumps so maybe   I'll be able to do this one I still can't believe  the coach thinks Chloe is the best seriously like   Have You Seen Her form I'm way better no her toes  are always sickled you need to point them like if   you want to do gymnastics yeah chloe's jump was  pretty good but I think I know what I want to   do there's no chance she's going to beat me  in jumps better I guess we'll just have to   find out what were your hands doing this is not  cheerleading this is gymnastics behind this tree   maybe or not this is way too noticeable I need  to think about that we'll decide whose jump is   best later before I decide which jump is the  best show me your favorite floor move I guess   I'll go first another thing Anna does cheer and  contortion what does she know about gymnastics I   think for mine I'm going to do a contortion chest  stand is that your move just like bent in half   like this that's it that is not gymnastics you're  not a gymnast you're contortionist disqualifies   it's not even a skill no that is not a skill I  know something that's actually a gymnastic skill good job yes teammate now that was actual  gymnastics Chloe you won that round yes Anna   you won the jump round okay at least I won one of  them but this competition isn't done yet now the   handstand competition are you ready I'm definitely  ready for this yes ma'am I'm ready Anna what are   you doing that is not gymnastics next up stick it  I always stick all my skills this is going to be   easy I feel like it's always going to be good at  stick it but I'll try my best I'd say this bush   but talk about being in the open you know I think  I actually know a good spot first up back walkover   if you don't stick it you lose I guess I'm up  first make sure you point your toes reach up not   going to stick it yeah I think that was a stick  it's an easy skill though like so that counts   sure yeah but it only gets harder after this so  this is the very back of the gym and nobody ever   really comes out here so we should be safe reach  up Point your toes Chloe you got this that was   those leg straight wow all right she's stuck it  too thanks guys next up round off back handspring   this is getting a lot harder now Anna you're up go  you're not sticking Anna is not going to survive in   there coach Julie is the strictest coach in the  world I have seen her make people cry by Just One Look I really hope she counts that as a stick  all right Anna that counts Chloe you're up that was so perfect Chloe she did such  a good job much better than her I thought   they look kind of the same did they not  there were definitely some differences   yeah going to need some more practice to  make this team next up getting even harder Ariels yeah well that was pretty good kind of  flawless if you ask me so far this is going   good but Chloe has also been sticking all of her  skills it's really hard to know who's going to win   come on use your legs Chloe are you okay wait is  wrong with you I'm really sorry 50 push-ups I'm   too tired you going to cry you call that a push-up  I'm trying my best does this happen every time that someone falls you're going you're not going to make the team you  have to get she's fine come on you don't give   them emotional support okay how many more you  can't count start over looks like I want stick   it which means I can move on to the next gymnast  but I'm starting to wonder if I even want to make   this team this is pretty intense there is no way  she's going to win all these challenges for some   reason if she does I heard she has to compete  against coach Julie at the end that is impossible   this team is really intense I mean I've been on  a lot of teams in my life but nothing like this   I'm getting kind of concerned Elizabeth is still  not back I'm going to ask the coach for a water   break so I can go find her I was wondering if I  could have a water break this has kind of been a   lot it's all new to me no no water breakes at all  all practice no get back to it okay are you guys   worried about Elizabeth like she never came back  I mean yeah she's been gone for a while is that   a normal thing no but we should probably go find  her is going to get so mad we have to like sneak   out some peyton you distract and then meet us outside good  idea let's do it hey coach yeah I lost my phone   in the pit can you help me find it please what  were you doing in your phone come on let's let   just go get it for what are you talking about oh I need to help find it find it somewhere   what no I get out I'm calling your mom 100 pushup  find my phone you get in here nope have fun I think   I heard people come outside I probably better hide  you all have conditioning all day tomorrow okay we   made it outside I say we all split up and look for  her and if we don't find her in like 5 minutes we   should meet at the back door got it okay let's go  hate this job I really have no idea where to look   never going to get out these girls definitely  know this area better than I do I've only been   to this gym a couple times and I've never taken  this class let's see she could be like behind a   tree I mean these trees aren't very big it's kind  of hard to hide behind them I think I'm going to   check somewhere down here in the parking lot maybe  by the green bushes down there okay we're looking   for Elizabeth I have literally no idea where she  went I think she's going to be behind this tree   she's not behind the tree I feel like there's a  good chance of her being over here just cuz like   it's farther away from the gym and I think if I  were her I'd want to go as far away as possible   cuz our coach is pretty rude I know let's see  if I can find her I have a feeling she'll be   down there also I feel like we should be kind  of fast or else coach is literally going to   make us do like 200 push-ups and I really  don't feel like doing 200 push-ups or honestly   any conditioning at all have you seen her yet I  haven't peyton you've seen her no I have not seen   her yet oh this is honestly really hard there's a  Hair and Nail Salon Spa here I mean she could be   like in there I really doubt it though Elizabeth  hello I don't think she's over here where did she   go maybe in