These HOSTILE Minecraft enemies are HUNTING me! - Hide Or Hunt #5

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welcome to hider on Episode five we have a standoff going off here oh my god alright we're gonna hold our ground I guess we're gonna we're gonna have to try fight we can't like we have to take out one of them at least do we hold the island are they gonna rush across they're definitely gonna try pvps that's for sure cuz I said here we go again I think they might have been allied with framed potentially early oh okay toxic shadow looks a week and because he's wearing a snowman helmet I don't think that offers any protection at all I've got four hours how many hours have you got no here okay thank you I can fire a few those off I'm gonna try do it when they come across what do we do then least you waiting for us to go a certain direction so they can cut us up in here we go here we go here we go sake okay all my favor same way that's waiting in the training will you help us what do you say is he Hollywood he's like okay help him help him albums banders come on vine banners yes yes yes oh my god that could not went perfect go on that's it I said I thought Raven was a lie rumors love to get really nervous actually just come over us they've split open everything yeah oh I polled you you hit me hit me hit me hit me oh go on you got don't burn don't burn I can't swim you got this body you got this you good yes it's gone oh you got diamonds Oh oh my god okay there we go we've got look at the sea - I was hopefully a people like protection one okay grab what you can like yarn arm-wrestle for that you never know right we might we need to go back to facts Raven has been killed no we're gonna go help him we got we can't we can't we can't do like all we ran off we gotta go come on we literally maybe we should let the one guy run off and fight in the group you know I mean I feel so bad that Raven died but then again he was actually I don't know if the edgy sources did he see us or do you just go to Italian I didn't I don't think he realized there was a 40 okay Tim DS here there's protect Tiffany did Raven die or did he kill Tomczyk I can't member yeah Ravens type in the chat a lot okay right give me that wood bucket it we're gonna go Avenger get me stuff back you know you guys need to get to spawn right now yeah yeah I'm coming to come we're gonna get stuff back much I'm going no I'm going for you lit like one one of them I killed one of them I know I've no more his basis for the second episode since the second episode oh my god he killed me so it's karma okay I'm coming to come into the bum of The Nutcracker bum of the Nutcracker oh wait who I thought that was Raymond Lee thanks yes friebert oh man that means red diamond sword thanks Tim specially for me wait where do you live in I live right by spawn extra spawn yeah kind of smart we did last season one so how did you find him they came out of it the second episode in Tim's oh right right here sat down on it right now okay what do we do I don't know it's up to you guys yeah oh you picked on the Sunday all downer so we can't get ganked it looks like two of them are Tim can you make a another yeah I've got an invisibility pot I could go down ink ink Oni or get behind a blue we'll beat it okay watch my Lexie there's a pickaxe I need to pick Xin qiji on me one if you have a spare one yes I do there you go right guys that's that's roots don't you dropped it to Timothy I'm trying to I'm trying to clear up my inventory is full okay yeah I know it's downhill item I think my thing my plans gonna fail I was gonna get in behind him and cause an absolute distraction okay well mean to my mining right next to it Yeah right next you go then can go get the beacon areas yeah well I probably get smacked with your swords and died so yesterday a risk there literally right there oh there it is there it is I'm going down I'm in well they were here they were listed right here they made it I'm not going down the invisible let me get behind him and they were just here that's melting I'm walking right past him on REI infant I can't walk right past a - no okay just come down they're blocking you up so I can't my plans not gonna work but I've got no name so I'll chase them down with my name there we go they won't see me coming hopefully when do you have any food yeah Raven come down the tunnel wait yeah didn't I feel like they got a trap house they got job No okay thanks Oh pan is gone Oh doc I mean he's gonna deliver okay nice Ryan was there more of them down here do I know why she's toxic doc takes still down here hmm where is he hiding I just got so much flow that would explain yeah they were trying to protect toxic that's what that explained they delete your enemy hooks it space okay this way too so maybe this way sorry sorry some fish so good so fresh every okay he got out wherever he's gone he got out so is doc doc team are still in so this is prime hunting time for docs team for docs base like I think it is I'm really sad I messed up that miss but sorry I thought I'd be cool because I get behind cause a distraction I thought they're all coming home we we knock out toxic and toxic goes I know where your bases I don't think he does well I'm gonna try kill him for you at least and so I guess we broke up the squad I guess we can go our separate ways cuz I don't want to make 40-mile just worry when you found it he doe straight oh yeah he dry he built straight up what they got in the chest okay right twin come back I am come back like to the base we'll get out of here but guys thank you