Kitbashing CHAOS Imperial Fists - Dornian Heresy Fafnir Rann

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i get a lot of requests for the dornian heresy [Music] so i thought it's time to finally relent but for those of you who aren't familiar with the dh it's essentially an alternate history warhammer 40k in this timeline the legions that became traitorous in the original timeline remained loyal and those who we know as being loyal fell to chaos with the exception of the ultramarines who became secessionists among the traitors in this universe are of course the imperial fists who are essentially the equivalent of the black legion so when i received this review copy of fafnir ran from games workshop i knew exactly which chapter to tackle but before i could continue to wage my one man war against the imperial fist fans i had to remove the components from the sprue and clean them up of any mould lines and sprue tabs oh i'll be giving this guide four dead ammo bits out of five there won't be any sculpting but there are quite a few components and other kits and a lot of adjustments to be made the first of these came in the form of the chest piece being quite ornate with imperial details it would look a little out of place on a chaos space ring so it had to be removed i began by carefully shaving back the surface with a few small knife cuts with most of the laurel removed i just needed to smooth back the armor and remove any remaining trace of the detailing i performed a kind of shaving technique to gradually flatten out the surface this technique was also repeated on the emblems on the lower section of the armor i just made sure to not accidentally trim back the beading around the edge of the armor as i did so while the imperial fists in the dh universe follow chaos undivided i decided to dedicate this particular version of fafnir to corn carrying two giant axes kind of made this one an obvious choice to make this even more clear i decided to attach his tilt shield from the skull crushers of corn set but first i need to make a few small adjustments i began by shaving back the rear of the shield removing the small tab in addition to this i also trimmed back the front of the armor around the waist before gluing the shield into place before i could assemble the torso i first needed to remove some of the acquirers from the parts of the model such as the shin pads i have here these are removed in the same way as before then the legs were assembled and glued to the torso similarly the aquilas were also removed from the forearms before the arms were also glued to the torso the next chaos modification to make to the marine were the shoulder pads these were taken from the regular chaos marine kit however after a quick comparison i couldn't quite fit these pads against the arms the arms had these small tabs that caused the pads to sit at an odd angle as a result these needed to be reduced i trim them back with a knife and made a few comparisons as i went along once i was happy with how the shoulders were fitting i glued them into place when it came to adding the axes i had a few ideas of what to do with them such as adding skulls change and symbols but ultimately i felt that the axes were big enough and imposing enough to work as they are however just to give them a slightly more chaotic flair i opted to add some nicks and damage to the blade's edges i achieved this by using my razor saw to make the initial perpendicular cuts into the edge of the blade with these done i could expand them out and add a few shallow cuts with my knife this was repeated on the second x resulting in a more jagged brutal looking set of weapons now of course this wouldn't be a corn conversion if i didn't include some dead animal bits specifically some skulls for the skull throne these were taken from the usual place the citadel skull set but i couldn't use them as they were in order to attach them to the waist without them protruding too far i first had to clip away the back half of the skulls which i then proceeded to clean up these skulls were then glued in the empty space on fafnir's waist these not only helped to bulk out the model a little bit but also built up that corn appearance to balance out the other side of the waste i simply took one of the pouches from the fafnir kit and cut it in half in order to slim it down a little bit after cleaning up the pouch i glued this onto the waste as well fafnir's backpack also came with some distinctly imperial looking detailing which would need to be replaced but first i had to clip away the banner pole getting as close to the surface of the backpack as possible any remaining plastic was then trimmed away with this done the power pack could be assembled the replacement for this pole needed to be suitably coordinate and so i sourced it from the skull reaper's kit this comes with an excellent assortment of banner poles to use but i settled on this particular one with the three mounted skulls it was a little too tall though so i made a cut just below the middle bar i flattened out the cut in order to make a better bond and also trimmed back the small trinket just a little bit with these adjustments the batter pot was then glued to the top of the power pack the final piece of the puzzle was the head instead of opting for fafnir's glorious facial hair i instead took a suitably chaotic head from the chaos chosen kit but pretty much any chaos space marine had would work well here however as the neck didn't feature the usual rounded socket i had to cut and clip away the bulk of the neck in order to drastically reduce the height after i checked and was happy with the fit i glued the neck into place with the model complete i could work on the base for this i chose to use my usual cork floor tiles that were torn up and super glued down to the base to