this spot no not over there she's a  gymnast so maybe she's like in the tree no okay   H maybe like in between cars Elizabeth I really  don't know where she is this might be a struggle   she's done this before so she's really good at  it maybe I should check the spot that she always   goes to why does she went in a car there's so  many cars here I can't be looking at all these   cars like I get in huge trouble H oh maybe this  orange wall no not back there oh she's definitely   she's not here I'm also kind of worried because  the coach has been so strict I don't know if I'm   going to be able to handle her for the rest of  this practice I can see why people say she's   the strictest coach in the world oh maybe she's  behind this telephone pole no not there wait is   that her I found you are you okay yeah I guess  you might as well join me I ran away also I   do not want to go back in there mm-m me and  all the girls snuck out where's coach M about   that let's just say she's going to be away for  a while somebody help me where they go never do   anything nice for them again wait guys did you  find Elizabeth I literally looked everywhere I   cannot find we have to keep looking like this  is absolutely crazy where could she have gone   I honestly thought she's going to be there but  she love so I have no idea wait is that people   like over there oh my go is I think I see people  over here wait let's go come on let's go wait I just looked all over the gym I can't  find the girls anywhere they better be close   by what do you guys think I feel like we  should just stay out here like that coach   is a bit intense I agree I don't want to  go back in there she scares me what would   happen if she finds us here get inside  would probably make us do at least 200   push ups maybe we should go back in then like  I no way absolutely right now she's stuck   in the foam pit let's keep it that way  the foam pit uh maybe she's not getting out okay I think we're pretty safe here then she's  definitely not getting out of the pit yeah what   are you doing what are you doing out here get  in there yes ma'am yes coach okay this is Peyton and   she is our star are on beam first round Balance  competition you have to stand on one leg first   person to fall off the beam loses Ready set go  yes P let's go good job this should be so easy I   can do so many things on one leg she looks like  she's going to fall every 2 seconds honestly no   and Peyton is so much better than Anna for real  did you see her last week literally it I don't think Anna is going to make it on the  team I mean I did like flying in cheer so I feel   like my balance is okay a little too confident  aren't you you're like not even moving I think   I'm going to do like a tilt wait wait wait I told  you I guess I won maybe I shouldn't have put my   leg up Anna this isn't looking good for you now  we're going to walk across the beam blindfolded   blindfolded like what if we fall off the edge  I guess you fall off the edge okay I guess so   I'm proud at this I got this is this something  you normally do at practice it's a good practice   it's a good exercise you should know where you  are at all times on the beam she's got a point   I've never done this for you're first okay I  can't see anything like this how am I going to   walk across the beam I can't tell where it is or  anything guess you'll find out I'm so scared for   this where even are you like I'm right here  is this you yes this is me okay this is the   beam yeah you'll be fine can't believe you do  this every practice well let's see how you do   how many fingers am I holding up five do we get  anything if we guess it right no you get to walk   across a beam um hey hey hey no no no you have to  go on that beam this is peyton's beam where is the   beam I can't see anything go under go under yeah  yeah be careful with your head like here is this   where the beam is going hang on hang on where  am I going just a second right here right here   there okay here's the beam I guess I'm ready  Peyton are you ready I'm sure all right let's go he's doing great so much better  than anna how far do we have to go or just as far   until we fall off just until you fall off or you  get to the end I honestly don't think she should   make the team true we already have more than enough it's  full like it would just wouldn't make sense if   she joined how are you doing Peyton this is so hard  I think you might win this one really I thought   you do this all the time uh yeah but I usually  like fail at it all the time what you just told   me you just every practice wait I'm falling over I'm falling over no way I can't believe   that just happened I can't believe I just stayed on that  longer that was actually so hard but I don't know   what's next I'm not very experienced beam it's  time to practice your mount on beam peyton show us   what i taught you is a Mount like the entry okay  yes the mount is the entry it's how you get on   the beam that looked pretty clean she getting  so much better we're totally going to win this yes   she's carrying she's so good what do you think  of this entry it's a bit different wait look   Anna's actually doing pretty well guys she is  really good she has great flexibility too yeah   I'm shocked very graceful can't believe I'm saying  this but I'm impressed she's really good she might   have a chance yeah looks like she might a split  does that count yes that's my favorite entry on   the beam Anna that's a mount not an entry but it  did take some skills so you get a point on this   one if you win this one you can move on to the  next girl if not beam is about to get harder this   round you're going to have to go grab a partner go  wait anyone okay let's go do you know what we're   about to do like who should I pick as my partner  I think I have an idea but I'm not going to tell   you who to pick why not like I have no idea what's  going to happen cuz I need to get the good person   obviously practice has been so much easier since  that girl came today literally I hope she stays   me too cuz I feel like it's going to be easy if  she does I know imagine if she need guys we need   you for like partners for round can you with  me okay mind