very much that you literally Moore has saved our life I just don't want to say in a four-team I guess if we can't ever I don't think so we make it that's 100% fair I can understand why yeah it's just like you know they're in a four-team but I didn't happen now therefore team's been demolished you think it's fair that now we got a separate way yeah yeah exactly exactly but that was sick all right let's swim up here to him I don't know like honestly like that was just a that was a scene out of a movie hold myself on an island with against four people and then like he just comes out of nowhere and thank God Raven such an aggressive player they just went through I thought they were allied okay we need to find Doc's team now this is prime doc huntin season I'm back in a surface by the way so this is prime hunting season you swim at war so quick don't you in this version its own it's so refreshing so so doc and himself just died so they should have went back to that home or if they didn't they should be going into him to get more materials Australian sir I'm sorry if I saw factions and I was like oh and so we haven't seen sword yeah this is interesting okay you wanna go back over to the bubble and Nick Sierra see what happens see users maybe seeds no no I want to get a pair I it's all good right anywhere who's this over here are they that's crazy is that crazy it's Nita Nita bobble amnesia he just came from that direction are we jumping yayi cuz we gotta make him go home okay oh and oh my god and think about over here as well toxic okay they just came we know exactly where our base is okay no we got to take my obviously come on leave nija click claim go flame yellow oh god oh my god our number four team there were five teas are you dead no I'm running what about the die I'm sure yellow do die I do I chase or do I leave it anyway are they chasing Easter yeah I'm dead I'm dead I'm so dead I'm sorry dude they're living around here anyway we found something out I'm so dead I'm calm come back come back come back I'm so dead I can't I'll keep my stuff at least I didn't know if to chase it up because like if we both die tomorrow I don't know what to do and there are 14 do we get the Raven back or wha or did we try take us out on our own I think we need to get the 14 back because like they're not gonna quit on dude we know where doc is up they came from that direction they're definitely living there that's too quick way too quick to get back armors and everything like that come on they happen to be living there I'm on top of the hill you need to go back and get geared and just be very careful when you do actually I've got and I am enough to get you geared it I'm sorry I'm so sorry I just don't I just knew if we chase with my both die I want they kill somebody they're over here Joe me to go look for that base yeah on top of the mountain I feel like it's somewhere here [Music] [Music] I'm on top of the hill I need right you need to go get Raven for me at least we need therefore team like we're not gonna take him out like that classics around and stuff as well oh then he's talking with Bob or in Dixie right now oh we just typed a team what is going on here did you die - no I'm holding my ground in this mountain like have I got a place to jump off if I need to they don't know who I am I'm still invisible I'm invisible for 18 seconds so actually they didn't they actually don't know where you typically attack them actually doesn't it because you weren't invisible Oh red doo doo doo they're common like literally the comment I'm jumping literally after me I'm going to spawn if you can tell them that but I think they're living docking them must be living up there somewhere in that general vicinity I'm telling you now he's telling you have to be literally there's before of and why is it come back this come this one come this one come spawn right now on 14 14 14 okay we're coming I need you it's neither friendly I have no idea I honestly there's a four-team coming after me it's doc in his quad again yellow and all that you run runs off I think never loading the 14 potentially I'm run north yeah run north to the Mesa okay go go I don't know if I'll make it oh by the way Nix is a hundred percent in the Mesa he's been playing got him forget hey I'll give you this information because you have a lot doc and his team are definite living around this area too because they were geared and got back and everything they were fully geared okay we're at the Mesa mean to me damn near there but like I don't see I don't like the tiger I don't want a fourteen book we're forced to there's no way we're taking them out no way twin makes he needs to leave Nate he needs to leave I'm come come come oh I see I see I see it down hit him because Crouch obey Him obey Him in I'm gonna let you hopefully bait him in here yeah there we go just stay there there's one here he's a boy he's got a bow no that's that's not dog disguise X who's bored me right now he's gonna call the boys over and you need to be reined in to like they're coming they're comin coming there's one there's only one I'll take the one be one did if I die I die come on fight me he said fair one be one in chat no I go to window [Music] I only did that because I didn't a doc there was yellow wool doc toxic all them off above on the surface right and I didn't that they weren't killing that guy so I assumed he was in the group that guy was kind of bold me as well earlier so happy we always seem to come back together yeah I don't know why you today like it's like it's like a group of tracks I can't help it