These mini-painting methods are FAST and STUNNING!

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it's table top time i'm jazzer i'm murray and today we're uh i had a pun i had a pun before oh wait hang on today we're gonna it's it's it's time to it's we're busting out with murray that's that's what it was because because is so murray has painted the space bear bust twice there's two very distinct approaches murray has taken so we can go through i can ask you questions about your experience on behalf of our viewers and also because i'm a little jealous because i want to paint the bus but i haven't had a chance and you've had two chances so for those of you who don't know i mean how could you we've been doing this for the last few videos space bears are this is currently a space bear channel we've just released the space bear bust and a whole bunch of space bit bits so if you want to check them out for your own hobby links in the description we did it with puppets4 who make amazing minis you can get them precast and sent to you or you can buy and download the stls and 3d print them so murray here 3d printed the bust twice and started off with what would you call this approach the standardized way of just painting miniatures prime your base coat your wash you bring it back in your highlight before we get to painting let's talk a little bit about printing and assembling now obviously if you don't have a 3d printer you can buy this bust from puppets war it comes printed at the same scale that we're working on in this video and it doesn't have all these support structures it will have a different kind of sprue from the molding casting process with a little bit of cleanup but a very similar assembly style in fact i think it comes in the same individual pieces and this is an example of what the process is like if you 3d print it if you're 3d printing it yourself it's simply a matter of putting the miniature in hot water for a few seconds to loosen up the struts and then they simply peel away i wish i knew about this when i started 3d printing i did the curing before removing the supports yeah and then you have to like hack them away but no it's like hot water soak and it just removes like magic another thing i love about the 3d printing process is you can change the scale like i've printed this big boy even bigger and you can go even bigger than this you could even use a filament printer and go large scale or life size that'd be cool please do that and show us a picture i was impressed by how well this bust actually went together all the fits are very clean and my biggest worry was the fingers having to work out which fingers slot into which socket but they're all marked with very convenient shapes which was absolutely lovely and i adore it with both miniatures i started off with a flat black priming with just a bit of white xenothor on the top to start off i just sort of blocked in all the basic colors on each area just to both establish the primary colors and to determine the color balance of it and then correct me from wrong the color choices that you've made are the same as that i sort of went through in my making my kill team video yep they're the exact same colors amazing so if anyone has any questions about the colors of the paints mario's using you can go check out that video i'll link to it in the card in the description so if you'd painted many busts before murray no this is the first one this is your first invite i own a few busts i haven't built or painted them yet well i'm so glad you could uh god i'm so glad to be your first yeah that sounds anyway now that we've done all the base colors really it's just washing nearly everything on the model i believe it was a null oil over pretty much everything except the red the red gave it the uh thin down solution of the flesh terra's contrast that has a nice bit of punch yeah that really brings up any red there's something really reliable and safe feeling about this sort of method it's it's sort of that heavy metal approach of just like you've got some clear steps to follow there's always a good result and always looks crisp and clean it's tried it's tested and it turns out really well there's a reason people use it yeah for sure what would you sort of say is your approach to painting hair because i'm sure some people watching this will want to do that hair can be very difficult to paint correctly you know we've all seen a movie where the cgi sort of glares at us because you're like oh it looks like plastic you know it looks not real hair is very reflective and also has a lot of shadow so as long as you push those extremes you should come out with something pretty good i'm really highlighting just the very top strokes of the hair that are visible to the sunlight yeah squidmart's done some cool videos on this as well it's it's everything directly facing that light direction which i can see that you've done and it looks so cool with busts especially because there's so much there's so much richness you can add to it you can always keep going you could push for 30 70 hours into a bust i think quite comfortably but i think also there's something to be said for just finishing and this is your first bust like okay let's be let's be truthful here confession time why haven't you painted those at most uh because they're in the pile of shame and it just stacks up and they're in the middle somewhere there's something about wanting it to be to a certain standard right yeah and bus can be that can be intimidating like that's that's probably part of the reason you sort of you want to psych yourself up and you know do all your research and then come back to it yeah sometimes you just need to jump into it yeah for sure and this is a really great example that like you can just you can do it with the steps that you already know and love and as you can see the result is really really good like this is fantastic [Music] it looks really clean looks really sharp i have a problem with that though you know what i'm gonna say don't you oh i think i do yeah i say it for everything i think it starts with streaking ends with grime yeah it does i'm going to grab this bad boy up and we're going to show you that now and that's that to me that to me is a space bear but that's just i'm that's just my approach this could be you it could have been your space bed now it's my space [Music] let us know in the comments by the way is my obsession with streaking and griming things far too absurd or does it add i mean i think i'm biased let me know in the comments and in fact let's put them side by side on the left we have clean and on the right we have grimy let us know if the space bear looks dapper and sharp as he is on the left or if you if you think they need that grime to feel complete and hopefully those of you who get the bust find this really helpful in the vanilla method we've shown or the exciting method we're going to explore next to get creative and really sink your teeth into all your claws into a space project i'm sorry that was that that was really bad anyone who gets anything spacebear related or just likes and subscribes becomes a patreon all of it contributes massively