create a rocky outcrop this was then further decorated with some more skulls and then a little texture paint just enough to fill in any remaining gaps the model was almost ready to be painted but needed a little more prep first i drilled a hole into the inside of the backpack and into the foot into both of these holes i super glued some one millimeter steel wire for the backpack i intended this wire to be a holder to allow me to more easily paint the pack separately from the model for the wire in the foot this would be used in conjunction with another hole that i had drilled into and through the base i joined at the model with the base and used the wire to firmly secure everything along with a little super glue i clipped away any wire that extended past the base and with that the model was ready to be painted the first step in painting the mini was the ever important primer step i wanted to start with a dark base coat that i could build upon i chose to use some of pro acryl's black brown primer for this it's dark brown coat would help to create a dirty and battle worn appearance to the armor i used this through my airbrush and didn't need to use much in the way of thinner to get it to the right consistency and i used about 30 psi and a 0.4 mil nozzle once this was done i not only had a much better surface to apply my paint to but i also had the perfect starting color following the base coat i then added some of tamiya's xf2 white to my reservoir along with a little thinner this paint works really well through an airbrush and allows you to get some nice smooth coverage i use this paint as a xenophel highlight spraying the paint from above so it built up over the upper areas but it didn't touch the recesses by keeping these areas as the dark primer they would appear as shadows and help to bring out some of the details from here i then sprayed some uriel yellow across the armor by keeping my layers here thin the shading achieved in the previous step still showed through after the first application dried i continued to build up the layers until i achieved a good solid yellow color while i had a good starting point for the shading in the recesses it was looking a little flat so i directly sprayed some seraphim sepia this was added into the airbrush without any thinner and helped to gently darken down some of those shaded areas with the shading achieved i next wanted to bring out some of the details with some highlights of uriel yellow this was carefully used to pick out the edges of the armor leaving behind a thin line of yellow the only problem with spraying over the white is that the yellow had lost some of its warmth and had an almost green hue to it to bring back some of this warmth i created a mixture of ayandan yellow and contrast medium when applied over the surfaces it acted as a glaze and just subtly adjusted the tone bringing back some of that warmth while the yellow was perfect for representing the imperial fists it was far too pristine for a warrior who had fallen to chaos to give it a little wear and tear i used some rhinox hide and a fine tipped brush to add some small flecks across the armor edges and details this reddish brown would give these chips and dents a rusted appearance building up the worn effect of the armor the final step in painting the yellow armor was to add some small lines of the light dawn yellow around the rhinox height flex once again i used a fine tipped brush and very carefully painted fine lines beneath some of the flecks this created a kind of 3d effect on the surface giving them the illusion of depth from here i could begin to tackle the other areas of the model starting out with the base coats i painted the armor trim metal areas and leather using some abaddon black making sure to mix in a little water and apply a couple of thin layers to get a good solid base coat for the various skulls i chose to use some zendry dust to give them a dark bone colour the leather tacits and the wrappings around the axes were base coated with gal vorback red before finishing off the base coats by painting the exposed head with some rakhar flesh with the base coats laid down i could begin applying the highlights the first was applied to the armor trim i used some dark eshen grey to pick out the sharp edges and raise details dawnstone was then used to just tackle the upper edges with it being a lighter tone it helped to create the impression that light was falling predominantly on these upper areas finally an extreme highlight of administratum grey was applied to the corners and sharper points such as the rivets painting these with a very light gray gave them much more sharpness and allowed them to stand out even more for the red leather areas i started off first with a highlight of methusen red much like the earlier i end in yellow i then applied a thin layer of blood angel's red to the leather giving it a much richer red color before finishing off with an extreme highlight of fire dragon bright before i began hiding the skulls though i decided to give them a wash of agrax earthshade this just helped to darken down some of the recesses which would allow my later highlights to really stand out after allowing the wash to dry i then began my highlights starting out with some shabti bone this was then finished off with a few small well placed spots of white scar which brought me to the head when it comes to painting flesh subtle highlights tend to work better so i began with an initial highlight of palette which flash using it to pick out the various facial features from here i could then apply yet another contrast paint glaze using some guillermo in a flesh this flowed into the recesses to give them an ever so slightly darker shade it also helped to blend in the previous highlights smoothing them into the base coat a second contrast paint