okay for this round we're getting   a little creative you have 5 minutes to come up  with a partner pose on the beam on the beam have   you ever done this no I've never done a partner  pose on beam if one person falls off this could   be like a domino effect yep figure it out we got this  Anna Elizabeth you get this beam okay you get   that beam right 5 minutes go what if we grab each  other's legs or something I have a cool idea but   I've never tried this on a beam so I don't know if  it's going to work all right I think we should do   like a handstand and then maybe like holding the  other person's feet and like a flexibility thing   okay I see that Vision I do like a back bend and  you do a kick oh wait I'm falling off I don't know   that one's going to work I mean it'd be really  cool if we pulled it off but it's also risky if   you fall okay yes and I hold your feet Yes don't  kick me I would never kick you mhm n and in cheer   like a lib is a really common position so what  if you did a lib and then if I did a leg lift   holding on we can make like a heart with our  hands yes okay should we try it yeah okay yes   I like that I think it's going to work all right  yeah you only have 1 minute left we still have a   minute left but I feel like we got it good yeah I  think we have the pose perfect we're not going to   fall it's going to be great yeah and it's going to  fall you could like grab onto my foot wait we're   falling we're falling I think that's going to work  though if we don't fall off I think we should show   the coach that one hopefully we don't fall off  time's up time for me to see your pose what is   that this is our pose really that's what you came  up with you had 5 minutes that's what you came up   with it takes flexibility and balance I thought  she was going to love that pose I mean it had   balance and flexibility but I guess it wasn't  enough I don't know if I'm going to be able to   make the team all right Payton you're going to  make a automatic disqualification wait does that   mean I get to move on to the next girl no we  need a rerun no give us another chance no you   lost it was her fault she gets to go it was your  fault it was your fault stop it you get to go I   guess that means I get to move on to my final  competition that literally never happens like   it's literally cuz Anna's here she's so distracted  whenever a new girl comes everything falls apart I   hate it literally can't get out of this pit this  is Madison your next competition I'm going to be   testing their endurance with trampoline round  one most split jumps in a row ready go 1 2 your   toes 4 5 stay in middle 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17  keep going 18 19 20 21it you just did 20 that   was so good you have nice job Madison  you just made that really hard for me I guess   I have to do 20 tow touches now and they have  to be perfect I don't know if I've done this   many in a row before wish me luck nothing sloppy  Anna come on are you ready I'm ready go 1 2 3 4   5 just showing 6 7 8 9 keep it in the middle 11  12 1 14 15 16 17 I feel like I'm going oh my 19   20 21 22 23 I can't believe that just happened  this gymnastics class is going pretty well were   those good enough coach those were fine but wait  till the next round next up bar first one   to fall off loses this round have you done this  before no I don't have my grip for hand strength   because I've never done gymnastics I don't know  how much longer I'm going to last I've got this   really yeah my hands already slipping oh no wait  maybe if I do like a split okay no I'm falling   this is actually kind of hard wait my hands  slipping off I don't want to fall in the pit   oh no looks like I won that's as long as I could  do all right you both have one point Anna if you   win this round time for your surprise I hope it's  a good surprise whoever does the best trick wins   just one trick on the trampoline Madison you're  up first what is she going to do o that was   really clean oh my good job good job her back  handspring was really good which means I need to do   something more difficult so I think if I do a back  tuck I could get this round but it's up to the coach that was more complicated you win that round  really does that mean I get the surprise yes but   it's not what you were expecting follow me okay  what kind of surprise is this going to be I'm so nervous Anna your surprise is that you have  to compete against me in gymnastics trivia   to make the team what kind of surprise is that I  thought the surprise was going to be that I make   the team or like a prize or something I just  won all those rounds M all those competitions   were for nothing I still have one more one more  okay wish me luck I don't know that much about   gymnastics I know everything which gymnast has  the most Olympic medals definitely Simone biles   Lissa latinia that's right I thought it was  for sure Simone biles nope that was the first   question you have to get at least one right  to make the team how many events are there in   women's gymnastics let me think okay so there's  beam uneven bars parallel bars floor Vault five   there's four what did I get wrong no parallel  bars right that's men's gymnastics this game's   actually a lot harder than I thought hope I  can get this next one how many equipments is   in rhythmic gymnastics I'm pretty sure it's  four it's actually five and you only have one   more chance okay I really need to nail this  question in order to make the team who was   the first gymnast to score a perfect 10 I got  to be honest I really don't know much about   gymnastics history the only gymnast I know is  like Simone biles but she's definitely not the   first because she's still new Nadia that was  right does that mean I didn't make the team Anna   I think you're better off just doing the splits  you know what that sounds like a great idea go   watch my last video to see me try to survive  a 100 hours in the splits it's right here
Channel: Anna McNulty
Views: 6,391,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gymnastics, Anna mcnulty
Id: 5XIo1RbMqsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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