to us being able to do more cool stuff which is all we want to do for you so next we we're gonna i don't even know what to call this method it's like dave's talked about this murray underpainting method we're just going full pelt into something completely different for your second mini which will be a really cool example of a totally different approach for how you might want to approach your minis at home so my first observation when i looked at you starting to paint this and when i go through the footage with you is uh let's say you're a lot more free-flowing my biggest hate about painting miniatures is the time spent base coding it's such a drag it takes ages you have to be thorough so i like to get as much down as quick as possible so i can get to the fun parts like painting the details so i'll move the paint around quite a lot you'll see i'll move back and forth between different places and i really just focus on colors and the warmth it's almost like you're blocking out where the cool shadows are or where hot sort of highlights or a light direction is i'm working primarily off the amazing artwork that alicia made for you for your space bears that's really strong cold northern light coming in from one side so the crackling fire of the burning remnants of the enemies you know down to the model's size and once i've established the cool and warm tones on the model i like to sort of intermesh them a bit put some warm near the core so that makes it you know pop more and contrast stronger what's fascinating to me is the way you're working the brush too because there is this like the mini painting painting which is like you know you're careful like you're controlling where the bristles flowing you need the paint at the end of the brush very very strong very precise whereas this you're like holding the brush further back then normally but i'm imagining that just lets you be way more creative way quicker yeah i'm very much just pushing the painter in like you would on a canvas a lot of focus in miniature painting is on really smooth blending which is you know a joy in itself but i really like the visceral nature of seeing the brush strokes in the model sort of shows the story of the brush itself so i try to keep that as much as possible actually also lets you paint faster and sometimes it looks more photorealistic when it's roughen and free like that because it has life whereas if it was perfectly blended and detailed it feel it can feel really fake in regards to detailing a lot of groups like games workshop have really popularized just the line highlighting so you just hit the lines of the model in order to highlight them whereas you should feel more free to just build up gradients and entire textures on the panels as you paint and you do have line highlighting here but it's much more chosen it's like it's very targeted towards the direction of those gradients that you've established so you've got really sharp yellow line highlights on the armor panels closest to that light source and only at those edges but then it sort of fades out to where there's no line highlights and it's much darker and it creates much more contrast the same in the opposite the line highlights on the opposite side are like a cold blue and teal yeah there's a lot of grays and purples mixed into those to keep it cool but on the other side it's getting all the the light bouncing from the fire into the gold which should give it this really rich luster you can see with the metals that i'm highlighting in a very erratic almost blobby manner i'm not doing clean smooth lines along the panels i want the light to actually pull and hit all the imperfections that i'm imagining on the metal there that's really cool to note as well it's even more intense on the claw which is really cool because like on the shoulder panels i can see what you're talking about but it screams on the claw but there's so much more battle damage on the claw so you're really pulling that out with the much more sporadic and unpredictable line highlighting and 90 of the impact comes in this last step especially when you're doing it in the direction of that fire or that light both the cold shadow and sort of showing where there might be a colder like shadow highlight but then especially as you've got the gold and everything closest to the the fire or whatever is in the foreground there you can see it really come to life in a big way as i said before however the test based coating everything sort of starts popping when you start highlighting it this is my favorite part of the step [Music] and this is the outcome this is murray's what what's the is that the underpainting method or what what do you call this i would put [Laughter] it's probably more of an uh airborsh method which is french that sounds much more appropriate and artistic yeah it means sketched and oh that's so cool yeah it's basically the process of putting something together i love that every metal and airbosch let us know in the comments what your observations are pros and cons about what your approach might be or what what approach you might personally favor but when it comes down to it at the end of it you've done an amazing job with both of them you can shake their little hands there you go oh there's good pleasure doing a paint job with your hair i'm a grown ass man i'm sorry thank you to our bloody patrons who are gonna go where are they going murray quick decide three two one over here now it's too late ah you missed the boat it's not going there sorry thank you for making what we do possible and having friends like murray here is directly thanks to your support and for people who get things like this enables us to do awesome projects thank you do you like being here i do good please stay please stay here forever murray make sure to like and subscribe and if you happen to print or paint or buy any of the space best stuff please hashtag space bears share it with us because i can't wait to check them out if there's enough people who make space bears busts or armies uh yeah i'm gonna do a reaction and review video so please don't be shy because i'm biased and i love that you guys love the space bears i've never seen the channel so vibrant and active around one super niche very corny and fun dumb thing so thank you all so much for your support make sure to stick around and again links in the descriptions to all these things and thank you murray for doing a wonderful paint job it was a pleasure
Channel: Tabletop Time
Views: 76,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RPG, DnD, roleplay, role play, role, play, pathfinder, stream, live, livestream, dice, dragons, dungeons, LARP, tabletop, table, game, gaming, roleplaying game, Dungeons and Dragons, Roll Play, D&D, Dungeons, Dragons, Pen and Paper, roleplayoing, itmeJP, campaign, story, storytelling, matt mercer, Criticall Role, Critical Roll, D20, D6, cogent, cogent roleplay, warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, miniature, mini painting, kitbash, customize, custom chapter, greenstuff, sculpt, games workshop
Id: 6r2LS4WSlGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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