blurred angel's red was then used to give a little extra color to the skin i targeted this directly into some of the recesses by mixing in some contrast medium it drastically reduced the strength of the paint and allowed me much greater control over how strong i wanted the red to appear on the model i finished things off with one final highlight of palette which flash the final areas of the model to paint were the metallics as the rest of the model was quite bright i opted for a slightly darker metallic for my base coat iron warriors this was painted over the axes the spikes and some of the smaller details like the vents and decorative items following this some agrix earthshade was applied this not only helped to shade the metal recesses but also gave them a slightly rusted and dirted appearance while the aggrex's earthshade had created a bit of dirt and grime i decided to push it even further over the axe with some gold grunter fur i targeted this directly into a few of the recesses and along the back part of the blades edges the metallics were then finished off with a fine edge highlight of stormhost silver but this model wouldn't be complete without some blood and gore to create some finely chopped flesh lumps to go alongside my blood i mix in a little typhus corrosion into my blood for the blood guard alternatively something like stolen mud could be used instead essentially you want the texture and a slightly darker tone this mixture was then brushed onto the blades and was applied much more as a thick paste rather than a paint this just ensured that the texture was built up nicely after giving the gore a chance to dry i then took a torn piece of foam sponge and dipped it into some more blood for the blood guard the sponge was then dabbed along the edge of the blade the irregular shape of the foam creating random flecks and patterns across the metal to paint the rocks on the base i mixed up some watered down jacario orange and applied a couple of coats to give it a solid base color making sure to get into all of those recesses as i did so the skulls on the base were painted in an identical manner to those on the model i began with a zandry dust base coat followed by some agrex earthshade however instead of just targeting the skulls i applied this wash over the whole base once the washer dried the skulls were highlighted with some a shabti bone to give the base a much more realistic ground texture and to help blend the base into the rest of the model i grabbed myself some medium rust and some light rust pigment from mig using an old brush i applied the dusty pigment across the whole base starting with medium rust then followed by the light rust making sure to get into all the recesses in the rocks and around the skulls you have to go a little heavier with this particular step because when you apply a varnish you'll find that the pigment loses its intensity a bit in addition to applying this to the base i also brush it around the bottom of the model focusing mainly around the feet and the lower legs these small steps go a long way to tie the model into the location that you're trying to depict them on with the pigment applied i could go ahead and varnish the model so the paintwork was protected and the pigment was fixed in place i did this through an airbrush but an aerosol spray works too just make sure your first coat is very light you don't want to saturate the pigment to the varnish as it will lose that dusty effect so lightly apply your first layer give it a chance to dry and then build up the varnish steadily as i'd used a matte varnish some of the glossiness of the blood had been lost so more was added across the blades we're using that same flecking technique i also took this opportunity to add some split to the skulls and in spots across the forearms and the chest which left me with this [Music] and here we have the completed dornian heresy version of fafnir iran it's been a long time coming but i'm glad that i've finally taken the plunge into this alternate history 40k universe creating something that was both chaotic but still recognizable as being an imperial fist was quite tricky as i didn't want to adjust to look like a regular chaos marine who decided to paint himself a yellow i'd love to hear what you thought about this guide and if you have any ideas for other dorney and heresy conversions that you'd like to see me tackle on future videos then do let me know in the comments below i'll include all the pages in this guide in the description along with some affiliate links so if you're looking to try out some of these things yourself whilst also supporting me in the process i would be extremely grateful speaking of which let me say a huge thank you to my ever generous supporters currently my top supporters on patreon are jonathan hart seth sewell ryan little tim berserker daniel dowling jake jeremy kelp jesse smith casper limburg mr grimm and sweden so a big thank you to you guys and if you also support me on patreon buy me a coffee or you just use my affiliates links then it is a kind heart to people such as yourselves allow me to fund the tools and paints required to create these conversion guides for you and so until next time thanks for watching and goodbye you
Channel: Pete The Wargamer
Views: 166,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wargaming, Miniatures, Warhammer, Games Workshop, Tabletop, Tutorial, Guide, How To, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, kitbashing warhammer, converting warhammer, dornian heresy, chaos space marines, imperial fists, fafnir rann, kitbashing, converting, imperial fists painting, chaos imperial fists, khorne berzerker, khorne berzerker conversion, khorne berzerker kitbash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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