like I needed help I couldn't even help twin because like if we died we'd lose night most of our supplies you know I can't wait it's an awful game to play like when you think about they chase you down and like I didn't know what to do honestly to and I felt so bad I'm so sorry it's just that I know we don't have a lot of food back at the base or of them inspiring we got it we got to break this group up there's four of them looking at me oh they're coming for me crouch here we go hold your ground boys now granddad's and Joe toxic come for toxic yeah one of us all right come over the hill to him oh no no don't be on you get it briny right behind you I'm on half a higher okay here I'm coming I'm just running I'm just running and running healing up as much as I can thank you okay it's a good idea to I don't keep my lava bucket because like I just burnt myself good job good job good job alright so let's break up this four team we got Kai's ek as well pretty cool we already got dinghy we got yellow wolf break him up already money do we need more armor do we need more armor break him off we'd have an inventory Tim oh yes there we go no I'm gonna grab some work man where's the water weight this water picnic two hots oh they got TNT my guys oh my god alright seven quickly alright quickly guys let's this way this way this way right guys I swear I saw a dork in everyone here already gentleman we kill them inside that base toxic face yeah they were a back here over in this direction already fully geared iron armor everything now maybe a friend gave it to I'm not sure but it just doesn't seem right you know what I mean Yellowstone they sucked Mesa nixies in the base okay but nixies we've seem awfully it makes it is 100% into me okay but they're not a threat right now because it's duck swimming we need to lose triggering me we need to break up that dog team so that we can basically leave like we could we don't have to be in a 14-4 right so rules are in this team we do not take anyone else out unnhhh and don't yellow and his team okay I'm fine with me because that no one else from my nose in the 14 yellow he's with us right at the very beginning like he's just kept popping in to spawn out of nowhere yeah just keep an eye out here they were back I swear they were back here somewhere airdrop way Northern Ireland no it hasn't oh I mean over there yes it's go for it let's go for it how do we we're not gonna fly over this I mean no we're just gonna split I don't know we get split of 50 think we're in this the luxury of fighting over people because like we had no teammates yellow won't see yellow sword Nietzsche okay wait wait hang on guys hang on hold this ground hold whoa whoa whoa we got an army coming our way combats coming yeah I wanna knock them off this hill right here oh wait I picked up a load oh there's so many getting that Hill getting the hill and hold it hold your ground one arm hold your ground up here guys oh it is so risky that's it real it might get all we might need to kill Lisa have I got any arrows Timmy okay I need to go bathroom I got the drop I got it I got it what is it Oh load of diamonds heart code blue code blue I got a load of diamond plate case don't those don't work no no the word blue twins we're here hockey I'm attacking three of them right now we're a bow not one of my twin no oh I kill kill kill kill kill dunk you kill dunk yes it's okay he's in there there's two of about they're teaming in five oh we can get yellow guys it will golfers they're gonna get Dockery geared oh my god yellow just yellows badly damaged Timothy go with him Tim oncoming Batman he's not taking my teammate hi Batman 'dom Oh watch out they're killing me we're after yellow again hello Gigi the microphone in hand is stuck in a block no go Fionna go feeling he has to be ridiculously low daddy's dead Tim thank you roll and hold us down they're all going for them again they're all going for you something just killed here we go Tim for you here we go fight weight Kasich this side I can grapple with stop dancing mastery mastery wait I'm behind them guys are behind them or yes let's go sort oh sorry oh my god this is an epic bow yellow yells back how did you ever get back so soon yeah living around here - cheeky buggers they definitely are here we go there we go there we go there we go oh my god I'd say I'd say if we're not gonna grab it we're gonna burn it [Music] all right someone on guard do at least owe diamonds here I got it okay that was the most epic minecraft ball I think I have ever witnessed Oh diamond shovel diamond shovel Timothy I think they saw me and you and then obviously new twinmas low and they're like oh this is gonna be easy and then we just went Bush Ryan do you know what happened no Isaac blew up by a creeper I ran in there picked up all his armor his diamond cell ran behind you and started killing them no way my guys like we have to find one their teams and not like that's the end of the episode that is the end of the episode we have to find their team one of their bases and not one of their team's out so they can't do that that five-man six-man team no technically twin and everybody watching I'll see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 450,992
Rating: 4.9471698 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, creepersedge, kid friendly, minecraft funny, minecraft video, minecraft hide or hunt, These HOSTILE Minecraft enemies are HUNTING me, we made secret minecraft cave base
Id: 6w-u9uDcPAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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